

1889 Uppsatser om Brick structure - Sida 54 av 126

Samlingen som verktyg : Personal Information Management  och konstna?rers personliga samlingar

The study set out to find how artists organize and use their personal collections from a Personal Information Management (PIM) perspective, and how that use affects their practice and their art production. A secondary object of the study was to articulate the ways that personal collections are utilized as tools by creative users.  The empirical data consisted of five qualitative, semi-structured interviews with Swedish and Norwegian sound artists. The constant comparative method was used for analysis, and Activity Theory was used as a theore- tical framework for the study. The study concluded that artists? personal collections, while diverse in content and structure, serve the same functions as tools in creative processes, and that attention to the uses of personal collections highlight needs that could be better met by integrated PIM-functionality.

Dysartribedömning på svenska av typiska talare över 65 år med finska som förstaspråk

The aim of this paper was to investigate how 40 typical speakerswith Finnish accent, aged 65-84 years, performed in speech assessmentthrough Dysartribedömningen, a Swedish dysarthria assessment instrument.Their results were compared with results of a matched Swedish nativespeaking reference group. Both groups were assessed in areas offunction/structure, prosody/intelligibility and through a survey oncommunication. Results indicated that the performances of the Finnishparticipant group were estimated as more deviant than the Swedish,considering all areas. The Finnish participants were deviant in articulationand they had a significantly lower speech rate in reading. They also hadsignificantly lower scores in intelligibility compared to the reference group.The results of the survey of communication showed that the Finnishparticipants estimated their levels of activity and participation to besignificantly more limited compared to the reference group.

Början på en dag som annars aldrig börjar : Om Fontänhusets betydelse för dess medlemmar

This study was made to examine what the Fountain house can do to help their members and how the members feel about their situation and their ability to participate in their rehabilitation. To do so we contacted one of the Fountain houses in Sweden, located in Falkenberg, to get a better view of what their members thought about the process. Our main purpose with this study was to turn the spotlight on what the Fountain house organization means to its members. To do so we had two main questions that we wanted to examine more closely:?How do the members experience the Fountain house organization? ? To which extend do the members feel that they are allowed to participate in their rehabilitation? ? How much influence do the members feel that they have? For this study we choose to use the qualitative method which included a lot of literature research, observations and interviews with members of the Fountain house organization.

"Kristus som Antikrist - den tanken torde, och borde, tänkas ut i sina konsekvenser." : En hermeneutisk tolkning av von Triers Antichrist

With a hermeneutical method using narratology this thesis is interpreting the auteure Lars von Trier´s discussed movie Antichrist. On one hand within the limits of the hermeneutic Paul Riceours analysis of structure is used to reconstruct the narrative of the film out of the different part of discourses that I have construed in my first reading to find out a deeper comprehension of the relation between the characters and their relations to the different discourses. On the other hand the discourses which extracts out of His and Hers actions and statements are related to the clues that I´ve found out from interviews with von Trier regarding Antichrist where he, among other things, touches upon philosophical work of Friedrich Nietzsche and his own disregard about protestantism and religion. All in all this first phase of interpretation is termed the different horizons which I finally interprete and coalesce with my subjects comprehension on a metadiegetic and meta-metadiegetic level. By this a ?fusion of horizons? in the sense of Hans-Georg Gadamer can take place, which directly leads into the big scene of Relevations.

Debatten om de oberoende biblioteken på Kuba 1998-2001. Tre biblioteksrelaterade organisationers syn på de kubanska biblioteken och intellektuell frihet.

During the late 1990s a movement with the intention of forming independent libraries emerged on Cuba. They were seen as an alternative to the public libraries which were supposed to be suffering from censorship by the Cuban government. The purpose of this thesis is to compile and bring structure in a debate regarding public libraries on Cuba and what have become known as independent libraries. In this thesis a textual analysis has been approached for examining articles, websites and reports concerning what attitudes and position the library support organizations Friends of Cuban Libraries FCL, Cuban Libraries Solidarity Group CLSG and IFLA/FAIFE have regarding the two different library types. These positions is throughout the survey connected with the concept of intellectual freedom.

Kön, klass och etnicitet inom integrationspolitiken : en idékritisk intersektionell analys av etableringsuppdraget

The integration policy in Sweden has received criticism for being disintegrating due to the structure of division between those that integrate and those who are to be integrated, a division between ?us? and ?them?. In 2010 the reform Act on introduction activities for certain newly arrived immigrants (2010:197), was carried out to facilitate the integration of newly arrived immigrants on the labor market. The purpose of this thesis is to study power and discrimination structures within the reform by applying an intersectional theoretical framework. Intersectionality is based on the notion that different forms of discrimination such as gender, ethnicity, class, sexual orientation etc.

Huset vid vägens slut : en studie om hussymbolik under bronsåldern i relation till gravar

During the Nordic Bronze Age, houses were not exclusively connected with profane contexts, but did also feature in burial places, a peculiar fact when considering the careful separation of settlements and graves. What kind of houses do we find in these sacred contexts? What did these houses stand for? Why was the house symbolism chosen to accompany the dead? And why did the house symbolism flourish during the Nordic Bronze Age? To answer these questions three representatives for the house symbolism in Sweden are discussed in more detail, such as the burial in longhouses, peculiar houses called cult houses and house urns. Further, the phenomenon has been put in its temporal, geographic, social and ideological context, where aspects such as trade and settlement structure are presented. The house symbolism is, however, not confined to northern Europe.

Projektarbete som läroform : En kvalitativ studie av en förskolas projektarbete

The purpose of the study was to examine how teachers and children interpreted the project and understood its values. To this end, it was necessary to focus on four defining parameters which affect the investigation: structure of pre-school project work, content and delivery, the methods used by teachers during the project, which pedagogical documentation was used (and how), and how the project determined the approach, the curriculum goals and values. Using a qualitative approach, regular unsystematic observations were made over five days, during which three teachers, two pedagogues, two pre-school teachers, and one nanny from the same kindergarten were interviewed regarding children in three age groups: 1-2 years old, 3 years old, and 4-5 years old. The results of my investigation showed that the teachers were divided on how to apply the project as a working method. Children's active role in the pre-school project varied depending on the extent to which teachers adopted children perspective in everyday practice.

Talang sökes! : En studie av två distriktsfotbollsförbunds talangidentifierings- och urvalsprocess till distriktslagen

The purpose of this bachelor essay was to analyze two Swedish district footballassociations and how the responsible coaches of the elite youth developmentteams identify and select talent. Key questions in the thesis were how thecoaches described their leadership and their own part in the team, how thecoaches identify talent, how they work with the selection process and theiropinions about the elite youth development team structure. The study wasbased on 7 semi-structured interviews. The interviews showed differencesbetween the district football associations but also many similarities in how theyselected the team during the talent identification process. All coaches wereinvolved in the selection process but the way they talked about developing eliteplayers varied.

Elevers uppfattningar av musikundervisning i skolan

AbstractWe´re surrounded by music in many different ways. Sometimes we choose the music ourselves and sometimes it?s just there. The purpose of my thesis is to illustrate the students apprehension and understanding of the teaching of music in school. Moreover, my own interest in this subject and its influence during my school years motivated me in researching my thesis.

Försörjningens paradox : En kvalitativ studie om statliga företrädares framställning av våld i nära relation

The aim of this study was to examine how state representatives prepared domestic violence, regarding the economic consequences of women exposed to violence. In order to achieve a profound and comprehensive view of the governmental keyfigures discussion we performed five interviews and studied selected governmental preparatory works between the years 1995-2015. We used theory on social construction as an approach and certain themes were more regular in our empirical material, which we compiled in three different discourses. According to our empirical material the economic situation of women exposed to violence is caused by inequality and gender power structure. The solution given by state representatives are referred to the municipality and social services.

V-modulen, en del av en hållbarhetsstrategi.

The state of our society is frequently changing. Due to various factors, the pressure of creating a changeable city is high and necessary to adequately supply the needs for its inhabitants. But making these changes and adapt to the fast shifting state of the city is not always physical possible. Young adults and students is a group that often seeks to move to intensely growing city regions. The reason for this is a more promising job market and more attractive educations, but coincidentally the shortage of housing is extremely high in these areas.

Ugnet - Provugnsstyrning med LabVIEW

This report contains a programming improvement work in a LabVIEW? fire testing furnace control system for SP Fire Technology in Borås. Here materials and products behaviour are tested and evaluated, being exposed to fire. For this task, UGNET is being used for control and surveillance of the testing furnace system. System hardware has been updated gradually through the years, while the software has been neglected.

Styrkortstillämpning i två kommunala förvaltningar : hur en lokal kommunal kontext påverkar och påverkas av en styrmodell

A variety of studies have been conducted on the use of the balanced scorecard in the public sector. Fewer studies, however, is made at a lower, more local level within municipal departments. The aim is to describe the scorecard application by two different departments, while scorecard adjustment over time and actors and their rules are addressed in this context. This has led us to the following problem: How can scorecard application be described in two different departments in a municipal context? In the theoretical framework we presented fundamental theories of balanced scorecard in different contexts, a scorecards translation process and the rules that guide and limit the actors in the organization.

LOCAL ADAPTATION IN EMERGING MARKETS ? in theory and reality. Study of the Swedish subsidiaries in China

Some MNEs encounter frustration or failures when they enter a new market. The main reason is due to a lack of adaptation. There is a lack of theoretical study about the local adaptation phenomenon of Swedish MNEs in China. Most studies are at the level of experience. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out the dimensions subject to local adaptation and their degree for the Swedish MNEs in China.

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