4601 Uppsatser om Brain science - Sida 53 av 307
Certifikatframställaren inom ramen för informationssäkerhet
Allt eftersom kommunikations- och informationstekniken utvecklas, blir det vanligare att människor integrera med varandra på elektronisk väg. Information skickas och det har uppstått ett behov av att kunna säkra att den person som integrationen sker med också är den som han eller hon utger sig för att vara och att de uppgifter som skickats inte blivit förändrade på något sätt, samt att inga obehöriga tar del utav den. De traditionella metoderna att säkerställa ett dokuments innehåll och avsändarens identitet, där underskriften haft en central betydelse, har kommit att appliceras på den moderna tekniken. Rättsliga aspekter har diskuterats och för att hålla takt med den snabba tekniska utvecklingen och för att överbrygga landsgränserna inom EU, har det uppstått regleringar på området i syfte att skapa en ökad säkerhet när det gäller elektroniska överförda dokument och de underskrifter som kan finnas på dessa. För att kunna skapa en säkerhet för den överförda informationen och en tillit för den som ska förlita sig på dokumentets innehåll, finns det i lag (2000:832) om kvalificerad elektronisk signatur regleringar som avser åtagandet gällande en tredje man, en s.k.
Det digitala folkbiblioteket : vision och verklighet
Today, "the digital library" is the common way of describing a managed collection of information, with associated services, stored in digital formats and accessible over a network. Digital libraries have mainly been developed at research libraries, but during the last few years public libraries have started to offer similar services.The aim of this Master's thesis is to study how the Swedish public libraries plan to develop their digital libraries according to their mission statements, and in what way they have implemented them at their web sites. 21 public libraries, the largest in each Swedish county, were investigated.The library mission statements are investigated to find out in what terms the digital libraries are described and to what extent. The library websites are examined with respect to what kind of digital services are offered, to what extent they supplement or replace the physical library, and if there are new digital services not found in the physical library.In most mission statements the digital library is referred to in sweeping terms like "IT activities" and "new media". However, a few of the libraries clearly regard the digital library as an important part of the future operations, speaking of it in well defined and extensive terms.The public library websites are relatively homogeneous when it comes to services supplementing physical library activities, like web access to the library catalogue and links to other library catalogues.
Livspusslet. En studie om stress och hälsa hos vårdpersonal
To increase the understanding of how individuals total life situation affects their stress level and health has lately more frequently been discussed in different contexts. Furthermore, it is important to have knowledge of power structures that exist under given circumstances in a society to get an increased understanding of how to structure the health promoting work to get the highest possible benefits. People?s work life is essential to their health, since we spend a lot of time at work. The aim of this study was to find out which factors that relate to nursing staff?s health and stress level from a general perspective.
Arbetstidsdirektivet och arbetstidslagen - En utredande studie
Sweden is a member of the European Union since 1995. The European Union issues directives that cover different areas. Member states must implement these directives into their national legislation. The European council issued in 1993 a directive that took action on the organization of working time, also known as the working time directive. The full name is: Council directive 93/104/EC of 23 November 1993 concerning certain aspects of the organization of working time.
Åldersdiskriminering i arbetslivet
I Sverige finns det idag många lagar som förbjuder diskriminering i arbetslivet på grund av bland annat kön, etnisk tillhörighet och sexuell läggning. Det finns dock ännu ingen lag som förbjuder diskriminering på grund av ålder. I början av 2000-talet tillsatte Sverige en diskrimineringskommitté till följd av ett EG-direktiv, det så kallade arbetslivsdirektivet. Diskrimineringskommittén fick i uppgift att utreda hur den svenska lagstiftningen ska se ut när det gäller förbud mot diskriminering på grund av bland annat ålder. Vi kommer i uppsatsen att studera hur arbetet med ett förbud mot åldersdiskriminering ser ut både inom EU och i Sverige.
Informationsfrihet och IT-användning i demokratifrämjande syfte
The potential of information technology as a means to invigorate democratic practise is constantly under discussion. Regardless of the differing opinions as to the most suitable way to utilise IT, there are certain democratic core values that have to be considered. One of these is freedom of information, defined by us as the right of every citizen to seek, obtain and express information. The aim of this study is to explore whether the use of IT as a means to enhance democracy can strengthen the citizens right to freedom of information. As an instrument for analysis we use an article by Jan van Dijk, professor of communication science.
Elever och lärare på yrkesförberedande program - deras tankar kring undervisningsmetoder i samhällskunskapämnet : Students and teachers in vocational programmes - their thoughts regarding teaching methods in social sciences
In this examination project I look into what ways upper secondary school students conceive themselves as politically influenced before they voted for the general election of 2010. The purpose is to examine which influences the upper secondary school surroundings and the classes of civic education are contributing with to students before they voted. As a method, I have used personal, semi-structural interviews on eight upper secondary school students who all voted for a party represented in the parliament. I have asked questions about how they believe their parents, the surroundings of their school and the classes of civic education have influenced them. To separate which influences primarily the upper secondary school and the classes of civic educations have had on the students, I have selected two comparison groups of four students in each.
?Ett beslut taget med hjärtat eller hjärnan?? : En beskrivande studie om donationsbeslut och processen bakom.
Throughout the years more and more charitable organisations have appeared and the competition between them has increased. This has forced the charities to use more marketing strategies in their work in order to strengthen their competitiveness. Research in philanthropy in terms of economy and marketing has been neglected in Sweden and the research that is done today is mainly focused on why individuals donate to charity. A donation, according to the writers of this thesis, has been seen as an economical activity and can therefore be explained and understood through economical models and theories. This thesis aims to see how a contributor to charity makes the decision to donate money, consequently see how the donation decision process actually works from a theoretical model of a buying decision process from marketing literature. The purpose of this thesis is therefore to from a buying decision process concerning products describe the donation decision process for contributors to charity. By achieving this purpose the writers aim to compare if a donation decision process go through certain steps similar to a buying decision process.
"Synpunkter på EU-harmoniseringen av svensk upphovsrättslagstiftning". En uppsats om ändringarna i URL 2005, (Lag (1960:729) om upphovsrätt till litterära och konstnärliga verk) och hur de uppfattas av olika organisationer verksamma inom området.
Copyright is a part of the intellectual property rights. This ancient occurrence became during 19th century observed by the legislation. Great economical interests and values made it necessary to create rules concerning how the exploitation would take place. Several important conventions were created during this century. For example, the Parisconvention (1883) and the Bernconvention (1886).
Hot, våld och trakasserier : En studie om handlingsutrymme, politiska ledare och demokrati
Studies have shown that politicians are significantly more likely to become victims of violent crime than other citizens in Sweden. In fact increasing political rank and engagement are directly proportionate to increased risk for violence. Threat towards politicians is not only dangerous to the individuals involved but also to the democratic system as a whole.Political scientists the world over have done a lot of research on democracy, but I have been unable to find a single method or theory that examines how violence, threat and harassment affect political leaders and democratic systems.The aim of this study is to expand the existing model made by Tommy Möller, professor in political science. In his model he presents 11 factors that affect political leaders ability to act. My aim is to develop his model by adding a 12 th factor ?violence, threat and harassment?.
Smakbas - Gourmet Grön
Smakbas ? Gourmet Grön är en webbplats som ska kommunicera den gröna maten och
marknadsföra Gourmet Gröns smakbaser. Webbplatsen innehåller information och
bakgrund om smakbaserna, samt hur man jobbar med dem. Det finns även en lite
annorlunda receptbank där besökaren kan titta på recept.
Efva Attling Stockholms internationaliseringsprocess : En fallstudie av Efva Attling Stockholms internationaliseringsprocess
För att få nöjda gäster eller kunder är det för företag och verksamheter viktigt att arbeta med upplevelser. Speciellt gäller det för verksamheter med tjänstebaserade produkter. I denna explorativa studie undersöks om måltidsmiljön, i ett tjänstebaserat företag, kan påverka helhetssynen av företaget. I undersökningen genomfördes en förändring på måltidmiljön, mellan två olika grupper. Undersökningen tillämpades på konferensanläggningen Krinova Science Park, Kristianstad.
Svenskt bistånds geografiska flöden - Landfokusering
This paper aims to describe the geographical changes of Swedish international aid politics since 2007, which was the year the new aid reform of decreasing collaborating countries, came up. To decrease the number of aid receiving countries due to efficiency is not a new idea within Swedish aid politics, but Sweden received criticism from the (DAC) Development Assistance Committee, saying Sweden was active in too many countries, and the government established a policy to decrease the amount of countries given aid. Despite the government?s recent work, science has shown on a failed country focusing. This is followed up in the paper trough examination of statistics to measure the extent of the reduction.
Kreativitet vs Kapital : Användningen av innovativa marknadsföringsmetoder hos svenska modeföretag
År 2013 var den globala omsättningen för modeindustrin ca 76 tusen miljarder svenska kronor (Office of Textiles and Apparel, 2014). Bara i Sverige omsattes det 229 miljarder svenska kronor år 2012 inom denna sektor, en ökning på 11 % från föregående år (Tillväxtverket, 2014). Att modebranschen är under ständig utveckling och ökar i tillväxt kan man se då dessa siffror stiger varje år. Statistik från 2014 visar att trots denna ökning så överlever endast 47 % av nystartade modeföretag de tre första åren (Statistic Brain, 2014). Så hur lyckas man som modeföretag i early stage-fasen att med begränsade resurser stärka sitt varumärke och hålla sig kvar på marknaden? I denna studie berörs olika delar så som traditionell marknadsföring, okonventionell marknadsföring, branding samt transparens, där huvudfokus ligger på företag i early stage- fasen av sin uppstart.
Guilty until proven? : Nanomaterial i konsumentprodukter som sociovetenskapligt dilemma.
Nano materials can today be found in a wide range of consumer products and the number of new products on the market is expected to inrease. In the shadow of hope for nano materilas potential in various applications, low awareness of its health and environmental risks is hiding. Furthermore, the knowledge about people´s risk perception of nano materials is limited. Parallel to the situation described above, the scholls meet the challenge of incrasing the scientific literacy. To achieve this goal, skills in argumentation in science studies has been emphasized and the concept of socio-scientific issues has been emerged.