

1494 Uppsatser om Better Reading partnership - Sida 11 av 100

Elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter : En kvalitativ studie om metoder och åtgärder i klassrummet

Individual adaption to the student´s needs is a recurring main theme in the new Swedish curriculum (Lgr11). The purpose of this qualitative study is to examine how teachers work with individual adjustment for students with reading and writing difficulties. The study was based on five questions;In what way do teachers organize their teaching in the classroom individually for students with reading and writing difficulties?What methods do they use for student´s with reading and writing difficulties?What difficulties do they encounter in their teaching?How do the teachers reason to curriculum goals regarding individual adaptions?How do they think about their own knowledge regarding reading- and writing difficulties and dyslexia?The method for my study was qualitative interviews. Five teachers were interviewed in semi-structured interviews.

Pest och pina : En undersökning av livsåskådningar och möten med lidande i romanen Pesten av Albert Camus

Swedish students' knowledge of both mathematics and reading comprehension has deteriorated in recent years. Scientists are discussing whether there is a connection between these areas and that the pupils deteriorating math skills may have something to do with their increasingly lower results in terms of reading comprehension. To investigate this possible connection, I conducted a survey among students in ninth grade and have come to the conclusion that the scientists are right: this connection absolutely exist. Students who received a high score on tasks designed to test students' mathematical problem-solving skills, also received high results on the reading comprehension test. And students who received a poor performance on the problem-solving tasks, were also low performers in the reading comprehension test.

Läsningens goda kretslopp: En studie av hemmets, skolans och skolbibliotekets betydelse för barns läsning

The aim of this master thesis is to investigate and illustrate the measures that parents, teachers and school librarians can take in order to influence childrens reading, and, more importantly, how these attempts performed by the adults in the childs environment affect the reading habits of the child. The methods used include qualitative interviews, undertaken with eight students/children, their teacher and a school librarian, and an observation of a book talk in the studied class. Considering that no interviews have been executed with the parents, the results presented regarding the parents prospects of encouraging childrens reading, are therefore to be seen from the perspective of the children, and analysed as such. Three different theories have been employed in order to elucidate the results of the study; Bourdieus theory about the cultural capital transmitted from parent to child; Aidan Chambers theory on the book talk as promoting reading; and Louise Limbergs theory on the levels of the school library and its consequent prognosis of working to promote reading. The results of the study concur with Bourdieus theory, in that the childrens reading habits in most cases seem to have been affected by the amount of involvement that the parents have given to promote their reading.

Läsa skönlitteratur i skolan : Hur pedagoger motiverar och stimulerar alla elever

AbstractThe purpose with this study is to find out how pedagogues, who teach in the early years of primary school, motivate and stimulate all pupils so they want to read a lot of fiction. The research also includes finding out more about why the pedagogues work as they do. The research starts with a study of current literature which deals with how teachers should work with motivation and stimulation in school. To find out how the pedagogues work in school I have made qualitative interviews with four pedagogues who work in the early years of primary school. The result shows that all of the pedagogues motivate and stimulate pupils in similar ways.

Socialt läsande på nätet : En studie av virtuella bokcirklar enligt grundad teori

This master thesis examines online reading groups with swedish participants. The aim is, by way of introduction, to investigate what kind of online reading groups that exist and how they work. The overall question of the thesis is: how do a conversation about books on the Internet look like? The theory used is Grounded Theory and this is a methodology which has influenced the hole structure of the study. Grounded Theory apply that issues and hypothesis must be created from the collected material, and the author collected for this reason material in the form of survey answers, email-conversations, blogmaterial and articles to draw up exact issues based on this material.The material was sorted into four different categories; social reading, reading fellowship, virtual freedom and anonymity and the issues were formulated according to this categories.

Läsförmågan hos barn med mild och måttlig hörselnedsättning : Hur ser sambandet med underliggande kognitiva förmågor ut?

While reading in deaf children has been the object of a number of studies, the reading abilitiesof children with mild and moderate hearing impairment and their relation to cognitiveprocessing have not received very much attention. Predictive factors of reading ability inhearing children are well known, with phonological and working memory abilities beingnecessary prerequisites for reading development. Existing studies suggest, however, thatcertain hearing-impaired children achieve a reading level comparable to that of hearingchildren in spite of impaired phonological abilities. In the present study, reading abilities anda range of cognitive processing abilities were measured in a group of hearing-impairedchildren and compared with hearing controls in equivalent school grades. Comparisons weremade at group and school-grade level, and the cognitive profile of hearing-impaired childrenat level with controls (those being within one standard deviation) was discussed.

Familjehemsföräldrars erfarenheter av Paired Reading med placerade barn : Lästräning utifrån nytta och nöje

The academic underachievement of looked after children is well known. By involving foster carers in a Paired Reading intervention a Swedish project tried to address this issue, replicating a successful British trial. The aim of my thesis was to study the variations in the foster carers? experiences of this literacy intervention. Reading reports from 100 children were collected and qualitative interviews with 15 foster parents were analyzed using concepts from motivational psychology.

Varför, varför inte? : En studie om två skolors syn på läs- och skrivprogrammet Reading Recovery

Syftet med studien är att undersöka, beskriva och problematisera Reading Recovery samt att ta reda på varför två nyzeeländska skolor har valt att behålla respektive sluta med programmet. Undersökningen baseras på fyra kvalitativa intervjuer samt en kvalitativ observation, vilka skedde på två skolor där den ena slutade med Reading Recovery för några år sedan och där den andra skolan fortfarande använder programmet. Undersökningen syftar inte till att jämföra de båda skolornas språkundervisning, utan till att ge en bild av hur det kan fungera på en nyzeeländsk skola. Intervjuerna ägde rum på Nya Zeeland och de intervjuade hade olika anknytning till Reading Recovery. I uppsatsens bakgrundsdel beskrivs den tidigare forskningen om uppsatsens tre grundteman, det nyzeeländska skolsystemet, språkpedagogik samt stödundervisning.

Att arbeta med högläsning av skönlitteratur i skolans mellanår : En studie om lärares arbete med och inställning till högläsning

The aim of the study is to elucidate how teachers in middle school work with reading literature aloud and their attitudes to their working methods. The research questions concern how the teachers work before, during and after the reading aloud, and also the advantages the teachers find in their method and the obstacles they discover in the work of reading aloud. A qualitative method was used for the study, applying semi-structured interviews. The selection consists of two teachers who have worked in the profession for 23?24 years (Teachers Andersson and Bergström) and two who have worked as teachers for 3?4 years (Teachers Cederqvist and Davidsson).

Pedagogers inställning till utagerande barn i förskolan

In school today pupils come in contact with all kinds of reading books. Education of Swedish reading development sometimes contain reading books organized at different levels of difficulty, with different amount of text. The purpose of the different difficulty levels is to give the less skilled readers an easier book and stronger readers a more difficult book. The purpose with this study is to find out if the book which is classified as more difficult, in reality is the most difficult and if the book which is considered to be easier really is. To find answers to these questions I will examine previous researcher?s theories on difficulty levels in reading books.

Läslust och läsförståelse bland elever i grundskolan : En undersökning utifrån lärarens och skolbibliotekspersonalens synsätt

The poor results of 15 year old Swedish students in the 2012 PISA-investigation serve as the main inspiration for this essay. Though aware that PISA measures a range of skills, including math-, science- and reading abilities, a deliberate focus has been placed on the latter. Unsatisfactory math- and science results are sure to bare consequences ahead, but poor reading skills affect the comprehension of all other subjects combined and is therefore of utmost importance.This essay explores the roles of teachers and school librarians in the promotion of reading, as well as their ways of cooperating in strengthening students' reading abilities. Questions of particular interest are:? In what ways do teachers' and school librarians' views of ongoing reading promoting activities differ?? How does the school and school library contribute to reading promotion and reading comprehension among students?? What factors unite teachers and school librarians in their attempts to promote reading, as far as pedagogical roles are concerned?Working on this essay, a total of seven qualitative interviews were conducted.

ATT STIMULERA TILL LÄSLUST Hur bibliotekarier kan arbeta för att läsovilliga barn och ungdomar ska kunna känna läslust!

The purpose of this Master's thesis is to make suggestions as to how librarians can promote young reluctant readers to help them find the joy of reading. We want to show how the comprehension of these children and adolescents can be translated into action in the librarians work with reading promotion.Our main questions are:? What attitudes do the librarians find that children and adolescents, ages 9-15 with reluctance to read, have towards reading?? What do public- and school librarians do to stimulate children and adolescents, ages 9-15 that are reluctant to read, to feel the joy of reading?? What role or which roles can the public- and school librarians have in the work of reading promotion, targeting children and adolescents with a reluctance to read?We have used Beers's theories about reluctant readers and reading promotion, Chambers's model and theory ?Reading Circle? and his theories about conditions that promote a ?good reading environment?. We have also used Smidt's theories about the librarian's different roles in the work of supplying literature.The method we have used is qualitative and based on literature and interviews with 7 children- and school librarians that all of whom work or have worked with reading promotion for children and adolescents in the ages between 9-15, that are reluctant to read.Our results show that in order to gain understanding about the attitudes towards, and relationship to reading, our targeted group have, the librarian has to be aware of the inner conditions that these children and adolescents have. These inner conditions are going to affect the work and the result of the reading promotion activity.

Ett lastbilsdäck är svart och runt, eller? : En kvalitativ studie om drivkrafterna bakom en optimal däckhantering på åkerier i Mellansverige.

Individual adaption to the student´s needs is a recurring main theme in the new Swedish curriculum (Lgr11). The purpose of this qualitative study is to examine how teachers work with individual adjustment for students with reading and writing difficulties. The study was based on five questions;In what way do teachers organize their teaching in the classroom individually for students with reading and writing difficulties?What methods do they use for student´s with reading and writing difficulties?What difficulties do they encounter in their teaching?How do the teachers reason to curriculum goals regarding individual adaptions?How do they think about their own knowledge regarding reading- and writing difficulties and dyslexia?The method for my study was qualitative interviews. Five teachers were interviewed in semi-structured interviews.

Högläsning och boksamtal : Ett pedagogiskt verktyg till språkutveckling

Purpose: Reading aloud to children and having a conversation about a book, which is read to them, has attracted much attention as important factors that influence children's language development. Language development for children is one of the most important tasks that the preschool- teachers have, and according to ?Läroplanet?, all children must have the opportunity to develop their language. The aim of this study was to examine how reading aloud, and by letting them speak about a certain book, ?boksamtal? impacts preschool-children`s ability to develop their language according to preschool- teachers.Method: I have used a qualitative method by interviewing four preschool- teachers.

Läsa med självförtroende : En fallstudie om hur lärare arbetar för att motverka Matteuseffekten

The aim of the study is to investigate how a teacher and a special education teacher cooperate to prevent a pupil with reading difficulties from ending up in the vicious circle of the Matthew effect, and to find out how a pupil with reading difficulties experiences his or her reading situation. This case study is based on a phenomenological perspective whereby qualitative interviews illuminate a commonly occurring problem in today?s schools. Interviews were conducted with a teacher, a special education teacher, and a pupil in grade 1, in order to cover everyone?s perspective in this situation.

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