7638 Uppsatser om Bosnien- och Hercegovina Global development - Sida 53 av 510
Hur agilt bedrivs agil systemutveckling egentligen? En studie som undersöker hur renlärigt svenska IT-företag bedriver sina agila systemutvecklingsprojekt
Agile systems development has in recent years become very popular, and many companies today claims to be working agile. At the same time there are studies about agile system development that indicate that there are difficulties in fully adopting the agile way. The purpose of this qualitative study has been to examine how true Swedish IT-companies conduct their agile system development compared to agile theory, and we have specifically for the purpose of the study designed a framework that has been used as an analytical tool. The framework helped us to maintain a structured and objective approach when we examined the participating companies and their practices. The study showed that there were differences regarding how true to agile theory the different companies conducts their agile projects, and that the differences in part depends on how long the companies have been working agile.
Den svenska sällskapsspelsmarknaden : En studie om en bransch i utveckling från 1970 till idag
This essay is about the history of the Swedish board game-industry from the 1970?s to today. The essay focuses on the companies in the business and how they change during this period and about the causes of this change. This essay aims both at accurately describing the development of the industry as well as asking the question of what influence factors from outside of the industry have upon the change during this period of time. The material used in this essay is mainly extracts from interviews with people who have been working in the industry during the period, as well as literature on the subject and product-catalogues from certain years in the time-frame.From this material I have outlined the basic history of the industry.
Hållbar stadsutveckling : En utopisk vision eller realistisk framtid?
The aim of this study is to make clear the conception ?Sustainable Urban Development? through an investigation dealing with how the sustainable goals are attained in today?s Swedish urban planning. And also try to clarify where and why sustainable development is failing or lacking. Besides that I have investigated how actors take position towards urban sustainability. The essay is based on a literature study about sustainable urban development and it?s changes through the time and place.
Kommunikationen mellan vårdpersonal och patienter som är döva : En litteraturstudie
The aim with this study is to explore if and how linguistic learning takes places when four pairs ofstudents in grade one writes on the computer. Observations of eight students took place duringtwelve lessons to investigate what happened during their writing processes. This study isimportant because students? computer writing is a relatively new phenomenon in the Swedishprimary school.It is clear that the peer collaboration creates a complex interaction that becomes the platform, andalso the prerequisite, for successful language training. The method can clearly give students profitsin their linguistic development.
Rysslands politiska utveckling : En fallstudie över svensk säkerhetspolitik
The Swedish security policy has changed from stressing neutrality to embrace co-operation within the EU and other organisations. New threats like terrorism, boarder-crossing criminality and natural disasters require new ways to deal with this type of problems to protect the society. Since the beginning of 21st century the high Russian economic growth has made it possible for the country to play an increasingly role as a superpower on the international political stage. In the same time the democratic development has been replaced by an autocratic rule which has obstructed the Russian- European relations. From a Swedish security policy view the Russian political development is of importance and the picture of Russian as a threat has changed from 1996 to 2008/09.
Droppar i havet - Mönsterdesignens relation till design för hållbar utveckling
Ett mönster är uppbyggt av ett motiv som upprepas. Denna upprepning kan
fortsätta i all oändlighet. Hållbar antyder långsiktighet. Mönstrets
övergripande egenskap är oändlighet. Hur kan denna egenskap hos mönstret
nyttjas inom mönsterdesign för att främja hållbar utveckling?
Det här kandidatarbetet undersöker mönsterdesignens möjlighet att verka för
hållbar utveckling genom att se till begreppet mönster ur ett bredare
perspektiv, samt i relation till design för hållbar utveckling.
Att lära sig svenska i Spanien : En kvalitativ studie om lärarnas resonemang kring elevers utveckling av det svenska språket vid en svensk utlandsskola
The aim of this paper is to investigate how teachers in Swedish schools abroad reason about their work developing the Swedish language as the students live in a non-Swedish speaking country although going to a Swedish school. Furthermore the study intends to examine the teachers' attitudes towards the impact the Swedish language has upon the school. Research questions:What thoughts do the teachers signify in reference to the language development of the students?How do the teachers reason about the role of the Swedish language in the school?In order to answer these questions, qualitative measures has been used in terms of observations and interviews. The study is based upon a social constructivist perspective with the idea that reality is socially constructed.
Utvärdering och utveckling av värdeflödeskedjor på BoRö Pannan AB: Förslag till förändring från tillverkning mot prognos till tillverkning mot order
Det här examensarbetet har utförts på BoRö Pannan AB, som är ledande inom norden då det gäller tillverkning av ackumulatortankar och solfångare. Den största verksamheten ligger i Kalix, men verksamhet finns också i Motala, Övertorneå och Bosnien. Syftet med projektarbetet var att försöka korta deras ledtider för att bland annat förbättra omsättningen och effektivisera produktionsflödet genom fabriken i Kalix så att icke värdeadderande arbete kunde minimeras. För att åstadkomma detta så utnyttjades det existerande verktyget värdeflödesanalys. För kartläggningen av nuläget så valdes ackumulatortanken IVT 185/40 FR.
Prefabricerat trähusbyggande med moduler : För- och nackdelar samt förslag på vidareutveckling
The construction industry can contribute to a healthier sustainable community. A development that is going on right now is by using more prefabricated volume- and plan elements on the construction sites. Building with this method not only provides a benefit to the environment, but also reduces production rates by taking up to 80 percent less time to build. By building in this way it will be easier to recycle and keep all the material that otherwise would go to waste. Also by building inside a protected environment, the material retains its good quality.This report will take forward proposals on further development of prefabricated volume element of wood, by first presenting this construction methods advantages and disadvantages..
Miljöredovisning i svenska företag ?En longitudinell innehållsanalys av tre svenska branscher
Bakgrund och problem: Internationella rapporter om människans påverkan på jordens begränsade resurser har avlöst varandra och en växande allmän medvetenhet om företags påverkan har gett upphov till koncept och begrepp som Corporate Social Responsibility. Hållbarhetsredovisningen är idag till största del frivillig, men dess roll kan diskuteras, exempelvis vilken information det är som presenteras av företag och hur omfattande den är. Tidigare forskning visar på delvis motstridiga slutsatser om relevansen hos företags hållbarhetsredovisningar gentemot deras faktiska hållbarhet.Syfte: Att undersöka hur hållbarheten i företags verksamhet presenteras i deras respektive årsredovisningar, med specifik inriktning på miljöperspektivet, och hur denna presentation har förändrats över tiden.Avgränsningar: Uppsatsen har granskat fem svenska företag per bransch i tre branscher, hämtade från Stockholmsbörsens Large cap-lista. Granskningsperioden är begränsad till år 2009-2013. Endast hållbarhetsredovisningens miljöaspekter har beaktats under granskningen.Metod: I studien har en longitudinell innehållsanalys använts för att undersökta miljöinformation i de valda företagens redovisningar.
Mobile-first eller Desktop-first, en studie av utvecklingslösningar för responsiv web design
The thesis analyzes two different approaches towards responsive web design, Mobile-first and Desktop-first. Responsive web design is a concept for websites whose design is customised based on the screen size. The analysis is performed by collecting views on the methods and also analyzing the usage of mobile and desktop internet to create a prototype of a responsive website where both methods are beeing used.The main difference between the methods is the foundation, where one is designed for mobile and the other for desktop. The thesis indicates that Mobilef-irst gives a better result for the mobile, which unlike the computer has poor performance, smaller screen and poor internet connection, therefore an advantage for the device that needs more focus to maintain a fast response. Desktop-first does not take this opportunity, but focus instead on the computer where the performance is better, which leads to a unnoticeable difference in response time.
Skolbibliotekscentraler ? en undersökning av verksamhet och funktion
The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine and present the programmes and activities of school library centres in order to see what functions (purposes) they can fulfil in a municipality and also if and how they can contribute to school library development. In order to fulfil my purpose I have made qualitative interviews with five librarians from school library centres. The theoretical framework is primarily based on David Loertscher?s.
AB Bofors betydelse för skolväsendet i Karlskoga
The aim with this study is to explore if and how linguistic learning takes places when four pairs ofstudents in grade one writes on the computer. Observations of eight students took place duringtwelve lessons to investigate what happened during their writing processes. This study isimportant because students? computer writing is a relatively new phenomenon in the Swedishprimary school.It is clear that the peer collaboration creates a complex interaction that becomes the platform, andalso the prerequisite, for successful language training. The method can clearly give students profitsin their linguistic development.
Företagsmodell för byten av systemutvecklingsmetod : från vattenfallsmodellen till Agila metoder
As changes occur more frequently in IT- and software development, it is important for the companies to meet the demands and needs of its customer. The companies have to be able to adapt themselves continuously in order till fulfill its customers changing needs in an effective way, which results in big changes of the companies? structures. The more traditional way of working is often replaced with more alternative approaches as a response to the reputable deficiencies of its predecessors. As an effect of the rapid change and development some companies now see big potential in switching to more Agile and flexible methods and some companies have no choice but to change their way of working.
Utvecklingssamtal, utvecklande för vem? : Talks of development, developing to whom?
Syftet med denna uppsats var att sätta in utvecklingssamtalet i ett större sammanhang och belysa det ur flera perspektiv och att redogöra för hur utvecklingssamtalet uppfattas av de olika deltagarna elev, förälder samt lärare. Metoden vi valt för att utföra denna undersökning är en kvantitativ enkätundersökning. Resultatet från undersökningen visade att det inte är någon större skillnad mellan informanternas syn på utvecklingssamtalet. Dock tycker vi oss kunna se tendenser till att utvecklingssamtalet används som det verktyg det är tänkt enligt skolans styrdokument. Vår slutsats blir därför att utvecklingssamtalet är utvecklande för eleven..