

5274 Uppsatser om Blind people - Sida 39 av 352

Att konstruera hjälpsökande : En studie av sociala akter

A foundation of our welfare state is that we have a social safety net. This safety net is designed to pick up individuals who are in need of help and support to manage their way of life. This essay regards people who need help with care or people who need help with an addiction. This essay is a qualitative text analysis, which aims to see whether, and if so how, help-seekers are constructed in 40 social service documents within a municipality in central Sweden. We have endeavored to illustrate the power that the written word possesses and which categories of people are constructed depending on the language and content of the social documents.

Kreativitet och blockeringar - Icke-musikers upplevelser av musikskapande

Title: Creativity and blockings: Non-musicians? experiences of music making The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the ability of music-making can benefit from and/or be inhibited by extra-musical factors, such as one's own or other people's opinions, criticism, prejudice and values. An experiment was carried out, where 10 nonmusicians were instructed to solve a compositional problem (writing pieces of music to a picture) which had been expressed in two different ways, one of which (A) was intended to block creativity and the other (B) to facilitate the creative process. All subjects also had to answer a questionnaire, where their experiences in connection with the task and their attitudes towards music and composition were mapped. The result was that all subjects succeeded in composing one or more pieces of music, regardless of which instruction they had been given.

Dubbel problematik kräver dubbel kunskap. : En kvalitativ studie i hur samverkan mellan socialtjänstens missbruksvård och psykiatrin sker kring personer med dubbeldiagnos, med fokus på hur deras respektive kunskaps- och förklaringsmodeller påverkar samver

People with severe mental illness and co-occurring substance abuse are an especially vulnerable group in society as health care for those is shared between municipality and county council. There is an associated health need of this target group so the interaction of the social services and the psychiatric care is of great importance. However, there are shortcomings in this interaction with results in that people with dual diagnosis do not always receive adequate care. Diverse knowledge and explanatory models may create problems for the interaction as they include different ways to define, understand, explain and deal with a problem. The purpose of this study was to examine how the interaction between the social service addiction treatment and the psychiatric care is, concerning people with dual diagnosis, focusing on how their respective knowledge and explanatory models affect the interaction.

Skillnader i kontrastseende mellan hög - och lågfrekvent belysning

Att endast mäta synskärpa i en vanlig synundersökning är oftast inte tillräckligt för att få en komplett bild på synfunktionen av en patient. Kontrastkänslighet är en viktig del i synen som ofta utelämnas ur dagens rutin undersökningar. Detta är i undersökarens ögon en viktig del av en synundersökning eftersom enbart synskärpa inte ger en helhetsbild på patientens synfunktion.Syftet i denna studie var att se om ljusets frekvens påverkar vårt kontrastseende. I studien har undersökaren jämfört kontrastseende vid hög- och lågfrekvent belysning och försökt att ta reda på om dessa två förhållanden har en påverkan på patientens kontrastseende.I studien mättes kontrastkänslighet i lågfrekvent (50 Hz) och högfrekvent belysning (25 000 ? 70 000 Hz).

Acehkonflikten - en analys med identiteten i fokus

A violent conflict emerged in the Indonesian province of Aceh in 1976, with the rebels of the Free Aceh Movement, GAM, on one side, and the Indonesian government on the other. GAM demanded Aceh to become independent, but the Indonesian government did not accept their nationalistic claims. The conflict therefore lasted for almost thirty years, and many civilians were killed during this period. This essay deals with this particular conflict; its causes and its solution. In the centre of the analysis we find theidentity of the Acehnese people, and the way in which this identity has beenconstructed and re-constructed throughout the history.

Helandet av Stockholms sår : En analys av projektet Västra City

Over the years, what people have considered as the center of Stockholm City has gone from the medieval Stortorget in Old Town to the contemporary Sergels Torg. But more recently it has become unclear how the area really works. It is difficult to say where the actual central part of Stockholm lies, because while the Central Station is where the majority of people arrive into town, it is not necessarily close to Sergelstorg (considered the center of town) or other attractive commercial areas. There's also another issue with where the center of Stockholm is located. The railways and roads running along Klarabergs Viaduct acts as a divide between the areas of Kungsholmen and Norrmalm; these rails, roads and water separate the two areas from each other. In response to this problem of area division, a plan is being made to construct a new district near the center to mend the gap between the districts. The idea is that the center of Stockholm city will become more lively and attractive. The plan includes building new housing, commercial areas and a larger terrace called Mälarterrassen. In addition, improved mobility within the area is being planned by having better public transportation lines like City banan and tram named Spårväg City construction, as well as more pedestrian areas shall make the area become a district to thrive in.How the area will actually operate in the future is still unclear and many questions still exist about how the area will be able to compete and, above all, integrate with the other districts. The parts considered to be most important for the area is the scale of residential property and an attractive area that keeps people in the area and to encourages them to pass through the area. Perhaps the best solution would be to have something special planned in this area that can attract people in the community ? a city park, for example?.

Urskogen med de stämpelbleckade gammeltallarna : en skogshistorisk tolkning av Brännlidens naturreservat

People have used forest resources in northern Sweden for different purposes. Before the 20th century the forest was used for many different reasons, but during the past 200 years it has become an industrial raw material. The presence of people in the forest has left different kinds of traces in the forests. One example is culturally modified trees (CMT´s). The aim of this study was to study and document how people have used the forest resources during the last centuries in Brännlidens nature reserve, and what kind of traces this land use has left.

Intelligent remuneration in the knowledge economy

Talented people are recognised as being the most important corporate resource over the next twenty years and a competitive compensation system is an important tool in attracting and retaining talent. Traditional pay systems are recognised as being neither cost effective nor motivating people to do more. Often these systems do not contribute to strategic objectives. This study outlines what constitutes an intelligent remuneration system that will enhance the mind value added by knowledge workers, reward knowledge creation, and contribute to organisational strategies..

Miljöekonomiska analyser av smog och luftföroreningsproblemen i Kina

Rapid economic development and urbanization has led to an improved standard of living for the Chinese people. Meanwhile, a series of environmental problems have also appeared and smog, in particular, has caused the Chinese people to realize how serious the situation is. Smog has seriously affected normal economic activities and people's everyday lives, resulting in financial losses, increased mortality and disease. How to handle the smog becomes particularly important. The purpose of this study is to describe and discuss the underlying causes of two sources of pollution, particulate matter and sulfur dioxide, as well as what drives individuals' and firms' environmentally destructive behavior.

Registrerad : - En förklarande studie av Skånepolisens romregister

In 2011, a crime prevention initiative was undertaken by the Swedish police department in Scania. Two years later, the Swedish media reported on this initiative, claiming that it had been intended as an ethnic registration of Romani people. This revelation resulted in a great deal of controversy and sparked a national debate on the issue of ethnicity and public registration in Sweden. The police in Scania had difficulties explaining the purpose of such a registration effort, and could not provide evidence that it had been legitimate and legal. This paper will attempt to explain the motivation behind the original police initiative with a theoretical analysis based on assessments from public authorities.

Privatisering av offentlig verksamhet : En fallstudie av Hökarängen Hemtjänst Ekonomisk Förening

The difference between the public sector and the private sector in Sweden was once very small. These sectors have been united as well for the people, the organizations as for the finances. During the 1960´s and 1970´s the public sector in Sweden was expanding and after the 1980´s the people started talking more about an expanding private sector instead. The year of 2007 Hökarängen Hemtjänst Ekonomisk Förening submitted a tender to Äldreförvaltningen about a purchase of the home- help service in Hökarängen and they accept there tender.Exposing public organization for competition can be a good way to make sure that most value for the money is created and that it generates the most cost- effective organizations. The motivation factor is used to describewhat makes people perform more than what is expected of them.The purpose of this study is to describe and explain similarities and differences in working- motivation between those how are members of Hökarängen Hemtjänst Ekonomisk Förening and those how are not.

"Det är bra som det är" : - En studie om hur ungdomar konstruerar kön på en fritidsgård.

The aim of this study was; from a group of boys and girls description and interpretation of interaction with other young people, personnel and the environment of the youth centre illuminate how the social gender are constructed and maintained at the youth centre. In this study we have tried to analyse the phenomena from an intersectionalistic perspective. Except gender, the analytic category social class have been tried to capture. Our theoretical standing point is social constructivism. Institutionalized structures in our society are constructed by humans, gender is not only a biological construction it is also a man created construction.

Upplevelsen av ett självbestämmande- utifrån brukare och tjänstemän på ett särskilt boende.

Self- determination and autonomy of elderly people living in long- stay care homes is the forefront of discussion in the media and in society today. It examines the extent to which elderly people actually have the opportunity for self- determination and to what extent they have an impact and influence in their daily lives. A suitable way to look at how the quality of long ?stay care looks like is too look at the extent to which the user has self- determination. The aim of our study was to examine how self-determination appears in long- stay care homes. We also talk about in what way the officials perceive self- determination and how elderly identify and perceive their right to self- determination and the importance it has for the individual. The essay has been made with the help of interviews and surveys on a number of long-stay care homes in Skåne.

Naturupplevelse och psykisk hälsa : Hur påverkar naturupplevelser människor med stress- och utmattningssymtom

Stress-related diseases in Sweden have doubled since 1997. Even longterm sickness related tostress has increased over the last decade. In future there is a need of alternative methods todecrease the amount of people being affected to gain a better population health. Natureassisted therapy (NAT) was shown to be a successful method as part of the therapy of stressand burnout likewise was nature an important factor to prevent people from mentaldisorders. The aim of this study was to analyse the latest research concearning nature and itshealth effects with focus on stress and burnout patients in order to plan health promotingactivities outdoors for these patients.

Om detta är en psykiskt funktionshindrad. : - Diskurs, makt och subjekt i psykiatrireformen 1995

This study aims to investigate the political reformation of the psychiatric care in Sweden, that took place 1995. The main purpose is to illuminate the transformation of subjectivity for mentally ill people after the reform 1995. The group of people which are present in the study are those who former were subjects of care in psychiatric hospitals, but with regarding to the reform have moved out from the institutions and instead become clients for community care. This new group of mentally ill people became, in connection with the reform, subjects for a new concept psykiskt funktionshinder. This new label and concept, that were attached to the present group, is the main concept for the investigation in the present study. The method, that was used in the study, develops a textual based analysis of the official documents, that were produced in connection with the political decision to reform the care of mentally ill people. With a theoretical conceptuality taken from Michel Foucault, with concepts such as discourse, power, and subjectivity, are the documents analysed in order to illuminate how the new subjectivity, under the concept of psykiskt funktionshinder arise.

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