

1008 Uppsatser om Blood pressure - Sida 3 av 68

Kostrekommendationer till personer med övervikt och diabetes typ 2 - Litteraturstudie

The purpose of this literature review was to describe if the nutritional balance of the fats, carbohydrates, proteins and fibers can lead to weight reduction and to improve glucos-/blood lipid for individuals with obesity and type 2 diabetes. The method used was a literature review. Twenty-two scientific articles were chosen, which were consistent with the study purpose and questions. The articles were selected based on searches in the Medline database by PubMed. The keywords used were type 2 diabetes mellitus, diet, obesity, comparative, fat, carbohydrate, low carbohydrate, high fat and saturated fat.

Dyskalkyli : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur fyra pedagoger i specialpedagogisk funktion arbetar kring dyskalkyli

Hemoglobin is an oxygen binding protein in erythrocytes. Hemoglobin is composed of four polypeptide chains. During the fetal stage the type of hemoglobin called fetal hemoglobin (HbF) dominates. After birth HbF is replaced by adult hemoglobin (HbA). HbF persists in concentrations less than 1%.

Trycksårsprevention - en litteraturstudie/Prevention of pressure ulcers - a literature review

Background: Pressure ulcers are a common problem and cause great suffering for those who develop it, and are also an expensive cost to the society. Aim: To describe nursing measures for prevention of pressure ulcers among elderly people in ordinary and nursing homes. Method: A literature review by structured analyze of scientific articles. Result: The analyze resulted in six subjects for prevention of pressure ulcers. These subjects were; risk assesment, nutrition, repositioning, skin/hygiene, nurse knowledge and documentation.

Förekomsten av trycksår hos patienter som genomgår brachybehandling vid prostatacancer

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. One type of treatment is internal radiation therapy, brachytherapy. This treatment requires the patient to lie completely motionless and in lithotomy position. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of pressure ulcers associated with brachytherapy in prostate cancer at the UniversityHospitalin Uppsala. Furthermore, the purpose was to identify the most common location of pressure ulcer and to examine whether there were any connection between risk factors and possible pressure ulcers.

Hyperglykemi hos kor med löpmagsdislokation :

The main interest of this study was to investigate whether there is hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia in cows suffering from abomasal displacement and to evaluate the effect of transport on blood glucose. Thirty-six cows with left- or right-sided abomasal displacement were included in the study together with 17 cows with other diseases for comparison. Fifteen cows with abomasal displacement and 7 cows with other diseases were sampled before transport. One third of the cows with abomasal displacement had hyperglycemia when the transport effects were corrected for. Separating this group in left- and right-sided abomasal displacement we found significantly higher blood glucose and insulin levels among cows with right-sided abomasal displacement. An explanation for this difference may be a strong stress response secondary to the right-sided dislocation.

Metoder för blodtrycksmätning hos hund

Tillförlitlig blodtrycksmätning hos hund är viktigt för att kunna upptäcka avvikelser som kan orsaka eller kopplas samman med sjukdomstillstånd. Flera olika former av blodtrycksmätning existerar, men metoderna har utvärderats i varierande grad. Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att undersöka vilka fördelar och nackdelar det finns med olika metoder för blodtrycksmätning hos hund. Viktigt vid utvärdering är att mätningarna sker simultant, eftersom blodtrycket varierar mycket mellan olika tillstånd och situationer. I huvudsak finns två typer, direkt och indirekt blodtrycksmätning. Den direkta mätningen är invasiv och innebär att en kateter med trycksensor sätts in i en artär, vilket kräver gott handlag. Direkta mätningar anses bäst återspegla de ?sanna? värdena och används ofta som ?golden standard? vid utvärdering av indirekta metoder.

Påverkas hästens hudtemperatur av magnettäcken?

The market offers more and more products that are claimed to have medicallypositive effects (like increased blood perfusion etc.) due to their magneticproperties. The objective of this study was to investigate if blankets containingpermanent (static) magnets have a greater impact on cutaneous blood circulationthan ordinary blankets without magnets. Eight standard bred horses were used in across-over study. The cutaneous temperature was presumed to reflect blood flowin the skin and therefore thermography and local thermistors were used to indicatechanges in circulation. Baseline values were registered before the blanket wasapplied.

Energianalys av tryckluftsystem : så kan Billerud Skärblacka AB spara energi på tryckluft

Compressed air is a low efficiency media, and is thus very expensive to produce. This thesis work began by mind mapping how to create savings on the compressed air system at Billerud Skärblacka AB. Certain issues have been chosen for further studies.In order to identify the consumption of compressed air at PM 8 and 9, several measurements were made. At PM 8 there were not found any pressure drop, only large pressure variations for short periods of time. The causes of these pressure variations were not established.

Blood compatibility of biomaterials made of recombinant spider silk

Native spider silk is an attractive lightweight natural polymeric material with a unique combination of strength, extendibility and flexibility. Synthetic, recombinant spider silk is an attractive biomaterial with several possible fields of application. When a foreign material is introduced to blood, this can for example cause unwanted coagulation and complement activation. The aim of this study was to investigate if coatings of heparin or albumin could improve the blood compatibility of films of recombinant spider silk and to develop an initial method to do so. Hypothetically, objects like pacemakers, stents and dental implants could be covered with spider silk films of high blood compatibility to reduce potentially harmful foreign body reactions caused by the immune defense. Increased blood compatibility would likely lead to improvements for both the individual patients and the society thanks to reduced load on healthcare institutions. Our objective was to assess the blood compatibility of both functionalized and non-functionalized recombinant spider silk by evaluating coagulation and activation of the complement system of the immune defense. Coagulation was evaluated visually on glass slides and complement activation was analyzed by measuring the concentration of the complement system mediator C3a in blood samples that had been exposed to the different materials. This study introduces a non-toxic and easy performed method of improving the blood compatibility of recombinant spider silk films by adding a heparin coating. Heparin coated surfaces had statistically significantly higher blood compatibility than uncoated surfaces. The effects of albumin coating of films were less clear compared to the results of heparin coated films. Complement activation could not be evaluated because of high activation in all samples prior contact with the materials that were included in the study..

Framtagning av normalt referensintervall för RDW och retikulocyter på hematologiinstrumentet ADVIA 2120

Erythropoiesis is a complex and carefully controlled process which is mainly regulated by erythropoietin. Using flow cytometry cells in a blood sample can be analyzed one by one. ADVIA 2120 using flow cytometry for analysis of red blood cells (RBC) and reticulocytes. Red blood cell distribution width (RDW) is a component of the RBC method. RDW indicates size variation on erythrocytes and is measured as a percentage of the mean cell volume (MCV). By measuring the RDW anemia can be divided into makrocytic, microcytic or normocytic. Reticulocytes refract light more strongly than red blood cells because they contain some cellular debris. The number of reticulocytes in the peripheral blood reflects erythropoiesis in the bone marrow. The purpose of this project was that by approved methods to establish reference ranges for the parameters, RDW and reticulocyte counts.The individuals who participated in the study, n=124, were considered healthy and had varying ethnicity. Reference subjects had not donated blood the last six months and participation in the study was voluntary.The statistic evaluation includes examination of distribution, and reference ranges for both men and women were established using the 2.5:t and 97.5:t percentiles. The calculated reference interval for RDW was between 12.0 ? 14.3% and the calculated reference interval for reticulocytes was between 38.0 ? 112.8 x109 cells/L. The results showed a significant difference between males and females for the parameter reticulocytes was seen. The difference indicates that different reference ranges should be established for men and women (p<0,0001). No significant difference between males and females were seen for RDW (p=0,74) indicating that the same reference ranges can be used for both men and women. .

Trombocyträkning hos katt : en ny metod

Platelet aggregation is a major and common problem in blood samples from cats. This greatly affects the accuracy of counting of the platelets. Because of the difficulties in counting feline platelets, results for patients and reliable reference values for cat platelets are currently so inaccurate as to be almost useless in diagnosis of thrombocytopenia. In this study we used an effective method to prevent platelet aggregation. Blood was collected in CTAD test tubes and prostaglandin E1 was added to the blood sample.

Att leva med trycksår - en litteraturstudie om hur patienter med trycksår upplever det dagliga livet

Background: Pressure ulcer is a complication that arises often due to a lowered general condition. Pressure ulcer arise because of long term compressive load application. That?s why it?s of utmost importance as a nurse to work in preventive ways, as the pressure ulcer lead to physical, psychological and social consequences for the patient. Purpose: The purpose was to describe the patients experiences of living with pressure ulcer.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelse av att utföra omvårdnad av patienter med blodsmitta : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Background: Earlier research describes patients with blood-bourne pathogens experiences from the healthcare system. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe how registered nurses experience taking care of patients with blood-bourne pathogens. Method: This study had a descriptive design with a qualitative method. Eight interviews where performed and analyzed with manifest content analyze. Three categories ?Comfort in their profession?, ?Support from the organization?and ?Fear of being contaminated?, and five subcategories ?Support from hygiene guidelines?, ? Thoughtfulness?, ?The own responsibility?, ?Feelings of fear and concern?and ?To meet preconceptions?, emerged.

Trycktampong efter mastektomi. : en metod för att minska andelen sårkomplikationer?

Mammary gland neoplasia is one of the most common diseases in the bitch and the most common neoplastic disease. More than 13 % of the female dog population in Sweden suffers from mammary tumors during their lifetime. The disease can affect bitches in all ages but most often middle aged and older dogs. Some breeds such as Poodle and English Setter are predisposed for the disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate if it is possible to improve the post surgical healing process by using a pressure pad.

Vårdpersonalens tankar och handlande kring trycksår : en litteraturöversikt

Background: Pressure ulcers have during a long time ages caused great suffering for the patients. The factors affecting the occurrence of pressure ulcers can be both internal and external, such as immobility and malnutrition. Nurses´ role is to assess risks and thus pay attention to prevent and treat pressure ulcers. The nurse may use various assessment tools to highlight and document patients at risk for developing pressure ulcers. Aim: This study was to describe health professionals´ thoughts and actions about the pressure ulcers.

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