

5274 Uppsatser om Blind people - Sida 12 av 352

?Den stojande hopen? : Diskurser om ungdomar i två bibliotekstidskrifter 2005?2010

The aim of this thesis is to examine discourses about the user category young people in two well-established Swedish library journals between the years 2005 and 2010.The empirical material consists of 65 texts derived from the library journals Biblioteksbladet and Bibliotek i samhälle. By using discourse theory and methodology I discover several different ways in which young people are categorized in the library context. As a complementary theory I have analyzed the material from an intersectional perspective. The result shows that young people most of the times are defined by adults. Several characteristics such as creativity, interest in modern technology, messiness and need for support are repeated in the descriptions of the young, suggesting that there is clear idea of how young people are.

I stundens hetta : En kvalitativ textanalys om gestaltningar av krisarbetare i samband med skogsbranden i Va?stmanland sommaren 2014

This qualitative study examines how emergency people are framed in Swedish evening-, and local newspapers during the forest fire in Va?stmanland, Sweden 2014. The study also includes if there is any difference between the framing due to the location of the newspaper. The study is based on qualitative text analysis. The theoretical basis is representation, framing theory, media image, media logic and a few conceptions from crisis communication theory.

En oviss framtid. Vart går allmänheten idag för att uppleva och lära sig historia och vart går den imorgon?

The purpose with this paper is partly to find out what people of different ages do to learn more about the past, and partly what they believe will happen within the next 50 years with institutions like traditional museums and the relatively new theme parks. How will the museums and theme parks evolve? Will they evolve? Or will they disappear?To solve these questions I have sent out a questionnaire to people of different ages. I have also been in contact with employees from different museums and theme parks in Skåne. I have used literature written by archaeologists among others.

Sociala relationer i ett socialt media : - En kvantitativ studie över 151 gymnasieelever i Kalmar och deras Facebook-användande

The aim with this study was to find out how young people at age 16-19 years in Kalmar, Sweden use and interact through Facebook. The questions in our questionnaire were based on three themes, these are; friendship relations on Facebook, what influence Facebook has on young people and how they choose to present themselves on Facebook. The theory that was applied on this study is of social-psychological kind. We chose the theory because we figured it would be suitable to further explain and dispute the aim of the study. The result shows that many different variables can matter in a study like this. We chose to look at a few, such as for example sex and age and we found out that there is a great difference between the way girls and boys use Facebook and how they choose to present themselves in this social media. Another conclusion that our study led to is that Facebook is an important tool for young people, in the meaning that they use it since it makes it easier to communicate with their friends and it also strengthens their relationships with their friends. Keywords: Facebook, Young people, Friendship, Facebook and Social Relations, Facebook use among adolescents & Facebooks? impact on adolescents..

"Den är som morgonkaffet, man måste ha det" : En fallstudie om varfo?r Barometerns la?sare konsumerar en lokal dagstidning

The purpose of this essay is to understand and analyze why people read a local newspaper and which needs it can fulfill. The newspaper indistry is changing and so is the way we consume news. Today the readers are seen as an active group of people who choose the media, which fulfills their needs in the best possible way. This essay is based on a case study of the local newspaper Barometern. We used a qualitative research method and have done eight interviews.

"Det var fel, men vi brydde ju oss inte alls om de personerna" : En kvalitativ studie om hur svensk journalistik skildrar relationen mellan polisen och romer

The following study aims to examine how the Swedish journalism portrays the relationship between the Swedish police and the Romani people in Sweden in connection with the disclosure of the registration of thousands of Romani people during the autumn of 2013. The study proceeds from a series of articles written 2013 about what in Swedish media is known as ?Registerskandalen? or ?Romregistret?. The theories used in the study all originates from Postcolonial Theory and Ethnocentrism, and we used van Dijk's Critical Discourse Analysis for analysing the result. In the end of the study we find that the Swedish journalism portrays the Swedish police's view on the Romani people as negative in comparison to how they view the rest of the majority society in Sweden..

Kundrelationer : En jämförande intervjustudie av Sverige & Spanien

The way you address people is depending on the existing culture, to be on familiar terms with people you don?t know or elderly people is totally unacceptable in some cultures. Some behaviour might be acceptable in one culture, and unacceptable in another. Culture exists on different levels in the society, and what combines people within a culture are that they share the same norms and values.This study identifies and deals with the resemblances and the differences in the customer relationship within one specific organization with activity in several different countries. Two of these countries, which can be seen as each others cultural contrasts, were chosen for the study, Sweden and Spain.

Äldre stenåldern i Småland och Östergötland : Cirka 10 000 - 6000 f.kr

?This essey focus on the first people in Småland and Östergötland. I investigate how they adapted to a new environment and what changes occurred in their material culture. The purpose is to provide an overview of the first people who arrived there. I describe the settlements, material culture, graves and so on..

Att bli synad i sömmarna : en studie av fyra ungdomars upplevelse av att vara utredningsplacerade på en institution

The purpose of the essay is to, in retrospect, take a closer look at how the young people experienced their placement for assessment at Albogården and what it resulted in. With this purpose I inadvertently came to look at other aspects, for instance their lives before and after the placement.The underlying questions were:* The young people social situations before the placement?* The experience of being locked up?* What was it like being analysed?* What are the young people's thoughts on the methods of working at Albogården - rules, procedures, methods etc.?* What were the results from the placement at Albogården? Did something change in the young people's social situations?To answer my questions I interviewed four persons that previously were placed for assessment. To ascertain information on how the assessment is done I also interviewed the director of Albogården. I also studied relevant literature.The investigation showed that a majority of the young people didn't understand the purpose or felt participant in the assessment, being restless and locked up felt extremely arduous and violating.

Att finna balansen : En litteraturstudie om hur personer med diabetes typ 2 upplever livsstilsförändringar

AbstractBackground: To have type 2 diabetes affects life situation and thus the experiences oflifestyle changes. Treatment of type 2 diabetes consists of adapting to new lifestyles and theirown involvement. Orem (2001) theory of self-care has been used as a kind of scientificfoundation. Aim: The purpose of this study is to describe the experiences of lifestyle changesin people with type 2 diabetes. Method: Systematic literature review of descriptive andinductive synthesis approach has been used.

Vad är äkta countrymusik? - En genres strävan efter det genuina

The purpose of the present study has been to explore if there is an agreement between people about what to call real country music. Three Swedish people who are interested in country music have described this music by means of interviews. The interviews have been analysed and compared with literature dealing with country music, and the result of the study presents three conceptions: authenticity, simplicity and contextual comprehension. The conclusion is that there seems to be some common views about what real country music is but that these conceptions are not defined in exactly the same way by different people..

Ungdomar som rymmer hemifrån : en kunskapsöversikt

The aim with this thesis is to study how the phenomenon young people who run away from home (runaways) is presented in the research literature. The question at issue in our thesis is: How does research literature present the phenomenon of young people who run away from home? We have selected seven primary documents that we consider gives a broad picture of the knowledge about runaways. We have a postmodern and a hermeneutic approach in our thesis. Our material has been analyzed on the basis of social constructionist theory and the new sociological paradigm of childhood.

Bibliotekets tidskrifter och tidskriftsavdelning: En undersökning av högstadielevers läsning i relation till utbudet.

The aim of this masters thesis is to examine the supply of magazines and periodicals for young people at the library. We also examine young peoples reading of magazines and periodicals and compare the librarys selection with what young people read. The main questions of this thesis are: What do young people do at the library on their spare time? What weekly magazines and periodicals do young people read? What range of magazines and periodicals do the city- and the school library have? Where is the department located and how is it designed? What kind of relationship is there between young peoples reading and the selection? To answer these questions we have done an interview with a librarian and a questionnaire among 13-16 year old children. We found that it is not often that young people read their magazines and periodicals at the library.

Aktiv Omsorg : Aktiviteter och deras inverkan på välbefinnandet utifrån ett brukar- och personalperspektiv

The purpose of this study is to investigate how activities in elderly care matters to well-being among elderly people, from both user perspective and staff perspective. The study is made out of a qualitative method, this to create a deep-going understanding of how the people participating in the investigation are experiencing the impact of activities on well-being from their unique situation. Personal interviews have been used as method. Six persons were participating, three elderly persons and three persons working as staff. All interviews were made in a ?short-time? ward in the county of Västernorrland.The result of the investigation shows that the elderly people that were interviewed not directly related the participation in activities to feelings of well-being.

Det avancerade klotterplanket: en studie av forum mot droger på Lunarstorm

This study is based on an observation of one of the biggest webcommunitys in Sweden today, called Lunarstorm. My main purpose was to research how young people use this media for talking about drug and alcohol-related subjects. The questions I posed were the following:- In which way do young people talk about drugs and alcohol on Lunarstorm?- What possibilities does Lunarstorm create for these questions?- How do the users relate to each other, regarding support for relatives to drug or alcohol-abusers or own substance use?My method of collecting empirical data consisted of observation of the forum, and my method for analyzing the data was based on a discourse- analysis. Trough this I found that the media creates a way for young people to meet others with similar problems, both grown-ups and people of the same age.

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