

712 Uppsatser om Broadcast Standards - Sida 13 av 48

Dammsäkerhetsanalys via stabilitetsberäkningar för Långströmmens kraftverk : En jämförelse mellan olika dimensioneringsmetoder

A detailed dam safety evaluation (in Sweden called FDU) was performed in 2009 by WSP where stability control was performed for Långströmmen power plant with associated spillways. This evaluation concluded that stability could not be ensured, and risk of sliding occurred. The evaluation is based entirely on the recommendations outlined in RIDAS, the power companies guidelines for dam safety, and it is clear that extensive renovations are necessary to stabilize the dam.In this work, the stability will also be checked with guidance through new proposals on guidelines for concrete dams sliding stability, ELFORSK?s report 08:59. This report considered the guidelines in RIDAS as oversimplified, both from an international perspective, but also with regard to the current state of knowledge regarding dam safety.

Intäktsredovisningens nya form : - En förstudie i hur de nya reglerna för intäktsredovisning tros påverka finansiell information från entreprenadföretag

Titel: Intäktsredovisningens nya form - En förstudie i hur de nya reglerna för intäktsredovisning tros påverka finansiell information från entreprenadföretag Bakgrund och problem: Intäkter utgör oftast den största och mest relevanta posten när det kommer till företags redovisning. De regler och regelverk som styr intäktsredovisningen har det senaste decenniet diskuterats flitigt. Detta dels för att intäktsposten och dess redovisning har varit i centrum för ett antal redovisningsskandaler, dels för att reglerna inte är harmoniserade och för svåra att tillämpa. Problematik har lett till ett konvergeringsprojekt mellan de två stora normsättarna International Accounting Standards Board och Financial Accounting Standards Board som nu under andra halvåret av 2013 kommer presenter ett nytt regelverk gällande intäktsredovisningen. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur intäktsredovisningen för entreprenadföretag fungerar, samt att ge en inblick i hur de nya reglerna kring intäktsredovisningen tros komma att påverka företag i entreprenadbranschen. Vidare syftar uppsatsen till att undersöka hur redovisningsexperter tror att de nya reglerna kommer påverka möjligheten för externa intressenter att få en rättvisande bild av företagen. Metod: Studien tillämpar en kvalitativ metod där sammantaget fyra respondenter intervjuats genom en semistrukturerad intervjumodell.

Vad är ett riktigt slut? : en kritisk granskning av genrepedagogiken i arbetet med sagogenren

With this paper the aim is to find out whether there are any differences in how five students from the north part of Africa structures their tales in comparison with the Nordic tale "The emperor?s new clothes". The purpose is to look at how the genre pedagogy can be said to relate to these differences. What happens to the "deviant" structures?Based on literature and research on the subject, I have concluded that there are certain patterns of how a tale "should" be structured based on Western standards.

Förenklade redovisningsregler för små- och medelstora företag : En studie om hur redovisningsnormer som idéer kan spridas samt vilka institutionella faktorer som påverkar inställningen till införandet av internationella enhetliga redovisningsstandards för

BakgrundFrån och med den 1:a januari 2005 ska alla börsnoterade bolag inom EU tillämpa IFRS. I de flesta länder råder valfrihet för onoterade bolag att tillämpa IFRS eller nationella redovisningsstandards. Det har dock visat sig att SMEs främst väljer att tillämpa de nationella reglerna, då IFRS anses för omfattande och kostsamma att tillämpa. Mot denna bakgrund tog IASB initiativet till ett förslag om ett införande av internationella enhetliga redovisningsstandards för små- och medelstora företag.SyfteDenna uppsats avser att undersöka hur redovisningsstandards som idéer sprids, vilka bärarna av idéerna är samt hur idéerna blir starka och uppnår legitimitet. Vidare avses att utreda vilka institutionella faktorer som kan förklara inställningen till införandet av internationella enhetliga redovisningsstandards för SMEs i olika länder.AvgränsningarUppsatsen avgränsas till att omfatta länder som tillhör den anglosaxiska och kontinentaleuropeiska redovisningstraditionen samt ingår i EU eller EEA.MetodSyftet besvaras genom att analysera hur IASB gått tillväga avseende SME-projektet samt genom att tolka de yttranden som inkommit till IASB avseende diskussionsunderlaget ?Preliminary Views on Accounting Standards for Small and Medium-sized Entities?.ResultatRedovisningsidéer sprids genom idébärare samt genom tolkningsprocessen där de även blir starka och vinner legitimitet.

Vägen till ett lyckat kvalitetsarbete med ISO 9001 : en studie av kritiska framgångsfaktorer för mindre företag ur ett globalt perspektiv

More than 90 % of all business activity in the world market consists of small and midsized companies today. Recent studies have shown that there has been an increase in small companies? certification to ISO's management standards. Smaller organizations tend to have more limited amounts of resources at their disposal than larger ones. This can result in difficulties during the implementation process of ISO 9001.

Den militära flygplatsräddningstjänstens taktik - En studie, analys och rekommendationer

This report describes the tactics used by the Swedish Air Force rescue services against crashed military aeroplanes and helicopters. The aim of the report is to study and analyze the tactics used by the different Air Force bases, standards, regulations and equipment. The report also discusses the different work environment problems and hazards around military ARFF. Much of the information gathered for the report comes from interviews with personnel working in and with the military rescue services. The overall conclusion is that the basic conditions for a good ARFF tactic are there, but a lot needs to be improved and optimized..

Identitetsskapande viamarknadsföring : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur frilansareväljer att marknadsföra sig själv samt sin karriärmed hjälp av sociala medier

There are those who currently use social networks as a marketing tool that creates the standards that exist. There is no given standard, there are no absolute facts that exist through all time. A constant change is happening and therefore forcing everyone involved to adapt and make the changes needed to be current. What is relevant to consider in this study are the different roles a freelancer creates on the various channels of social media. Based on the results of the interviews that have been conducted the informants create different identities at different forums they reside on.

E-handel i småföretag

E-commerce is a conception who many are taking about nowadays. E-commerce is associate with computer based business and it?s a new way to do business on. Users and system connect up to each other for effective mediate and transfer information. Within e-commerce there?s a lot of ways to do business on and it can for example be between a business and a another business (B2B) or between business and consumer (B2C).In this degree report have I reached if small business will invest on e-commerce and if they will, how.

Normalvetenskapen och dess förutsättningar : Två grader av relativism? - En jämförelse av Thomas Kuhns och Richard Rortys kunskapsteori.

All since Thomas Kuhn?s strongly influential The Structure of Scientific Revolutions the Philosophy of Science and ?even more so ?the Social Sciences have contained a greater amount of theories that could be described as more or less relativistic, meaning that the standards of justification or truth thereafter more often were said to be relative to language, culture, or biological makeup. One of the more elaborate ways of developing Thomas Kuhn?s theories in a more relativistic direction ismade by the philosopher Richard Rorty. Rorty, mainly a supporter of Thomas Kuhn, is also a philosopher who has been seen as a main exponent of a so called Postmodern philosophy.My intention in this thesis is to evaluate whether Kuhn's and Rorty's theories of science and knowledge could be regarded as relativism, in respects of their view of incommensurability, rational argumentation, and of their position vis-á-vis the more conventional picture of scientific knowledge and truth.

Att mötas på webben : Hur sociala medier påverkar B2B relationen

The purpose of this study is to investigate how social media can affect and influence the B2B-relationship. Social media is now a widespread and accepted tool for communication in many B2C-companies; therefore we find it interesting to examine how social media can find its place in the communication mix of B2B-companies. We are also aiming to distinguish standards in how social media is practiced and discussed in the context of the B2B-market. We have applied a qualitative method for this study and we have interviewed seven respondents, which are experts in social media or working with market communication at B2B-companies in Sweden. During our study we have identified several comparable attributes within the B2B market and their opinions about how social media should be approach and adopt in the communication mix of the company..

Hållbar utveckling: Hjärtefråga eller nödvändigt ont? ? Miljöarbete hossvenska SME-företag i konfektionsbranschen.

The aim of this thesis is to give an insight to how work is being pursued within Swedish SMEin the clothing industry. Furthermore we investigate how efforts can proceed withenvironmental questions in a quest for sustainable development and bring clarity in thedifficulties that occur. Through the use of company examples and a description of how theywork we wanted to give stakeholders knowledge in what resources and procedures that areused today on the market. The function of the report is moreover to provide Swedish smalland medium-sized clothing enterprises suggestions and directions of how to advance withinsustainable development.In our theoretical frame we have chosen to administer the theories that we found suitable forour study. Seen from a perspective of sustainability we have thus applied the theories ofstakeholder and legitimacy, an analysis model for a company?s actions in environmentalquestions and the theory of SME which describes a small or middle sized enterprise?s fivecompetitive variables.The empirical frame we acquired for this thesis is presented in three chapters.

När, hur och varför? : En studie om synen på stavning

Stavning handlar ej enbart om att stava rätt! Att lära sig stava kan vara en hjälp i en individs läs- och skrivutveckling. Genom att lära sig stava kan det bli lättare att lära sig läsa, samtidigt som läsningen kan bidra till att lära sig stava. Genom att skriva kan en elev lära sig stava bättre samtidigt som goda stavningskunskaper kan skapa en känsla av trygghet och säkerhet i skriftspråket som gör att han/hon vill skriva. Syftet med studien är att ta reda på när, hur och varför lärare arbetar med stavning i de tidiga skolåren och att skapa en överblick över olika synsätt på stavning samt hur dessa kan påverka undervisningen. Studien tar upp stavning ur olika perspektiv, från det teoretiska till det praktiska samt hur elever uppfattar stavning.

Vampyr och nagelbitare : En genre- och diskursanalys av barn- och ungdomsrysare och deras ämnesord

This master's thesis in Library and Information Science examines how the genre division of the horror fictionis constructed at the children and youth department of a library by studying subject headings of the titles.The aim is to examine what is included in the genre, in the two labelings called vampire and nail-biter/spine-chiller, what separates them, and what difference there is between children and youth thrillers/horror fiction. Also the cover designs and how readers portray these books are studied. The study is made in order to develop the knowledge of the genre to help librarians and borrowers. The great popularity of the genre among borrowers and people in general, and the importance of having knowledge of things that borrowers are interested in, are the motivation of performing the study. The method is a case study and conducted with and based on genre theory which shows how a genre is defined, how it can be divided and what conventions there are for the horror fiction in particular.

Energieffektivisering av Villor : Finns möjligheten till Passivhusstandard för befintliga bostäder

The climate change the earth today has to face is no longer a global problem when every individual has a responsibility to act. The residents in Sweden have no understanding how their energy consumption affects the environment, nor what measures can be taken to reduce the energy consumption.The use of the energy in new Buildings is considerably lower than in the older ones as conditions have improved and the requirements have been more stringent. As most of the buildings in the future have already been constructed it´s important to take every opportunity for energy efficiency and rebuilding of available buildings will become a significant act. Reconstruction of a building contributes generally to both a reduced individual and a reduced total energy use, while new constructions only keep a low individual energy use but a increase the total energy use. For this reason we present the opportunities for reconstruction, mainly to reach the standards for a passive house..

ISO 14063 : drivkrafter och mervärden för miljökommunikation

The enterprises of today are beginning to realize that environmental issues are a important part of their activity. Companies and organizations are expected to a greater extent communicate their environmental work to the world surrounding them in a trustworthy and structured way. Lack of information or information that is incorrect may bring farreaching consequences. Communication is mentioned in several of the ISO 14001-standards. But what is missing is a guideline how companies should act to create and be sure of the quality of the data that can be used in the environmental communication.

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