

4600 Uppsatser om Brain science - Sida 42 av 307

Vad är viktigt? : Läroboken i biologi som förmedlare av kunskapsideal kring innehåll och mening

The aim for this paper has been to examine three textbooks designed for science education in upper secondary school in order to determine whether they convey any specific attitudes regarding what is considered to be ideal knowledge within the field of biology. The main focus has been to investigate if different types of design strategies have been used to emphasize certain values or attitudes and if this proves to be the case, how is this achieved specifically?                      For this purpose I have conducted several different qualitative linguistic analyses of the textbooks. The theoretical framework for the analyses lies within the main field of critical linguistics and more specifically in the context of systemic functional linguistics. The two main language models I have chosen to use for my investigations are functional grammar and multimodal text analysis.                      My results imply amongst other things that by conducting an overall assessment of the headlines in the textbooks a fair assessment can be made of which overall attitudes the books convey.

Samhällsfarliga konflikter - en komparativ studie mellan Sverige och Norge.

Denna uppsats är en komparativ studie mellan Sverige och Norge där syftet har varit att utröna hur de båda länderna har valt att reglera frågan kring ?samhällsfarliga konflikter?. Då stridsåtgärder vidtas av parterna på arbetsmarknaden under en tvist kan väsentliga samhällsintressen lida skada. Arbetskonflikterna kan komma att utgöra en fara för liv och hälsa eller orsaka betydande ekonomiska förluster. I uppsatsen har fokus legat på de konflikter som vidtas på den offentliga sektorn då denna verksamhets särskilda beskaffenhet gör att konflikter på ett direkt sätt kan leda till samhällsfara.

Den särskilda kvinnan: En feministisk analys av Universella decimalklassifikationen

The aim of this thesis is to, from a feminist point of view, analyse the Universal Decimal Classification UDC, which is an international and widely used classification system. A number of the larger classification systems and subject heading lists have during the last decades been placed in the limelight of various gender studies and the systems treatment of women has been criticized. With this examination of the UDC, I dont merely wish to identify shortcomings and advantages with the UDCs way to treat men and women. The UDC is also used as an example of how the gender problem can be identified and interpretated in classification systems generally. My analysis is performed with a theoretical foundation in feminist science theories about knowledge and norms, together with a linguistic perspective on valuing and emotionally tinged language.

C, C++, Java och Python - En prestandajämförelse mellan fyra programmeringsspråk

In today?s society computers are getting a much more important role. To get a computer to work as intended it has to be programmed. A computer program is written with programming languages. There is an abundance of programming languages available today and there are many differences and similarities between them. The different languages have their advantages and their disadvantages where some of them are intended for fast performance, some to be cheap on memory usage, and some are developed to be easy to program on. In our thesis we have chosen to compare four of todays most common languages, C, C++, Java and Python.

Östeuropa som Den andre? En teorireflekterande uppsats med diskursanalys av intervjuer med svenska och tjeckiska UD-tjänstemän

In classic academic social studies of East Europe, terms as Communism and Post-Communism are commonly used to describe the main characteristics of this geographically imagined area. This paper makes a not so frequently seen attempt to apply Post Colonial Theory for the same field. With start point in Post Colonial theoretical writers, the author wants to find a East European Post Colonial version for the internal Europe which will supply tools for a discourse analysis of the European mind map divided into West and East. The material consists of interviews with three Swedish and three Czech officials, all working with European politics in their country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The analysis is carried out with inspiration of Ernesto Laclaus and Chantal Mouffes Discourse theory.

Autentisering i programvaruapplikationer

Dagens människa är ytterst beroende av webbtjänster och med tiden har det blivit fler och viktigare tjänster som startat upp på internet. Viktiga tjänster som internetbanker. Oftast är det bara ett användarnamn och ett lösenord som krävs för att bli autentiserad så man skulle kunna tro att användarna håller hårt i sina lösenord och att de väljer starka/unika lösenord. För många verkar det dock, enligt källor, vara ett besvär. Borde man ha associeringar för att lätt komma ihåg sitt lösenord eller är det för riskabelt? Det har visat att många tycker om att använda ord som förknippas med webbsidan.

Omertá, cadervi eccelenti och en rejäl dos korruption En fallstudie av Maffian i södra Italien och dess påverkan på demokratin

Maffian ? ett sedan många år tillbaka djuprotat och inflytelserikt brottssyndikat i Italien ? har under årens lopp spridit skräck bland allmänheten. Genom att mörda statliga representanter såsom åklagare, domare och poliser samt muta politiker och tjänstemän, har Maffian placerat sig högt upp i den italienska samhällshierarkin. Maffian ser sig idag som ett fullfjädrat alternativ till den statliga makten.Vi har gjort en fallstudie över Maffian i södra Italien i syfte att belysa hur denna kriminella organisation och dess allierade har påverkat demokratin och det sociala kapitalet i landet. Genom teorier om att italiens maffiarelaterade verksamhet leder till fördärv av demokratin, har vi kommit fram till att ett flertal demokratiska principer och instanser såsom exempelvis majoritetsprincipen och rättssystemet har tagit skada och urholkats.

Upplevelser av att leva med KOL : En litteraturstudie

Karlsson. A (2015). Importance of spirituality and social support for quitting narcotics - Experiences of the12 step program. Bachelor thesis in Public Health science. Department of work- and public health science.

Vad är ett E-Arkiv? : En fallstudie på E-Arkiv Stockholm

The aim of this thesis in Archival Science was to explore the concept of electronic archives and the challenges that might be encountered when attempting to move archives into a new digital age, as well as having a closer look at the term e-archive itself. Another aim was to explore how the OAIS reference model works in practice.To explore these questions I decided to do a case study on E-Arkiv Stockholm, a functioning e-archive. I decided to do a study on several documents that were created throughout the project, these included documents related to the planning of the archive, as well as the final report. My reason for this method was that these docu-ments came straight from reality and would give a clear and unbiased view of the project and it?s many aspects.Examination of the documents showed that the OAIS reference model and its concepts had been the foun-dation of much of the planning.

GPS-­baserad virtuell geografisk inhägnad för mobil enhet

The aim of this paper is to find an algorithm to establish and maintain a virtual enclosure around a mobile unit. The area may take any form and should be scalable up to and including national borders. The enclosure is managed on the mobile unit. The target system is Android. Smartphones, tablets and more recently, cameras is examples of mobile units. A modern mobile unit is part of a computer network.

Open access i forskningspolitiken : en undersökning av de politiska argumenten i debatten kring vetenskaplig publicering

This Master's thesis aims at pinpointing the political arguments that appear in the recent debate on scientific publication. There is a widely spread opinion that prices on digital resources are far too high, thus taking up a major part of the University libraries budget, while publishing companies make high profits. It is also a common opinion that the current publishing method does not take full advantage of the possibilities of electronic publishing. Lately a number of alternative ways of publishing have been initiated and discussed, generally referred to as open access. Open access published material is available free of charge and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions on the public internet.In this thesis the minutes from four hearings held by the UK House of Commons in the spring of 2004 are examined.

Att vårda en person som drabbats av stroke : Anhörigas upplevelser

Background: Each year approximately 30 000 people suffer from stroke in Sweden, often with substantial mental and physical consequences. Those who suffered from stroke handled the situation by mourning what they had lost and by accepting their changed body and life situation. For those who provide care for people who has suffered a stroke help and support was required. The caring science perspective was based upon caring and suffering. Aim: The purpose of this study was to describe family caregivers? experiences of caring for persons who had suffered a stroke.

Arbetsgivarens primära förhandlingsskyldighet samt undantag från densamma enligt 2 § MBL

AbstractThe employer is obliged to initiate negotiations with the union organization to which the employer is bound by a collective agreement. This applies both to decisions which imply a substantial change in workplace operations or employment conditions of the individual employee. In case law this obligation has been very extensive through all cases that have been up in the Swedish Labor court. Due to this fact the employer?s duty to negotiate has been interpreted very broadly.

Informationsbroschyr : Från idé till trycksak

Vi har som examnesarbete utformat en informationsbroschyr åt Munktell Science Park (MSP), med hjälp av god textdesign har vi förmedlat MSP:s koncept till en bred målgrupp. Vi har haft fokus på texterna då det redan fanns en grafisk manual. Genom materialinsamling och undersökningar kom vi fram till hur vi på bästa sätt kunde producera den här informatinosbroschyren..

Informationssökning och lärare: En studie av 4-9-lärare i övergången från utbildning till yrkespraktik

The main purpose of this Masters thesis is to contribute to the understanding of high school teachers information seeking behaviour in the transition from university studies to occupational practice. The theoretical framework encompasses theories of professional socialization, the sociology of knowledge, of professions, and of library and information science. The empirical material has been collected through interviews with six recently qualified high school teachers in different subjects. The interviews have been analysed on two different levels; first on a descriptive level and then on a theoretical level. The major findings are that the academic context limited the student teachers information seeking and they did not have the opportunity to choose cognitive authorities on their own initiative.

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