

3329 Uppsatser om Beginning teachers - Sida 33 av 222

Skönlitterära urvalsprocesser: En studie om relationen mellan kunskapsförmedling, styrdokument och kanonbegrepp i gymnasial engelskundervisning

This study explores the selection processes regarding fictional literature in English as asecond language education. The aim is to illustrate the relationship between the knowledgeteachers seek to pass on to their students and how the governing documents and the Westernliterary canon affect which literature that is chosen. The study uses qualitative interviews withsix teachers from different gymnasial schools in Northern Sweden. The results show thatteachers use literature as a tool for teaching grammar, lexicon, language structure and storytellingskills. In the more advanced English courses, the teachers prefer to exert more controlover which literature is read, mainly due to the fact that the governing documents specificallyrequire a presence of older, culturally established works.

Informationskompetens i pedagogiska praktiker: Gymnasielärares syn på elevernas informationssökning vid projektarbete.

The main purpose of this thesis is to examine upper secondary school teachers? views of their students? information seeking practices and their perspectives on consider the concept of information literary. The theoretical framework consists of a sociocultural perspective and the empirical material has been collected through interviews with six upper secondary school teachers. The material is analyzed phenomenographically and revealed three practices. Social science teachers consider the library and librarian to be valuable resources for students? information seeking, particularly in view of information overload in society today.

Varför ska vi spela handboll i skolan? : Lärares syn på handboll i grundskolan

AimThis qualitative study will provide an insight to different teachers view on handball in two elementary schools. Handball is a competitive sport and has been played for over 100 years in different contexts in Sweden. Are there qualities in the sport that belongs in the school´s non-competitive education? How do they justify this sport according to the governing documents Lgr-11 that gives a lot of room for interpretation by the teachers?How do teachers justify handball based on the curriculum?What kind of qualities do the teachers highlight with this sport in the education?Do teachers perceive any differences with the new curriculum?MethodThe method has a qualitative approach. The interviews in this study had a semi structure character.

Samspel i förskolan : - Mötet mellan barn och pedagog    

This essay has it purpose to view the assessment and grading in physical education in the Swedish school. Recently published reports from skolverket prove that boys have higher grades in the physical education than girls. Some mean that the reason of this is that the teachers don´t follow the curriculum. The problems we chose to examine are how much do teachers know how to use and connect the curriculum to their teaching? How much of the information and criterion in the curriculum do the teachers use to grade their pupils? And most importantly we wanted to examine why boys gets higher grades then girls, when the curriculum doesn?t seem to suit boys any better than girls.We have interviewed teachers in a certain district and our study shows that the teachers have good knowledge about the curriculum.

Nationalidentitet : Om skapandet av nationell känsla i resor till broderländer

That all children today receive the opportunity to explore all of their capabilities is not certain at all preschools. Today there are preschools that are not able to work actively to explore the children's abilities because the large number of children and not enough teachers. Therefore I want to find out with my research how the educators would react when there is a crisis with the youngest children, the toddlers. I also want to find out different ways of acting in everyday situations at the preschool and why the teachers act in that way. I have relied on qualitative methods and I have used the critical incident method in my study.

Pedagogers agerande i kritiska situationer i vardagen med toddlare på förskolan

That all children today receive the opportunity to explore all of their capabilities is not certain at all preschools. Today there are preschools that are not able to work actively to explore the children's abilities because the large number of children and not enough teachers. Therefore I want to find out with my research how the educators would react when there is a crisis with the youngest children, the toddlers. I also want to find out different ways of acting in everyday situations at the preschool and why the teachers act in that way. I have relied on qualitative methods and I have used the critical incident method in my study.

Skillnader mellan manligt och kvinnligt? : Ett genusperspektiv på ledaregenskaper

AimThe purpose of this study is to investigate if there is any variance between masculine and feminine physical education teachers leadership.Are men more authoritarian than woman in their education? Do the influence of pupils have something to do with the gender of the teacher?s? Do the pupils respect masculine physical education teachers any different compound to feminine teachers?MethodWe have studied relevant literature that consider masculine and feminine leadership. The choice was to work with senior compulsory school. We choose the community of Botkyrka, through comfort choice. The criterion for the teachers were that they would have a swedish physical education and have been working at least for 4 years.

(O)jämställdhet som etnisk markör : En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare i  förberedelseklasser resonerar kring genus och jämställdhet

The study aims to evaluate how teachers in my research have reasoned regarding gender and gender equality, notions on ethnicity, and specific conceptions or constructions on ?swedish-ness? and ?immigrants?. The vital point in this study will be to examine the relationship be-tween gender equality, ethnocentrism and racism. The question formulation that I have ap-plied are: On what grounds teachers conceive the concepts of gender and gender equality? How do teachers experience their work with gender equality in remedial classes? Do the teachers that work in remedial classes experience any obstacles in the pursuit of gender equal-ity in their daily work? I have used the method of qualitative interviews with five teachers in remedial classes from five different schools.

Undervisningsmetoder i fysik : En jämförande studie mellan den svenska och den finska skolan

In the current situation there is not much written about assessment of laboratory work, and the majority of the working physics teachers are retiring and there are only a few newly qualified physics teachers. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how physics teachers assess laboratory work within upper secondary schools, with Gy2011 in mind. The new grade system, Gy2011, has a larger focus on the laboratory work then the earlier system Lpf 94. Skolverket has in their man-ual with examples of assessment two different sorts of laboratory experiments. The first assess-ment is regarding the planning of a laboratory work and the other about how able the pupil exe-cutes laboratory work.

Ta på era "hållbar utvecklingsglasögon"! : Ett idéhäfte som kan hjälpa pedagoger att arbeta mer med hållbar utveckling i förskolan

Natural and environmental issues are everyday parts in preschool but when educators shall consciously work with sustainable development they tend to stop at recycling and what is necessary to be done for achieving the Grön Flagg-certification. I have been observing various preschools and noticed that sustainable development is flawed, often because of the teachers lack of interest, knowledge and in some cases both. Out of this grew an idea of making a project that could help the teachers see how the work with the subject in a fun and educational way can become a part of the preschools everyday routine. I made a tutorial booklet with basic facts and activities relating to sustainable development and the three questions in my report were how much knowledge and interest the teachers initially have, if the tutorial booklet could help the teachers to produce new knowledge and interest for the topic and if it turned out to be easier for them to provide educational activities within the subject. There were three departments that participated in my survey and the methodology of collecting data was an anonymous survey with the teachers' own comments in response.

Barn diagnostiserad med ADHD : En studie om hur man på ett fritidshem kan arbeta med ADHD diagnosticerade barn

AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to find out how the after-school teachers can work with children diagnosed with ADHD on the after-school center, study the given conditions as well as the links between the two earlier mentioned. Four interviews, with four different after-school teachers, from four after-school centers in one municipality was made. The interviews consisted of seven questions, six of the questions gave the respondents the opportunity to own interpretation of the question and thereby answer the question after what they considered as correct.The result shows that work with ADHD diagnosed children can differ widely based on the conditions the after-school teachers have. Examples of conditions are knowledge and education on the subject, the after-school center environment, the number of teachers in the business and more. Based on the four interviewed response, and the information that previous research shows about the subject, the work with ADHD diagnosed children at the four different after-schools is not good enough.

Arbetsplanens användande och dess inflytande på pedagogers undervisning : En uppföljning av Arbetsplan för studie- och yrkesvägledningsverksamheten i Enköpings kommun 2008-2010

The aim of this study is to investigate the effects ofWork plan for study- and vocational guidance in Enköpings municipality 2008-2010 to see how it has affected the educators in the municipal primary schools. Questionnaires to teachers and interviews with principals have been made and it came out that the teachers are not very familiar with the plan. Of the few teachers who considered themselves to be familiar with the plan, the majority replied that they had benefited from the plan.The study´s analysis indicates that one of explanation for why so few educators are aware of and working according to the plan is partly in implementation efforts. Weaknesses are shown according to the equivalence of the implementation, but also the importance of the existence of an engaging and driven person, located at the primary schools, that continuously inspires and motivates the teachers to work with this plan. Educators also indicate that they already use study-and vocational guidance in their teaching..

?Ibland undrar man om det är någon idé att röra upp himmel eller helvete för att de är lite dyngiga här och där? : En kvalitativ studie om samverkan mellan förskola och socialtjänst

The purpose of this study is to, from the preschool teachers? point of view, deepen the knowledge about influential factors regarding a mandatory report from preschools to the Child Protective Agency (CPA) when suspecting child maltreatment and feeling uneasiness regarding the child. The purpose is also to furthermore investigate collaboration between preschools and the CPA in Hagfors municipality. The study has the following questions: How do preschools teachers handle their suspicions and uneasiness about a child being maltreated? Which factors can be influential on whether or not the suspicions are reported to the CPA? Which experiences do preschool teachers have of collaboration with the CPA?The study is based on qualitative methods in the formof individual interviews.

Butikskoncept : Småföretagens överlevnad!

In the previous curriculum for the preschool Lpfö 98, the educational responsibility was documented belonging to all the team members. On the 1st of July 2011 a new curriculum was introduced to the preschool, Lpfö 98/10, where it is documented that the educational responsibility now belongs to the preschool teachers. According to curriculum experts at the Swedish school board this educational responsibility is not new, just a clarification of the preschool teacher?s educational responsibility.This study is a qualitative study and the purpose was to interview the preschool teachers about their thoughts concerning their educational responsibility. The purpose was also to examine if their educational responsibility has affected their role in the team at the preschool and if they believe that this has any significance for their profession.My result of the study shows that the educational responsibility of the preschool teachers now has been clarified and that they should take a leading role in the team towards the goals that are set for the preschool.

I betraktarens ögon : En historiedidaktisk studie av läroböckers innehåll och lärares resonemang om elfte septemberattacken och dess konsekvenser

"In the eye of the beholder- A didactic study of Swedish teachers and textbooks in history?s reasoning about nine eleven and its aftermath" by Emmy Johansson and Emma Svanström aims to show which picture both teachers and textbooks on elementary school and upper secondary school want to mediate on the subject. The study also strives to compare the teachers view with the textbooks.To achieve these goals the study uses materials from eight interviews and fifteen textbooks. The methods are a combination of interviews and textual analysis inspired by the scientist Elizabeth D. Herman.

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