

4600 Uppsatser om Brain science - Sida 28 av 307

Tolkning av en serie, baserat på läsarens genrekunskap : En undersökning i serieskapande, med fokus på berättande

Uppsatsen behandlar hur en läsares genrekunskap påverkar dennes tolkning av en serie. Som projektarbete har jag producerat en kortare episod på fyra sidor, ur en längre serie som jag själv skapat, inom genrerna science-fiction och action. I bakgrunden går jag igenom Scott McClouds syn på serier, Bordwell och Thompssons syn på genrer, samt viss bakgrund och förutsättningar för min series mytologi, berättande och estetiska uttryck.Jag har genomfört en kvalitativ studie där jag låtit fokusgrupper med olika förutsättningar vad gäller förkunskaper och bakgrundsinformation läsa och diskutera serien.För att skapa serie-episoden har jag studerat andra seriers layout, tecknarstil och berättande. Serien bygger på ett tydligt symbolspråk med förankring i verkligheten.De slutsatser jag kunnat dra av undersökningen är att mycket bakgrundsinformation hämmar nyfikenhet och spekulationsvilja och att en hög kunnighet kring de berörda genrerna leder till en modernare syn på könsroller..

Etanolmetabolismen ur ett alkoholistperspektiv : Kemin vid nedbrytning av etanol i kroppen, dess betydelse för kroppens kemiska processer i övrigt samt dess betydelse för hälsa och sjukdom

The present study discusses the metabolism of ethanol in the human body from the ingestion of ethanol to the excretion of its break down products water and carbon dioxide. Ethanol is a small molecule, soluble in water as well as in organic solutions. It is quickly distributed to every section in the body, where it exerts a direct toxic effect on the cells. Ethanol cannot directly leave the body efficiently so it needs other metabolic pathways. The molecule is metabolized by oxidation, predominately in the liver.

Artefakter i utveckling - Om designartefakters betydelse i en utvecklingsprocess

Genom att föra samman människor med olika bakgrund och utbildning kan åtskilliga idéer skapas, nya metoder utvecklas och mer kreativa och originella designlösningar produceras. Baksidan är, att ju fler olika människor med olika bakgrund som är involverade i ett projekt desto svårare blir det att kommunicera inom gruppen av olika individer och svårare att komma vidare i en design- och utvecklingsprocess. Vi har under våren deltagit som en del i ett större programvaruutvecklingsprojekt och skapat och använt oss av flera olika designartefakter som medel för att främja samarbete, kommunikation och designarbetet av den produkt vi utvecklade. I denna uppsats beskriver vi hur dessa designartefakter har kommit till, förändrats och hur de har påverkat oss och vårt designarbete. Syftet med uppsatsen är att visa på vilket sätt man kan integrera metoder från olika discipliner i ett programvaruutvecklingsprojekt och framförallt hur arbetet med, och kring designartefakter spelar en viktig roll i utvecklingen av en produkt..

Barn söker i bibliotek ? en kunskapsöversikt

The aim of this thesis is to investigate new knowledge about how children search for library material and which strategies they use, and if the latest research gives any answers whether we should adapt systems and services or teach information seeking in a better way. In this thesis knowledge is understood as research publications but also results from projects in library practise, and studies concerning children 6 to 18 years old are included. The method used is a knowledge survey. We have gathered and evaluated documentation from different sources like citation and reference databases within the field of library and information science. The result implicates that there are, both in old and new documentation, three main search strategies children use in their search for information in a library context; they browse, they search in library catalogues and they use some sort of reference service.

Evidensbaserad logopedisk intervention vid strokeorsakad afasi hos vuxna : En verksamhetsknuten litteraturstudie

Background: The speech- and language deficit aphasia affects 12 000 persons annually in Sweden. Aphasia is caused by injury in the brain and the most common etiology is stroke. According to the tool for describing and assessing aphasia, A-FROM (Kagan et al., 2008), the four following aspects of aphasia need to be considered: severity of aphasia, participation in life situations, communication and language environment and personal factors. Several different interventions and treatments can be performed in every domain. There is scientific evidence for interventions performed by speech and language pathologists; however, the question is yet being discussed since results are unambiguous.Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to investigate which aphasia interventions performed by speech and language pathologists that are supported by evidence.

Affärs- och chefscoaching ? Framtidens företagsutveckling?

During later years coaching has gained popularity. Coaching offers help to learn rather than to teach and enables optimal performance. The method that builds consciousness, strengthens choices and leads to change in the wanted direction, can deduce to some of history's most successful educationalists. A coaching area steadily increasing is business- and executive coaching. The overall purpose with this paper is to explain what coaching is generally speaking, with specific focus on business- and executive coaching.

Dynamisk Scrapeapplikation

Denna rapport beskriver examensarbetet vi gjort för LBS Science Park AB. Anledningen till att vi gjort just denna applikation var att LBS Science Park såg ett problem i den Internetbaserade hästannonsmarknaden. Det fanns ingen ledande annonssida, utan användare som skulle sälja eller köpa hästar fick använda sig av flera mindre sidor. Vår uppgift blev att undersöka marknaden och att skapa en applikation som samlar annonser från flera hemsidor på vår applikation. Rapporten är indelad i tre huvuddelar, som belyser de juridiska, de tekniska och de innehållsmässiga frågorna.

Vem är bibliotekarien? En dammig bokmal eller en informationsexpert? en explorativ undersökning om olika gruppers bild av bibliotekarien.

The aim of this Masters thesis is to explore the image of the librarian from three groups: librarians, researchers and directors of staff from industrial companies. The purpose was also to study the image of the future librarian as the Swedish School of Library and Information Science at the University College of Borås introduces it. As my theoretical framework I used communication theories and marketing theories. I searched answers to the following questions: - Is there any resemblance at all between the common stereotypes of the librarian and the images given by the participants of the survey? - How do the librarians view themselves? - What is the image of the librarian among the researchers who use the services of the library? - What is the image of the librarian among the directors of staff from the industrial companies? - What is the image of the librarian given by an educational institution during the basic education? I contacted the participants and asked them to draw a picture of a librarian and write a short text about the picture.

Riskanalys inom intrångsäkerhet på webbplatser

Attacker och intrång på webbservrar är idag vanligt förekommande. Webben gör det lätt för hackare, knäckare och andra inkräktare att hitta sårbara servrar, och det finns gott om tips att hämta för den som vill lära sig hur man gör intrång. Det finns ett flertal olika intrångsmetoder som utnyttjar olika typer av svagheter i datorsystemen. Denna uppsats inriktar sig på svagheter i webbplatsernas serverskriptsystem, dess skriptkod och konfiguration. Syftet är att undersöka huruvida intrång kan göras med endast en webbläsare via webbplatsens offentliga webbsidor. Genom att kombinera tre olika metoder - litteraturundersökning, en enkät och ett experiment - undersöker uppsatsen hur serverskriptintrång fungerar.

Identitetsskapande i och genom ungdomslitteratur. En textanalys av Per Nilssons ungdomsböcker Anarkai och Ett annat sätt att vara ung

This Masters thesis is a study in library and information science, that examines literature as a tool for young people in their identity creation. Both scientists and teachers have found that teenagers like to identify themselves, when reading literature. The purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine how youths construct their identity through reading in relation to the purpose that libraries and cultural politics have in youth novels. The starting point of this study is the sociologist Thomas Ziehe and his idea about identity try-out identitetsutprovning and Erving Goffmans dramaturgy perspective. The main question is: what is the relation between young peoples identity creation in youth novels and in their reality in proportion to the young peoples reading of youth literature and the science about their reading? The question is answered in three parts.

Organisation av pop- och rockmusiksamlingar i Sverige: en värderingsfråga?

The purpose of this paper is to examine different methods for organisation and retrieval of pop and rock music recordings, and the problems concerned with this organisation. The focus is the question whether values towards pop and rock music influence the organisation of music in major Swedish record collections. As a background for this discussion, the study also discusses how music is organised in these collections, and what kind of problems are associated with their organisation. Also included in the paper is a minor investigation of how problems with the organisation of pop and rock music are dealt with in library and information science, and how values towards pop and rock music are dealt with in society in general. The main focus of the study, however, is an empirical study of how values towards pop and rock music manifest themselves in the pop and rock organisation of six Swedish institutions with major collections of music recordings.

Att scanna eller inte scanna : En studie om neuromarknadsföringens potential som komplement till eller ersättning av enkät, intervju och fokusgrupp.

In order to stay competitive and to be the first choice for customers in a world driven by a high level of competitive advantage, it is important for companies to stay ahead of the competition by conducting thorough market research. Even if this tends to be the case, many products still fail when reaching the market, leaving companies with great losses. The reason for this could be that the development of existing research methods has stagnated, or that they simply lack the ability to find the true answer as to what intentions underlie consumer?s decision making when shopping. Many believe that a new method is desired in order to get a better picture of what customers really think.

Det svenska vetenskapliga biblioteksväsendet under 1950-talet

After W.W. II the Social democratic government wanted to modernize and rationalize the Swedish society. The university system was reformed[INS: :INS] to support growth of industry and science. But the reform did not reach Swedish academic library system and it was not well organized. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the reaction of the Swedish academic libraries to the new era in the framework of ideological criticism.

Representationer av migranter inom biblioteks- och informationsvetenskaplig forskning : En textanalys utifrån kritiska ras- och vithetsstudier och intersektionell teori

The purpose of the essay has been to examine representations of immigrants in contemporary library and information science research in a Scandinavian context. By analyzing nine articles from the past decade we examine the perceptions that exist in the concepts of multiculturalism, culture, race, ethnicity, religion, gender and whiteness and what role and importance the library as a place is assigned in relation to immigrants as a user group. Our study consists of a qualitative text analysis, a critical oriented close reading method based on critical race and whiteness studies and intersectional theory. We have, with the help of Sara Ahmed´s theories of hegemonic whiteness, demonstrated how multiculturalism is partly presented as something desirable and good, partly as something potentially threatening.The discourse of multiculturalism can be said to express the notions of the other, which in the source material manifests itself by ascribing otherness to immigrants. We have, for example, examined how ethnical and cultural differences are highlighted by a separation of East and West, the library?s educational and assisting role in relation to immigrants as a user group as well as representations of whiteness, gender and clothes.

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