

444 Uppsatser om Behavioural Finance - Sida 2 av 30

Hur funderar mikro, små och medelstora företag kring räntor och lån i samband med investeringar?

Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur ansvariga personer för företagens outsourcingsprojekt utvärderar outsourcingen och om dess kriterier ändras under projekttiden. Metod: Abduktiv metod med främst kvalitativ datainsamling genom intervjuer. Slutsats: Det dominerande motivet bakom outsourcingen för de undersökta företagen är kostnadsbesparing. I början av projektet och vid leverantörsvalet undersöks också detta motiv. Under projektets gång utvärderas det som specificerades i avtalet mellan företaget och leverantören, vilket är mest mätbara kvalitetspunkter och fokus har därmed skiftat från det ursprungliga motivet..

Investmentföretagens risktagande : En fallstudie på Industrivärden och Svolder

Investmentföretag har funnits sedan urminnes tider men har under senare år ofta fått stå tillbaka som investeringsalternativ till fördel för aktiefonder. Detta är lite motsägelsefullt då svenska investmentföretagen historiskt har haft en högre avkastning än den svenska aktiefondförvaltaren. Större delen av forskningen kring investmentföretag har fokuserat på substansrabatten. Vi fann väldigt få studier som berört investmentföretagens risktagande, speciellt ur ett portföljperspektiv. För att underlätta för den individuella investeraren ville vi använda ett riskmått som är lätt att förstå.

Law and Corporate Finance: En studie av problematiken vid nyemissioner

The purpose of this thesis is to shade light on some of the problems associated with rights issues with regard to Swedish law. This thesis is limited to discuss problems regarding directed rights issues, rights issue discounts, underwriting agreements and asset to share compensation. The common factor for these matters is that the current legal situation is somewhat uncertain which allows for differences interpretation and judgment..

Finansinspektionens varningssystem avseende försäkringsbolag : I teori och praktik

The financial sector includes insurance business, which is a crucial part of the infrastructure in a modern economy. There are different parts to protect within the financial sector which is the reason for a comprehensive inspection. History shows several examples of disasters a mismanaged financial sector can bring. This also affects the society and stability over all. The inspection is conducted by the Swedish inspection of finance, which ensures that the insurance companies follow the law for its practice.

Projektfinansieringens betydelse vid Public Private Partnerships

Det finns fördelar med att använda projektfinansiering vid PPP. Undersökningen visar att projektfinansiering är ett enastående verktyg för riskallokering. Dessutom resulterar projektfinansiering i minskade kostnader för agentkonflikter. Emellertid är privat finansiering normalt sett dyrare än offentlig finansiering..

Bioteknikbranschens "sanna" värde - En jämförelse mellan ett bioteknikföretags sanna värde och dess marknadsvärde

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur bioteknikföretag i Sverige bättre kan spegla sitt sanna aktievärde genom att ta reda på huruvida det finns en skillnad mellan ett fallföretags sanna aktievärde och marknadens prissättning på aktien samt lägga fram förslag på hur detta gap kan minskas. Mot bakgrund av de förutsättningar och antaganden som ges visar det sig att det företag vi använde oss av i undersökningen hade ett marknadsvärde som låg under dess sanna aktievärde, det var således lågt värderat. Analysen visar att detta gap främst beror på en informationsasymmetri och att företag i denna situation börsläppa mer information än vad som sker idag..

Faktorer som inverkar på prisbildningen inom factoring

Banks have been some of the biggest operators on the market of business customers financing. When the Swedish Förmånsrättslagen was changed 2004 the banks became more restrictive to allow traditional bank loans. The change made it more difficult for customers to get their loans granted. For that reason customers had to find other forms of financing. Factoring is an alternative that means companies can mortage/sell their claim on customers to finance companies.

Webbaserade kurser - traditionell förmedlingsundervisning i ny förpackning? En undersökning av den pedagogiska diskursen i webbaserad användarundervisning

This Master?s thesis examines library courses, a relatively new form of user education. Our focus is on the pedagogical point-of-views reflected in the text in these library courses. The primary purpose of the study is to analyze the pedagogical discourse displayed in the library courses to determine if the perspective is behavioural, cognitive, constructive or socio cultural. We are investigating if the pedagogical discourse differs from course to course, and if so, how are they different? In addition we aim to find out how the pedagogical discourse in the library courses relates to university websites and governmental and legal texts, at the discursive and social practice level.

Faktorer som inverkar på prisbildningen inom factoring

Banks have been some of the biggest operators on the market of business customers financing. When the Swedish Förmånsrättslagen was changed 2004 the banks became more restrictive to allow traditional bank loans. The change made it more difficult for customers to get their loans granted. For that reason customers had to find other forms of financing. Factoring is an alternative that means companies can mortage/sell their claim on customers to finance companies.

Smärtlindring hos kalv efter avhorning. En beteendestudie där effekten av meloxikam som postoperativ analgesi utvärderas :

In this study, 29 calves were dehorned by heat cauterisation at the age of 1 to 8 weeks. Before the procedure, the calves were given local anaesthetic but were not sedated. In connection with the dehorning, 14 calves were given the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) meloxicam and 15 calves were given placebo. During the following three days behavioural studies were performed to investigate if the different treatments had any effect on the calves´ postoperative behaviour. Head shakes, head rubs, kicks and ear flicks were studied, as earlier studies have shown that an increase in these behavioural patterns suggests postoperative pain.

Mansklubben inom företagsekonomisk utbildning - En fallstudie om varför så få kvinnor fördjupar sig inom finans

Gender balance within the business administration field at university level is an area that has gained increased attention in the last decade. As gender balance contributes positively to the scientific and educational achievements within all disciplines, many studies have tried to understand the decision-making processes of students when selecting a business specialisation. However, little attention has been devoted to the finance discipline although there is a remaining gender imbalance within the field at higher-level economic studies. This thesis was performed as a qualitative case study and is based on interviews with second-year bachelor students facing their choice of specialisation at the Stockholm School of Economics. Through an application of the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), this study aims to examine factors that influence female business students' intentions to choose a specialisation.

Disputing the Economic Man - a quantitative study on whether investor decision-making can be distorted by altering the presentation of an Exchange Traded Fund

During recent years, financial innovation has given rise to numerous structured investment opportunities aimed towards the general public. These have enabled private investors to engage in high-risk investments offering as much as 400 per cent leverage while oftentimes not fully having grasped the risk involved. The issuers of these securities have been criticized for using advertising of a too aggressive and misleading nature.By presenting 819 potential investors with two different investment opportunities yielding the same return over a six day period, we have aimed to assess whether the inclination of being affected by judegmental heuristics varies with factors such as knowledge, overall attitude towards the asset class, risk appetite and experience from previous investments.We have observed that investors' perception of the attractiveness of an investment can be distorted by altering the information presented to the investor. However, our findings show that this tendency decreases with an increased level of knowledge, experience and risk appetite..

Kapitalstruktur : Skuldsättningsgrad och avkastning hos svenska finansbolag

In a time when economic crises relieving one another, it is especially interesting to study how companies choose to finance their operations. Since there is a lack of studies that include banks, and their capital structures, with the rest of the finance market, it is uncertain whether the theories of capital structure are applicable. Therefore, this essay aims to study whether there is any correlation between the two variables debt-equity ratio and return on equity (ROE) for Swedish corporations on the finance market.In accordance with the theorems that the professors Modigliani and Miller filed, in 1958 and 1961, which describes a clear link between debts, increase corporate value through the tax shield and indirectly increased yields. Although these theorems are the foundation of the modern research they focus on perfect markets. Therefore, this paper has also chosen to place great emphasis on theories such as Trade-off and Pecking-order.

The movement of the rider?s hand related to the horse?s behaviour and the stride cycle

One way of signalling commands to the horse during riding is through applying tension on the reins to create bit pressure in the horse?s mouth (Terada et al., 2006; Clayton et al., 2011). The skilfulness of the rider in using the hands when applying bit pressure has consequences both for the horse?s performance and welfare (Manfredi et al., 2010). At the trot there are large vertical deviations of the horse?s body which the rider must adjust and adapt to (Terada et al., 2006) and an unsteady hand due to inability to follow the horse?s movement can be a source of discomfort and conflict behaviour in the horse (Heleski et al., 2009).

Test av svag marknadseffektivitet med hjälp av teknisk analys

Uppsatsen är en analys av två indikatorer som används inom teknisk analys för att avgöra om den svaga typen av marknadseffektivitet höll under den givna perioden. Den svaga typen av marknadseffektivitet säger att överavkastning inte kan genereras med hjälp av historisk kursinformation, vilket är vad teknisk analys gör. Vidare förs en diskussion om behavioral finance och huruvida det i behavioral finance finns stöd för de resonemang som teknisk analys bygger på. Resultaten visar att den svaga typen av marknadseffektivitet i stor utsträckning höll och att när avkastningen blev högre än en buy-and-hold strategi var detta kompensation för en högre risknivå. Vid en närmare granskning av resultaten framträdde en mycket hög avkastning vid ett visst variansintervall som inte är förenligt med den svaga typen av marknadseffektivitet.

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