

238 Uppsatser om Bullying at workplaces - Sida 2 av 16

Mobbning i grundskolan

I have conducted a study and examined the significance and extent of bullying. I will also examine whether any students in grade eight have been victims of bullying during the past year and where bullying was carried out in school X. The second objective is to explore what students think about the concept of "taunting". I have used various theories of researchers to get an understanding of what bullying is, where it occurs, causes, and suggestions for measures. To get an answer on the purpose and issue a quantitative method was used in the form of a survey. Target group for the survey consisted of students from grade eight schools in X which is located in a suburb of Stockholm. Two classes of grade eight in School X carried out the survey during the same day.Results showed that bullying occurs at X school, but that the proportion of boys has been more subjected to bullying than girls. The majority of the students in the both classes believed that most cases of bullying occur in school hallways, playground and cafeteria. It may be one reason why school X does not have guards or other members of staff. The majority of students also considered in the survey that the concept of "taunting" is to call each other by words of ?genitalia". I think that the use of foul language has become common in today's schools.  .

Volatilitetsintegration och Internationell Diversifiering : En empirisk studie om hur Sveriges volatilitetsintegration och diversifieringsmöjligheter har förändrats inom EMU sedan införandet av euron

To accomplish my purpose about where bullying is emerging and how bullying utter it is self and if the educationist consideration disposes conform to the students, i chose two classes from two different schools. With the help of the students thought and speculations and with the educationalists answers, I come to a result. I want to add that my results agreed with the early scientists? research. The results also confirmed by literature and by theories that showed in my result.

Nätmobbning Om relationen mellan traditionell mobbning och nätmobbning i grundskolan

This study investigates the relation between cyberbullying and traditional bullying (in school). In previous research it has been argued that one should separate cyberbullying and traditional bullying both in definitional and measurements issues. However, in Swedish school, there are no marked differences between the two forms of bullying, teachers are responsible to prevent them both. The research is based on 3925 students in years 3-9 (1950 girls and 1975 boys) in 19 schools in the Gothenburg region and two from the Stockholm region. The students have taken a digital survey at school, regarding both traditional and cyber bullying.

?E-mobbning finns inte på vår skola?- En kvalitativ studie om e-mobbningens plats i skolans antimobbningsprogram.

The purpose of this study was to highlight cyber-bullying and its place in today?s schools. Our aim was to research how schools with bullying prevention programs are equipped to handle and take action against cyber-bullying. Furthermore this study focuses on whether or not schools are responsible for cases of cyber-bullying. We also aimed to present teachers? general views and knowledge regarding this phenomenon.

Mobbning i förskolan : En studie om förskolepedagogers definitioner av begreppet mobbning

Bullying is something that is often times talked about in relation to school, in spite of that it's still something that is a very common problem. It is also rarely ever clearly defined, and is subject to a heap of different definitions. In order to prevent something, we must first understand it, and therefore define it. With that the purpose of this study is to examine swedish preschool-teachers definitions of bullying. How do they define bullying? Do their definitions differ from one another?The investigation was qualitative and used qualitative interview methods to interview four pre-school teachers about their deifnitions of bullying.

Nätmobbning - vem bär ansvaret? : En kvalitativ studie om lärares syn på ansvarsfördelningen mellan föräldrar och lärare vid förekomsten av nätmobbning

The phenomena of cyber bullying is relatively new, but it is now more prevalent than ever as children today have access to the internet on a daily basis, in school as well as at home. Although cyber bullying is an increasing problem in today?s society, there seem to be few guidelines for teachers to follow when using the internet with their students in school. The purpose of this study is to investigate who, according to six teachers, has the responsibilities revolving cyber bullying ? teachers or parents.

Mobbning i skolan : En undersökning om elevers uppfattningar av mobbning inom ämnet idrott och hälsa 

Bullying is a serious problem for many children and youths in today?s society. Surveys have shown that more than 145 000 children and youths are concerned by the problem as a victim or as bullies. The purpose with this survey is to obtain a clear picture of the students? views of bullying in physical education and health.The main questions in this study are:·         Does bullying occur in a bigger extent within the subject physical education and health than within other subjects?·         In which elements during physical education lessons is the risk highest to be exposed to bullying?·         Are there any differences concerning the students? views of physical education in relation to what age they are. To acquire an understandable picture of bullying I have chosen to do a literature study where different kinds of definitions are presented.

Elektronisk mobbning: ur ett professionellt perspektiv

The purpose of this study was to examine how professional workers understand the bullying problem among Swedish youth in the age of 13-15 years. The main focus was to examine the new phenomena electronic bullying, from a professional point of view.The biggest question to answer was: "How does the school and organizations understand the bullying situation among Swedish youth today?" Individual interviews with professional social workers within the school and nationwide organizations have been used to fulfill the purpose of this work. Two different respondent types were used in order to get a wide perspective and a dynamic view.Electronic bullying had increased, but the school yard was still the most common arena for bullying, according to the respondents. The schools tried to prevent bullying, but the social workers felt that they lacked some knowledge of electronic bullying, because it was relative new.

Om det förbjudna och skambelagda på svenska arbetsplatser : Nej, lite gruff men inget vi kan kalla mobbning

The purpose of this essay is to increase the understanding of actions we can take when we encounter bullying, and, how we can uncover the fact that bullying is occurring in the workplace. I want to improve the understanding of what constitutes bullying from the management's perspective both in respect to a victim and a perpetrator. My research has a primary & a secondary goal..

Arbetet inom skolan för att förebygga mobbning

My purpose in this work was to find out how staff in a middle sized school uses its local Equal treatment plan in its work against bullying. But also to see how the use of a standardized anti-bullying program works to prevent bullying. I have interviewed the principal, teachers, and what we in Sweden call a ?fritidspedagog? and the members of the anti-bullying team to get answers to my questions.  The conclusion of this study is that the school follow and work according to what the Equal treatment plan states, both in terms of prevention, as in working with actual bullying cases. The school has also followed the National School Agency's recommendations on what should be the local Equality plan, but also to follow up and revise it each year. The interview shows that the staff at the school placed great emphasis on talking and discussing with students about how to behave towards each other, they also brought up things that happened at one time and talked about this. The staffs were very committed to work towards the prevention of bullying and the same was true with the school's headmaster.

Antimobbningsplaner : Åtgärder och strategier mot mobbning

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to find out how educationalists who are currently working in school-environments feel about antibullyingprograms. Do they think that the programs are working and do they feel that the measures that they use work as planned? The reason why I choose to investigate this topic is that it will always be at topic interesting to study. Bullying will unfortunately always exist in some way. The whole survey is made in a small/medium seized municipality in Sweden with about 12 000 inhabitants.

Samverkan kring mobbning på högstadiet. Intervjuer med rektor, skolkurator och lärare

The purpose with this essay is to describe how the principal, social worker and the teacher work to prevent bullying at school. The following questions have been discussed:Does the school have an action plan for bullying, and if so, what does it say? Who has the practical responsibility for making sure that the plan is followed, and how does that responsibility work? How is the responsibility divided between the different professions? Are the children in any way active in the planning of the work against bullying? What does the children think about who has the main responsibility for stopping bullying?The method I have used in the essay is individual interviews with principals, welfare officers and teachers from two schools.My results show that the schools have different ways of handling bullying, and different forms of cooperation within the staff. One school have active students in the work against bullying in the form of classmate support (kamratstödjare). The social worker is used in different ways in the work against bullying.

En studie av förebyggande arbete mot mobbning på två kommunala skolor i Sverige : Skillnader och likheter i modell och handling

This study deals with an important and challenging issue that each school is facing today, that is the prevention work of bullying. The purpose is to investigate how two elementary schools define bullying and how the work of prevention looks like today. The study highlights two models, Farsta and Friends, that many schools follows in their work and struggle against bullying. We conducted this study by looking at how bullying looks at two elementary schools. How these schools developed working method in order to secure a safe environment for all children in the school.The findings in this study highlighted the involvement of these two schools in the work of prevention against bullying, which methods they used and how these schools worked intensively with organisations such as Friends.

Barn och ungdomars upplevelser och behov av stöd då de kommer i kontakt med mobbning

AbstractThe aim of this study was to investigate the reason why students contact adults if they are involved in any kind of bullying, what support they had received and wished for, as well as to investigate why student don?t contact adults. About of 150 students, 50 girls and 56 boys (70%) had experienced bullying of different kinds; some had more than one kind of experience. The students expressed that they had contacted adults when they ?felt unwell? and to ?stop bullying?.

Ungdomars upplevelse av mobbning sett ur ett utvecklingsekologiskt och utvecklingspsykologiskt perspektiv

The purpose of our study was to examine 13 to 14 year olds experience of bullying from a perspective of human developmental ecological systems. The questions at issue were: How do the young people themselves define the concept of bullying? Which own experiences do the young people have of bullying? How come bullying exists according to the young people? How do the young people experience that their surroundings view bullying? What do the young people consider that you can do about bullying? We used a qualitative method to collect and handle our primary empirical data. We did individual interviews with ten young people.The results of our study shows that the majority of the persons interviewed thought people bully because they have bad home conditions and that they are unsure of them selves. Many of the young people talked about three different groups in a school class: The popular, the less popular and the nerds.

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