

28 Uppsatser om Biography - Sida 2 av 2

Nu kan jag mycket mera : En liten studie i hur delar av Europeisk språkportfolio kan fungera som stöd för formativ bedömning i ämnet engelska, år 4.

The aim of the study is to show how a selected part of the European Language Portfolio, ELP, can support the assessment process for teachers. All the checklists at level A1 and My Language Goals from the Language Biography, a part of the ELP, are implemented and communicated in teaching in a 4th grade class of students. Two teachers are interviewed and both of their classes are compared in the study. One group worked for two weeks with the selected part of the Language Portfolio and the second group followed the regular curriculum for the same period of time. The teachers are interviewed before and after the ELP through support of mind maps.Results show that by using checklists at level A1 and My Language Goals students become aware of their own learning process.

Analys av relationen mellan titel och musik - i ett urval av Torsten Petres pianostycken

The aim of this essay is to analyze the relationship between the title and the music in a selec-tion of piano pieces by Torsten Petre. Based on the work list, a categorization of the piano titles has been made and the categories have been named ?emotions, moods and minds?, ?na-ture?, ?mankind?, ?dances and similar titles?, ?supernatural beings, fairy creatures and popu-lar belief?, ?foreign countries and foreign culture?, ?nationalism and tradition?, ?artifacts?, and ?miscellaneous?. Two pieces from the category ?emotions, moods and minds? Skizzer för piano, third series Op.

Johan Lindegrens vägval : En studie i de faktorer som påverkade enskilda aktörers verksamhet inom Stockholms musiksamhälle 1860-1908

Anne Reese: Johan Lindegrens vägval : en studie i de faktorer som påverkade enskilda aktörers verksamhet inom Stockholms musiksamhälle 1860-1908, Uppsala universitet: Institutionen för Musikvetenskap, uppsats för 100 poäng, 2007.The aim of this essay is to show some of the factors which affected the production and work of the individual musician or composer within Stockholm's music society in the late 19th century. By a case study on Johan Lindegren (1842-1908) I demonstrate how a musician or a composer functioned in the social structures of the music society and how power affected the work of the musician or composer. This essay also fills another purpose as it gives Lindegren a more detailed Biography, which is something that has been missing until now.By applying a concept of power, as discussed by Michel Foucault, to this subject and interacting it with the concepts of musical opportunism, I present a new way of talking about the social, as well as the individual factors that affects the individual musician within the music society.The conclusion is drawn that there are two different types of factors that affects the work of the individual; 1) the social network and power within society, which presents positions and opportunities for the musician and 2) the individual character of musician which determine the way the individual uses the position or opportunity he or she is given..

Att berätta en relation. En etisk läsning av Emilia Fogelklous "Arnold"

The subject of this dissertation is the autobiographical novel Arnold by the Swedish writer Emilia Fogelklou (1878-1972). By combining Gérard Genette?s narratology and Andrew Gibson?s narrative ethics this study seeks to examine through what means the relationship is being told and with what ethical consequences different strategies are used to tell one?s experiences from life. The narrative analysis focuses on how the narrator is engaged in the narrative, how the bond between narrator and characters can be described, what is known to whom and how, and what is beyond the narrative?s limits.

A thematic analysis of Roald Dahl?s adult fiction

In the area of short stories there is little doubt that Roald Dahl has been an influential writer. Dahl´s short stories have been presented to the general public through TVbraodcasts but in order to grasp the true spirit of Dahl´s writing the best method is, of course, reading his books. The fictional works of Roald Dahl can be divided into two major categories: stories for adults and stories for children. This essay is concerned with the second grouping and is an attempt to analyse three themes that are of particular importance to his work. After a brief biographical note on the author, the essay analyses the element of the macabre in Dahl?s writing.

I opposition mot traditionen : En konstsociologisk studie om etableringen av Elmgreen & Dragset och upprätthållandet av en avantgarde-position

Arbetets syfte har varit att undersöka etableringen av konstnärsduon Elmgreen & Dragset och hur de med konstverket The Award (2014) utmanat den sociala hierarkin i det konstnärliga fältet. Genom Erwin Panofskys analysmodell i ikonologi har arbetet undersökt hur konstverket innefattar en kritisk handling. Metoden har varit att med ett konstsociologiskt perspektiv undersöka vilken typ av position konstnärsduon etablerat sig i det konstnärliga fältet samt hur de utmanat en överordnad position i samma fält. Metoden har även varit att undersöka hur den kritiska handlingen kan förstås som ett sätt att upprätthålla en avantgarde-position. Arbetet visade hur Elmgreen & Dragset etablerat en paradoxal avantgarde-position.

Karolinsk Stridstaktik : artilleriets och pikens roll 1700-1712 samt bataljonens stridsformering

From a new perspective, this paper will examine the artillery and the pike role in the period 1700-1712 and the battalion´s battle formation in the Caroline combat tactics. Carolinian battle tactics were practiced during the period 1700-1721. The results from my study will be compared to existing research opinion regarding the selected subject areas, if the result confirms the thesis or question the existing research opinion. The source material used consists of eyewitness accounts from the period consisting of diaries, memoir, Biography, general muster rolls and historical literature covering the subject. The analysis shows that the Caroline artillery took part in 12 battles during the period of 1700-1712.


I uppsatsen undersöks bildens betydelse för den svenska utvandringen till Amerika vid 1900-talets början. Utgångspunkten är i Västernorrland och en analys av Örnsköldsviks Allehanda,Allers Familj-Journal och Hvita Stjern-Liniens rederibroschyr. Under antagandet att varjebild fick ett större nyhetsvärde i en mer bildfattig kultur än den vi har idag och sparades underen längre tid är syftet att undersöka den blivande emigrantens bildvärld och världsbild. Frågorsom behandlas är: I vilket källmaterial förekom bilder, vilken funktion fyllde de och vilkenkunskap om Amerika kan den blivande emigranten tänkas ha haft? Vidare behandlasemigrantens bildbiografi, emigrationsbildens ontologi och bilden som emigrationspåverkandefaktor.

Värdefullt förfall : om ruiner i förändring

This essay deals with ruins from the perspective of their cultural values ??and the impact of add-ons, protective add-ons and caring actions affect these values. The issues in the essay are; What are the cultural values of a ruin?  How have ruins been used?  How are ruins treated today?Initially the definition of the concept ?ruin? is discussed, what is a ruin? A building has an architectural Biography: the creation, destruction, change and the decay. The concept of ruin is considered to be a state of this decay, rather than a dead building.

"Det kräver bara lite mer tid och det kräver bra personer omkring dig." : Unga vuxna med rörelsehinder berättar om sin skoltid.

Utifrån Normaliseringsprincipen och demokratiska strömningar under andra hälften av 1900-talet påbörjades på skolområdet en integreringsprocess. Begreppet inkludering introducerades senare för att markera skolans ansvar i frågan. Trots inkluderingsuppdraget har avskiljande lösningar inom skolan åter blivit vanliga. Studier om rörelsehindrade barns skolvardag visar att det förekommer många exkluderande situationer i skolan, ofta omedvetna och i tron att dessa är bäst för eleven. Dessa situationer är en följd av att skolan inte arbetar på organisationsnivå med inkluderingsfrågor.Syftet med denna studie har varit att belysa inkluderingsaspekter i skolan för elever med rörelsehinder.

Rock och roll : En studie av musikens roll i identitetsskapandet

The purpose of this thesis was to study the functions that music have in relation to the formation of identity, and research how this fits into the music subject in the school environment in Sweden. My questions were; (1) what role does music has in the formation of identity? (2) how does gender stereotyped musical identities take form? (3) what is the problems or risks with music education in relation to formation of identity? (4) how does the curriculum for the Swedish school relate to the functions that music have in relation to the formation of identity? I have done an analysis on three writers who focuses on theories about music in relation to the development of identity, to give perspective to the individual?s music reality. The first one is the Swedish musicology professor Börje Stålhammar, the second one is the Norwegian music therapist and professor Even Ruud, and the third one is the Brittish music senior master Nicola Dibben. I have compare their thoughts and found a great unanimity in many aspects.

Emigration och Amerikabild - Om utvandrarens bildvärld och världsbild med utgångspunkt i emigrationen från Västernorrland till Amerika 1901-1909

I uppsatsen undersöks bildens betydelse för den svenska utvandringen till Amerika vid 1900-talets början. Utgångspunkten är i Västernorrland och en analys av Örnsköldsviks Allehanda,Allers Familj-Journal och Hvita Stjern-Liniens rederibroschyr. Under antagandet att varjebild fick ett större nyhetsvärde i en mer bildfattig kultur än den vi har idag och sparades underen längre tid är syftet att undersöka den blivande emigrantens bildvärld och världsbild. Frågorsom behandlas är: I vilket källmaterial förekom bilder, vilken funktion fyllde de och vilkenkunskap om Amerika kan den blivande emigranten tänkas ha haft? Vidare behandlasemigrantens bildbiografi, emigrationsbildens ontologi och bilden som emigrationspåverkandefaktor.

"Han är inte mer än människa" : En studie av hur pressen framställer kungens offentliga och privata roll när "skandalbiografin" utkommer 2010

The aim of this paper is to examine how the press describes the public and private role of the Swedish monarch in texts that report about the Biography Carl XVI Gustaf ? den motvillige monarken (Sjöberg et al. 2010) when it is published in November 2010. The examined period ranges between the days just before the release and a fortnight after. The analysis is limited to standard Swedish papers: a daily, Svenska Dagbladet, and an evening paper, Expressen.Questions asked in the study are: In what ways do the analysed texts raise a discussion about the monarchy?s importance or function in the society of today, that is a public debate on the monarchy? To what extension are status symbols used in the constructing of royalty, that is what Jürgen Habermas (2003) describes as representative publicity? What similarities and differences are found when comparing the news articles in the daily and in the evening paper?The method used to answer the aim and questions is the critical discourse analysis, as Norman Fairclough (1995) describes it, and the theoretical perspective of the essay is Jürgen Habermas? (2003) theory about the bourgeois public sphere.The result shows that the news articles in the daily unsurprisingly construct only a public who wants to debate on the monarchy.

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