445 Uppsatser om Behavioural Finance - Sida 23 av 30
Effektiva återkopplingsverktyg för elanvändning : En studie som syftar till att identifiera utvecklingsmöjligheter för att uppnå ett mer hållbart energisystem år 2030
Feedback tools support electricity users within the Swedish residential sector to increase their knowledge of electricity and the electricity market as well as to become more aware of their electricity consumption, which in turn encourages a reduction and an increased flexibility of electricity use. The primary aim of this study is to identify and analyse how existing feedback tools can be improved, to ensure that they contribute efficiently to the achievement of the EU objectives congruent with a more sustainable energy system in 2030, emphasizing: greenhouse gas reduction, increased energy efficiency and an increased share of renewable energy. In order to reach the primary aim of this study, existing feedback tools have been identified and mapped and interviews with feedback tools providers have been conducted. The study is limited to three research areas: the practical functions of feedback tools, available technology and the use of feedback tools.The use of more efficient feedback tools will provide an increased success rate for energy management, which includes both behavioural changes and energy efficiency. According to the results from the interviews conducted for this study, an increased use and user frequency is important to utilise the energy management potential.
En pilotstudie av unghästars användning av ligghall i grupphållningssystem
Today, individual indoor stalls and individual outdoor paddocks are the most common way to house horses in Sweden. The way that we manage, house and feed the horses are not optimal for the species natural basic behavioural needs. However, the awareness of this grows in the context of research and the emergence of alternative housing systems. One of the alternatives to the traditional format in individual boxes is called group housing. Group housing systems allow horses to live in herds and they can choose how they want to distribute the hours of the day between movement, resting and foraging.
The purpose of this study is to examine how frequently the young horses in a group housing system use the indoor lying area.
Dogs on the move : a study of the travel habits of Swedish dogs and their owners? awareness of infectious diseases.
ABSTRACTThe principal aim of the study was to compare the feeding behaviour of cattle, sheep and goats on pasture and explain any differences between speices. Furthermore, I compared foraging behaviour between dry season and the beginning of the rainy season, in order to see any relationships between weather and behaviour.The study was carried out in Shompole in southern Kenya. Behavioural data were collected by observing herds of cattle, sheep and goats on pasture. The livestock were herded on pasture during the days and kept in bomas, where people live, during the nights. The weather in Shompole is characterized by high ambient temperature and low, bimodal rainfall.
Aktiemarknaden ur ett psykologiskt perspektiv utifrån finansanalytikers synvinkel
The Swedish population has the world?s largest percentage of shareholders either by direct or indirect owning. Due to the increasing interest of equity capital markets, private as well as institutional investors rely on forecasts from financial analysts. The reason for this is due to the lack of expertise among investors in this area. Due to the fact that analysts influence the Swedish stock market immensely, it?s of great interest to explore whether an analyst can be seen as a rational participant.
Synchronizing migration with birth: an exploration of migratory tactics in female moose
Migration and giving birth are crucial decisions for animals during their life cycle, which may have lasting consequences on their population demography and fitness. Migration can entail a variety of possible effects for an individual, such as access to high quality food and reduced risk for predation. The moose (Alces alces) in northern Sweden is partially migratory and moose females are known to give birth to one or two calves. The synchrony between time of calving and timing of migration has not been compared before, especially in terms of energy maximizing and time minimizing perspectives, which may provide vital cues for fitness benefits of migration. I investigated effect of timing of birth and individual life history on distance, timing, stopovers and duration of 190 individually marked female moose that have been tracked for multiple years in ten different areas in northern Sweden.
Den informella organisationen : Jämställdhetsutredning inom bank-och finansbranschen
Hösten 2007 genomfördes denna jämställdhetsutredning inom bank- och finansbranschen.Syftet med utredningen var att belysa hur informella aspekter inom Bank AB kunde förstås i relation till jämställdhet. Den konkreta och övergripande frågeställningen är: Vilka hinder och möjligheter framträder för jämställdhet i Bank AB:s organisation? För att besvara den övergripande frågan ställdes följande frågor till mitt material: Framträder det några skillnader inom organisationen som är relaterade till kön/genus? Hur framställs kvinnor och män i interntidningen? Vilka föreställningar finns om kön/genus i organisationen?Utredningen utfördes via enkäter, därefter undersöktes personaltidningen och slutligen genomfördes intervjuer. Teoretisk utgångspunkt är organisationsteori med genusperspektiv uppdelat i begrepp som gäller strukturer, ledarskap, symbolism och förändring. Även teoretiska resonemang om systemförändrande/systembevarande jämställdhetsarbete applicerades på materialet.
Inventory and evaluation of Nairobi Animal Orphanage : focusing on spotted hyena, serval, Sykes' monkey, vervet monkey and on educational elements
The present BSc thesis is part of a newly established collaboration between the Swedish zoo Skansen and Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS), and constitutes of an inventory of the Nairobi Animal Orphanage (AO). As a refuge for wild animals found orphaned, abandoned or injured throughout Kenya, the AO has grown over the years and reached an unsustainable point where external help is needed for solutions and improvements. The aim of the inventory is to specifically consider the husbandry and enclosures of spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta), serval (Felis serval), Sykes? monkey (Cercopithecus albogularis) and vervet monkey (Chlorocebus aethiops) and with the aid of facts about the species, estimate how well their biological needs are satisfied. Different educational elements are also reviewed since one of the main purposes of the AO is for education.
DISA-metoden : En undersökning om gruppledarnas bedömningar av genomförandet och av metodens framtidsutsikter
Twice as many women as men suffer from mental ill-health. The negative trend of mental problems among teenagers continues. In certain places in Sweden, 40 per cent of the teenage girls have outspoken symptoms of depression. This is why it is important to observe mental ill-health in a public health perspective. One effect evaluation of the DISA method (Depression In Swedish Adolescents) drew the conclusion that this universal depression preventive method is well working. The DISA method includes cognitive behavioural techniques that change negative pattern of thinking, give practice of communication, strategies of problem solution plus exercises to strengthen the social network.
Outsourcing av ekonomifunktionen utomlands : en fallstudie på företaget Dell
Syftet med denna uppsats är att skapa förståelse för, varför företag väljer att outsourca sin ekonomifunktion utomlands, samt identifiera eventuella oförutsedda kostnader. För att illustrera detta genomförs en fallstudie på företaget Dell. Våra data har vi inhämtat genom en kvalitativ undersökning i form av en fallstudie på företaget Dell. Vi har valt att genomföra en längre intervju med två nyckelpersoner på det svenska kontoret i Solna. I teoriavsnittet presenteras litteratur och artiklar om vad outsourcing är och innebär samt forskningsartiklar gjorda om varför företag outsourcar sin ekonomifunktion och vad de önskar uppnå.
Besökares påverkan på Nordens Arks vargflock :
Zoo animals can be more or less disturbed by the presence of care takers as well as visitors. This may lead to stress and/or abnormal behaviour. The purpose with this study was to give a time budget of the behaviour of the captive wolves? (Canis lupus) and occurrence of behavioural disturbances and how this is affected of human visitors. For this purpose the wolves at Nordens Ark have been studied during off season as well as on season.
The zoo Nordens Ark is an idealistic foundation which was founded in 1988 and is located at Åby säteri, 130 km north of Gothenburg.
Socialt arbete i skolan : En kvalitativ enkätstudie utifrån ungdomars upplevelser och behov
ÖREBRO UNIVERSITYDepartment of Behavioural, Social and Legal Sciences Programme in social care oriented towards social pedagogy C-essay, Social Work, 41-60 pAutumn term 2005 Social Work in School A qualitative study influenced by youths experiences and needs.Authors: Pernilla Abrahamsson & Sandra LiljemarkTutor: Marianne Freyne-LindhagenAbstractThe aim with this study is to investigate young adult´s experiences and need of social work in school, and a qualitative method was used to take part of their experiences. Groupquestionnaires with open questions was formed and three year one classes in uppersecondary school participated. In the process of making the questions a testquestionnaire was tested with one of the three classes as particpants. Information has also been collected throug an interview over the phone with the school´s welfare officer, and the school´s policy dokuments have been read. Social work in schools is mentioned in the study as preventive measures with youths when it comes to bullying, alcohol, drugs, sex and coexistance and tobacco.
Development of green space in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
In Dar es Salaam, as in many cities in developing countries, green areas are decreasing due to the fact that the growth of buildings, infrastructure and services has become a priority. As the population increases more buildings and infrastructure are needed and much of the building activity takes the form of uncontrolled settlements, which encroaches the public green space. Dar es Salaam has approximately three million inhabitants, of which about 70 percent are living in informal settlements.
The aim with this study is to make a design proposal for a park and recreation area where the Msimbazi river basin in the centre of Dar es Salaam is today.
The basin consist of a few playing fields, footpaths and some urban farming, but apart from this it mostly consists of unused grasslands, swamps and forests. Because it is an unsafe place and badly connected to the rest of the city infrastructure, it has become a barrier. The annual flood combined with the constant still shallow water creates a good breading ground for malaria mosquitoes.
Akademikers "moment 22" : - En studie som underso?ker rekryterares insta?llning till ho?gskole- och universitetsutbildade kandidater utan arbetslivserfarenhet.
The main purpose of recruiting is to find a job candidate who meets the demands of formal and informal competence at the same time as the candidate should be seen as the right person to the right place. Several job advertisements in the areas of finance and administration has at least two years of work experience as a demand before individuals can be seen as an appropriate job-candidate, hence it becomes a sort of ?catch-22? for graduates with no prior work experience. The purpose of this study is to create a better understanding for recruiters? approach and attitude to hiring individuals who only have a university degree.
Förebyggande trafiksäkerhetsarbete inom föreningslivet : En intervjustudie bland idrottsföreningar
Nollvisionens mål är att ingen ska omkomma eller skadas allvarligt i trafiken. Varje år dör ungefär sex personer och många flera skadas i samband med idrottsresor. Att arbeta förebyggande med trafiksäkerhet hos idrottsföreningar kan vara ett sätt att bidra till en ökad trafiksäkerhet i Sverige. Syftet i denna studie var att undersöka vad idrottsföreningar uttryckte kring förebyggande trafiksäkerhetsarbete. Vilka uppfattningar som framfördes gällande trafiksäkerhetspolicy och vilka förutsättningar som fanns, samt vad som kunde förstärka trafiksäkerhetsarbetet.
En jämförelse av beteende mellan vävande hästar och två icke vävande hästar under liknande förhållanden :
Today we keep our horses in a way that is easy for us humans but may not always be the most optimal way for the horse. Often the housing of the horse prevents the horse from performing behaviours that they have natural needs to perform. It is not unusual that animals that can not adapt to their environment develop abnormal behaviours. Many of our stabled horses therefore develop some kind of stereotypic behaviour. This study was made in purpose of comparing the behaviour of a weaving horse to two non-weaving horses under similar conditions, where one of the horses was stabled next to the weaving horse and the other horse was stabled further away in the same stable.
Seven weaving horses were included in the study.