

1674 Uppsatser om Brand promotion - Sida 22 av 112

Femtio Nyanser av Co-branding - En kvantitativ studie om effekterna av co-branding på konsumenters varumärkes- och produktutvärdering beroende av kvalitetssegment och hedoniska shoppingmotivationer

The retailing industry has an extremely high density of brands. In order to differentiate its offer, both retailers and suppliers, are constantly forced to come up with new ways to launch their products. A collaborative strategy between two brands is called co-branding, which means that both the private label and the supplier's brand are displayed on the new product packaging. Several studies have shown that a co-branding strategy is successful, but many operators are still reluctant to use co-branding in fear of long-term losses due to potentially damaged business relations. The objective of this study is to explain how the product- and brand related value for customers, retailers and suppliers is affected by co-branding between private labels and national brands.

Varumärkesvärde ur två perspektiv : En gap-analys av försäkringsbranschen

Aim: The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze how insurance companies work to create value and confidence in their brands and then compare whether consumers perceive brands as companies seek.Method: The study is a gap analysis of both qualitative and quantitative in nature containing both interviews with insurance companies and a survey carried out on consumers. The study has been developed by analytical induction.Data: Consists of interviews with representatives from the insurance companies and survey responses from 99 consumers.Conclusion: From the study it can be concluded that the insurance industry is unique in its kind as a difficulty and complexity is obviously applicable to convey an overall impression to the consumer, which in turn will produce a brand value to the company. Creating a high brand value through good marketing where it maintained a good congruence between firms striving and consumer perception, is according to the scientists complicated because the lack of perceived quality affects the the big picture..

Varumärkesbyggande med starkt begränsade ekonomiska resurser : En studie av Världsbutiken Globalens möjligheter att bygga och kommunicera ett varumärke

Denna uppsats handlar om hur Världsbutiken Globalen kan gå till väga för att skapa ett starkt corporate brand, det vill säga ett organisatoriskt varumärke, vid etableringen av en klädbutik. Syftet är att undersöka hur en organisation kan gå till väga för att bygga ett corporate brand med begränsade resurser. Information om Världsbutiken som organisation och deras arbete kring rättvis handel har vi erhållit genom en intervju med Fredrik Pettersson på Globalen. För att finna framgångsfaktorer inom varumärkesbyggande har nyckelpersoner på mindre företag intervjuats. De empiriska resultaten har sedan analyserats utifrån marknadsföringsteorier om varumärkesbyggande.

Social Responsible Sponsorship - an Easy Way to a Stronger Brand? - A study of Consumer Based Brand Equity and Consumer Packaged Food

Syfte: Att identifiera de problem och/eller svårigheter som uppstått efter införandet av IAS 39 och dess krav på att finansiella instrument ska värderas till verkligt värde. Metod: Uppsatsen har genomförts med hjälpa av en induktiv metod. Primärdata har samlats in genom kvalitativa intervjuer. Sekundärdata består av facklitteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar. Teoretiska perspektiv: Teorin om det institutionella tänkandet har använts samt Streek & Schmitters modell.

Kriskommunikationsstrategi och varumärke : En fallstudie av svenska Röda Korset genom dialogisk analys

Title: Crisis communication strategy and brand ? A case study of Swedish Red Crossthrough dialog analysisAuthor: Anneli SaarelaPresented: 01.06.2010Purpose: The study addresses the subjects of crisis communication and organisational brand, in relation to stakeholders and brand reputation. The purpose of this essay is to study the dialog regarding the crisis of remunerations with the Swedish Red Cross and how the organisation responds to the criticism. An identification and analysis of the discourse regarding the brand are also included in the study. Part of the empirical material will also be used in relation to Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT).

Implementeringsarbete i den svenska grundskolan

The study has shown that retailers in the mid-price segment differentiate their brand through developing a strong company identity around the brand. The personality involves store atmosphere, merchandise and advertising. Larger companies have chosen to lay the responsibility on management level, which facilitates on store level. By controlling the strategies on a central level the company can make sure that the stores are steered in the direction that the company wants them to be steered in, and also that they follow the positioning-concept. The company can also devote its efforts to working with its core value, which is service.


ABSTRACTBackground: The incidence of type 2 diabetes is increasing worldwide. Early intervention in form of medication, advice on self-management and lifestyle changes is necessary to avoid complications. Few Swedish studies are made on the diabetes nurse?s views on promotion of self- management.Purpose: To examine the diabetes specialist nurse?s experience of promoting self-management to patients with type 2 diabetes in primary care.  Method: A qualitative explorative study where eight diabetes nurses were interviewed. The interview guide consisted of semistructed questions concerning the promotion of self-management.Results: The diabetes nurse?s role in promoting patient self-management is significant, if resources are available in the form of adequate time for the patient and good team work.

Produktutveckling genom märkesutvidgning- hur Abecita kan nå en yngre målgrupp

B-uppsatsens syfte är att analysera hur Abecita genom en märkesutvidgning kan utvecklas för att nå ett nytt segment som skall utgöras av den unga trendiga kvinnan. Litteratur kring redan existerande uppbyggnad av varumärkens identitet och image har studerats för att efter ovan nämnda riktlinjer kunna presentera den unga trendiga kvinnan hos Abecita. Sortimentanalyser och trendanalyser av material och snitt som skulle kunna användas i underkläder för att attrahera en mer ungdomlig målgrupp ligger också till grund för produktutvecklingen. Engelsk titel: Product development through brand extension- how Abecita can reach a younger target groupEngelska nyckelord: product development, brand extension, line extension, product segment, underwearSammanfattning på engelska: The essay aims to analyse how Abecita through a brand extension can be developed to reach into a new target market that will consist of the young trendy woman. In order to theoretically design a new market, literature on existing brand image and identity have been studied in order to find the young trendy woman at Abecita.

Varumärket inifrån och ut - En fallstudie på Saltå kvarn

I en alltmer globaliserad värld där utbudet av produkter ökar är det svårt att skapa ett starkt och hållbart varumärke på marknaden. Då det idag finns få verktyg och koncept inom intern varumärksuppbyggnad har jag valt att undersöka hur varumärket kan stärkas inifrån och ut. I studien har jag tittat närmare på begreppet Brand citizenship behaviour, ett område som är relativt nytt och bygger på den anställdes inverkan på varumärket. En explorativ fallstudie har genomförts för att undersöka vilka berättelser som återges i ämnet. Detta genom att ha intervjuat sju anställda på företaget Saltå kvarn.

Corporate storytellings påverkan på ett företags employee brand : En kvalitativ fallstudie av hur företag kan påverka anställdas engagemang

AbstractA useful tool for companies to use in their differentiation process is proposed to be employee branding. Employee branding is developed and put forth by the management with the main task to formulate the brands vision and values, and communicate them to the employees. To promote the employee engagement and their relationship with the company, corporate storytelling can be applied, with is an internal communication that strengthens the internal rumour and values that represent the brand. Since engagement and motivation is important factors when creating a strong employee brand, there is a need for further research on how corporate storytelling is used by companies to influence employee engagement and motivation, as corporate storytelling leads to deeper commitment among employees.PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to explore how companies use corporate storytelling to influence their employee branding.MethodologyThe authors conducted a qualitative case study on how the retail organization Boomerang. The empirical material was collected thru semi-structured interviews with Boomerangs management and employees.ConclusionThe conclusion shows that the employees prefers when corporate storytelling and various communication is put in context, this because it?s easier for the employees to understand.

Varning! Effekter av varningar i printreklam.: Effekter av varningar i printreklam

The purpose of warning labels used by governments is to decrease consumption. In Sweden, the mandatory warning labels are designed according to statutory guidelines, and not according to research on attention-grabbing graphic elements. This results in a belief that the attention toward the warning labels is poor. An extensive experiment underlies this study, which has the purpose of providing insights to the effects that warnings, warning design, and warning content has on attention, attitudes and behavior in print ads. The study shows that, even though the standard design and content has lost much of its potential to communicate the warning, it gains more attention compared to a warning label with new design and content.

Den sämsta målgruppen att lura? : En studie av unga nyhetskonsumenters attityder till native advertising

With the increased volume of commercial content online, some news sites have adopted so-called native advertising on their websites to convey marketing messages more discreetly. As an increased share of advertising budgets is spent on this form of advertising this essay aims to examine its news consumer?s attitudes towards the phenomenon. The research was carried out through a qualitative study where news consumers discussed their attitudes in two separate focus groups. This was analyzed with the help of the previous studies Advertisement - an uninvited guest? and Banner Blindness as well as theories including theory of science hermeneutics, reception analysis, convergence culture, brand schema, advertising schema and ad- brand attitude.The results show that in most cases native advertising is met with indifferent attitudes but in some cases also confusion, which could lead to negative attitudes towards the ad and the news site.

Hantering av brand equity inom telekombranschen : En studie om värdeskapande och synergieffekter hos företag med två varumärken

Den svenska telekommarknaden präglas av en oligopolsituation, där de fyra största företagen utgör 97,5 procent av marknaden, och den främsta konkurrensen sker om befintliga kunder. TeliaSonera är marknadens största företag och de saluför de två operatörerna Telia och Halebop, medan Tele2 är det näst största företaget och de saluför operatörerna Tele2 och Comviq. Inom den svenska telekombranschen har operatörerna förhållandevis liknande tjänsteerbjudanden och det är därför viktigt att skapa sig ett starkt varumärke som differentierar sig ur mängden samt bidrar till att skapa synergieffekter för företag som har två varumärken. Ett varumärke kan användas för att skapa värde för både konsumenten och företaget samt etablera en relation mellan dessa parter. Det värde som företaget skapar med varumärket benämns som brand equity, vilket kan ses ur ett kundvärdebaserat respektive finansiellt perspektiv.

Marknadsföring av elektroniska tidskrifter på svenska universitets- och högskolebibliotek

The transition from paper to electronic journals in induces a major change in academic libraries. The library must focus on customising the service to meet user needs in order to compete with other actors on the market. This situation entails the need for a marketing and management approach in library organisations. Linda Ashcroft has in previous research focused on marketing of electronic journals. She has stated the importance of simplifying the user environment of electronic journals and the importance of regaining control over electronic journals from publishers and vendors.

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