

1631 Uppsatser om Brand origin - Sida 8 av 109

Co-creational Effects: En studie i betydelsen av varumärkets styrka

Consumer involvement in the product development process, co-creation, is being practiced by numerous companies. Previous research has investigated how consumer participation in co-creation affects consumer attitude. However, little is known about how co-creation affects the attitudes of the observervers of co-creation. The effect of observed co-creation on consumer attitude should be important when deciding whether to apply co-creation or not, as the observing consumers make up a larger part of the consumer collective than the participating consumers do. The paper at hand aims to investigate how observed co-creation affects consumer attitude and purchase intentions.

Ompositioneringens dolda hot : Riskerna med varumärkesompositioneringar

The purpose with this essay is to study how companies use the repositioning process and identify the risks involved from a business perspective. We have chosen to base our essay on the following research questions:What reasons are there for a company to initiate a repositioning?, What does it mean for companies to implement a repositioning?, What are the risks with a repositioning?We have used a qualitative research method and have chosen to interview six respondents which in various ways are actively working with brand repositioning. Our study has been implemented with and deductive character.The most important conclusion that we observed after implementing our study is that repositioning is a high-risk project. Instead of changing their entire brand image, companies should instead make small changes and revitalize the brand by developing the strength that already exist.

Varumärkning inom B2B : En kvalitativ studie om möjligheter och risker med etisk ingrediensvarumärkning

Branding is becoming increasingly important to companies within the B2B-sector and they put a lot of effort and capital to develop and strengthen their brands. One way of working with brands is through ingredient branding. An ingredient brand is an alliance between two brands where the ingredient brand is applied on a host brand and works as an ingredient on the product. The purpose of ingredient branding is to create competiveness, differentiation and to create quality associations. Ingredient brands can be divided into emotional and functional categories.

Country of Origin som marknadsföringsinstrument

Titel: Country of Origin som marknadsföringsinstrument- Om betydelsen av ursprungsland vid marknadsföring i ett internationellt perspektiv Problem: Vilken betydelse har ursprungsland (COO) för konsumentens köppreferenser? Går det att upptäcka skillnader i COO-begreppets betydelse för produkter med hög respektive låg upplevd risk? Syfte: Att kartlägga och förstå fenomenet ursprungsland/Country of Origin vid marknadsföring i ett internationellt perspektiv Metod: Genomgång och översikt av för kunskapsområdet relevant aktuell litteratur. Kvantitativ undersökning av betydelsen av COO för svenska konsumenters köppreferenser vid hög respektive låg upplevd risk. Slutsatser: COO är en av flera faktorer som medverkar till att påverka konsumentens köpbeslut. Betydelsen av COO som determinant i köpbeslutsprocessen ska inte överskattas, men går heller inte att avfärda.

True Passion : En studie om varumärket Kosta Bodas profil och image

The purpose of this essay is to increase the understanding of how the management´s core values reflect the brand´s profile and image. To be able to fulfill that purpose, we used three problem statements that questioned how consumers, retailers and the employees of the company Kosta Boda perceived the brand. To accomplish this, we used a qualitative method. We started collecting theories about the topics: brand, image and profile that gave us a good foundation to build our qualitative interviews on and to increase the understanding for the topics. To collect imperical data, we interviewed consumers, retailers and employees at Kosta Boda both by email, phone and face-to-face interviews.

Produktplacering i videospel och dess påverkan på spelarnas attityd, återkallelse samt uppmärksamhet gentemot varumärken.

The gaming market is growing and the number of people, men and women, who play computer games, is also increasing every day. In addition, computer games are also interactive media which leads to the fact that product placement in computer games attracts and is used more frequently by marketers. It is therefore important for marketers and game developers to understand how product placement in computer games affects players' attention and attitude towards the brand or product that is product placed. We therefore examine how product placement in computer games affects players' recall of and attitude towards the brand. The aim is to help companies and game developers to see the effect of product placement in computer games on players and thus product place more efficiently.

Service branding : en studie av vad som präglar varumärken inom tjänsteföretag

Service branding is a subject that has been excluded from the traditional branding theory. Our main purpose with this paper is to distinguish what characterizes service branding. To do this, we have looked in to both service marketing theory as well as branding theory. We have also looked at the existing theory concerning service branding. Six qualitative interviews have been performed to explain what characterizes service branding.

Varumärket Sverige : En medveten variabel i företagets varumärkesstrategi? En jämförande studie av två svenska företag.

In these days of globalization, with a higher level of openness and interaction over geographical, cultural and economical borders, the importance of the company?s intangible asset, its brand, is gaining importance as a differentiating factor. Building a strong brand and the emphasis on strategic brand management is something that before was given less attention in firms but today we can see a general increase in awareness and relative emphasis in the strategic work of companies.Countries as brands: Is it possible to consider a nation or a country as a brand the same way you consider a product? Well, looking in to the subject it seems to be a rather complex matter and there are many questions to be asked and answer. Nations around the globe are indeed marketing and positioning themselves for several purposes.

Varumärkesvård i tider av kris : En fallstudie om återhämtning till följd av ett produktfel

This study is about how a swedish brand within the food industry that experiences a crisis following a product failure. It focuses on three areas following the crisis and these are crisis management, recovery strategies and brand management. This study seeks to explain how these areas interact in relation to massive exposure to mass media and how they interact restore the brand's potential loss of reputation. This study was conducted as a case study with a deductive and qualitative approach. The data gathered to this study was mainly based on newspaper articles and complemented with semi-structured interviews with twelve local retailers of the brand..

Varumärkesuppbyggnad och Marknadskommunikation i Svenska Fotbollsklubbar : En fallstudie på BK Forward & KIF Örebro

Background                      European football has during the past decades seen a fast development towards a more professionalized and commercialized climate. This had led to the fact that a lot of clubs are run like any other company, and the focus on marketing and market shares has increased. To be able to create a strong brand clubs have to put a lot of work into marketing, not only of their own brand, but of their sponsors and partners as well.Purpose                              The purpose of this study is to (in step 1) analyze how two smaller Swedish football clubs build their brand and work with their marketing communication. In step 2, the purpose is to create a model of how these clubs may work to develop their brand and marketing communication.Method                              With a qualitative approach, the authors of this paper have analyzed text and documents as well as performed two in-depth interviews.Findings                             Both clubs lack a well-developed strategy regarding their work with their brand and marketing communication. However, there are in both cases factors that, if developed correctly, could help build a stronger brand and better the marketing communication.

Employer Branding : Medias påverkan på Vattenfalls arbetsgivarvarumärke

Title:Employer Branding ? Medias Influence on Vattenfall?s Employer Brand (Employer Branding ? Medias påverkan på Vattenfalls arbetsgivarvarumärke) Purpose/Aim:The aim of this study is to examine how a negative media image influences the Employer Brand of the Swedish company Vattenfall. First of all I will examine if Vattenfall have a strong Employer Brand and then if the media image have any influence over the Employer Brand. My hypothesis is that Vattenfall?s Corporate Culture is a big part of the Employer Brand and because of that negative media images has no power to influence on Vattenfall?s Employer Brand.

Syns man inte, finns man inte: En kvantitativ studie om PR och reklams relativa effektivitet

When working with market communications it is important that ones brand is noticed and remembered, for which the marketer has many tools at hand. This study compares the communicative effects of PR and paid advertisement on consumers, in response to the underlying purpose to provide a theoretical framework for better understanding the relative effects of the two tools. In the struggle for consumers? attention we find ads to be a tool to achieve wider brand knowledge, whilst PR is rewarded more extensive elaboration once noticed. The study also affirms the causal link between communication credibility, attitude toward the communication and brand attitude.

Målgruppens betydelse för feedbackeffekten: En studie om hur en riktad varumärkesutvidgning påverkar feedbackeffekten i ett EMVs olika målgrupper

THE ROLE OF TARGET GROUPS IN FEEDBACK EFFECTSBrand extension is one of the most commonly used brand strategies since it reduces some of the risks involved in introducing a completely new brand. There are, however, several challenges associated with brand extensions. One of these challenges is the impact of a new brand extension on the parent brand image, which is known as feedback effect. Feedback effects are the changes in parent brand associations that are caused by a new brand extension, these effects can be both negative and positive. Several previous studies have investigated feedback effects and the antecedents of these effects.

ATT VARA ELLER ICKE VARA? - En studie om effekter av kongruensnivå mellan personalklädsel och varumärket

Many companies have a specific dress code in the workplace. In some companies, the code is not very extensive, while other companies have uniform requirements. What is little understood however, is what effect different staff clothing might have on consumer response in terms of satisfaction, purchase intent, attitude, interest and so on. Some limited research has shown how different levels of congruence between individuals in their marketing, and the brand they are representing, can affect customers. To avoid any wrong focus in marketing it is key to understand the knowledge gap on the potential impact the personnel in the store have on its customers.

Sveriges Florida : Borgholms kommuns interna varumärkesarbete

In the field of municipal services there are a wide range of aspects a small community must consider, especially considering that the circumstances in which a municipality operate continuously are changing. The changes include, for example, migration, individual lifestyles, the political governance and environment. Especially the latter might have a big impact on a town based on tourism such as Borgholm. We particularly have taken an interest for how this might affect the internal branding and internal brand communication of Borgholm municipality.Through our research we have found that Borgholm municipality in no particular extent is working with living the brand or any similar concepts. Also, we have found that the success of the internal branding of the organization in a great extent depend on the individuals of the different branches of the municipality?s work rather than on a coherent communication structure which reaches the whole organization..

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