

1631 Uppsatser om Brand origin - Sida 25 av 109

Men om skiten är fin då -En studie om estetikens inverkan på inkongruensens effekter inom marknadsföring

Established brands often market themselves in the same way as they've always done. There are two main reasons for this, it has worked before and general marketing strategies tells them to do so. However, a fairly new branch of marketing research have found that incongruent marketing may be a better way for an established brand to communicate to their target groups. This thesis is all about incongruency. Previous research in the area of incongruency have never dealt with aesthetics of the incongruent ads.

Utbildningsnämndens arkiv : En del av det moderna samhället som har gått till historien

This essay is based on the work of arranging and making an inventory for an archive consisting of records from the Board of Education (Utbildningsnämnden) within the administration of the County Council in Uppsala, Sweden. This archive is kept at the County Councils Archives in Uppsala where I have done the work. I have documented the process and discussed the complex of problems relating to it. In this particular case the issue of limitation of the office of origin and the respect of the fonds, or the principle of provenance, have been of interest. This is due to the fact that the records had been rearranged and mixed with records with other origin related to the Board of Education.

Branding in Trade Unions - case of Unionen

Trade Unions are finding it increasingly challenging to appeal to employees and all trade unions alike are encountering new challenges to attract and retain members. Additionally a more diversified and educated labor market is creating demands for trade unions to better meet individual needs. The purpose of this study was to explore and analyze the role of branding in Unionen, the largest white-collar trade union in Sweden, and how branding efforts help in attracting and retaining trade union members. The theoretical foundation of this thesis is based on theories related to corporate branding and relationship marketing. Furthermore, the study develops and introduces the concept of member branding in the context of trade unions.

Varumärkeshantering vid företagsförvärv i designbranschen

Background: The design industry is relatively immature in Sweden but large on the international market, where companies have used services from industrial design firms for a long time. Companies incresignly realise that design is an efficient mean to gain competitive advantages on the market. Several design companies fancy growth and to receive a wider market share to expand on the international market. One of them is Design Communicaton who has made a couple of acquisitions, to receive wider comptences and to cover different segments. That has lead to an increased brand portfolio with different subbrands, which can be complicated to handle efficiently in the internal and external communication.

The Relationship between Internationalization and Firm Performance

Title: The Relationship between Internationalization and Firm Performance Seminar date: 5 June, 2008 Course: Masters thesis in Business Administration, Programme for Managing People, Knowledge and Change, 15 University Credit Points (15 ECTS). Authors: Cheng Hsun Chiang and Márton Pap Advisor: Dan Kärreman Key words: Internationalization, Performance, Multinationality, Degree of Internationalization (DOI), Country of Origin Purpose: To illuminate various crucial aspects of internationalization by systematically contrasting the different models of the multinationality-performance relationship and searching for underlying reasons. Methodology: Meta-analysis on previous theoretical and empirical research. Our emphasis in this paper has been put on the qualitative aspects of the previous research unlike many other conventional meta-analyses that focus on the comparison of the empirical data. Theoretical perspectives: Five main models have been developed by earlier studies to describe the relationship between internationalization and performance: positive linear, no or ambiguous relation, inverted U-shaped, standard U-shaped and S-shaped curve.

AVELUTION - När framtidsutveckling blir affärsutveckling. Affärsutveckling baserat på de nyttor ett varumärke genererar

Business development is to bring forth the entirecompany and through effective, market renewalprocesses to create sustainable profitability.1 This mightbe difficult, especially for smaller companies who lackthe experience and also tools to make correct forecast.2The purpose of my thesis is to investigate andexplain how a small business can remain flexible andcreate products in new markets by making the brandappealing and credible.In my thesis I have investigated how a company canextract benefit from its brand and identify the benefitswhich are the most unattended in a new market. Bydoing so, the company can systematically developconcepts for new business opportunities. I hopethat my thesis may provide tools and ease businessdevelopment process for smaller businesses.The purpous of my thesis I have studied theories ofbusiness development, brand and brand extension. Inthese theories I have used existing methods and I havecreated my own methods of business development.Through this thesis I have worked with AvelutionAB (a small that produce products for recoveryand comfort). I tested the theory and methods withAvelution which has resulted in a business developmentstrategy as well as two concepts that show howAvelution in the future might develop its business basedon the benefits Avelution and its products create..

Att förmedla identitet i alla led : En studie i hur konsumenten uppfattar varumärkesidentitet i det nya medielandskapet

Title Communicating identity at every level - a study of how consumers perceive the brand identity in the new media landscape.Background The new media landscape has created new opportunities for companies to interact and communicate with the market. Even if this means increased opportunities for relationship-building between companies and consumers it also arise a risk in moving into a new stadium with no real strategy. It is therefore essential to communicate the brand as great as possible in every level of channel.Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether two companies (GANT & H&M) have succeeded in their stated brand identity through the various online platforms: website and facebook page.Method The study is a qualitative study consisting of four focus groups on students at Uppsala university at Ekonomikum.Results The results show that it is possible to convey the identity at every level and on different platforms on the closing of sufficient time and effort. H & M has integrated much of the material on the facebook pages section in a stylistic way which gathers more appreciation then GANT, which according to the informants did not seem to have spend much time at all. .

Västerviks stadsbiblioteks utveckling och dess föregångare 1859-1945

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to describe and analyse the origin and development of the municipal library of Västervik. There have been four previous libraries and our examination starts in 1859 with the foundation of a parish library. The other forerunners were a working-class movement library and two libraries in the International Orders of Good Templars. Before the merger of the libraries there were discussions in the municipal council, among the working-class movement and in the IOGT.

Immunhistokemisk undersökning av paraffinbäddade celler från pleuravätska som kompletterande underlag för diagnos av cancermetastaser

Background. Immunohistochemistry is a useful method in the differential diagnosis between pleural mesotheliomas and metastatic adenocarcinomas in the pleura. Cytokeratin 20 and 7 have been used successfully as markers in studies determining primary location of adenocarcinomas from metastases. The current study is a complementary research of archived paraffininbedded material of cases with cancer origin. This study contributes a bigger statistical material that may facilitate the search for unknown primary site of adenocarcinoma by identification of metastatic cells in the pleura.Methods.

Producenternas möjligheter att kommunicera sitt varumärke

The purpose of this essay is to analyze and understand how producerbrands are able to communicate their brand through today's marketing channels, also how development and changes that occur in the society can affect the producers communication abilities. We have seen a tendency that many retailers have created their own brands that are competing with the producers, this leads to the fact that producers in some cases are having trouble communicating their brand to the end-consumer. The fact that the producers marketing through retailers now is more limited than before, the producers now have to capture the consumers wants and needs through other channels.This essay is based on a qualitative method involving seven interviews. The persons that we've chosen to interview are carefully selected based on their specific knowledge about the subject in question..

Homestyling: Hur marknadsförs tjänsten och i hur stor utsträckning används den? : En jämförande studie mellan Karlstad och Stockholm

The study has shown that retailers in the mid-price segment differentiate their brand through developing a strong company identity around the brand. The personality involves store atmosphere, merchandise and advertising. Larger companies have chosen to lay the responsibility on management level, which facilitates on store level. By controlling the strategies on a central level the company can make sure that the stores are steered in the direction that the company wants them to be steered in, and also that they follow the positioning-concept. The company can also devote its efforts to working with its core value, which is service.

Kvinnor utan klass? : en feministisk studie av kvinnor som klassresenärer

This essay is an in-depth, qualitative study concerned with questions about female ?class-travellers?. A class-traveller is a person who is born and raised in a particular social class but changes his/her social belonging through studies, marriage etc. In this study I have interviewed three female class-travellers, all of which have made their ?journey? through studies at the University of Lund.The study is an attempt to enrich the research-field of class-travelling by applying a feminist perspective, and by making women's voices about class-travelling heard.

Varumärkesidentitet för traineeprogram Academy

Varumärkesidentitet för traineeprogram AcademyI denna studie redogörs för hur ett varumärke är direkt kopplad till sina värdegrunder. Rapporten besvarar hur värdegrunder i en organisation skapas av företagets personal i form av ord som kopplas till företagets varumärke. Metodiken i denna studie har pendlat mellan intervjuer och workshopar. Studiens resultat visar att företagets personal och praktikanter kom tillsammans till tre ord som processats till Academys värdegrunder. Dessa ord är: gemenskap, utveckling och skaparglädje..

Rätt ordning på liv och lära? : En undersökning av stiftens tillsynsansvar inom Svenska kyrkan utifrån domkapitlens disciplinåtgärder mot präster och diakoner år 2006-2009

The study has shown that retailers in the mid-price segment differentiate their brand through developing a strong company identity around the brand. The personality involves store atmosphere, merchandise and advertising. Larger companies have chosen to lay the responsibility on management level, which facilitates on store level. By controlling the strategies on a central level the company can make sure that the stores are steered in the direction that the company wants them to be steered in, and also that they follow the positioning-concept. The company can also devote its efforts to working with its core value, which is service.

Lever varumärket hos anställda? : En kvalitativ fallstudie om Living the Brand i Friskis&Svettis och MQ ?

Titel: Lever varumärket hos anställda? ? En kvalitativ fallstudie om Living the Brand i Friskis&Svettis och MQFörfattare: Carlsson, Sofia och Nilsson, SannaHandledare: Lars PalmExaminator: Ulrika SjöbergUtbildningssäte: Högskolan HalmstadSektion: Hälsa och Samhälle (HOS)Kurs: Medie- och Kommunikationsvetenskap 61-90 hpDelkurs: C-uppsats, 15 hpSpråk: SvenskaÅr: 2010Syfte: Studera Living the Brand:s påverkan på Friskis&Svettis och MQ:s anställda som i sitt dagliga arbete möter kundenTeori: Service management, varumärke, the VCI Alignment Model, kommunikation, Living the Brand, Maslows behovstrappa, engagemangMetod: Kvalitativ intervju och kvalitativ observation utförda lokalt hos respektive organisationResultat: Living The Brand fungerar i organisationerna och de kommunicerar båda kontinuerligt ut vision och kärnvärden till sina anställda för att varumärket ska bli starkt.Nyckelord: Living the Brand, varumärke, internkommunikation, organisationskultur, organisationsidentitet Det blir allt viktigare för organisationer att stärka sitt varumärke. En strategi för att göra det är att använda sig av Living the Brand som syftar till att få personalen att agera efter organisationens vision, mission och kärnvärden. Denna studie har undersökt två serviceföretag, Friskis&Svettis och MQ för att se hur de arbetar med Living the Brand och hur denna strategi påverkar deras medarbetare som möter kunden i sitt dagliga arbete. Nedan följer vår frågeställning: Hur används strategin Living the Brand i Friskis&Svettis och MQ?- Hur kommuniceras vision, mission och kärnvärden?-  På vilket sätt påverkar kulturen inom organisationen Living the Brand? -  Vad har anställdas identitetsskapande för betydelse för att strategin ska fungera? Studien använder sig främst av kvalitativa intervjuer kompletterade med observationer då vi besökte en förening respektive butik från de två organisationerna.

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