

444 Uppsatser om Behavioural Finance - Sida 17 av 30

Sjukgymnastens arbete med livsstilsförändringar i primärvården

Syfte: Livsstilsproblemen ökar i dagens samhälle. Människor är i olika grad redo för förändring och livsstils-/beteendeförändring bör ses som en process som ofta tar lång tid. Syftet med studien är att beskriva vilka erfarenheter sjukgymnaster inom primärvården har av att arbeta med patienter som är i behov av livsstilsförändringar. Metod: Sex sjukgymnaster inom primärvården valdes ut och intervjuades. Intervjuerna skrevs ut och kategoriserades.

Vanvårdens inverkan på nötkreaturs välfärd och hälsa

Farmers are required to make sure that cattles basic needs are met, but still every year cases of neglect occur where the farmer has not complied within the animal welfare law and regulations. The aim of this study was to investigate how cattle are affected physically and behaviourally by neglect in the form of underfeeding, starvation and lack of sanitation, which animals are most vulnerable to the impact and what prospects they have to recover. The study was conducted as a literature study and the results show that these types of neglect have a large impact on the cattle welfare. Underfeeding and starvation causes physical changes leading to reduced milk production, reduced muscle mass, impaired immune function, poor reproductive performance and changes in rumen microflora leading to decreased number of microbes and pH change. Physical changes due to the lack of sanitation consist of increased vulnerability to hoof diseases and mastitis, burns, and increased sensitivity to temperature.

Analys och visualisering av optioner och andra finansiella instrument : Utveckling och studie av portföljhanteringssystem

Bakgrund: Ett sätt att minska risker vid handel med finansiella instrument är att bygga portföljer. För att kunna hantera portföljer med olika finansiella instrument och valutor samt kunna hantera flera portföljer samtidigt, används portföljhanteringssystem. Studenter kan genom att använda sig av sådana system lära sig hur finansiella marknader fungerar. Kraven på ett portföljhanteringssystem är inte desamma som kraven på ett kommersiellt system och därför finns det ett behov att utveckla en modell för denna kontext.Syfte: Denna uppsats ämnar bygga en modell i PowerPlus Pro som studenter kan använda sig av för att befästa sina kunskaper och öka sin förståelse för hur finansiella instrument fungerar.Metod: För att bygga modellen har kvalitativ metod används och för att studera hur portföljhanteringssystem ska byggas och anpassas efter studenters behov har kvalitativa intervjuer använts.Slutsatser: Vår modell uppfyller de krav som ställts på den och är anpassad för undervisning på ett universitet genom att den är användarvänlig och pedagogiskt uppbyggd. Modellen lämpar sig inte för användning av markadsaktörer.     .

Är det slumpen som avgör? : Vad styr socialarbetarens val av institution vid placering av ungdomar?

The purpose of this study was investigating the means which rule the social worker?s choice of institution placing youths and how they match the youth?s individual need compared with the type of home. The questions were: Which significance has the characteristics of the youth and their family for the placing? Which significance has the characteristics of the institution? Which significance has the social workers? way of working, investigation, theories, economy etc.? A qualitative way of interviewing has been used. Eight interviews were done; six with social welfare secretaries who place youths and two social workers who work with coun­selling and placement.

Kulturell kompetens : - en utmaning i det sociala arbetet

The study deals with the causes of unjustified differences in pay between women and men in the banking sector. The purpose of this paper has been to examine how a gender project implemented in the private banking organizations from a gender-and implementation perspective. The aim of the project examined is to even unjustified differences in pay between men and women in the banking and finance sector. The main issues are: ? How has the project been implemented and what are the real and perceived results? ? How can the opportunities and barriers to successful implementation course with emphasis on gender? The method used is a qualitative study, where the empirical material consisted of focus group interviews.

Samband mellan socialt stöd och motivation bland lagidrottare

Syftet med studien var att på lagidrottare (1) undersöka samband mellan motivation och socialt stöd utifrån familj, tränare och kompisar, (2) undersöka skillnader i upplevt stöd från familj, tränare och kompisar samt (3) undersöka skillnader mellan kvinnor och män inom variablerna motivation och socialt stöd. I studien deltog 101 lagidrottare (män n =49, kvinnor n =52) från totalt fem olika idrotter, synkroniserad konståkning, fotboll, handboll, innebandy samt ishockey, i åldrarna 16-40 (M = 22,39; SD =3,66). Data samlades in via kvantitativ ansats, mätinstrument som användes var Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support samt The Behavioural Regulation In exercise Questionnaire-2. Resultatet visade positiva samband mellan motivation och socialt stöd, där framförallt stöd från kompisar var positivt relaterat med inre motivation. En kombination av stöd utifrån familj, kompisar och tränare uppvisade  ett positivt samband med inre motivation.

"Change doesn't come easy" - A comparative study of Corporate Social Responsibility in large-scale dam projects

The process of economic globalization has in recent decades increased the power of multinational corporations. In recognition of their powerful position, corporations have begun to adopt Corporate Social Responsibility as a way of managing their social impact. Their interaction with the surrounding society reaches a peak when involved in large-scale projects, such as the Three Gorges Dam in China and the Narmada Valley Development Project in India. This essay analyses the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility in a comparative study between the two cases. By using current research, it focuses on the role of civil society for making Corporate Social Responsibility effective in developing countries.

Facebook, E-post, SMS & Mobiltelefoni : en explorativ studie om hur unga vuxna upplever den ständiga tillgängligheten

Purpose/Aim: In the information and communication technology society (ICT) we live in today it is easy to feel that we are constantly expected to be available. The daily contact with the Internet and the use of cell phones has changed our way to communicate. With this in mind in combination with the increased stress among young adults my aim is to investigate how young adults, aged 23-26 years, experience to be constantly connected and available through the Internet and the cell phone. What are their opinions, attitudes and feelings about what this entails in their lives?Material/Method: The essay is based on four focus group interviews with sixteen students from Uppsala University aged 23-26, two groups consisting of women and two groups consisting of men.

Försäljning under ansvar; en kvantitativ studie om hur skrämselpropaganda i butiksmiljö kan påverka kunders attityd

Warning-labels as a mean of communicating social responsibility in the store. Previous studies have shown conflicting results regarding the effectiveness of warnings-labels as a way of communicating health hazards to customers and making them more conscious about the risks and changing their behavioural intentions. The focus of this study is to shed some light on how the customers react to warning-labels with different levels of fear in the store atmosphere. The results of this study tells us that liking of the retailer and its image as being socially responsible is not enhanced by the usage of a warning-label. If the retailer decides to use a warning-label, in spite of this fact, the recommendation is to use a high level of fear if the purpose is to make the category seem more risky and make the customers want to change their behaviour.

Vad kostar korttidssjukfrånvaron?

Bakgrund och problem: Långtidssjukfrånvaron har länge varit ett uppmärksammat problem och flertalet åtgärder har satts in för att minska denna. På senare tid har korttidssjukfrånvaron dock lyfts fram som ett ytterligare problem och erhållit en större uppmärksamhet i takt med dess ökning. Korttidssjukfrånvaro syns inte i offentlig statistik förrän efter den åttonde dagen och är därmed svår att studera. Likaså kan kostnaden för korttidssjukfrånvaron vara svår att fastställa eftersom korttidssjukfrånvaro består av både direkta- och indirekta kostnader.Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och förklara hur stora kostnaderna är för den korttidssjukfrånvarande socialsekreteraren på en enhet i Växjö kommun. Utifrån dessa kostnader ska sedan en metodik utformas för att kunna fastställa en standardkostnad för vad korttidssjukfrånvaro per timme kostar.Metod: Under studiens gång har en abduktiv forskningsansats, en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi och en fallstudie som undersökningsdesign nyttjats.

Någon måste göra något! Institutionsplacering: en konkret och för-givet-tagen åtgärd för att hantera ungdomar med beteendeproblem

The purpose of this study was to increase the understanding of the phenomenon that there are so many young people placed in institutions in Sweden despite the valuable knowledge regarding the problems and risks of doing so. The questions that follow in the essay were what guided the social workers to choose institutional placement for youngsters. It went on to also ask if this knowledge could contribute to an increased understanding of why there were so many young people placed in institutions despite the criticism from scientists. To accomplish the goal of the essay, former science in the subject was reported and six social workers within social services were interviewed. The material of the interviews was analyzed with help from the theory of human service organizations, street-level bureaucrats work situation and the new institutionalism.The result of the investigation showed that the social workers choices to place young people in institutions is guided by specific work and organizational factors connected with a belief in the helping function of the surroundings.

Agerar stora stater utifrån egenintresse? En studie om Frankrikes syn på frihandel.

AbstractLarge states are not as interdependent as small countries are. Due to the extent of the home market, producers in large countries can sell the greater part of their products at home. Accordingly large countries become less dependent of other states. Large states are consequently in a better position to promote their self- interests internationally than smaller states are. Applying this reasoning on a large state such as France I come to conclude that she probably exerts this policy of self- interest in an area like free trade.

Företagsförvärvs inverkan på den kortsiktiga avkastningen : En eventstudie om kursutvecklingen vid offentliggörandet av ett förvärv

Purpose: The main objective of this study is to research whether an announcement of an acquisition generates positive/negative abnormal short-term return towards the buying company?s shareholders. The secondary purpose is to research whether any differences could be due to selected factors: firm size and industry.Method: The study is quantitative in nature where the research aims at the stock price movement around the announcement of an acquisition. The sample size includes 30 companies between the years 2000-2010. The abnormal return is investigated by an Event Study.Conclusion: Our study shows that the publication gives a positive abnormal return in comparison to the respective sector indexes.

Läggning och resning hos ungtjurar i liggbås : inverkan av båsfrontsutförande

Cattle have a species specific movement pattern when lying down and getting up. They need sufficient space for their heads to perform these movements normally. The aim of this study was to investigate the lying down and getting up behaviour of beef bulls at a Swedish farm operation. The hypothesis was that bulls older than 10 months (over approximately 400 kg) were disturbed by a horizontal front rail and that the time to lie down and get up differed from what can be regarded as normal based on earlier scientific studies. The bulls were Swedish Red and White (SRB), Swedish Friesian (SLB) or crossbreeds of these two, and were kept in a cubicle system with a stall front design where there was a horizontal rail 40 cm above the stall floor.

Finns det arbete för alla? : En studie av arbetsförmedlingens syn på sin roll i mötet med utom-europeiska akademiker.

The study deals with the causes of unjustified differences in pay between women and men in the banking sector. The purpose of this paper has been to examine how a gender project implemented in the private banking organizations from a gender-and implementation perspective. The aim of the project examined is to even unjustified differences in pay between men and women in the banking and finance sector. The main issues are: ? How has the project been implemented and what are the real and perceived results? ? How can the opportunities and barriers to successful implementation course with emphasis on gender? The method used is a qualitative study, where the empirical material consisted of focus group interviews.

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