

2703 Uppsatser om Body-image - Sida 51 av 181

Okyssta jungfrur i beigebruna kläder. Diskursanalys av bibliotekariebilder i svensk och amerikansk skönlitteratur.

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine librarian images and stereotypes in Swedish and American fiction, and to discover if there are any differences between these. The images and stereotypes are also compared to those revealed in previous research. The study is based on ten novels. Five of these are written by Swedish authors and portrays Swedish librarians.

Brand equity in the industrial purchase decision : a case study of the Swedish market for agricultural machinery

High brand equity is a great asset for companies that operate their business in a free and competitive market. Brand equity can arise from both product-related and non-product related attributes and may be viewed from many different perspectives. This study examines which different attributes that contribute to enhance brand equity from customers point of view at the Swedish market for agricultural machinery. The study have been developed using a comprehensive literature search in order to investigate the field regarding brand equity and brand image. The literature review results in one product specific and one non-product specific approach in order to examine factors that contribute to enhanced brand equity. This takes the form as one survey-based approach regarding the non-product related attributes which is examined by interpreting the extra value added by different attributes.

En bibliometrisk kartläggning av det astronomiska/astrofysikaliska forskningsområdet ?extrasolar planets?

The purpose of this study was to bibliometrically investigate and describe the research area called ?extrasolar planets?. The research questions were: Which authors were mostly cited within the area when the first authors (and their co-authors) were considered? Which authors were found in most co-occurrences? Did particular author collaborations emerge? To which institutions were most authors affiliated and did the size of the institution have an influence on whether an author was cited? What was the geographic distribution of authors and institutions and were there any patterns of collaboration?Did the image of dominating institutions and countries depend on the viewpoint?How applicable was Lotka?s law on the collected data? The data was collected from citation lists in documents from the database Arxiv.org. The documents were extracted by using the search term ?extrasolar planets?.

Att safta iväg en volleyboll över nätet : en studie av identitet och image ur ett arbetsgivarvarumärkesperspektiv

 Problematisering: Vikten av arbetsgivarvarumärket har växt i betydelse tack vare den brist på välutbildad arbetskraft som råder. För att företagen ska kunna locka till sig och attrahera anställda till företaget blir rekryteringsannonser och företagshemsidan viktiga medium. På hemsidan och i rekryteringsannonserna har nämligen företaget möjlighet att väcka nyfikenhet och visa upp företagets identitet och kultur. Det som kommuniceras i annonserna och på företagshemsidan anses även ha stor betydelse för hur företagets image uppfattas av de potentiellt anställda. Därför blir det viktigt att de svårgripbara delarna av ett arbetsgivarvarumärke ger både existerande och potentiellt anställda de rätta associationerna, samt att dessa associationer kan byggas upp genom samverkande aktiviteter mellan marknadsförings- och HR-avdelningen.

Smile! you are in Spain : Turismmarknadsföringen av Spanien och Costa del Sol: utopi eller ironi?

Uppsatsen behandlar hur turismorganisationer på nationell och regional nivå arbetar med turismplanering och turismmarknadsföring för att skapa en bra och sanningsenlig image av Spanien och Costa del Sol i turismsammanhang. I uppsatsen tillämpas en kvalitativ metod. Analysen sker genom texttolkning efter hermeneutiska principer. Symboler tolkas även genom semiotik och metonymi. Uppsatsen beskriver hur turismplaneringen är organiserad i Spanien på nationell och regional nivå och hur dessa nivåers turismorganisationer arbetar med turismens utveckling.

Effect of liming and free Ca2+ on Cd uptake of carrots, Daucus carota

The level of cadmium (Cd) in Swedish arable land has increased during the last century and the average concentration of Cd in the plough layer is today 0.23 mg/kg. The increase is mainly due to anthropogenic activities such as phosphorus fertilizing, liming, import of feed, and atmospheric deposition from industrial emissions. Cadmium in the soil will be taken up by crops and is thereby transferred to humans via food. Carrot is one of the crops of concern, both because it may contain quite high Cd concentrations and due to the large consumption in Sweden. In the body, Cd is stored mainly in the liver and the kidneys and may cause several diseases already at low concentrations.

Tre dimensioner av rörelse : om koreografins bidrag till stadsplaneringen

What causes people to move within and between certain places and not within and between others? How do physical outdoor environments affect the way people act and move? Do different environments generate different body language and mimics in the bodies that inhabit them? In my pursuit for answers to these questions I studied literature and initiated and took part in dialogues in the form of workshops, all of which has resulted into this thesis. My questions have initially arisen from reflections of my own environment and how it not only affects my mental condition, but also my actions. Drawing upon the hermeneutic term ?preconception? I trust that what we label ?truth? is constructed by our lived experience and the society we grow up in.

Effekten av hormonsubstitution hos äldre män med åldersrelaterad testosteronbrist: en litteraturgranskning

Background: Testosterone is the most important androgenic hormone in the male. Aging is closely associated with reduction of serum testosterone which can lead to reduced muscle mass, muscle strength, bone density, and depression. These symptoms may be counteracted by administration of testosterone. Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of hormone replacement in men with age-related testosterone deficiency. Method: We performed a systematic review using Randomised Controlled Trials (RCT).

Retorik och semiotik i reklam : En jämförelse mellan tidningsannonser och internetbanners

Advertising is something that we get in touch with on a daily basis and more or less everywhere. Advertising is used in different mediums, such as magazines, television, radio, internet, cellphones et.c. The aim of the present study is to find out if there are any recurrent dissimilarities how advertising is constructed among the mediums regarding rhetorical and semiotical theories. Two different mediums have been chosen for a comparison, printed advertisments versus internetbanners. The study has been based on a total of ten qualitative image analyses.

Att kommunicera med morgondagens medarbetare : En studie av studenters värderade employer attractiveness och deras image av Landstinget som arbetsgivare

Denna studie utgår från fältet PR och marknadskommunikation med inriktning mot employer branding. Landstinget i Jönköpings län har nyligen inlett ett arbete med employer branding och som ett led i detta arbete söker de nu kunskap om vad som bör kommuniceras till presumtiva medarbetare för att på så sätt skapa ett attraktivt employer brand.Syftet med studien var att identifiera de attribut som Landstinget i Jönköpings län med fördel kan lyfta fram i den marknadskommunikation som riktas till presumtiva medarbetare. För att besvara syftet utfördes en kvantitativ enkätundersökning bland studenter vid Högskolan i Jönköping för att få en bild av vilka attribut de ansåg viktiga hos en arbetsgivare samt hur de såg på Landstinget som arbetsgivare. För att få ytterligare substans i studien valde vi att ställa resultaten mot teorier om inre och yttre motivation för att på så sätt undersöka vilken typ av motivaton som de tillfrågade studenterna drivs av när de väljer arbetsgivare.Studiens resultat ger en tydlig bild av vad som anses vara mest respektive minst attraktivt hos en arbetsgivare, där goda relationer med kollegor är det attribut som värderats högst och förmånersamt bonus värderats lägst av respondenterna. Goda relationer med kollegor är även det attribut som respondenterna ansåg som mest troligt att Landstinget kunde erbjuda som arbetsgivare.Sammanfattningsvis har studiens resultat visat att psykologiska attribut som kan härledas till inre motivation är de som värderats mest attraktiva.

Olof Lagercrantz har varit i Kina

This thesis aims to examine how the renowned swedish writer and critic Olof Lagercrantz wrote about communist China under Mao Zedong's leadership in the years 1970?1971. Lagercrantz served as editor-in-chef and as cultural director on one of Sweden's major daily newspapers, Dagens Nyheter, between 1951 and 1975. He travelled to China in 1970 as one of the first European reporters to get admission after the cultural revolution. This series of articles about China also changed the image of Lagercrantz, afterwards he was referred to as Maoist.

Jag är inte vem som helst, jag är jag : Kvinnors kroppsuppfattning efter kirurgisk behandling mot bröstcancer

Bakgrund: Bröstcancer är den mest förekommande cancersjukdomen bland kvinnor världen över. Den vanligaste behandlingen mot sjukdomen är kirurgi, vilken innefattar mastektomi där hela bröstvävnaden tas bort eller lumpektomi där endast en del av bröstvävnaden avlägsnas. Det kirurgiska ingreppet kan medföra negativa konsekvenser för kvinnorna ur ett fysiskt, emotionellt och socialt perspektiv. Det kan även påverka kvinnors kroppsuppfattning samt hur kvinnorna ser på sig själva. Syfte: Att belysa kvinnors kroppsuppfattning efter kirurgisk behandling där hela eller delar av bröstet tas bort till följd av bröstcancer. Metod: En litteraturöversikt innehållande 12 kvalitativa artiklar som belyser kvinnors kroppsuppfattning efter genomförd kirurgisk behandling. Samtliga inkluderade artiklar kvalitetsgranskades, söktes igenom efter likheter samt skillnader och sammanställdes sedan iform av subkategorier och huvudkategorier i resultatet. Resultat: Åtta olika subkategorier framkom: känsel, attack mot kroppsuppfattningen, identitet och feminitet, attraktion, minskad kvinnlighet, yttre fasad, normer och ideal och rädsla.

Lyfta Lätt Tekniskt hjälpmedel för pakethantering

People working with handling parcels in terminals are often victims of musculoskeletal injuries. This is largely due to the hazardous lifting of too many parcels which are too heavy and unsuitable work postures. The human body?s ability to lift and grasp objects is so outstanding that developing a device with the same capability is very difficult.The goal of the project has been to develop a technical device that will improve the handling of parcels with regard to ergonomics. The area of concern was the lifting of parcels between the conveyor belt and the cargo space of the freight car.

Okyssta jungfrur i beigebruna kläder. Diskursanalys av bibliotekariebilder i svensk och amerikansk skönlitteratur.

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine librarian images and stereotypes in Swedish and American fiction, and to discover if there are any differences between these. The images and stereotypes are also compared to those revealed in previous research. The study is based on ten novels. Five of these are written by Swedish authors and portrays Swedish librarians.

"Mamma vann, hon klarade allt!" : Barns upplevelser av föräldrastödsprogrammet Komet

AbstractEvidence based research has shown that organized parent support programmes have a goodeffect in strengthening the role of the parent and preventing problems during growth. Thisin turn has a great significance for Public Health.Komet is one of the evidence based programmes used in Sweden, based on Americanprogrammes and adapted to Swedish conditions.This qualitative study consists of interviews with six children between six and nine yearswith behaviour problems, whose parents have taken part in the Komet programme.With Grounded Theory as research approach the children?s experiences of the programmeand relations within the family have been looked into and analysed.The result of this study suggests that a space for growth of their own is a common need ofthe children, and that this can be achieved by giving them the opportunity to function in afamily environment where they are seen and understood.The Komet programme contributed to this by giving the family tools to strengthen relationswithin the family, create calm and make the children more visible.The self image of the children in this study had improved which gave them more room togrow in a strengthened family situation. This in turn improved conditions for good feelings,and sense of well being, of importance for child development and health..

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