

2703 Uppsatser om Body-image - Sida 31 av 181

Sömnens relevans för viktkontroll : en litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Sömnens påverkan på viktkontroll har större betydelse än vad forskarna tidigare trott. God sömn innebär återhämtning av livsnödvändiga funktioner och är en grund för god hälsa. Studier visar att människor sover mindre idag jämfört med tidigare. Sömnens påverkan på viktkontrollen behöver lyftas fram i sjuksköterskans hälsopreventiva arbete för att främja hälsa. Syfte: Att belysa sömnens relevans för viktkontroll hos medelålders vuxna.

Förebyggande av hypotermi under narkos på hund och katt: vad görs på svenska djursjukhus idag, och vilka evidens finns för olika behandlingsmetoder?

Hypothermia during anaesthesia is a well-known phenomenon that may cause several side-effects such as greater risk of postoperative wound infection and increased risk of heart complications. The most efficient way to avoid this is to prevent hypothermia from occurring. The aim of this paper was to compile the research on the most efficient way to prevent hypothermia during anaesthesia for cats and dogs, and to compare these results to how Swedish animal hospitals prevent hypothermia today. To investigate this, a survey was sent out to several animal hospitals around Sweden to see what methods they used to prevent hypothermia in their clinics. It is difficult if not impossible to prevent the body temperature from falling slightly when anaesthesia is induced because of the drug interactions in the body that follow from the drugs given. A 1-1,5°C decrease in body temperature is to be expected and is difficult to avoid.

Förslaget i fokus : om att skapa kommunikativa bilder

Th is thesis is about how to create communicative images. It is mainly for landscape architects. With communicative images, I mean images created with the purpose to communicate a proposal or idea in a direct way to. By only looking at the image, the viewer should get an idea of what the proposal entails. A communicative image should also create an interest in the proposal.

Företagens arbete med CSR i butik, en bidragande faktor till kundlojalitet? : En empirisk studie av modebranschen i Sverige

Syfte: Sambandet mellan CSR och kundlojalitet är otydligt och kan inte fastställas. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och hypotetiskt testa hur konsumenter uppfattar företagens arbete med CSR i butik och om det påverkar och ökar konsumenternas lojalitet. Metod: I studien har en kvantitativ metod använts där enkäter delats ut till respondenter för att testa hypoteser relaterat till hur företagens arbete med CSR inverkar på deras kundlojalitet. Insamlat material har analyserats med hjälp av korrelationsanalys enligt principen Spearman?s rho i det statistiska datorprogrammet SPSS. Utifrån teoretiskt deducerade hypoteser som testats genom analys av korrelationskoefficienter och signifikansnivå har hypoteserna från teorin accepterats eller förkastats. Resultat & slutsats: Studien har visat att ett gott rykte och en stark image gällande företagens arbete med CSR, påverkar konsumenternas köpbeslut positivt.

FASTIGHETSMÄKLAREN - En oumbärlig mellanhand?

Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats har varit att, genom en studie av interaktionen mellan mäklare och dess kunder samt interaktionen mäklare emellan, försöka svara på hur fastighetsmäklaren agerar i sitt dagliga arbete. Metoden som använts har varit en kvalitativ studie vilken genomförts genom en deltagande observation. Mäklarna på en fastighetsbyrå har studerats utifrån ett dramaturgiskt och ett markandsföringsperspektiv. Mäklarens arbete med att skapa legitimitet för tjänsten och en god image illustreras i form av termerna roller, kundrelationer, kundnöjdhet och word-of-mouth. Uppsatsen utmynnar i en diskussion där mäklarens påstådda oumbärlighet som mellanhand vid fastighetsaffärer ifrågasätts..

Kompetens ? Självbild ? Inkludering : En studie av några elever i behov av särskilt stöd och deras upplevelser av sin studietid i en särskild undervisningsgrupp.

AbstractStudy: Degree project in teacher education, Advanced level, 15 pUniversity of SkövdeTitle: Competence ? Self image ? InclusionA study of a couple of students in need for extra education and theirexperiences of their studies at school in a special class.Number ofPages: 43Author: Britt HellqvistTutor: Gunvi BrobergDate: 01-2008Keywords: special class, extra education, competence, self image, inclusionStudents who have difficulties in school or in the social contact are the main subject of this thesis. The students that I have interviewed attend the upper high school in a special class, separated from the major school. My purpose has been to investigate how such students experience their studies at school, with emphasis on competence and the feeling of participation. Moreover, the self image of these students was investigated.

Är imagen av ABB en spegelbild av företagets identitet? : En jämförande studie om en kunds varumärkesimage och ABB:s identitet  

För att skapa och upprätthålla ett starkt varumärke är det viktigt att sträva efter en så stor överensstämmelse som möjligt mellan dess identitet och image. Det betyder samtidigt att det är viktigt att regelbundet undersöka likheter och skillnader mellan dem. Denna magisteruppsats syftar till att utreda överensstämmelsen mellan kundernas image av varumärket ABB och företagets identitet. På så sätt har vi analyserat likheter och skillnader mellan hur ABB beskriver sig själva och hur kunderna i undersökningen uppfattar dem. För att sätta in läsaren i undersökningsområdet har vi använt teorier kring vad som utmärker ett starkt varumärke samt varumärkesbyggande för business to business marknader.

Cystisk fibrosAtt vara förälder till ett barn med cystisk fibros

Background: Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common hereditary disease that leads to an early death. Earlier CF was considered as a childhood disease but today the expected age is 50 years. CF affects all the epithelial cells in the body which makes mucus and other body fluids more viscous than normal. The thick mucus leads to among other things respiratory problems and infections of the lungs. Today there is no cure, only medicines that controls the symptoms.Aim: To describe parents experiences living with a child with CF.

Ett kommunikationssystem för fiberoptisk överföring av bilddata förvärvad av en miniatyriserad undervattensfarkost

This report describes the development and implementation of a system for transmitting digital information at high speeds from a miniaturized submersible developed by the Ångström Space Technology Centre at Uppsala University. For instance, the vehicle shall transmit image data ? even stream live video - through an optical fibre to a monitor in a ground station. Hence, the system shall be used both to convert the image data to make it transmittable, and to recreate it at the receiver.The work includes a pre-study of the programming language and the technology used. A concept for the solution is presented together with main components later broken down into internal functions.

Rocksång - Fem sångpedagogers erfarenheter av den kvinnliga rösten

Rock singing - five vocal teachers´ experience of the female voice.The purpose of this study is to find out what different vocal teachers have to say about rock singing and the female singing voice. The method I have used to gather information is a phenomenographically inspired qualitative interview. The study begins with a few thoughts about my interest in rock singing, followed by a short overview about other research and literature that has been published on the subject. I have interviewed five vocal teachers in this study. All of them with many years experience of singing, both singing themselves and teaching professionally.

Europeiska mötesdestinationer : En jämförelsestudie om professionella möten & mötesindustrin i Stockholm, Warszawa & Rom

The meeting industry is a growing industry around the world, and the technological development in recent decades is one of the contributing factors to the increased travel opportunities and meeting industry's expansion. It can be assumed that the technology could replace some of the personal meetings, but humans have always had a need to meet in physical locations in work related purposes, therefore there is no evidence that personal meetings will disappear. Technological development should be seen as complementary rather than a substitute to the existing professional meetings. Public and private sectors within countries has drawn attention to meeting industry's potential, as favored destinations in terms of economic administration, image creation, expansion and acquisition of further market share in the global market. Meeting industry is complex precisely because there are so many different actors and stakeholders that integrate.

Ryssen Kommer : Synen på det ryska hotet i svensk landsortspress, från 1858 - 1898.

With this essay, I want to examine the image of Russians in the Swedish rural press during the second half of the 19th century, how rusophobia appeared in Swedish rural press and how the image of Russians changed during this time. To find this out, I set these questions:  ? How was Russians and Russia portrayed in the Swedish rural press? ? Did the view of Russians change during this time?The essay is written so that I have interpreted my empirical material to do a discourse analysis in which I analyse different articles that have been written about Russia and Russians in a stereotypical way. The source material used in the thesis comes from 41 news articles; the bulk of the source material comes from newspapers that were published during the late 19th century.Rural press reporting on Russia and Russians were in the second half of the 19th century mostly negative. Of the 41 articles that were examined it was found that about half were negative, less than one-sixth were positive, while about a third were neutral.The reason that many of the articles were negative has to do with Sweden's shared history with Russia, with many wars and territorial losses.

Buprenorfin till get : grundläggande farmakokinetik och påverkan på beteende

In this study the opioid buprenorphine was given to 8 clinically healthy goats. The pharmacokinetics and behavioral effects were studied. Injections of buprenorphine, 0.02 mg/kg body weight was given both intramuscularly (i.m.) and intravenously (i.v.) with a cross over design. The results showed a short half-life of the drug in the plasma, 65.9 ± 17.4 min (mean ± SD), after i.v. injection.

Alexanderteknik - olika tankar om alexanderteknik och om metodens inverkan på sångrösten.

Title: Alexander Technique - Different thoughts on the Alexander Technique and its effect on the singing voice. Does singing lessons cause tension in the student? What should you as a teacher consider to avoid situations that cause tension? This examination is based on interviews. The persons who have been interviewed are singing students, singing teachers and teachers in the Alexander Technique. The literature and the interviews describe the Alexander Technique as a method that, with support of a teacher of the Alexander Technique, helps you to recreate the balance between the cranium, neck and spine.

Rockstjärnor har inga tuttar : En innehållsanalys om genusrepresentationen i musikmagasinet MOJO

The purpose of this study is to give an insight in how music press is presented gender wise. The focus area lies in rock music and the study is made on British music magazine MOJO in the year of 2010. The study contains quantitative analyses showing how much room men are given compared to women. The study is also supplemented with image analyses of four covers spread out over the year. The main question is formulated as in, how much room do women get in music magazine MOJO 2010 and what output does this have on rock music?s gender characteristics? The main results show, amongst other things that 79% of all the articles are written with focus on one or more male musicians.

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