

1288 Uppsatser om Black Books - Sida 2 av 86

Utvecklingen hos nattskatta (Solanum nigrum L.) och dess bekämpningsbehov i konservärtsodling :

Black nightshade (Solanum nigrum L.) is a major problem in gardenpea cultivations contracted by Findus AB, a Swedish food processing company. The main problem is that the nightshade berries contain solanin and, thus, are not tolerated in the marketed product, which is fresh frozen peas. In addition, berries have the same size and color as the peas and cannot be separated at the factory. Black nightshades have the last ten years become a more common weed in field grown vegetables in the southern parts of Sweden. This MSc thesis presents an experiment conducted in 2005, aiming at developing a tool for predicting the need for control of black nightshade in peas.

Warrantvärdering : En jämförelse mellan Monte-Carlo och Black-Scholes

Syftet med denna uppsats är att med tre GARCH-modeller skatta volatiliteten för fjorton aktier med t- och normalfördelade slumptermer. Dessa volatiliteter implementeras sedan i Black-Scholes modell samt i Monte-Carlo simuleringar och utfallen av dessa två värderingsmetoder jämförs.Författarna har kommit fram till att GARCH-modeller behövs för att skatta volatiliteten för de aktier som ingår i arbetet då modellerna tar hänsyn till den föreliggande heteroskedasticiteten.De skillnader som uppstår mellan Monte-Carlo simuleringar och Black-Scholes modell beror främst på skillnader mellan normal- och t-fördelningen samt att volatiliteten ger större effekt i Monte-Carlo simuleringarna. Författarna kan inte uttala sig om huruvida Monte-Carlo skattningarna ger bättre resultat än den vedertagna Black-Scholes modell, däremot är Monte-Carlo mer teoretiskt korrekt..

När kan Tanzanias fattigdom elimineras? : En analys av bistånd, tillväxt och fattigdom

The aim of my thesis was to examine if educators need to be critical of what they read to the children from a gender perspective. I examined how picture books depict gender and if the books enhances or breaks perception of gender roles. I also examined educator?s perception of gender and if they think picture books can affect children?s perceptions of gender, but also what educators think about gender equality through picture books. The study is based on analysis of five picture books and interview with five educators.The results of analyzes showed that picture books are stereotyped and enhances perceptions of gender roles.

Småbarnslitteratur sedd ur ett genusperspektiv

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to investigate if gender stereotypes are mediated to children between 0-3 years through books suitable for their age. This thesis concerns books that are available in public libraries. The content will be analysed by using a combination of methods, both content analysis of all the books in our study and a qualitative analysis of a smaller number of these books. With inspiration from both Robert Connell and Yvonne Hirdman and their theories of gender and gender stereotypes, this material was read and we wanted to examine if books for very young children might establish stereotypes. Our analysis showed that many known stereotypes are common in these books.

Doktorander och e-böcker ? en användarundersökning

The purpose of this thesis is to study the usage of and attitudes towards electronic books among graduate and PhD students at Karlstad University. The main questions are: How do graduate and PhD students use electronic books? To what extent are electronic books used compared to printed books? To find the answers, a user study was carried out at Karlstad University library. The results show that a majority of the respondents are aware of the possibility to use electronic books but prefer to use printed ones if they have to choose. Many respondents also complained about difficulties reading a text on the computer screen.

Orden bland drakar och demoner : En språkstudie av svenska rollspelsböcker

The purpose of this essay was to do a research about if the language in Swedish role-playing books is used correctly and if the composition along with the possible language errors makes the books hard to understand.This research was also about to find out why these problems occurs and if the authors are aware of them.I choose books from two Swedish role-playing games, Eon and Drakar och Demoner. I read them trough, noted the mistakes made and put them together in a scoring table. I also did a LIX-test on the books and interviewed one of the authors.The results shows that the books to Eon is harder to read than the books to Drakar och Demoner and this agrees with the vision the authors of the books claims to have.The results also shows that it is not only the language mistakes and the composition that makes the books hard to read, but also the choice of difficult words and badly formulated rules..

"Skippar prinsessböcker med happy ending" : En kvalitativ studie av genus i fem bilderböcker och fem förskolepedagogers uppfattningar om genus i bilderböcker

The aim of my thesis was to examine if educators need to be critical of what they read to the children from a gender perspective. I examined how picture books depict gender and if the books enhances or breaks perception of gender roles. I also examined educator?s perception of gender and if they think picture books can affect children?s perceptions of gender, but also what educators think about gender equality through picture books. The study is based on analysis of five picture books and interview with five educators.The results of analyzes showed that picture books are stereotyped and enhances perceptions of gender roles.

Storlommens (Gavia arctica) häckningsframgång relaterad till vattenkvalitet

This work investigates the breeding success of the Black-throated Diver, Gavia arctica, related to the water quality in three lakes located in the Vallentuna area, north of Stockholm, Sweden.For more than 30 years, I have studied the bird life around these three and other nearby lakes, and noticed that the Black-throated Diver breeds in some lakes, but not in others.The results confirm that the deep and clear lakes Tärnan and Stora Harsjön have good water quality regarding pH, alkalinity, aluminium and Secchi disk values. As expected, the Black-throated Diver shows breeding success in those two lakes, but does not breed in the shallow and eutrophic lake Mysslingen. .

Barnets röst i barnavårdsutredningar : Hur får barn komma till tals?

The purpose of this study is to analyze picture books from a gender perspective. The books are found in a book box that the libraries send out to preschools. This study is based on the following questions:How are boys and girls portrayed in picture books?Do the picture books encourage or discourage the principles of equality found in the Curriculum for the Pre-School and the equality work conducted in the preschools?I performed a qualitative text and picture analysis of 12 picture books. I used Maria Nikolajeva and Kajsa Wahlströms schedule of typical masculine and feminine qualities and activities when analysing the picture books.

Värdering av Företags Totala Aktiekapital utifrån Black-Scholes Modell och Redovisningsdata

I denna uppsats undersöks hur väl det går att värdera marknadsvärdet av företagets aktiekapital med hjälp av en modifierad Black-Scholes köpoptionsmodell. Tidigare undersökningar har gjorts bland annat i USA där man gjorde en studie på S & P100 och fick starka indikationer på att modellen väl förklarar marknadsvärdet av aktiekapitalet. Denna uppsats följer metoden som användes vid studien på S & P100 för att se om den även ger en hög förklaringsgrad på den svenska aktiemarknaden. Undersökningen genomförs med hjälp av redovisningsdata från samtliga bolag listade på A-listan vid Stockholmsbörsen. Redovisningsdata används för att få fram de variabler som används i den Black-Scholes modell som modifierats från att värdera köpoptioner på aktier till att värdera marknadsvärdet av företags aktiekapital.

E-böcker ett nytt sätt att läsa. En undersökning om digitala böcker i folkbibliotek.

The main purpose of our thesis is to discuss the subject e-books from a Swedish public library perspective. The aim of the thesis is to locate and analyse statistics in regards to lending electronic books in public libraries. With this background a text analyse have been done, which views different arguments about e-books. We have studied the current statistics about lending e-books to the public users, the statistic material was gathered from the two main providers of e-books, eLib and E-biblioteket. With this statistic report as a background, arguments from scientists, journalists and users of e-books have been studied.

Elektroniska böcker på bibliotek: Bibliotekariers och användares syn på elektroniska böcker utifrån intervjuer och samtal

The purpose of this paper is to describe how librarians andusers think of electronic books in libraries. My questions are:-What are electronic books, and how do they work?-How has electronic books been implemented by librariansin the libraries and on the libraries? websites?-How do users describe their view of electronic books?-How do the librarians and users think of electronic book inthe future?To be able to answer these questions I have studied relevantliterature, made qualitative interviews with two librarians attwo similar libraries and I had dialogues with several usersElectronic books were introduced 2002 at the two libraries.In the beginning the libraries made different types ofmarketing, but today they only have the website withinformation. Their purpose was to try this out and offer theusers a new media. So far, there are few users who borrowthese books, and maybe it depends on technical conditions.According to the dialogues I had, most of the users have noidea what electronic books are.

Genus i barnböcker

The purpose of this essay is to examine and compare how womanliness and manliness reveal themselves in different children?s books, mainly focusing on the concept of gender, in both text and images aspects. The questions I have chosen to interrogate are the following:How is the male and female role represented in children's books from a gender perspective, in both images and texts? What gender is generally the main character in children's books? What clothes are the characters wearing in children's books? What kind of occupations do the characters practice in children's books? What kind of qualities or attributes do the characters possess in children's books?When it comes to the selection of the method, I have chosen the use a qualitative method, where I use both a text and image analysis. The essay is based on Hirdman's and Hardning's gender theories and alsow on Nikolajeva's theorie about male and female.

Depraverad operasåpa eller litterärt konstverk? : Om mediernas och läsarnas reception av den fabricerade bloggen Black Ascot

Syftet med denna uppsats är att svara på frågan hur läsare och media reagerade på bloggen Black Ascot i egenskap av en litterär bluff, även kallad en litterär fabrikation. Målet är även att komma fram till hur mottagare av textbaserad kommunikation reagerar på att bli lurade. För att uppnå syftet undersöks läsarnas och medias reception av Black Ascot. Uppsatsen diskuterar även om det finns förklaringar till receptionen i bloggens litterära utformning. I analyserna framkommer det att diskussioner gällande framförallt autenticitet och moral uppstod såväl i media som bland läsarkommentarerna. Trots att negativa reaktioner förekommer i båda undersökningsgrupperna tyder resultatet på att en majoritet av bloggläsarna uppskattade bloggen även som en litterär fabrikation.

Ett viktigt ämne, men inte för skönlitteraturen? Mottagandet av fem skönlitterära skildringar av anorexi och bulimi

The aim of this thesis is to examine how five works of fiction about anorexia and bulimia have been received in Swedish daily press reviews. The investigation is based on 60 reviews, which are analysed with a qualitative method consisting of close-reading and where a feministic perspective is used. The main question concerns how and to which extent the basis of valuation in the reviews is effected by the fact that the books describe a primary female world of experiences. The investigation shows, among other things, that many reviewers consider the books about eating disorders to be too many. They categorize the books about anorexia and bulimia as a genre of its own and place the books into the literary system principally by referring to other books about anorexia and bulimia.

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