

6193 Uppsatser om Business controller - Sida 15 av 413

Hightech EU/Japan

Abstract: Hightech EU/Japan ? a research about European hightech companies? interest in establishing business on the Japanese market with the help from a middleman. Subject: Marketing. Problem: The Japanese market is highly developed and therefore interesting for foreign companies. The Japanese culture is very different from the European and this together with the long distance creates problems for European hightech companies to compete on the Japanese market.

Undersökning av optimeringsalternativ för elektrostatlackering

This report describes a thesis done at the Jönköping University of Technology. The aim of this thesis was to create conditions to optimize an existing automatic electrostatic coating system by changing the technology for dispensing lacquer. To select the technology, a study of different dispensing techniques carried out which concluded that the piezoelectric membrane and electrostatic atomization are the most interesting techniques.In order to perform tests with dispensing techniques a demonstrator has been optimized. The controller and PC software of the demonstrator has been programmed to be able to send out PWM signals that control the dispensers. An adapter card was designed to control the piezoelectric membrane and a steering link to the electrostatic atomization has been developed for PWM signals up to 500V.The work has laid ground for a demonstrator where further testing of the dispensing technologies can be performed..

CSR och B2B, olja och vatten? : En undersökning av CSR som konkurrensfördel inom Business-to-Businessmarknaden

The aim of this thesis is to examine how secondary teachers in the subject of history are using the textbook in their teaching. Four questions are being dealt with in this thesis. What importance is being placed on the use of history textbooks by the secondary teachers? What priorities do the secondary teachers have? How do they deal with student interests? And what is the importance of the secondary teachers? work experience? I have interviewed four secondary teachers with different work experience to complete this thesis. A Dictaphone has been used in all the interviews. Research has shown that textbooks now have a central role in teaching and the lack of alternative materials and reduction of teaching hours has made it difficult to replace. The main conclusions of the thesis are that the history textbook has a dual role depending on the teacher you ask, and that the history book is used differently by the teachers.

Beslut och Business Intelligence : Hur Business Intelligence stödjer beslutsfattande i företag

Den globala ekonomin har gjort att företag är beroende av säker information som ska hjälpa dem att fatta bättre beslut. Allt fler företag agerar på den globala marknaden vilket gör konkurrensen större. Därför behöver företag allt mer och säkrare information. Deföretag som har många konkurrenter behöver mycket information om dessa för att kunna fatta beslut som kommer att ta dem ett steg före konkurrenterna. Att kunna anpassa sig i denna omvärld ställer stora krav på företagen.

Likviditetsplanering ?en fallstudie av Schenker AB

På grund av marknadens hårdare krav på en bra likviditetsredovisning har likviditetsplaneringen blivit allt viktigare för företag. I arbetet med likviditetsplaneringen är det viktigt att veta vid vilken tidpunkt som in- och utbetalningar sker. Det är dock ett svårt arbete som påverkas av att kunder har olika betalningsvanor och av osäkra affärer i utländsk valuta.Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva hur Schenker genomför sin likviditetsplanering idag samt att undersöka ifall det finns förbättrings-möjligheter. De teorier som berörts handlar om faktorer som påverkar planeringen av likviditeten och hur de bör behandlas. Insamlingen av företagsinformation har skett genom en fallstudie av Schenker där tre intervjuer med en controller genomfördes.Studien har visat att Schenker överlag har en väl fungerande likviditetsplanering.

Du tysta, ej glädjerika sköna. Betydelsen av kommunikationsutbildning för att utbilda bättre ledare.

Every year, reports are published that shows how universities fail to meet the demand from companies who are looking to hire students with solid communication skills. At the same time, the importance of communication for effective leadership is constantly increasing. Today, many business schools around the world states that they strive to educate future business leaders and have therefore realized the importance of teaching the skills of communications to its students. The majority of Swedish business schools, however, have not yet made communications an essential part of their curricula. This indicates that most business students in Sweden today, do not receive the toolkit needed to take on leadership roles.

REALTIDS BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE : Fo?ra?ndring av Besluts- och Affa?rsprocessen vid Info?randet av en Realtids Business Intelligence System

Business Intelligence och realtids Business Intelligence har blivit ett område som allt fler företag intresseras av. Forskningen idag involverar en rad företag som koncentrerar sig på stora kund-, produkt- och tjänstevolymer. Ett av dessa företag är flygbolaget Continental Airlines. Detta bolag har funnit sju faktorer som bör beaktas då en realtids BI-lösning ska anammas. Detta arbete kommer att lägga fokus på en av dessa faktorer. Denna faktor säger att realtids BI endast levererar något värde om besluts- och affärsprocessen ändras i enlighet med den IT-lösning som införs i företaget.Under denna studie kommer det att undersökas hur denna faktor fungerar i mindre organisationer.

Förlagsbranschen i en dynamisk förändringsprocess En kvalitativ undersökning av tendenser till utveckling inom förlagsbranschen.

The thesis of this Masterpaper has been to analyse what tendencies there might be to distinguish structural alterations in the publishing business today and how they can be understood analytically. The following questions have helped form the principal opinions found in this essay: - What tendencies according to the alterations in publishing business is Piratförlaget representing? -What tendencies according to the alterations in publishing are the literary agents representing? What tendencies regarding the alterations in publishing are the electronic publishing and other techniques related to the publishing business representing? Participants, familiar with the publishing industry in various ways, have been interviewed. The main theory is based on facts from sociology of literature, although Faheys and Randalls Key Scenario, with its driving forces, also provided a great deal of help. In addition, to structure the dynamical publishing business, Peter Senges The Systems Iceberg Model was useful.

Meningsskapande omvärldsbevakning - En diskussion kring dess förutsättningar

The topic for this master thesis is Business Intelligence, a means for decision makers to obtain accurate analysis about organisations surrounding world. The purpose is to examine how Business Intelligence is carried out in practice and how it can be made more efficient by considering some underlying and often overlooked factors. The study shows that organisations should strive for common goals and to engender corresponding perspectives amongst the co-workers. We have also concluded that Sensemaking, Knowledge Creating, Tacit knowledge, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Creativity and Visions, influence the ability to utilize the efficiency of Business Intelligence. In some aspects we have noticed that our theoretical backbone differentiates from reality, which reveals the complex prerequisites that relates to matters of Business Intelligence.

Ledarskapsprocesser inom framgångsrika organisationer

The aim of this study is to investigate leadership in sports organizations and business organizations. The study focused on common and important leadership components and the most important leadership processes in both business context and sports context. The study also investigated common and important leadership components, leadership challenges and which degree leaders used the transformative leadership. The study focuses on leadership components most importantly from the leaders view, including both sport managers and business leaders. The investigation was based on eight interviews, which are analyzed with content analysis.

Gemensamma mentala modeller kring teknik : - en fallstudie av tekniksyn på ett IT-tjänstföretag

A good flow of information in organizations is one of the key aspects of how we define a well-functioning organization. The information flow could be internal as well as external between actors within as well as outside of the organization. In a logistics organization this flow of information is equally important as in any other kind of organization. In this paper we have explored information flows in logistics organizations by applying, boundary spanning and the mobile-stationary divide perspective. In boundary spanning the main goal is to erase or relocate some of the boundaries within an organization, in our case to make the flow of information internally as well as externally better.

Informationsflöden inom mobila-stationära organisationer

A good flow of information in organizations is one of the key aspects of how we define a well-functioning organization. The information flow could be internal as well as external between actors within as well as outside of the organization. In a logistics organization this flow of information is equally important as in any other kind of organization. In this paper we have explored information flows in logistics organizations by applying, boundary spanning and the mobile-stationary divide perspective. In boundary spanning the main goal is to erase or relocate some of the boundaries within an organization, in our case to make the flow of information internally as well as externally better.

Hur social a?r den Sociala Ekonomin? : Sociala fo?retag och regionala innovationssystem

Authors: Kosovare Islami and Selma SumicDate: 2014-06-02Title: How social is the social economy? ? social businesses and their regional innovation system.Level: Bachelor thesis in Business AdministrationSupervisor: Bengt JohannissonExaminer: Frederic BillKey words: Social entrepreneurship, regional innovation system, business - to - businessThe purpose of this paper is to create a model of regional cooperation network for social enterprises as the base of an innovation. This model will be created through the empirical basis. The model proceeds from the three pillars that have been developed and include social entrepreneurship, business - to - business and regional innovation.Entrepreneurship has multiple definitions which treats such as innovative thinking, targeted and creative individuals. Social enterprise has attracted more widespread interest, while it is considered one potential solution for the development of a sustainable society.

Mönsterspråk för hantering av konfigurationsdata i Java

Genom litteraturstudier samt praktiskt arbete med förbättringar av programvaran File Secure har ett antal lämpliga designmönster för konfigurationshantering i Java identifierats och applicerats. Den typ av konfigurationshantering som här avses innefattar inläsning från en databas till en objektrepresentation, samt ett grafiskt gränssnitt som låter användaren modifiera datat. Det antas att mängden data är förhållandevis liten, vilket har gett upphov till vissa förenklingar. Resultatet av arbetet presenteras i form av ett mönsterspråk för konfigurationshantering, innefattande designmönstren Domain Model, Active Record och det befintliga mönsterspråket Model - View - Controller. Detta kan appliceras i många olika sorters system..

Svenska independentbolag i Japan: etablering och kulturella skillnader

The purpose of this thesis is to study how Swedish independent record labels, or indie labels, fared on the Japanese market. The research questions were based on how Swedish independent record labels establish themselves on the Japanese market and how the cultural differences between the nations affect the business relationship. It was decided to execute a case study on two Swedish independent record labels and the Swedish export council for music. The ones chosen as study objects were B & B Records, Razzia Records and Export Music Sweden. The conclusions were that the indie labels need to understand the importance of personal business relationships when trying to get established on the Japanese market.

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