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Vad påverkar förskrivningen av fysisk aktivitet på recept vid ett universitetssjukhus : En tvärsnittstudie
Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate attitude and practice to prescribe physical activity accordingly FaR® rules among personal at the specialized department of the University Hospital. Methods: A quantitative cross-sectional study was used to answer the purpose. The data were collected using specially designed questionnaire. That contained 11 questions related to interest and complications to use FaR® as a treatment method. A total of 38 individuals participated in the study.
Total hälseneruptur: Resultat efter operativ respektive konservativ behandling.
ABSTRACTBackground: On behalf of the Orthopedic clinic, Västerås, a study has been conducted with focus on comparing the results after conservative and surgical treatment due to complete achillestendon rupture.Aim: To compare results when testing the active and passive range of motion, calf muscle endurance, estimation of pain related to the achillestendon and self-efficacy to be physically active for individuals who have undergone conservative or surgical treatment after complete achillestendon rupture.Method: 14 individuals afflicted by complete achillestendon rupture in 2010 were recruited as a purposive sample. Examination were conducted of: Ankle range of motion with a goniometer, calf muscle endurance through a toe-raise test, estimation of pain intensity related to the achillestendon by VAS and self-efficacy to be physically active through ?Exercise self-efficacy scale?. P-value and the median were calculated.Result: The results of ankle range of motion and calf muscle endurance were based on the difference between the injured and the healthy side. When testing active plantarflexion the conservative group had a median of 4 ? and the surgical group had a median of 10 ?.
Förekomsten av trycksår hos patienter som genomgår brachybehandling vid prostatacancer
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. One type of treatment is internal radiation therapy, brachytherapy. This treatment requires the patient to lie completely motionless and in lithotomy position. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of pressure ulcers associated with brachytherapy in prostate cancer at the UniversityHospitalin Uppsala. Furthermore, the purpose was to identify the most common location of pressure ulcer and to examine whether there were any connection between risk factors and possible pressure ulcers.
Mångbruksplan inriktning vilt och viltvårdsanpassning av skogen
This multiple use forestry plan is made on the property Basunda which is located in the southern parts of the province Östergötland. The owners of the property today are Jonas and Ulrik Saanum, but it has been in the family since their grandfather bought it 1933.
There is a slaughterhouse on the property in which they take care of domestic cattle and animals from the forest. Jonas and Ulrik are also dedicated hunters. These are the two reasons to why the focus is wildlife and wildlife management.
The question at issue of this work is simplified: what demands does the wildlife have; and how will the owners be able to fulfill these, what changes in the forest management must be made and will these changes result in a different budget, compared to the ordinary forest management.
This work is based from a freshly made forestry management plan. I based my fieldwork on this plan, but made my own management proposals, that would benefit the game.
Den sista utvägen... : ? En kvalitativ studie om psykiatripersonal och brukares inställning till elektrokonvulsiv behandling (ECT).
ABSTRACT Nature of essay: C-level, 15 pointsPage count: 47Title: The last way out?-A qualitative study of psychiatric staff and service users attitude to electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).Author: Hanna Nilsson Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate attitudes to electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) of professionals and service users within a user organization ? Riksförbundet för social och mental hälsa. (RSMH)Questions: Does the psychiatric staff believe that there are preconceptions about electroconvulsive therapy? What motivates service user?s choice of electroconvulsive therapy? Do the psychiatric staff and the service users think that the positive effects of ECT can outweigh the possible negative side effects?Method: Qualitative study. The study is based on interviews with psychiatric staffthat works with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), and with services users who have received electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).Results: The result showed that the psychiatric staff feels that preconceived ideas occur about the treatment of ECT, and that it is affecting their approach to work.Service users motivate their choice by how bad they felt under the depression, and that ECT was their only choice left, that´s why psychiatric staff suggested the treatment.The positive effects of ECT outweighed the possible negative side effects because life is something you value higher than any memory loss and when there is currently no treatment having a similar efficiency.Keywords: Electroconvulsive therapy, Attitudes, Side effects, Experience, Patients, Professionals.
Huggormsbett hos hund i Sverige : en klinisk studie och litteraturöversikt
Every year many dogs in Sweden are bitten by the adder, a venomous snake (Vipera berus). Despite the fact that adder bites are so common in dogs there have been few investigations made that study the effects of treatment with glucocorticoids, a drug that is commonly used. We have carried out a literature study concerning adder bites in dogs and a prospective study where case history, clinical signs and treatment have been recorded in dogs that were presented at two veterinary hospitals after a confirmed or suspected adder bite. Fifty three dogs were included in the study out of which 22 were treated with glucocorticoids. In our study, the group of dogs treated with glucocorticoids was compared with the group of dogs that did not receive glucocorticoid treatment by the owner or on arrival at the clinic.
Kvinnors upplevelser i samband med abort
The treatment that women get from health care staff can influence the experience of the abortion and how women manage to coping the experience emotionally. The aim of this study was to illuminate women?s experiences in connection with an abortion. The findings show that the women?s social situation led them to the decision of abortion.
Den dolda smutsen : Vad döljer sig i nystädade hotellrum?
Inledning: Det har länge varit viktigt att kartlägga de hygieniska riskerna i ett restaurangkök, men få vet hur det ser ut på hotellrum. Kartläggningar har gjorts på vad gäster först lägger märke till och städningen är en av dem. Frågan är om man kan göra en HACCP-plan, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point för hotellrum.Syftet med studien var att undersöka och i förekommande fall avslöja den dolda smutsen som finns i nystädade hotellrum samt att undersöka om man kan göra en HACCP-plan för hotellrum.Metod och material: Bakterieprov togs för att kunna analysera vad som finns kvar när rummet anses som rent. Tio mätpunkter har valts ut i rummet, provtagningen har skett på fem hotell, tre rum på varje hotell. För att kunna se den dolda smutsen i badrummen har en UV-lampa använts.Resultat: Proverna visar att sängkläderna är relativt rena i jämförelse med fjärrkontroll, telefon och områdena i badrummen.
Planerar du barn eller föräldraledighet? : En uppsats om arbetssökandes skydd vid anställningsförfarandet.
The subject of this bachelor thesis is discrimination and unfair treatment in the employment process where employers discriminate against job applicants. The purpose of this study and research questions is to investigate and clarify the legal protection available against discrimination and unfair treatment of pregnant women and persons on parental leave during the employment process and how this protection differs between men and women. This thesis highlights the Swedish law and EU law regarding discrimination and unfair treatment of individuals. The concept of discrimination and its requisites will be accounted for and exemplified by case law. This statement will be analyzed along with the relevant case law of the EU-court and the Labor-court.
"..det är en väldigt stor sak egentligen" Strategier vid sexuella konsekvenser av cancerbehandling. Förväntningar på sexualitet och rehabilitering.
Magnusson, A. ??it?s a matter of great importance actually?. Coping strategies to sexual consequences due to cancer treatment. Expectations on sexuality and rehabilitation.
Projektledare utan branschkunskap : Varför inte?
Our starting point has been to examine how a project manager without knowledge of the industry is able to plan a project. And also which difficulties that may arise. A qualitative study was conducted at project managers who worked in the construction industry and events industry. Seven interviews were conducted, four in the construction sector and three in the events industry. Respondents are active as project manager in Värmland and Närkes counties.
Brukares erfarenheter av kontakten med ett lokalt anpassat Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Team. : En kvalitativ studie
Det är av stor vikt att hitta faktorer som leder till bättre livskvalitet för personer med allvarlig psykisk ohälsa. Ofta har dessa personer ett behov av flertal insatser/stöd och behandling samtidigt. En vanlig situation för dessa personer har dock varit att de ?faller mellan stolarna? då ingen instans tar ett helhetsansvar om brukarnas situation, trots den komplexa problematiken. En insats som tar ett samlat grepp om personer med allvarlig psykisk ohälsa är Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) och Case Management.
Det ofria ordet
The purpose of the study was from the perspective of young people that has completed a stay at HVB-home. The respondents are between 15-21 years both boys and girls. The basic questions were: How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service process? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service contents? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service regarding available information and how the staff is available? What positive and negative experience do they have from their stay at the HVB-home? We also wish to get a picture of what is important to change to improve the quality on this HVB-home. To receive answers to those questions we formed a questionnaire.
Nya plan- och bygglagen : Reviderade bestämmelser om bygglov och bygglovsprövningen - särskilt om mindre avvikelser från detaljplan
Bestämmelser om användningen av mark och vatten samt bebyggelsemiljöns utveckling stadgas i plan- och bygglagen (PBL). PBL är dessvärre ett komplext och svårtillämpat regelverk. Sedan PBL:s ikraftträdandet har behovet av en mer lättförstådd plan- och bygglagstiftning successivt ökat vilket föranledde utvecklandet av en ny plan- och bygglag (nya PBL) som träder i kraft den 2 maj 2011.Syftet med magisteruppsatsen har varit att studera bestämmelserna om bygglov och bygglovsprövningen inom detaljplan med särskilt fokus på mindre avvikelser från detaljplan i PBL. Syftet har vidare varit att göra en jämförelse med motsvarande bestämmelser i nya PBL och därefter sökt fastställa bestämmelsernas framtida rättstillämpning med utgångspunkt i nya PBL.Bestämmelserna om bygglov och bygglovsprövningen inom detaljplan har till stor del tolkats i rättspraxis vilket i de flesta fall givit en klar bild av rättsläget. Bestämmelsen om mindre avvikelser från detaljplan har dock varit svårtillämpad och givit upphov till subjektiva tolkningar av kommunerna.
Plackindex, gingivalindex och erhållna munhygienåtgärder hos patienter i åldern 20-26 år som har behandlats vid tandhygienistprogrammet i Kristianstad-journalstudie
The aim of the study was to examine plaqueindex, gingivalindex and oral hygiene measure among patients between 20-26 years of age, who were treated at the Dental Hygienist Programme at the University of Kristianstad. The study was performed as a dental record. All 126 subjects with records in this age were including in the study. Sixteen records (13 %) were excluded because the criteria were not fulfilled. Plauqeindex, gingivalindex and oral hygiene measures were registered from 110 records.