

5274 Uppsatser om Blind people - Sida 32 av 352

Djur som sociala katalysatorer : En studie om hur djur kan påverka socialisationen i behandlingsarbete

The aim of this study was to investigate whether there is a social-psychological relevance in allowing animals to be involved in therapy work. I have examined if the animals may contribute to effects on human relationships between caregivers and patients, and if the animals can contribute to helping patients to achieve better well-being. Through previous research and a quantitative interview I have received answers to the following questions: How are animals used in the treatment work? How do animals affect the relationship between caregiver-patient? In what ways do animals in treatment affect relationships between people? How do the professionals who work with animals believe that animals can affects the patient? I have interviewed people working in different kinds of treatment work using animals. The areas examined include work with animals at youth care, police, disability care, elderly care and school.

Stöd om stöd : Anhörigas och socialarbetaresuppfattning om och inställning till de olika stöd som finns för anhöriga till personer med beroendeproblematik.

The study deals with the beliefs that relatives of alcohol and drug dependent persons, and representatives from social services have to the various forms of support available for the relatives. Those who participate in the study points out that there are many people who have a need for support as a relative of an alcohol or drug addicted individual, but that there are circumstances that make them choose not to seek assistance. The study shows that the relatives can experience a reluctance to seek support from social services because of how the organization looks like. The study is qualitative, where the collection of the empiric material has consisted in six semi-structured interviews. Three of them have been with relatives of alcohol-or drug-dependent persons and three have been with social workers in various professions, whose work consists of helping both the relatives of people with alcohol and drug dependence as well as people who are dependent.

Chatt : en kvalitativ studie av ungdomars och vuxnas värderingar och åsikter om chattens sociala funktion, innebörd och konsekvenser för ungdomar

The youth of today grow up with all the new ways to communicate that new technology provides. A lot of young people chat on the Internet. Adults often lack experience and knowledge about this way to communicate. This is a study of teenagers and adults values and views on teenagers online chatting. It focuses on area of use, meaning and effects on young people.

Kvarboendeprincipen i äldreomsorgen

This essay aims to examine and compare the attitudes of decision makers in the local government and representatives of pensioners in two different geographic areas. The main questions were:- their attitudes towards the "stay home principle" (kvarboendeprincipen, a principle that aims to make it possible for people with a handicap, disease or age to stay in their homes instead of moving to nursing homes).- their attitudes towards nursing homes for old people- their attitudes towards the possibility of staying at home when you are old and handicapped and in need of care.The essay is built on qualitative research methods, based on interviews and on a review of research in the field.The author found a complex picture of attitudes. Everybody thinks that the best is to live in your own home as long as possible, except from those who live with Alzheimer´s disease. They showed different opinions on the issue of the need for moving to nursing homes. This might result in forcing people to stay at home.

Synen på arbetslösheten i Växjö stad under 1820-1860-talet

This study examines the view of the people, unemployed in the city of Växjö during the period from 1820 to 1860. The focuses are on the perspective in which these people where seen by the municipal executive board in the city of Växjö. The result of this study shows that the rulers had a conservative wiev of them who were unemployed. Usually, the meaning was that their situation was only caused by their own laziness. Starting ?Workinghouse? was the best way solving the problem with them who were unemployed, was the common opinion in the view of the rulers..

Människors val av lightprodukter och originalprodukter

The essay aimed to investigate whether people choose light products or original products regarding dairy products and beverages as well as the motives for their respective choice. Finally the purpose was to find out where they had obtained the knowledge to make their choice and how they thought media had affected their choice. The method used was a qualitative decsriptive study with three focus groups consisting of six women aged 40-50, six women aged 20-30 and four men aged 25-35. Each interview lasted 2 hours. The groups were a selection of comfort.   The results showed that all respondents choose original products. The primary reason was because they thought that original products tasted better and had a better consistence.

?Det är mer plus, det måste det ju vara?? : En kvalitativ studie om att förhålla sig till kulturell bakgrund som kompetens

Several studies have shown that the Swedish labour market for different reasons is characterized by ethnical discrimination and that people who have another cultural background than Swedish are being excluded. Most studies done within this area have been focused on why it is harder for immigrants to enter the labour market and identifying the contributing mechanisms for this phenomenon. Instead the aim of this study was to see how the immigrants view their own cultural identity and background and how they perceive that their cultural competences are being valued when they apply for a job. To examine this, the following problematic was used: How does a person who has been brought up with both the Swedish culture and another culture look at using this as a cultural competence when they apply for a job. Two different theories were then applied to analyze the problematic, Erving Goffman´s theory about Stigma and Norbert Elias theory about the Established and the Outsiders.

Medias skildring av hiv: en diskursanalytisk studie

This paper aims to investigate what part Swedish media plays when it comes to portraying hiv and people infected by the virus. The study comes from articles published in Sweden's two largest daily newspapers, Dagens Nyheter and Göteborgs Posten, in 2007.By using discourse analysis we found that hiv within Sweden is described as related to riskgroups or risk behaviour and that individuals with hiv is portrayed as average people living normal lives. Except for the above described pattern, stories about so called hiv-men frequently occur. Overall, the words abroad and foreigners are reproduced in articles about individuals living with hiv or aids. When it comes to articles describing hiv abroad, aids is more in focus and people living with the virus is portrayed as innocent victims.

Hur värde uppstår i köpbeslutsprocessen : En studie om Smartphonen och dess appar

In communities today nearly everybody has a Smartphone and they bring it everywhere. What we think is interesting to observ is how people find value in Smartphones and applications. We aim to answer this question through three part questions: where in the buyer process they experience value, what they think is value and if there are any diffrences between the value men and women recive. We choosed to both have an quantitative and a qualitative method and a inductive way of working. Through our study we found out that people wanted the Smartphones and applications to be easy and they experienced value in the buyer process when its quick, adapteble and when it makes the day easy and we also found out that it wasent any differences between the value men and women recived..

Om reklam på Facebook : En attitydundersökning bland ungdomar

This thesis deals with young people´s attitudes towards advertising on Facebook, which type they prefer and how it should be presented. The purpose of the essay is to offer advertisers a better knowledge concerning the Facebook users advertising preferences. This knowledge can be used to produce advertising with a higher chance of acceptance among Facebook users. The results have been collected by a quantitative survey and they are presented in statistic form. One of the main results was that young people wanted a more individual adapted type of advertising.

Keep it real and Quick : En undersökning om hur företag bör kommunicera mot 80-talister

Today we live in a more or less globalized society where borders do not pose the same obstacle as before. This is why it is interesting to examine whether different countries have similar views on how to communicate with a specific audiencePurpose: The purpose of this thesis is to use the data gathered to inform businesses with information. The information can then be used to assist companies when it comes to advertising, the design of messages and the choice of media channels when communicating with people born during the 80?s. Furthermore, the investigation intends to find out if there really is a global market for people born during the 80?s.Method: The authors believe that a purely quantitative or qualitative approach is not appropriate.

Socialsekreterarens betydelse för ensamkommande flyktingbarns integrationsprocess

The aim of this study was to develop knowledge about the social workers' importance for unaccompanied children's integration in the Swedish society. In order to investigate this we also have to distinguish other people who are important for the unaccompanied children. The method used in the study is qualitative interviews and we have interviewed four unaccompanied children and three social workers to reach the results. To analyze the results we have used symbolic interactionism and Antonovsky's theory about sence of coherence. The results showed that it is important for unaccompanied children to have access to significant people to integrate and they also have to learn values and attitudes which exist in the society.

"Tradition och religion kanske känns gammalmodigt" : En kvalitativ studie om gymnasieungdomars konstruktion av religion

The Swedish RE curriculum states that a major purpose and aim of education inreligion is to make the students accepting and understanding of people, regardlessof religious beliefs and conceptions of life. Previous research has shown that thereare tendencies indicating that these goals are not being attained thus Swedish adolescencespeak of religion and religious people in a stereotypical manner. Thesetendencies are causes of concern which is why this study seeks to make a contributionto the previous research. This research is required since there may havebeen a change in terms of results since the last study was made. In addition, resultsfrom research that are based on interviews are hard to generalize.

Betalningsmedel & dess risker

Today you can pay in many different ways. You can for instance use cash, credit cards, internet and now even with your mobile phone. Today we can also see new types of technical payment solutions being developed, such as Near Field Communication (NFC), mobile banking or through the use of QR-codes. We have today many different payment methods; therefore it?s interesting to see which payment method people prefer the most.

I djurisk skepnad : en studie av djurens rituella betydelse i södra Skandinavien under atlantisk kronozon

This thesis concerns the mesolithic relation towards animals and hunting habits among people in Skateholm, Tågerup and Vedbæk - Bøgebakken. The aim is to look at the societies from a cultural point of view and demonstrate that the people living there identified themselves with animals and adapted their lives, their hunting and their burial customs according to rituals and believes concerning animals in their surroundings. The result is convincing and clearly shows that animals where treated differently in manors which can only be explained with specific cultural relations towards different kinds of animals..

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