

689 Uppsatser om Bibliotek gävleborg - Sida 16 av 46

Östras bibliotek - en pedagogisk resurs? En fallstudie av ett gymnasiebibliotek

The purpose of the study was from the perspective of young people that has completed a stay at HVB-home. The respondents are between 15-21 years both boys and girls. The basic questions were: How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service process? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service contents? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service regarding available information and how the staff is available? What positive and negative experience do they have from their stay at the HVB-home? We also wish to get a picture of what is important to change to improve the quality on this HVB-home. To receive answers to those questions we formed a questionnaire.

Talet om ett bibliotek. En diskursanalys av ombyggnationen pÄ SödertÀlje stadsbibliotek

The purpose of the study was from the perspective of young people that has completed a stay at HVB-home. The respondents are between 15-21 years both boys and girls. The basic questions were: How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service process? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service contents? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service regarding available information and how the staff is available? What positive and negative experience do they have from their stay at the HVB-home? We also wish to get a picture of what is important to change to improve the quality on this HVB-home. To receive answers to those questions we formed a questionnaire.

Informationshantering och -spridning pÄ Axis Communications AB

In a complex and turbulent world, several companies begin to realize the value of information as a strategic resource and try to find strategies to manage this. This master thesis aims to describe the information management at Axis Communications AB. Axis is a fast growing company and due to this they have not been able to manage the flow of information whitin the company. To find out how the information was managed at this time we made a survey and employee interviews at three Axis business units. By analyzing the surveys and interviews we found several problems.

Python scripting for network management: PyMIP - TeMIP made

Det huvudsakliga mÄlet var att skapa ett python-bibliotek som fungerar som ett interface till Visual TeMIP. Visual TeMIP Àr ett C++-API som anvÀnds till att utveckla applikationer och moduler för alarmhanteringssystemet OpenView TeMIP. Ett sekundÀrt mÄl var att skapa en lÀttvikts-webbserver och en webbklient för de mindre kunder som inte har behov av den fullfjÀdrade TeMIP-klienten. Webbservern skrevs helt i Python och anvÀnde sig av PyMIPbiblioteket, webbklienten skrev i DHTML och AJAX. En ASCII-baserad larmlista skriven i Python gjordes ocksÄ för att anvÀndas av utvecklare och tekniker, samt för att testa funktionaliteten i PyMIP.

Samarbete mellan bibliotek och förskola En studie om huruvida samarbete kan frÀmja barns och sÀrskilt invandrarbarns sprÄkutveckling

This Masters thesis concerns how library and preschool can cooperate in supporting childrens language development and especially that of bilingual children. We have investigated how librarians and preschool teachers different competences can complement each other to gain the best result in work with childrens language development. This study is based on qualitative interviews with four librarians and three preschool teachers. The answers from them have been analysed according to different categories. Our results show that both librarians and preschool teachers think that bilingual children need extra support and that it takes longer to learn two languages.

UtvÀrdering av Datorstödsgruppens verksamhet vid UmeÄ Universitetsbibliotek

Undersökningen handlar om bemötande inom hemtjÀnstarbete. Centrala begrepp i uppsatsen Àr bemötande, kommunikation och social interaktion. Uppsatsen bygger pÄ kvalitativa intervjuer samt deltagande observationer dÀr resultatet grundar sig pÄ information frÄn personal och personliga tolkningar. Informationen innefattar egna tankaroch erfarenheter frÄn personalen om hemtjÀnstarbetet och om de centrala begreppen. Syftet med uppsatsen Àr att se hur de olika möten mellan personla och omsorgstagare fungerar och hur man gÄr tillvÀga för att fÄ en fungerande kommunikation.

PÄ vÀg att bli vuxen: unga flickors upplevelser och uppfattningar om bibliotek

The purpose of this Masters thesis has been to examine the importance of libraries for girls leisure time in secondary school. Focus has been on the use of the library as a leisure activity. Interviews were carried out with six girls of the ages 13 to 16. The conclusion of the study is that the library is of importance for the girls mostly through its books. Reading turned out to be an important leisure activity for the girls and the books provided by the library were of significance for their identity development.

Sverige och övergÄngen till klassifikationssystemet DDC : Problematiken med hylluppstÀllning ur ett anvÀndarperspektiv

Ett antal bibliotek i Sverige, med Kungliga biblioteket i spetsen, har tagit beslut att byta klassifikationssystem frÄn SAB-systemet till Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC). Den aspekt pÄ denna övergÄng som utreds hÀr Àr att ur ett anvÀndarperspektiv utvÀrdera Kungliga bibliotekets förslag pÄ hylluppstÀllningar som biblioteken kan anvÀnda sig av vid en övergÄng till DDC. Först jÀmför jag hur SAB och DDC:s huvudklasser skiljer sig Ät och dÀrefter diskuterar jag de olika hylluppstÀllningarna ur ett anvÀndarperspektiv. SAB-systemet har 25 huvudklasser och DDC endast tio. Detta innebÀr att SAB-systemet har mer utkristalliserade Àmnen i sina huvudklasser, medan DDC behandlar fler Àmnen i varje huvudklass. SAB-systemet har fokus pÄ humanistiska Àmnen, medan naturvetenskapliga Àmnen hamnar lÀngre ned i systemet.

FrÄn konstverk till dokument. Artists books och bibliotek

The purpose of the study was from the perspective of young people that has completed a stay at HVB-home. The respondents are between 15-21 years both boys and girls. The basic questions were: How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service process? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service contents? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service regarding available information and how the staff is available? What positive and negative experience do they have from their stay at the HVB-home? We also wish to get a picture of what is important to change to improve the quality on this HVB-home. To receive answers to those questions we formed a questionnaire.

En BokNalle, vad Àr det? Att uppmuntra barn och förÀldrar till sprÄkstimulerande aktiviteter.

This thesis is about a language-stimulating activity, called the Book Teddy, which take placein Markaryd, a small municipality in southern Sweden. The activity is described and someexamples given of the Book Teddy's visits to the homes of parents and their preschool children.Similar activities in VÀrnamo, Kumla and BorÄs, which have been inspired by the BookTeddy are also described.Facts about children's psychology, language development and child language illustrate theimportance of stimulating language acquisition in the early years. An important example is"The Bristol Study", a longitudinal study of preschool children.A questionnaire was sent to 93 parents, whose children were bom in 1991. 53 parents or57% answered. The analysis was made out of these 53 questionnaires.

Boktips 2.0 : En kvalitativ studie om elevers delaktighet i skapandet av boktipsvideor pÄ en biblioteksblogg

The aim of this study was to, through a qualitative method, investigate students? participation in a specific library blog to find out what motivate them to create and share digital book recommendations through videos. It also intended to describe the students? own views of their participation.We conducted interviews with eight students in the ages 12 and 13, who all had similar experiences regarding the blog creation but diverse attitudes concerning the blog production and intentions to participate.The results showed that the strongest motivating forces behind the students' participation in the blog creation was that they enjoyed the making of the videos and also because they wanted to inspire others to read more and create resembling blogs..

Hur fungerar skolbiblioteken? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om skolbibliotekers och pedagogers syn pÄ litteraturförmedling

This master thesis is aiming to find out how school libraries work towards children in school years 1-6. The mainfocus is how the school librarians and teachers work with literature and reading. The theoretical viewpoints aremainly the sociocultural theory and the child perspective.The study was conducted with participants from five different schools in Uppsala, in the form of qualitativesemi-structured interviews. The results show that schools work with literature first and foremost in a pragmaticway, with reading-strategies and activating discussions. Very little time is spent on reading for its own sake.

Bilder av meröppet : En textanalys av samtalet kring bibliotekens ?meröppet? i dagspress och biblioteksbladet

I den hÀr uppsatsen ligger fokus pÄ att utvÀrdera hur samtalet förs kring funktionen ?meröppet? pÄ bibliotek i dagspress och i biblioteksbladet. Meröppet Àr en funktion som gör det möjligt för anvÀndare att komma in pÄ biblioteket Àven nÀr personal inte Àr pÄ plats. Det Àr en framförallt positiv bild som ges nÀr man rapporterar kring meröppet. Teman som att meröppet utvecklar biblioteket och anpassar det till ett modernt samhÀlle, ökar besök och utlÄn, fungerar som en lokal mötesplats och gör biblioteket mer tillgÀngligt, Àr sammanflÀtade med att meröppet anses vara en framgÄng.

En ny roll i varje rum : Biblioteket TioTretton ur ett dramaturgiskt perspektiv

Syftet med denna uppsats Àr att med hjÀlp av Erving Goffmans dramaturgiska perspektiv undersöka biblioteket TioTretton som plats för rollgestaltning och ta reda pÄ vilka slags roller som görs tillgÀngliga för barn som besöker biblioteket. Detta har gjorts genom att intervjua skolÀrare och bibliotekspersonal och analysera deras tal om barnen och biblioteket. Resultatet visar att TioTretton kan ses som en bakre region i förhÄllande till det vuxna samhÀllet i stort, men ocksÄ till de team som utgörs av barnen sjÀlva och deras umgÀngeskretsar. Det har Àven framkommit att den vuxnes roll i förhÄllande till barnen varierar. Vikten av nÄgon som leder framtrÀdandet, oavsett utgÄngspunkt, framhÄlls dock överlag.

Arbetarrörelsens biblioteksstrÀvanden i Sverige ? exemplet ABF-biblioteket i Oskarström

The purpose of this master's thesis is to describe and analyse the origin and development of the library of WorkersŽ Educational Association in the community of Oskarström. This library is special because the organisation run it much longer than usual, until 1977, and to find an answer to why, we have the following questions: Why does the library of WorkersŽ Educational Association start their activity in Oskarström, and how does it develop, in relation to premises, librarians, financing, the stock of books and the numbers of books out on loan? What is the reason that the library in Oskarström is municipalized as late as 1977? The methods we use are hermeneutics and evaluation of the sources. The library is founded in 1914 and become important for the workers. Important sources of income are the subventions given by the state, municipality and other associations.

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