

4600 Uppsatser om Brain science - Sida 38 av 307

Ungdomars motivation till att lära sig programmering genom introduktionskurser

Today there is a shortage of skilled IT-technicians in Sweden. It is approximated that Swedish companies can hire 31 000 IT-technicians in 2015 and the need seems to increase in the coming years. One proposed solution to this problem is to make programming more desirable to youths. In this study we attempt to investigate the effects of an introductory course in computer science on youths? (16-17 years old) in a classroom setting.

Aspects of caring for suddenly bereaved relatives

Background: When a person suddenly pass away, the relatives often arrive to the Emergency Department under chaotic circumstances. In this critical situation the nurse has an important role for the care. Many nurses lack of knowledge about how to take care of the bereaved relatives. Aim: The aim of the literature study was to describe aspects of caring for suddenly bereaved relatives. Method: The data for the study were scientific articles found in the databases PubMed and Cinahl and from a manual search.

Droppen som fick bägaren att rinna över? - Svenska spelmonopolets förhållande till EG-rätten

Every year the Swedish gambling monopoly serves as a significant source of income for the government. This income is later distributed by the government on various areas for the common good. The question is wheather the state is allowed to preserve this lucrativemarket for itself by any means necessary. Also is it enough to claim that the monopoly exists to protect the citizens, and thus escaping the conditions of EC-law, and its struggle to harmonize trade between the member states? This thesis describes the Swedish gambling monopoly and its relationship with EC-law.

På tal om "mötesplatser" : Om folkbibliotekspersonals diskursiva språkanvändning

This thesis is a discourse analysis analyzing public library librarians' talk on the subject of public library meeting places. Within the field of Library and Information Science the public libraries' functions as social meeting places have been scrutinized for more than a decade. Researchers in the Nordic countries in particular have looked at library users' use of the library space and have highlighted the sociologic dimensions of the public library and the meeting place functions. Few however have paid much attention to the library personnel's point of view. The discourse analysis perspective is about language use and how people construct the reality.

Forskningsframställning och forskningsförbindelse i Biblioteksbladet 2001?2011 : En kritisk diskursanalys

In this two years master?s thesis I examine the library?s representation of research and its influence upon the relationship between the library practice and the research practice. I also intend to find out what controls the representation and if it is possible to see changes in the representation over time. My source material has been texts published in the Swedish library journal ? and social domain ? Biblioteksbladet during the last decennium (2001?2011).

Lika barn leka bäst? Om kvinnliga doktoranders vägar till information

The aim of this masters thesis is to examine the information access of female Ph. D. students in connection with their situation as women and researchers within the academic setting. In order to examine this, qualitative interviews with ten female Ph. D.

Svenska alkoholreklamregler och EG förenlighet

Alkoholreklam är ett hett omdebatterat område. Det finns de som anser att all alkoholreklam skall vara förbjuden och de som önskar en mer liberal alkoholreklamregler. Sverige har, efter ett mål i EG-domstolen (Gourmet) varit tvungna att lätta upp sina regler då de ansågs bryta mot fri rörlighet av varor och tjänster. Marknadsdomstolen som gjorde proportionalitetsbedömningen ansåg att Sveriges annonseringsförbud var alltför långtgående och därför infördes en 15 volymprocentgräns för alkoholreklam. Denna gräns är dock diffust motiverad i förarbeten och propositioner.

Etnisk diskriminering i arbetslivet - ett svåråtkomligt problem

Racial discrimination is a highly topical and burning issue, of special interest in working life. Most researchers agree on that discrimination is a problem in the Swedish labour market. To counteract the ongoing discrimination, a new Anti-Discrimination Act was founded in 1999. The Racial Discrimination Act although appears to be ineffective on the basis of legal usage. Of all the legal cases about racial discrimination in the labour market, there has only been one sentence of guilty stated by the Swedish Labour Court.

Hur min dyslexi påverkar mitt författarskap

The aim of this essay is to examine three separate Swedish public libraries and their respective websites on the grounds of the usability sciences. I firstly had to summarize the main properties of the usability-field in order to gain an extended knowledge of its purposes and possible usage for today?s library systems. I was then able to apply the extended knowledge in the examination of the three library websites and the purpose of determining whether or not they were designed according to the standards set by the usability-sciences.Usability is a rather new science that deals with the dissection and examination of computer-based systems, in order to find the key components that make systems user-friendlier. With user needs being the main focus of its research, usability tries to meet all the different needs of the modern user and construct systems that are less system-centered and more user-centered.

Krav på exportlicens vid gränsöverskridande transporter av farligt avfall inom EU

The purpose of this essay is to draw attention to the obstacles that affects the internal trade of waste within the EU. The essay doesn?t in any way encourage pollution or illegal handling of waste but unfortunately there are large profits to be made from illegal destruction and recycling of waste and especially hazardous wastes. Therefore the dependable companies handling waste must access a market with fast and flexible (but predictable) regulations as well as lower transaction costs to help make the environment better and encourage a strive for increased recycling. There are examples where some waste only can be sent to a land-fill within the country but could be recycled in other EU-countries.

En guide till antivirusprogram - ett hjälpmedel för hemanvändare

Detta arbete handlar om antivirusprogram och vad det finns för hjälpmedel för hemanvändare utan teknisk bakgrund att finna det antivirusprogram som passar dem bäst. Målet med arbetet är att producera en guide för hemanvändare som ska hjälpa dem inför deras val av antivirusprogram. I detta arbete har tre olika metoder använts för att besvara de frågor och den hypotes som ställts. Först gjordes en litteraturstudie där bakgrundsmaterial inhämtades. Nästa steg var att genomföra intervjuer med experter inom området för att ta reda på vad guiden skulle innehålla. Som sista steg utfördes en enkätundersökning som riktade sig till hemanvändare för att ta reda på om den framtagna guiden besvarade hypotesen.

It hurts so good : Normalitet och avvikelse med fokus på etnicitet och sexualitet i HBOs tv-serie True Blood

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur normalitet och avvikelse representeras i HBOs tv-serie True Blood. Fokus ligger på hur etnicitet och sexualitet representeras. Uppsatsen frågeställning är: Hur representeras normalitet och avvikelse, med fokus på etnicitet och sexualitet, i HBOs tv-serie True Blood?  Denna har operationaliserats genom ett egenkomponerat analysschema, innehållandes olika teman som utrönts genom författarens förkunskap om tv-serien och dess handling. Metoden består av ett analysschema som använts genom en semiologisk analys samt Stuart Halls representationsbegrepp.

Amyloid beta inducerad klyvning av NG2 medierad via LRP-1 receptorn

Bakgrund: Deposition av fibrillär amyloid beta 1-42 (A?) i hjärnan är ett välkänt kännetecken för den neurodegenerativa sjukdomen Alzheimer?s (AD). Dessa ansamlingar påverkar pericyter, en celltyp involverad i blodkärlsfunktion och upprätthållande av blodhjärnbarriären (BBB). Pericyter uttrycker både receptorn low density lipoprotein receptor related protein 1 (LRP-1) till vilken A?1-42 binder, och proteoglykanet NG2.

"Jag tror att det är ärftligt och att det är biologiskt.. och så tror jag att det är.. eller ja.. jag tror att det är biologiskt". Konstruktionen av ADHD och DAMP i skolans och vetenskapens värld

The purpose of this study was to investigate the understanding of the diagnoses ADHD and DAMP within different professional categories in the educational system, how it is being addressed and how this affect their work with children diagnosed with ADHD or DAMP. We also wanted to shed some light on the debate between Kärfve and Gillberg, about whether the diagnoses of ADHD and DAMP are social constructed problems or biological and genetic disorders. More specifically, our study was of a qualitative nature and consisted of interviews with seven persons working in six different professions within the educational system. The respondents all worked in school environments but with varied roles and thus varied experience of children with ADHD/DAMP. The interviews and literature studies revealed the complexity of ADHD and DAMP and also the diversity of the debate regarding the diagnoses.

Governance och genus- en pilotstudie om att analysera ett nutida stadsvetenskapligt begrepp från ett genusperspektiv

Following essay discusses the possibilities of using a gender perspective when studying local governance within a Swedish context. Governance is an international concept used to describe a more lose, informal and network based way of doing politics The main purpose for conducting this essay is that traditional theoretical frameworks used in the study of local politics are not enough to fully conceptualize the complexity of our changing political environment.After a broad summing up of what had been done in the recent decades within Swedish political science on the topic of local politics and gender I came to the conclusion that so far nothing had been written on governance. The next step was therefore to conduct a pilot study to cover the subject matter of governance and gender. The study was based upon interviews with five female politicians in Malmoe city.Results showed that governance, in terms of informal networks did exist, and had influence over the local politics. Some of the networks were male dominated.

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