

5274 Uppsatser om Blind people - Sida 27 av 352

Matematisk begreppsbildning för elever med läs-och skrivsvårigheter

This essay deals with the subject of communication through Facebook. In this survey we studied 100 youths from Karlstad and their communication habits and behavior patterns on Facebook. The social network site Facebook has since its start in 2004 made a mark in modern communication. Today in 2010 the site has more than 500 million users. This paper wants to study what happens to other types of communication.

Faktorer som kan påverka upplevelsen av ensamhet hos äldre personer inom kommunal omsorg bosatta i Sverige

Background: Older people are a major patient group seeking medical care in Sweden. Several of the elderly are living alone and the main reason for living alone is when the spouse passes away. Loneliness is a factor that can affect quality of life, health and wellbeing. Loneliness is an individual experience, loneliness can be self-chosen but involuntary loneliness can lead to lifelong suffering and feelings of loneliness. Aim: The aim of the study was to highlight the factors affecting loneliness among elderly people within municipal care living in Sweden.

MPD-vågformer för helikopterradar

A helicopter based system equipped with a millimetre-wave fire control radar is studied for improvement of the detection probability for moving ground targets. The system is a pulse doppler radar that sends out the electromagnetic wave in repetitive pulses. The frequency in which radar sends this pulse is called Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF). The velocity of the moving targets is measured by spectral analysis of the pulses received. With this sort of system some targets will not be possible to detect.

Ungdomar, attityder och poliser

The aim with the study has been to take to find out what young people has for view/opinion about the police. The theory acts about attitudes and opinions, and a short summary of what the law book says about young people that have been taken in by the police. Questionnaire survey was done on two different schools in three different classes; total were 49 young people that filled the questionnaire. T-tests, diagrams and mean were done in order to show the result. The results show that there were some young people that had a negative attitude opinion to the police.

De medeltida målningarna i Arbrå kyrka : en typologisk tolkning

The aim of this essay is to investigate the murals in the church of Arbrå, what they portrait and how they can be linked to medieval typology as described in Biblia Pauperum (BP), the Poor Man?s Bible. The aim is also to find out what the purpose was to paint medieval churches and what the function of the paintings was. Arbrå Church was painted around 1520-1530, and almost all of the motifs from the Old Testament can be directly traced back to BP as can one motif from the New Testament. Together these paintings represent most of the important events which make out the foundation of the Christian Cult.

Hur läser du? Om några iraniers läsning på svenska respektive persiska

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how people from Iran experience reading in their mother tongue, Persian, compared to how they experience reading in Swedish and if there was a difference. The questions to be answered in the thesis were: What is the dominant purpose when people read their mother tongue and when they read in Swedish. Do they read because they need information, because they want to relax or do they, when they read, reflect on their own lives? The method was qualitative, interviews were conducted with 8 Iranians living in Sweden. The theoretical background consists of a description of theories on reading and theories on language and identity.

"Tänk så bodde man kvar hela livet" : Tankar kring eget boende hos ungdomar i gymnasiesärskolan

The last 1½ decade young people with intellectual disabilities have been a part of my life. My now 13 year old son and several pupils I have taught as a teacher in the compulsory school. Their future and what will affect their lives has always been interesting to me. How do I affect them, why do I do the things I do and think the way I think? This study springs out of that curiosity.

Den är ju liksom tuggad någon annanstans: Barnbibliotekariers upplevelser av barns och ungdomars ålagda frågor under referensintervjun

The purpose of my Masters thesis is to investigate how childrens librarians in public libraries perceive and meet imposed queries during the reference interview with children and young people. What do childrens librarians think about imposed queries from children and young people? What problems can arise during a reference interview with children and young people, and what strategies can be used to solve them? How can childrens librarians prepare for imposed queries from children and young people that have arisen in school related situations? The study was carried out at public libraries in Sweden. In the review of the literature results from prior research and other relevant material are presented. The theoretical framework includes a communication model on imposed queries developed by Gross, and two other models Levels of Mediation and Zone of Intervention, developed by Kuhlthau.

Wikipedia : Informationspublicering på Internet ur ett genus- och maktperspektiv

This essay is about publishing on the Internet and aims to understand the differences between publishing information on the webpage Wikipedia (Swedish version) in contrast to other information pages on the Internet, for example blog, discussion pages, homepages etcetera. The study is based upon an article which described that 90% of the information publishers at Wikipedia belongs to a small elite of white, western, well educated men between the age of thirty to thirtythree. This study examines why people who does not belong to this heteronormativity publish information in other Internet places but not at Wikipedia.Wikipedia is an open source site, where anyone can publish and are even encouraged to do so and is often described as an utopian dream of the digital democracy, so why don´t people express themselves on Wikipedia? The method is based on two discussion groups, which are compared and analyzed. The study is based upon theoretical competence within feminist theory and conceptions such as intersectionality, heteronormativity and digital divide as well as theories about digital devices and social order.

Omsorgskvalitet i äldreomsorgen : Ett begrepp i utveckling

This study is based on interviews with heads of unit, care staff and senior representatives from a total of six people. We have in this study directed our focus on care quality in the elderly as a concept in development. It appears, when the elderly do not have any dependents, it is even more important that staff supports some extra where no relatives are involved.Quality of life is the broader concept of good quality care and where a good quality of care is a necessary condition for a good quality of life. According to the social services care is the target that older people will live a good life and be allowed to live in a safe environment, which we intend to investigate in this study. Opportunity for greater influence should now be given to older people and their families on how interventions should be designed and implemented.

Sätter jag mig i ett hörn, blir jag äldre än vad jag är : En kvalitativ studie om insatsen aktivering inom hemtjänsten

From the day we are born, we slowly grow old and sooner or later most people will have to use geriatric care provided by the community. In the Swedish model, society is responsible for the geriatric care, so the elderly can live a dignified, meaningful and active life. Home help insert activity is designed to help elderly get their social needs satisfied in the form of, for example, being outdoors, walk and visit a friend or some other form of social interaction. The study's purpose is to study how older people use and perceive bet activation in the municipal home care. To find out how this was conducted five interviews with older people who have help from home care to insert activation was made.

Att få stroke i Örebro län - Uppföljning av vårdkvalitet och upplevelser av stöd, vård och rehabilitering

Background: Various follow-up studies show that there are deficiencies in the care of patients affected by stroke. In order to provide good care according to the National Board of health and welfare and national guidelines for stroke care systematic quality audits need to be carried out.Purpose: To investigate if the local guidelines for stroke care in Örebro County are followed and to explore how people with stroke experience care and rehabilitation in hospital, primary care and community.Method: Primary health care records were reviewed using quality indicators in the local stroke guidelines. Samples of patients were obtained from the County´s three hospitals. Differences between men and women, younger and older, were analysed with chi-squared test. Eleven people were interviewed about their experiences of care, rehabilitation, support and participation.

Bike Around

Physical activity can reduce the risk of developing dementia, and studies show that people who already have some form of the disease can get a better memory function and find it easier to perform daily tasks if the activity is performed regularly. People who are diagnosed with dementia are generally not offered physical activity to a high extent, nor is there a wide range of equipment developed to suit the target group.The Bike Around project was launched during a workshop in Copenhagen and was organized by HCH and Techna Science with the aim to develop new training equipment for people with dementia. The workshop resulted in the development of a customized training bike where the user can get a biking experience from his wheelchair or favorite chair. By integrating the pedal movement with a prerecorded movie projected on a screen, the memory can be stimulated both visually and by the activity itself.Our assignment in the project consisted of three parts: design of the bike, movie playback and software programming. During the project a prototype has been created that meets the requirements of ergonomics and usability..

Människovänliga stadsrum enligt Jan Gehl

How do you build cities that are exciting and nice to live in? What factors in the physical environment is it that make you feel comfortable in some of the places in the city, but in other places not comfortable at all? Why do some cities have a rich public life in their public realm, while the public realm in other cities is abandoned and empty? How do you plan environments that support people?s physical and mental health? These are questions that I put to myself, and that people who are interested in or working with physical planning should ask themselves. That is why I have been studying an authority on the subject, the Danish Professor Jan Gehl, who has been researching and working with peoplefriendly public realms for 50 years. He is best known for his book Life between buildings that has been a text-book in the education of architects for more than 30 years, and to have initiated Copenhagens most famous pedestrian street, Strøget, to show his theory of how people will use the public realm, if it?s only got the right qualities.

Idrott, ungdomar och identitetsskapande : En studie i hur ungdomars identitetsskapande påverkas av utövandet av en lagidrott respektive en individuell idrott

The main objective of this essay is to examine how the identities of young people are influenced by their choice of an individual sport or a team sport.The following questions are the focus of the essay:? How does the sport influence the creation of an identity for active young people?? How will the choice of an individual sport or a team sport affect the development of an identity in young people who practises sport?To achieve the objective of this essay I have used a qualitative research approach. The empirical material has been collected with help of eight semi-structured interviews. Four of them were held with young people who practised swimming and the other four with young people who played soccer. The essay is structured from Derek Layders model regarding how to understand the social reality.

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