

6879 Uppsatser om Business to business relationships - Sida 2 av 459

E-handel i småföretag

E-commerce is a conception who many are taking about nowadays. E-commerce is associate with computer based business and it?s a new way to do business on. Users and system connect up to each other for effective mediate and transfer information. Within e-commerce there?s a lot of ways to do business on and it can for example be between a business and a another business (B2B) or between business and consumer (B2C).In this degree report have I reached if small business will invest on e-commerce and if they will, how.

Att våga vara innovativ: En fallstudie om affärsutveckling av befintliga produkter i ett högteknologisk företag

High technology companies in Sweden spend a huge amount of money on research and product development in proportion to what they get back in earnings from their inventions. Product development has traditionally been regarded as much more important than business development. This thesis aims to point out the critical factors behind successful business development processes for high technology companies. We have chosen to make a case study of Hexagon, a highly successful and innovative company within the measurement technology business. Internal and external actors that are important for business development have been identified and interviewed in order to understand how ideas are developed and executed.

Sälj- och köpprocessen av IT-relaterade tjänster

Background: Companies and organizations of today spend large amounts of money on IT-based business solutions. Such business solutions normally include business- consulting and software-creation (IT-related services). Due to the rapid development of the technology within this field of business the IT-customers find it difficult to select among potential suppliers on objective grounds.Purpose: To increase the understanding for the professionl approach of the people involved in the sales- and purchase process of IT-related services in a business-to-business context. The study is taking the buyers'as well as the sellers'perspective into account when analyzing the process. Method: The empirical findings were collected from eight companies in Linköping and Stockholm.

Värdet av lojalitet : Vad är lojalitet egentligen värd för en mediaplaneringsbyrå i Singapore?

Marketing in a business-to-business environment differs from its counterpart in the business-to-consumer market. Where the latter focuses on customer satisfaction, the former is all about value. This value creates loyalty between seller and buyer. Creating loyalty is becoming more and more important in the media planning industry as fierce competition reduces profit margins. Value is created through selling what a client wants at an acceptable price.

Försörja sig på hästar? En studie av hur värde konstrueras i hästverksamheter

This study aims to investigate how value is constructed in horse business, in order to increase knowledge and contribute to development of theory in this field. This is important since the horse plays a significant role in the rural development in Sweden. The study assumes that value is something created through relationships in the social network. Therefore theories of sensemaking are combined with a discourse analytic method. By interviewing customers to two companies, one with orientation on trotting horses and one with orientation on showjumping horses, it was found that value is constructed through retrospective stories.

Hot och möjligheter vid expandering - en studie av småföretagare i Gävleborg

The purpose with this essay is to enlighten the small business´ existence at times of expansion, identify threats and possibilities and also to try to find ways to encourage growth in the small business.To answer our purpose we carried out a literature study to later implement six interviews with small business leaders. We separated the companies into three categories; small business without employees, small business with 2-5 employees and small business with 6-10 employees.We confirm that the main reason why small business leaders think both once and twice before hireing new labour force are because of the high costs. The change in government has so far not given the small business what was promised, but there is still hope for improvement and simplification.The economic part of owning a company has been pointed out as the greatest threat in relation with expansion and the big responsibility in another persons possibilities to earn his/her living is also burdensome. The possibility to take on more work increases with the number of workers, which is positive..

Verksamhetsstyrning hos små och medelstora business-to-business tjänsteföretag

I denna uppsats har vi beskrivit och analyserat befintlig traditionell ekonomistyrning hos små och medelstora svenska business-to-business tjänsteföretag och diskuterat förutsättningar för utformning och implementering av en modern verksamhetsstyrning. Undersökningen genomförts som en fallstudie av sex företag och presenteras med hjälp av en enklare modell, som återger företagets syn på strategier och ledningsfilosofi, organisationsstruktur samt ekonomistyrning.Vi har kommit till slutsats att storleken och tjänsteinriktningen är avgörande faktorer inom gruppen vid val av ekonomistyrningsmodell. Det förefaller så att företagen använder sig av den traditionella ekonomistyrningen, vilket ger ett stort utrymme för implementering av nya utvecklingslinjer. Avslutningsvis föreslår vi de moderniseringar, som skulle kunna leda till modern verksamhetsstyrning..

Musikbranschens förvaltare  : Hantering av professionella affärsrelationer i musikförlagsverksamhet

This thesis will guide you through the haunting Business marketing woods of snaring networks and ravel business relations in the dark landscapes of the mighty music publishing creatures. The task at hand (of this thesis) will be to present the secrets that lie beyond with the hopes that you, the daring reader, will gain knowledge and understanding of what these entities do, lurking in the shadows of the woods of business marketing (and of your unknowing mind). How they go head on with their partners in business to thrive on intangible properties and how they find their path through these woods. Explore and discover, if any, commonly found ways in the management of business marketing within the domain of the music publisher. We wish you a pleasant reading!.

Ekonomistyrning i interorganisatoriska relationer

Background: Inter-organisational ways of working have become more and more common during the last decades. In order to attain efficiency and productivity, such inter-organisational relationships need to be governed and controlled. However, studies have shown that inadequate control is one of the main reasons for why inter-organisational relationships fail. One of the means that can be used for governing and controlling a business is management control. The use of management control in inter-organisational contexts is a quite unexplored area of research at the present time, which might seem somewhat surprising considering the fact that inadequate control is a common explanation for why inter-organisational relationships fail.

Resande i tjänsten och dess effekter på arbetstagaren

Due to a globalised world business travel is flourishing. This paper examines how middle level executives, travelling a lot in their work at a multi-national company, feel about their travel. It looks for links between business travel and work satisfaction among them. A short presentation of the patterns of business travel and relevant motivational and stress theories is given. Data for the paper is collected using a survey (78 participants) and interviews.

Slaget om kärleken: En fallstudie om den svenska marknaden för nätdejting, dess nuvarande tillstånd och framtida utmaningar

Internet dating is a relatively new phenomenon that, in using the opportunities of the internet, has taken traditional dating to a new level. The business idea is simple as such. The company provides its customers with a platform that enables interaction, leaving the value creation to the customers. A qualitative study is conducted investigating and mapping the Swedish market for Internet dating. It is researched what the characteristics of the companies are, what the Internet dating businesses in Sweden offer, what the prevailing market conditions are, and lastly what challenges lie ahead for the industry and how they can be solved.

Projekt Pet Shop

This essay presents a business plan for the idea of a Pet Shop in Stockholm. The initial purpose of the essay was to investigate weather the company would be financially profitable or not. During the process we encountered problems and pitfalls that we felt contributed to the fact that our business idea is yet not realized. Therefore the second purpose of describing the process that an entrepreneur goes through when starting a new business came about. Besides the business plan for Pet Shop we present a selection of the theories that we found relevant for our situation, among others behaviour of entrepreneurial teams, network theory and execution.

Samspel mellan IT-avdelningen och affärsverksamheten : En studie av attityder

IT has become more evident in most organisations and has grown to be a part of the infrastructure rather than a tool for competitiveness. Therefore focus should now lie on how IT is adjusted to the business rather than on the usage of IT. To make the best use of IT in the business the CIO needs to start think more business-oriented instead of as before, technology-oriented. To develop the IT-department in that direction the IT-staff need to start cooperate with the business and gain knowledge about stakeholders, markets and the way of working for other staff members in the business.With this as a basis, the purpose of this thesis is to investigate attitudes regarding cooperation between the IT-department and the business and if there is any difference if the CIO has business related background or not.To fulfil the purpose a quantitative investigation with the help of surveys was conducted. The sample consisted of 18 companies with 100-200 employees in the area of Jönköping.

Strategier för Business-2-Business-kommunikation i en turbulent konjunkturbild

Hur kan B2B-byråer anpassa sina tjänster efter konjunkturläget, utan att kompromissa med kvalitet och genomslag?Vi har genom intervjuer med elva Business-2-Business företag i Skåne, och tre B2B-byråer samlat information till undersök-ningen. Detta i ett försök att kartlägga företagens och byråer-nas arbetssätt. Denna information har sedan legat till grund för den analys som gjorts av den generella bild vi skapat oss av företagens och byråernas arbetssätt, för att utifrån den kunna föreslå ett mer tillfredsställande arbetssätt för alla parter..

Svenska independentbolag i Japan: etablering och kulturella skillnader

The purpose of this thesis is to study how Swedish independent record labels, or indie labels, fared on the Japanese market. The research questions were based on how Swedish independent record labels establish themselves on the Japanese market and how the cultural differences between the nations affect the business relationship. It was decided to execute a case study on two Swedish independent record labels and the Swedish export council for music. The ones chosen as study objects were B & B Records, Razzia Records and Export Music Sweden. The conclusions were that the indie labels need to understand the importance of personal business relationships when trying to get established on the Japanese market.

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