

1631 Uppsatser om Brand origin - Sida 60 av 109

Det sa bara klick! : En kvantitativ studie om varumärkeslojaliteten bland Canons och Nikons hobbyfotografer

Bakgrund: Fotografering är på tapeten mer än någonsin. Försäljningen av systemkameror slår nya rekord för varje år och här Canon och Nikon de världsledande kameramärkena. Många av deras respektive kunder anses vara mycket lojala gentemot varumärket och kan inte tänka sig att byta till det konkurrerande kameramärket. Hängivenheten kan dock tyckas märklig då de två fotogiganterna inte skiljer sig nämnvärt från varandra i sina produktutbud.Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva eventuella lojalitetsskillnader mellan Canons och Nikons hobbyfotografer i Sverige. Vi vill vidare reda ut varför dessa skillnader eller icke-skillnader finns då kameramärkenas produkter knappt skiljer sig åt.Avgränsningar: Studien utförs främst utifrån ett konsumentperspektiv ? producenternas perspektiv har således inte behandlats.

Konstruktionen av en diversifierad normalitet : En studie av hur det interkulturella perspektivet kan yttra sig i några förskolepedagogers didaktiska överväganden och praktik.

The aim of the present study is to describe and analyse how an inter-cultural perspective presents itself in the didactic considerations and in the practice of preschool teachers on a multiethnic preschool.The theoretical perspective upon which the study is founded is social constructivism, but in addition to this Ingegerd Municio?s idea of two existing discourses present within the institutions in the Swedish educational system, as well as René León?s concept of a diversified normality, has been used as theoretical tools and points of departure.The empirical investigation consists of a qualitative field study at a multi-ethnic preschool, where participating observation and group interviews have been used to collect data. In these teachers from the preschool have participated.The results and the analysis of the data show that an inter-cultural perspective surfaces in the didactic considerations and in the practice of the preschool teachers in their construction of a diversified normality. The diversified normality thus constructed is constituted through different social processes. I have here identified the following ones: the preschool teachers emphasize differences among the children in general, they allow that the children behave differently and they allow them to be different; they recognize ?cultural? differences, differences in origin, and frames of reference, and they recognize that the children at the preschool are bilingual..

Brand i kabelkulvert: En analys av dimensionerande bränder i en kabelkulvert

Vid Akzo Nobel Sundsvall finns en kabelkulvert där en mängd kablar leds. Det sker ingen tillsyn av kulverten och någon konsekvensanalys av brand finns ej. Elektricitet matas genom kulverten till bland annat AGA-gas. Gjorda genomföringar ifrån kulverten till andra utrymmen finns ej dokumenterad och risken för spridning av brand och brandgaser till andra utrymmen finns. Syftet med rapporten är att göra en konsekvensanalys av en brand i kulverten samt utföra beräkningar på olika brandscenarion i kulverten.

En nation av emigranter: En studie över den salvadoranska statens förhållande till sin emigrerande befolkning samt konsekvenserna för deras medborgarskap.

Around the world governments reach out to their emigrant population, embracingthem as part of the nation, expecting their economic contribution. The aim of thisthesis is to examine the political strategy and governmental activities of ElSalvador with the purpose to include emigrants in the nation building project. Themain question is what consequences this has for the significance of citizenship.This case study is based on the theoretical framework of external citizenshipwhich is a new fenomena emanating from states growing interest of theirexpanding diaspora. It divides external citizenship in two parts; a legal dimensionand a practiced identity.I find that as the economic potential of salvadoreans abroad increase, theSalvadorean government makes institutional changes to tie emigrants to thenationstate. This results in the possibility for salvadoreans to remain citizens intheir country of origin, practicing their salvadorean identity at the same time asthey naturalize abroad.

Lövsuccessioner i sluttningar längs nedre Umeälven :

Secondary deciduous forests, which have their origin in earlier pasture- and meadow-land in slopes along the lower reaches of the Ume river, are thought to contain high nature conservation values, in spite of a relatively low age. The aim of this study was to clarify how factors as historical use, exposition, disturbance dynamics and successional age influences the conservation values in these types of riparian forests and how this can be implicated in the practical work with conservation and management at Umeå municipality. Sample plots were placed in seven stands with a variation of their historical use, exposition, disturbance dynamics and age of succession. Conservation values as structure, tree-regeneration, abundance and composition of vascular plants, amount of dead wood and the abundance of signal-species were measured and registered. The species composition and especially the composition of tree species, differed between forests with different exposition and different historical use.

Tvärvetenskaplig undersökning av textil Broderiet från Tämta kyrka

There are several objects of age whose provenance and history has disappeared with time. The purpose of this thesis is to find out which analyzing methods that gives results and how the different methods can be combined and /or established in each other. The investigations centers around an embroidery, belonging to Tämta church, with unknown origin, use and age. The embroidery is long and narrow with applications in the form of dragons and eagles on a ground of velvet cloth. The dragons and eagles are covered with metal threads.

Resurser för närstående på Sveriges intensivvårdsavdelningar - En kartläggning

In the care for the critically ill patient the next of kin is of great importance. Their support, love and care for the patient, increases the wellbeing and makes a connection to the patient?s normal lifeworld. For the next of kin to be able to be that support the next of kin needs to be helped to maintain the basic need of for example their sleep, food, hygiene and psychosocial support. The critical care nurse must see to the patient?s whole lifeworld which includes their next of kin.The aim of the study was to identify the resources available for the next of kin in intensive care units in Sweden.

Brand i höga byggnader med glasfasad

Dagens moderna samhälle strävar efter att bygga högre och alltmer komplexa byggnader. Denna trend är relativt ny i Sverige, och det är med flaggskepp som Kista Science Tower i Stockholm och Turning Torso i Malmö som bristen på krav i byggnadsreglerna har upptäckts. I Sverige är det idag Boverkets Byggregler (BBR) som reglerar vilka regler och krav som ställs på brandskyddets dimensionering och utformning. Ett gemensamt regelverk, Eurokod, för medlemsländerna i den Europeiska Unionen har blivit introducerat, och övergången från BBR till Eurokod kommer ske under 2010/2011. På grund av detta har denna rapport kombinerat aktuella föreskrifter, allmänna råd och rekommendationer ur BBR med olika beräkningsmodeller som presenteras i Eurokoden.

Arbetsgivarvarumärken - En studie av Lindahl Advokatbyrå

In sectors with high skill requirements, recruiting is a core part of a company's development. Initially, the companies attract talented employees by creating an interest in the organization. Further, the challenge remains to match potential workers expectations with the company?s requirements and conditions. This is crucial since an unsuccessful recruitment involves high costs.

Evenemang : -ett vinnande koncept för regional utveckling?

Event is a phenomenon that lately has become more common, especially within the tourism industry. This essay is a study within human geography and with focus on the meaning and the design of events. The purpose with this essay is to examine and describe the concept of event and to show how events can influence a region. Falkenberg is situated in the county of Halland by the west coast and the sea and because of that a natural tourist destination. The city is a known seaside resort since the end of the nineteenth century.

Breast cancer stem cells : evidence and contradictory views

This literature study aims to examine the existence of cancer stem cells in breast cancer. The cancer stem cell theory states that there is a hierarchical organization within a tumour, in which a small subpopulation of the cells can initiate new tumours and maintain tumour growth whilst the bulk of the tumour cannot. These tumour initiating cells have shown to possess many characteristics similar to those of adult stem cells, which is why they are often referred to as cancer stem cells. Both cell types have the capacity of asymmetric division and have shown to possess mechanisms of resistance to both apoptosis and cancer drugs. The cancer stem cell theory elucidates many biological aspects such as the heterogeneity of tumours and the relapse of many cancers after what appeared to be successful treatments.

Måste det vara så komplicerat? : En undersökning av attityder till klarspråk

The purpose of this essay is to examine what literary heritage teachers communicate in the school subject Swedish at upper secondary school. The overall research question for this work is: Which authors and/or works are mentioned by the teachers in the school subject Swedish at upper secondary school? How well do these authors and/or works answer towards a multicultural perspective? Which factors affect teachers´ selections of texts? Based on this purpose and these research questions, the aim is to answer the didactic question of what.To accomplish the purpose of the study a quantitative method has been used. The survey was conducted in two medium-sized cities in central Sweden, and was answered by 17 teachers. The study shows that the teachers ascribe the Western and Swedish literature great importance.

Medierelaterad krishantering inom livsmedelsbranschen

Vår avsikt med uppsatsen är att beskriva och analysera medias larmrapporters inverkan på livsmedelsprodukternas nuvarande situation och framtid. Vi undersöker varför vissa företag lyckas bättre respektive misslyckas med sin krishantering utifrån hur de bemöter larmen.Vi har utgått från teorin Crisis Management, där vi har funnit en applicerbar modell på vårt syfte, Crisis Response System, som kompletteras med sårbarhetsmodellen A Simple model of Crisis Susceptibility. Dessa modeller behandlar den interna krishanteringen. För att externt kunna bemöta larmrapporter har vi valt att tillämpa PR-modellen Communication Strategies for Responding to a Crisis där paralleller dras till delar ur ryktes- och trovärdighetsmodellen Brand-Building Blocks..

Design genom storytelling

Vår övertygelse är att en av de viktigaste budbärarna för ett företags identitet är produkterna och att ett långsiktigt varumärkesbyggande sker genom att knyta emotionella band mellan konsumenterna och varumärket. Detta handlar främst om vad konsumenten upplever när produkterna används.Vår målsättning var att bättre kunna förstå helheten runt användarupplevelsen och branding och därigenom skapa bättre verktyg för detta i vår designprocess. Målet var att komma fram till slutsatser kring hur vi som designer kan angripa dessa frågor på ett kreativt sätt.En stor del av vårt arbete har behandlat området branding i förhållande till design, men vi har även berört vissa områden som psykologi, innovation samt kreativa arbetsprocesser..

Lågkonjunkturens påverkan på den svenska konsumentmarknadsföringen

The purpose of this essay is to analyze and understand the effects that a recession can have on a company?s marketing department. In times of a recession most companies have less means to promote their products to their target market and to build their brand. This means that cutting the marketing budget will show some effects on today?s way of marketing.

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