

2703 Uppsatser om Body-image - Sida 26 av 181

Några aspekter på filmens tid : Ögonblicket och nuet i filmen och fotografiet

Abstract   Cinematic time is the most complex of all: it is composed of public time (clock), personal time (experienced) and in addition, it can run backwards, be contingent, stored and (re)created. The present study examines some aspects of cinematic time, with special reference to the instant, the moment and the present. The strictly defined instant or moment does not exist. It is a passage between the past and the future and it is impossible to record on film or a photograph. One example is the moment of death, which is an abstraction with zero duration.

Sverigebilden : ? Bland bruna köttbullar och blåögda blondiner -

AbstractThe aim of this study is to analyze how the Swedish company VisitSweden and The Swedish institute creates an image of Sweden and what that image looks like? And also to compare their goals and their ways of present Sweden to find out how that contributes to the images of Sweden. The method for this analyze is chosen from the work and theories of Norman Fairclough called ?critical discourse analyze.? The analysis focuses on the text and how the text is created and if the author?s opinions are hidden in the words. The method can be applied in many ways.

Change or die Bilden av folkbiblioteket i den nationella bibliotekspolitiken i Sverige och Danmark utifrån teorier om det postmoderna samhället.

The aim of this Masters thesis is to investigate how the image of the Public library is described in the Swedish national library politics, and compare it with the image given of the public library in the Danish national library politics. The method used for this analysis is a comparative discourse analysis of the homepages produced by the Swedish central government Regeringen and Kulturrådet and its Danish counterpart Kulturministeriet and Biblioteksstyrelsen. Theories on postmodernity have been used to analyze how the Swedish and the Danish central governments image of the Public library corresponds with a changing society and the changing behaviour of the public library users. Our analysis concludes that the traditional view of the Public library as an institution mainly concerned with literature and reading still is of great significance in the discourse of the Swedish central government. In contrast, the Danish central government presents a more postmodern view of the public library as an institution that is part of the Information- and the Knowledge society.

Leva med tarmstomi : en litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Stomi innebär att genom kirurgiskt ingrepp anlägga en öppning genom bukväggen för att avleda tarminnehåll. Många stomiopererade kan ha svårigheter att hantera den nya situationen. Syfte: Att beskriva upplevelser kring hur det är att leva med tarmstomi. Metod: Litteraturstudie med tio vetenskapliga artiklar av kvalitativ eller kvantitativ design. Resultat: Att leva med tarmstomi medförde en förändrad livssituation, som för många var svår att hantera.

Hur kan man få ned dödligheten hos kalvarna i dikobesättningarna?

This work is a literature review along with interviews from nine suckler herds. How to reducecalf mortality in the cow herd is the focus of this paper. To get profitability of a herd, it isimportant that you get a live calf per cow and year. Good fertility of the cows thus is veryimportant. During the years 2007 - 2008, approximately 5.5% of all calves born by beef cowsdied and about 8.5% of the calves born by heifers died.

Samarbete & Image på Internet

Vid utvecklandet av en webbsida krävs spetskompetens i kunskaper relaterade till Internet. Företag tvingas därför i många fall att inhämta denna spetskompetens från externa webbyråer vid utvecklandet av sina webbsidor.I och med detta hamnar ett stort ansvar för denna kommunikationskanals marknadsföring hos webbyråerna. Webbyråerna får rollen som kommunikatörer av företagens image.För att imagen via webbsidan ska förmedlas på rätt sätt blir det viktigt att webbyråerna får tillgång till information angående företagets målgrupp och marknadsföringsstrategier.Därav blir kommunikation och samarbete mellan webbyrån och företag viktiga faktorer för webbsidans förmåga att leverera en korrekt utformad imageförmedling.Vi har med hjälp av olika kommunikations- och planeringsfilosofiteorier tagit fram en teoretisk referensram som legat till grund för vår analys och utvärdering av sambandet mellan samarbete och webbsidans förmåga att förmedla image.Vårt arbete som bygger på intervjuer och ett frågeformulär visade att det fanns ett samband mellan webbsidors förmåga att förmedla företagets imageegenskaper och det samarbete ur vilket webbsidan utvecklats.De slutsatser vi kom fram till var att samarbetet vid utvecklandet av en webbsida bör innehålla faktorer som är förknippade med Normanns processtyrningsfilosofier.Dessa faktorer är:Ömsesidig involveringGod kommunikationHänsyn till kundens kundDubbelriktat lärandePlanering är ett inlärningsförlopp.

Hur uppfattas företaget? : En studie av annonseringens effekter på företagens image

Syftet med studien var att öka kunskapen kring hur företag genom annonsens uppbyggnad kan påverka sin image. En kvalitativ studie har genomförts genom insamling av primärdata. Annonser från tre företag valdes ut, varpå semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med såväl företrädare för företagen som sexton respondenter. Studien visar att konsumenters tidigare kunskap och erfarenheter påverkar deras utvärdering av annonser. Annonser som uppfattas som mainstream kan både vara något positivt och negativt.

Stockholm - The Capital of Scandinavia : Uppbyggnaden av en stads varumärke

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur ett varumärke påverkar en stad och dess image. Avsikten med studien är att granska hur varumärket Stockholm - The Capital of Scandinavia har bemötts av utländska turister och om varumärket är så pass exklusivt att det kommer att bestå även i framtiden.En lockande och attraktiv image är en stor betydande faktor för en destination som försöker marknadsföra sig gentemot turister. En image kan exempelvis skapas genom ett varumärke, vilket presenterar och definierar en destination på ett sätt som är lockande för potentiella besökare. Stockholms nya varumärke riktar sig både mot utländska turister och företag i Stockholmregionens näringsliv. Vi har dessutom undersökt hur varumärket marknadsförs och om privatpersoner bosatta i Stockholm på något vis kan hjälpa till att stärka varumärket.Fallstudien handlar om Stockholm Visitors Board, Stockholm Business Region och deras varumärke Stockholm ? The Capital of Scandinavia.

Barns uppfattningar om kroppens inre organ : Likheter och skillnader mellan barn i åldrarna 4- respektive 5 år

The purpose of my study is that I have examined children age 4 years and 5 years of their perceptions about the body's internal organs, and if they know where they are sitting in the body, and what their perception of organ systems. I have compared their perceptions and thoughts about the internal organs, to see their similarities and differences it is about childrens perceptions and thoughts dependent if they is 4-respektive 5- years old.The results that I got from my examination was that they showed me a big variety by their earlier perception about the organs. Some had knowledge of the name, some had of the function and some of the place of the organ brain, heart, lungs, stomach, liver and intestines. All these knowledge about the organs was a variety on and you could see similarities and differences in the different ages. One example about a different is that it was a four year old child that could the name of the stomach and the stomach function while there was three five years old children that could the brains name, function and place..

Djuromvårdnad vid fång

Laminitis is a common but devastating condition, and affected horses are often euthanized or influenced a very long time. Many horses never return to their original capacity. Laminitis is often associated with severe pain and a long time of convalescence. Symthoms includes lameness, hoof hyperthermia, strenghthened digital pulse and pain. The horse often tries to move the body weight away from the forelegs which are often more severly affected than the hindlimbs.

Kroppen i det offentliga rummet En studie av performanceverken Twilight Walk och Göteborg Crawl

This essay aims to analyse the social and physical interaction through the body inpublic space, based on the performances Twilight Walk by The New Beauty Council,and Crawl, by William Pope.L. As part of the performance-programme CityExcavations from Gothenburg International Biennial of Contemporary Art 2011,artists occupied the streets of Gothenburg for a few days in June 2011. Through aninterpretation on performativity and feminism architecture-theory this essay looks intohow bodies integrate with public space; on how space potentially includes or excludesrepresentations of different bodies and the construction of (gender) identities. I wantto discuss how bodily performances such as movements, gestures, visual andemotional expressions interact with architecture and social contexts..

Varumärkesidentitet och image ? En studie om Lindex och Prada

Competition is keen in the fashion industry of today. Homogenous products and prices aredriving competition and most firms are struggling hard to attract customers. Brands havebecome one of the most important assets for success and are often critical for the choices of theconsumers. A strong brand is often considered as a substantial value in the eyes of the consumerand gives the individual firm a competitive advantage in the marketplace. To build a strongbrand it takes that the brand identity not is in conflict with the brand image of a firm or a product.Sometimes one of these conflicts exit and sometimes the firms are not even aware of it.In this thesis we study how two firms, Lindex and Prada, perceive their own image and then wecompare how the images of the firms are perceived by the customers.

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Image editing software offers unlimited possibilities to alter an image. Provided that digitalinnovation is not altogether positive, it is important to develop knowledge of its negative sides. Thispaper examines the use of digital image processing from a critical IS perspective. Throughqualitative interviews with professional retouchers, the study provides a picture of their ethicalrelation to the software they use for retouching images in advertising. Though, it turns out that thecustomers who order the retouching holds responsibility for what is altered.

Postkolonialistisk bildanalys av Hem- och konsumentkunskapsböcker

The Swedish education system reflects the multicultural society in Sweden, therefore there is a need of school textbooks that pupils can identify themselves with to create meaning and value in their learning. According to the Swedish Education Administrations (Skolverkets) report (2006) and Selander (2003, s. 198) the school textbooks are the main source of education in class. There has been an implicit message in the older textbooks that is associated with the belief that non-Europeans are "seen" as victims, and that Europeans are privileged with a "good life".Many school texbooks has been analyzed from different points of perspectives, however, analysis from a postcolonial perspective on home economics books has practically been nonexistent.Analysis in this study are focused on how non-western people are been portrayed in six different textbooks in the subject to conclude if the colonial discourse is still maintained and reproduced in the school. To answer the question of formulation an image analysis is made of the six, previiously mentioned, textbooks.

Bestämning av kroppssammansättning hos överviktiga och obesa ammande kvinnor. Validering av bioelektrisk impedans mot röntgenabsorption.

Introduction: Pregnancy, obesity, aging and certain diseases are examples of conditions thataffect the body, its constitution and composition. Simpler methods to estimate bodycomposition are needed to complement more advanced traditional methods to better identifythe health status without sacrificing accuracy and precision.Objective: To validate the results of body composition from bioelectrical impedancespectroscopy (BIS) against results from the study reference method, dual energy X-rayabsorption (DXA), in overweight and obese lactating women after childbirth.Method: The design of the LEVA-study (Lifestyle for Effective Weight loss during lactation)consisted both intervention and longitudinal follow-up, which gave the opportunity tovalidate the absolute values (accuracy) and the ability to detect changes (precision). Themean difference between methods was tested statistically by paired t-test. Bland-Altman plotsused to examine the degree of agreement between BIS and DXA, but also distribution andany systematic differences. Association between methods was measured by using Pearson´scorrelation coefficient.Results: Between BIS and DXA, absolute measurements of the variables fat-free mass (FFM)and fat mass (FM) showed a statistically significant difference (p < 0.001).

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