

6272 Uppsatser om Business and Economics - Sida 11 av 419

Differentierat eller sammanhållet belöningssystem i diversifierade företag?

Background: Diversified companies, for example audit firms, sometimes offer different kinds of products and services. Different key success factors can in the same company thereby evolve. Goal congruence has to be achieved in the business divisions as well as in the company as a whole even though each business segment might have to focus on different factors. Purpose: The purpose is to analyze if differences in technology and culture between the business divisions in diversified companies motivate a differentiated reward system. Method: The study has a case study approach.

Du tysta, ej glädjerika sköna. Betydelsen av kommunikationsutbildning för att utbilda bättre ledare.

Every year, reports are published that shows how universities fail to meet the demand from companies who are looking to hire students with solid communication skills. At the same time, the importance of communication for effective leadership is constantly increasing. Today, many business schools around the world states that they strive to educate future business leaders and have therefore realized the importance of teaching the skills of communications to its students. The majority of Swedish business schools, however, have not yet made communications an essential part of their curricula. This indicates that most business students in Sweden today, do not receive the toolkit needed to take on leadership roles.

Musikbranschens förvaltare  : Hantering av professionella affärsrelationer i musikförlagsverksamhet

This thesis will guide you through the haunting Business marketing woods of snaring networks and ravel business relations in the dark landscapes of the mighty music publishing creatures. The task at hand (of this thesis) will be to present the secrets that lie beyond with the hopes that you, the daring reader, will gain knowledge and understanding of what these entities do, lurking in the shadows of the woods of business marketing (and of your unknowing mind). How they go head on with their partners in business to thrive on intangible properties and how they find their path through these woods. Explore and discover, if any, commonly found ways in the management of business marketing within the domain of the music publisher. We wish you a pleasant reading!.

Likviditetshantering - Har medelstora företag för stora kassor?

Uppsatsens syfte är att utröna om dagens medelstora kassor har för srora kassor. Intervjuer med finanschefer på olika företag samt en banktjänsteman angående företagens hantering av likvida medel..

Vård och handhavande av kompetens : kompetensutveckling i Sverige och England

Background: Competence development has become more important since the pressure on effectiveness is increasing and organisations are expected to constantly improvement. The design of the competence development activities is governed by the strategy which in turn will affect the outcome of the same. A knowledge intense business in which changes recently have taken place is healthcare, a business in which competition also has increased as a result from globalization. Due to this, it is highly important to take care of and improve the competence of individuals. According to this, we have found that healthcare is an interesting business to study with regard to competence development.

Projektrisk : en studie av svenska bygg- och anläggningsföretag

Background: Today businesses are largely structured in projects and temporary organizations. In many companies, the ability to pursue projects is decisive for the business efficiency and competitiveness. The risk literature do not discuss identification and handling ofproject risk in building- and construction companies to a large extent, which has led us to investigate how project risk can be treated and handled in Swedish building- and construction companies. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to cover and describe business risk in Swedish building- and construction projects with focus on different risks and risk tools, and also to modify a model for evaluating the business risk maturity. Realization: This thesis has both traces of a case study and a cross-section study and examines eight different companies that are active in the building- and construction business.

Mobile Operators Future Business Model - Strategic Implications of Emerging Networks

Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera mobil operatörernas behov att omsätta och värdera sig till de teknologiska förändringar ch marknadsförutsättningar genom att lägga fram alternativa affärsmodeller. Nya nätverk och teknologier håller på att förändra den stabila mobiltelefonimarknaden och därmed branschförhållandena för opertörerna. För att inte tappa marknadsandelar och attrahera nya kunder måste de vara proaktiva i med sina strategier vilket inte är falle idag. Vi har i analysen kommit fram till tre olika affärsmodeller vi anser vara lämpliga att ta i beaktning vid anpassning till de kmmande marknadsförhållandena..

En studie i Culture management

Culture Management Cultural management administration producent KKE management.

Mindre leverantörers konkurrenssituation inom dagligvarubranschen

Vi har undersökt mindre leverantörers konkurrenssituation på den svenska dagligvarumarknaden samt att analysera hur den påverkar deras val av strategier. Vi har använt oss av relationsteorier samt teorier som speglar konkurrensstrategier och konkurrenssituationen på marknaden..

Regionala obalanser och matchningseffektivitet i Sverige 1983-2004

Denna uppsats analyserar matchningseffektiviteten mellan lediga jobb (vakanser) och arbetslösa. Det faktum att den svenska Beveridgekurvan skiftat utåt under 1990-talet är en indikation på att de arbetslösa inte lika effektivt ?matchas? ihop med de lediga jobb som skapas. I uppsatsen identifieras två faktorer som påverkar matchningseffektiviteten; sökbeteendet hos arbetsgivarna och de arbetslösa, samt regionala obalanser mellan utbud och efterfrågan på arbetskraft. Sammanfattningsvis kan sägas att båda faktorerna tycks bidragit till sämre matchningseffektivitet under 1990-talet..

Inflationsprognoser i Sverige: Vilket gapmått bör användas?

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka huruvida BNP-gap kan förutspåinflationen bättre jämfört med arbetslöshetsgap. Svensk kvartalsdata från1993 till och med 2005 har använts. Gapmåtten skapas med två olika metoder,en linjärregression och ett HP-filter. En direkt prognosmodell används föralla prognoser med out of sample metodik. Prognoshorisonterna somanvänds är ett kvartal, fyra kvartal samt åtta kvartal.

Personalekonomi i teori och praktik

Given a considerable increase in knowledge-based companies, the interest for measuring and valuing intangible assets, particularly human capital, has increased accordingly. Human capital has climbed the management research agenda as human assets make substantial contribution to the value creation in knowledge-based companies. Neither internal nor external financial statements reflect the value of an organization?s human assets. Against this backdrop, we find it interesting to explore how counting and controlling for human capital is devised.

Personalekonomi i teori och praktik:

Given a considerable increase in knowledge-based companies, the interest for measuring and valuing intangible assets, particularly human capital, has increased accordingly. Human capital has climbed the management research agenda as human assets make substantial contribution to the value creation in knowledge-based companies. Neither internal nor external financial statements reflect the value of an organization?s human assets. Against this backdrop, we find it interesting to explore how counting and controlling for human capital is devised.

Effekter av EDI

Background: It has been shown that EDI can yield positive effects within companies. Which effects are possible for a company to direct assign to the introduction of EDI and is it possible to estimate the total effect.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to estimate and analyze the effects of using EDI in electronic business. We also want to contribute with a model for measure and estimate the effects of EDI.Accomplishment: We have studied literature concering EDI and realized a preliminary studie in form of interviews with experts to establish deeper knowledge of EDI. We have also tried to estimate the effects obtained in companies in three different businesses, power, government and transport industry.Result: To obtain as good effects as possible it is important that the co- oporation is built on trust and engagement. Before implementing the EDI-system a thorough overhaul of the processes in the company should be done, involving both the top managers and the staff.

Lantmännen AXA - Från idé till produkt

Syftet för detta examensarbete på kandidatnivå är att undersöka hur Lantmännen AXAutnyttjar sina resurser för att på så sätt försöka förstå hur de strategiskt har bemöttkonsumenternas ökade krav på hälsosamma livsmedel i sin produktutveckling..

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