

2703 Uppsatser om Body-image - Sida 40 av 181

Upplevelse av uppmuntran, självbild, människosyn och stress på arbetsplatsen

That we have a great need to be encouraged is coated in a variety of motivational theories. Despite our awareness of this need, studies show that Swedish employees feel a lack of encouragement in the workplace. The purpose of this report is to examine the factors that affect our ability to give others encouragement.Empirical data were collected through questionnaires from 91 people in the workplace. Correlation between the experience of giving and receiving encouragement, self-image, outlook on mankind and stress in the workplace are examined using a linear Multiple Regression Analysis. Correlation between the experience of giving and receiving encouragement is examined using Pearsons test of correlation.The results show that there is no significant correlation between the experience of giving and receiving encouragement, self-image, outlook on mankind and stress.

Det är långt mellan gårdarna. En studie om Sverigebilden i Sverige - en jämförelse mellan storstad och landsbygd.

The aim of this thesis is to illustrate the principal problem of the study of national self-images and by questioning the congruent existence of one in the case of Sweden. Through the use of qualitative method and semi-structured interviews the ambition of the study is to compare and to understand the national self-images portrayed in a major Swedish town, Stockholm and to that of a smaller town on the countryside, Sjöbo. A social constructionist approach in co-operation with key temporal and spasial dimensions are used to penetrate the interviews at hand. The main conclusions drawn from this study highlights the difficulties in addressing the concept of a congruent national self-image. Several major discrepancies appear in the analysed material, mainly in the past and the external dimensions, both from a regional approach, but also very much within the local entities themselves..

Ompositioneringens dolda hot : Riskerna med varumärkesompositioneringar

The purpose with this essay is to study how companies use the repositioning process and identify the risks involved from a business perspective. We have chosen to base our essay on the following research questions:What reasons are there for a company to initiate a repositioning?, What does it mean for companies to implement a repositioning?, What are the risks with a repositioning?We have used a qualitative research method and have chosen to interview six respondents which in various ways are actively working with brand repositioning. Our study has been implemented with and deductive character.The most important conclusion that we observed after implementing our study is that repositioning is a high-risk project. Instead of changing their entire brand image, companies should instead make small changes and revitalize the brand by developing the strength that already exist.

A graphical mapping of how light is used in theatre

This treatise analysis what functions light has in theater. It was inspired by Rosalinda Krauss essay Sculpture in the Expanded Field but builds mostly on the following three books Linda Essig Lighting and the design idea (2nd ed), Nigel H. Morgan Stage lighting for theater designers and Francis Reid The stage lighting handbook (6th ed). It discovers nine unique functions of light (performance style, dramatic style, image,illumination, 3D space, 3D form, selectivity, environment, atmosphere) and develops a graphical mapping of them based on a mapping by Reid. The functions performance style, dramatic style, image are superior the others.

Är samarbete nyckeln till kundens hjärta? En jämförande studie mellan Stenalyckan och Flygstaden

Den svenska detaljhandeln har under senare år genomgått en betydande förändring. Stora delar av detaljhandeln bedrivs numera på externa handelsområden istället för i stadens centrala delar. Nya områden byggs och med detta följer en ökad konkurrens mellan handelsområdena. Kunden måste ta ett beslut vilket område de vill besöka. Detta beslut tas genom att jämföra hur intressant ett område är i sin helhet i förhållande till ett annat.

Kvinnors upplevelser efter mastektomi på grund av bröstcancer

SAMMANFATTNINGBakgrund: Bröstcancer är den vanligaste formen av cancer som drabbar kvinnor. Årligen i Sverige får ca 6500 kvinnor diagnosen och man räknar med att var tionde kvinna kommer att utveckla bröstcancer under sin livstid. Det finns ett samband mellan den västerländska livsstilen och bröstcancer.Syfte: Studiens syfte var att beskriva kvinnors upplevelser efter att ha genomgått en mastektomi på grund av bröstcancer.Metod: Metoden som användes var litteraturstudie. Sökningarna gjordes i databaserna Cinahl, Medline och PsycInfo. Sökorden som användes var breast cancer, breast neoplasm, experienc*, percept*, mastectom*, nurs* och body image.Resultat: Efter en mastektomi handlade kvinnornas upplevelser om en förändrad kroppsbild, förlust av kvinnlighet, sexuella problem samt sociala svårigheter.

Varför bor Luis i slummen? : En kvantitativ undersökning om hur folk framställs i en serie skolböcker

Teching aid in form of schoolbooks plays an importent role. The teacher uses schoolbooks as a tool in its tutoring. I have examined how and whether the pictures in the schoolbooks are presenting people and ethnic minorities biased and stereotypical. The material I have examined consisted of a series of schoolbooks (So-direkt 1-3, samhällskunskap av Bonnier 2003).To find out if that is the case I have used a theory by Stuart Hall, his theory is about people and how they are represented in different types of media, like pictures and text. I studied it by using the method of image analysis where I investigated and interpreted the denotation and konnontation of the pictures.

2B or not 2B : en fallstudie på ett litet B2B-företags interna och externa kommunikation

Betydelsen av varumärke, identitet och image på dagens konsumentmarknad är sällan ifrågasatt och bekräftas av mängder med studier. Det som däremot inte är lika klarlagt är vilken roll dessa begrepp spelar på den lite mer ljusskygga industrimarknaden. Mot bakgrund av detta ville jag ta reda på hur den interna och externa kommunikationen kan se ut på ett företag som inte har en publik målgrupp.Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka hur ett litet B2B-företags identitet och image uppfattas från tre olika perspektiv; ledningens, de anställdas samt kundernas. Föremål för min undersökning var Compware Medical, ett tyskt företag i medicinteknikbranschen som riktar sig till kliniker, sjukhus och fångvårdsanstalter.  För att få svar på frågeställningarna genomfördes kvalitativa intervjuer med informanter från varje grupp. Eftersom förförståelsen och involveringsgraden i ämnet antogs vara olika beroende på om informanten tillhörde ledningen, anställda eller kunderna användes en intervjuguide för respektive grupp.

Den skeva bilden : En studie i hur brottsrapporteringen i Efterlyst ser ut jämfört med brottsstatistiken, samt hur programmets tittare upplever att de påverkas

The purpose of this thesis was to determine the tv-show Efterlyst?s (Wanted)effects on viewers when it comes to how crime, criminals and victims are portrayed in the show. In order to achieve the purpose of our the study, both  quantitative and  qualitative approaches were used We compared the image Efterlyst gives of crime, criminals and victims to statistical information from The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention and The Central Bureau of Statistiscs. By using focus-groups we also studied how Efterlyst portrays, in the season of 2009, and how it may have affected its viewers. Our conclusion was that there are important differences between how Efterlyst portrays crime and the image of crime the statistics gives.

Förbättrad hållning kring axelleden genom funktionell träning - En studie på kontorsarbetande kvinnor

Eight out of ten Swedes has once in a while pain in the back, neck or shoulders. This often depends on inactivity and monotonous work under a long time. Pain affects us mentally since the body and mind affect each other, which can lead to an evil circle of pain and depression. A typical imbalance in an office worker with the arms in front of the body while working is that the muscles on the front of the trunk will be shortened, since they never work with their full length and become strong because of the constant use. On the other hand, the muscles on the back of the trunk will be weakened and elongated, since they are working in an extended and static position.


The healing process of human bone can be aided by the presence of differentmaterials. A material that is transformed into bone when in contact with bone iscalled a boneconductive material. By transforming into bone the material reduces thetime that it takes to heal a fracture. This report is a study of existing boneconductivematerials on the market to see if there is a material available that would be suitable totest on larger fractures. The wanted application is to be able to heal fractures up to50 mm which is a fracture too big for the body to heal on its own.The healing process of human bone can be aided by the presence of differentmaterials.

Diplomati med klyvbar kärna - en kvalitativ studie av den ryska diplomatins grundval

AbstractThe purpose of this thesis is to analyse the basis of Russian diplomacy, and by doing that develop the analytical instruments available, in order to improve the comprehension between the parties in negotiations. Descriptions of the national characteristics of Soviet and Russian diplomacy are made by an analysis of memoairs and other examinations of their negotiating behaviour. To ensure the result of the characteristics two case studies of the non-nuclear proliferation negotiations are made, followed by a comparation between the Soviet and Russian diplomacy. From these results, I analyse the groundworks of russian diplomacy, using three theories about how ideology, national identity and prevailing self-image can affect the national negotiating behaviour. The results show that there have been changes in only some parts of the negotiating behaviour and that there is a need for all three theories to explain different parts of the complex system of Russian diplomacy which is based on the plurality of culture, ideology, language, ideology and history..

Våldtagen eller inte? En studie kring professionellas syn på den våldtagna kvinnan och den rättsprocess hon genomgår

Many sexual crime matters are in a difficult position when it comes to proof, where it's word against word between the parties. However, the legislation states that it's the offender's actions that are to be in focus for the judicial judgement, but often the focus is on the woman, whether she said no and how she acted in that particular situation (Sutorius & Kaldal, 2003).The purpose with this essay was to investigate the professionals' view of the raped woman and what image the professionals convey/construct of the legal proceedings she goes through. With professionals, we mean lawyers and other professionals that function as support or treatment contacts for raped women. The questions we considered to be relevant for our investigation were: What image of the raped woman do the professionals convey? What image of the crime rape do the professionals convey and what image do they convey/construct of the legal proceedings the woman goes through? How is the view of the raped woman constructed in society? We considered qualitative interviews mixed with earlier studies and theories to be the best investigative method for our purpose.

Utvärdering av radiologiska kriterier för att bedöma tillståndet ileus på hund :

Dogs presenting with vomiting and abdominal pain, are common patients at the small animal clinic, and the reason for these symptoms can have various aetiologies. One common reason for these symptoms is obstruction of the small intestine caused by a foreign body. Obstruction of the small intestine is best diagnosed by using radiography, contrast-study if needed, and ultrasound. To avoid further examinations, diagnosis from plain radiographs is preferable. One of the signs of illness one can detect from these examinations is a dilation of the small intestine proximal of the obstruction, caused by gas or fluid; ileus.

"Vilka speciella människor vi blir": En studie om förändrade självbilder och livsstilar genom självhjälpsgruppen Al-Anon

The purpose of this essay was to describe how individual members of the self-help group Al-Anon discuss the importance and the influence the group has/have concerning their own lifestyle and self-image. To find answer to this I carried out qualitative interviews with five female members of a local Al-Anon group and later on analyzed the interviews using various concepts based upon the symbolic interactionism. I have mainly used concepts as; role-taking, significant symbols and referencegroup. Through the analysis of the interviews I have seen that the respondents self-image and thereby also their self-esteem has changed since they became a part of their local Al-Anon group. I have also noticed changes in their behaviors in their way of life.

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