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Läs-och skrivinlärning : en kvalitativ undersökning av fyra pedagogers val av metod i läs- och skrivundervisning
Background: Language skills are of great importance for all work at school and for students' future life and activities. Therefore it is particularly important that preschool and school in every way possible should encourage and support ALL children's linguistic development. Many linguists points out that all learning takes place best in natural and meaningful contexts and around a meaningful content.Theory: The study is based on theories created by the renowned theorist Lev Vygotsky who illustrates what is important to encourage children's reading development. Vygotsky?s theories regarding the zone for the next development were reflected in the study.
Datasäkerhet : Hur man skyddar sig mot interna hot
As the companies of today are good at protecting themselves against external threats, but are having problems with internal threats, we focused on how information can be protected from ending up in the wrong hands. First and foremost to protect information from employees who might steal it and sell it to another company. Since the security investments needed are connected to the financial costs of implementing them we have tried to create a balance between the investments needed and the cost of implementing them. The different kinds of protection needed are first and foremost protection to make data less accessable, passwords and traceability. While it is hard for us to estimate the amount of money a company lose by the hour when the production stands still, we have not been able to use any of the excising models to calculate the profit of installing countermeasures.
Sch, bänkboken talar! : En litteraturstudie om hur och varför den tysta läsningen bör bli dialogisk
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om den tysta läsningen i grundskolans tidigare år behöver ändras, varför detta behövs samt hur den kan ändras. Till grund för studien skrevs tre frågeställningar. Dessa lyder: Behöver den tysta läsningen förändras- varför?Hur kan den tysta läsningen i skolan utvecklas?Hur kan utvecklandet av tyst läsning gynna elevernas läsande och livslånga lärande? Studien genomfördes genom en litteraturstudie av forskning och annan litteratur. Litteraturen och stoffet analyserades genom Vygotskijs och det sociokulturella perspektivet. Det undersökningen visat är att läsförmågan i Sverige sjunkit och att den fortsätter att sjunka.
Centrum för lättläst : Ur ett domänanalytiskt perspektiv
The aim of this two years master thesis in Library and information science is to study the foundation Centrum för lättläst and its work regarding information use with focus on information structures and information needs. The aim is also to examine how Centrum för lättläst cooperate with Swedish libraries to promote the work concerning people with reading disabilities. This master thesis applies a domain analytic theory and method inspired by Birger Hjørland. The domain analysis is confined to examine ontology, epistemology, sociology, empirical user studies, document and genre studies and studies of structures and institutions in scientific communication. The main source material consists of information from the homepage of Centrum för lättläst.
Vem är ansvarig? : En samhällsvetenskaplig diskussion om utbrändhet
University of ÖrebroDepartment of social SciencesSociology, Contnuation Course, 61-90hp.Essay 15hp. Spring 2008Title: Who is resbonsible? A soceityscientific discussion about burnout.Author: Emilie FuchsAbstractThe purpose with this essay is to do a critical comparation between two different perspectives, burnout as an individual problem and burnout as a social problem. The first perspective states that the individual itself is responsible for her sickness while the second perspective states that the society and foremost the labour market should work in order to prevent people from beeing burned out. With that purpose in mind I want to enlighten and hopefully bring up the topic for discussion.The essay is based upon the following questions:? How can you sociologically understand the labour market of today?? How can you understand burnout in an individual context?? How can you understand burnout in a social context?By studying and reading four books, I have presented the two different perspectives of burnout.
Bibliotekariens kunskap: En textanalys av SOU 1969:37
The aim with this Masters thesis is to examine the professional knowledge of the librarian. The method used is text analysis of a state public investigation, SOU 1969:37, that concerns librarian education. The theoretical starting point is a theory of knowledge thats descended from Aristotle. Three different forms of knowledge are central concepts in the theory: the theoretical, the practical and the ethical. The main issue in this thesis is: In what ways did the investigators look at the librarians knowledge? Was it in a changeable period of time? In that case, what reasons could there be? The conclusion shows that educational political changes were affecting the whole educational sphere at the late 1960:s, and in the beginning of the 1970:s, including library education.
En givande undervisning i problemlösning för andraspråkselever : En studie i årskurs 3 vid en mångkulturell skola i södra Stockholm
Thanks to I have got to explore different teaching ways around the problem solving in a year 3, in a multicultural school which is located south of Stockholm, I have been able to answer my question at issue in my degree work. My question at issue on this investigation and the purpose with my degree work was to explore different teaching ways that promotes pupils with another mother tongue than Swedish, to develop reading comprehension and to get a better understanding of mathematical concepts in problem solving tasks. On this investigation have I chosen to teach these pupils to explore, reach and gain a deeper understanding of what teaching about problem solving promotes these pupils. I have when it concerns choice of method and material collections assumed from a qualitative investigation and gathered the material with help from participation notices and interviews. I have in my investigation reached the conclusion that those pupils with another mother tongue than Swedish developed reading comprehension and got a better understanding of mathematical concepts in problem solving tasks by being taught in a creative and varied teaching. A creative and varied teaching as I taught those pupils in contained:the pupils had to work with living-related problem tasksthe pupils had to work in pairs to resolve problem solvingthe pupils had to work in larger groups to resolve problem solvingthe pupils had to work in a creative way, by writing and drawing pictures and do their own mathematical fairy tale in problem solvingthe pupils had to work with manipulatives to resolve problem solving in half classes..
Herman Bergmans Konstgjuteri : Ett ordnings- och förteckningsarbete
This examination paper is the account for the author?s work while arranging and registrating the business archives and business records of the Herman Bergman?s Foundry in Stockholm, Sweden. It is part of the one year Masters program in Archival Science at the University of Uppsala. The records are from the beginning of the 1900s to the 1970s. Most of the business archives are from he 1940s to the 1950s.
Intranät 2.0 - Intranätsansvarigas uppfattningar av interaktivitet på intranät
My aim is to provide knowledge about ways of understanding Intranet as a
communication artifact. Today organizations plan to update their technology so
as to make the communicative functions of Web 2.0 come true. With this
objective in mind organizations will be prepared to meet social demands among
staff. After interviewing intranet managers I have compiled qualitative data in
categories. My approach is influenced by a phenomenographic approach.
Läsa, fråga, förstå : Läsförståelsestrategier gestaltade i boksamtal.
Denna studie är utförd inom lärarutbildningen och kursen Språk och språkutveckling. Syftet med arbetet har varit att undersöka hur elever i år 1 agerar under boksamtal och vilket lärande som gestaltas i dessa samtal. Sex elever i år 1 har deltagit i en serie boksamtal som planerats och genomförts med inspiration av den sokratiska samtalsmodellen (Lindström, 2000). Studiens resultat har belysts med tre teoretiska perspektiv; ett didaktiskt perspektiv, ett receptionsteoretiskt perspektiv samt ett läsförståelseteoretiskt perspektiv. Tre kategorier av läsförståelsestrategier identifierades; att fråga, att göra inferenser och att läsa.
Dyslexi och dyskalkyli : Finns det några samband?
This exam essay will look at dyslexia, dyscalculia and the connections that may exist between these two phenomena. My purpose, from the beginning, was to investigate if there might be any connections between dyslexia and dyscalculia, or if the consequences that appear as a result of dyslexia, might lead to problems and difficulties in mathematics. I found it very hard to find literature that deal with dyscalculia, both as a subject of its own and together with dyslexia. Therefore, I was more or less forced to focus on difficulties in mathematics as a result from dyslexia. From what I have found, dyslexia and dyscalculia cannot be connected, at least not without more research on the subject. Two consequences; an impaired short-term memory and also an impaired spatial ability are both common, both for persons with dyslexia and for persons with dyscalculia. Other than these, there are no connections, apart from the difficulties in mathematics that are directly, or indirectly, caused by dyslexia..
De viktiga proven : Elever i läs- och skrivsvårigheter berättar om sina erfarenheter av förberedelser, anpassningar och genomförande av nationella läsprov i svenska i årskurs 6
Hur policyförändringar, som fler nationella prov och tidigare betyg, kan komma till uttryck i verksamheten utforskas i denna studie. Syftet är att undersöka hur några elever i läs- och skrivsvårigheter/dyslexi beskriver sina erfarenheter av att göra nationella läsprov i svenska i årskurs 6.Det empiriska materialet har inhämtats genom halvstrukturerade intervjuer med fyra elever i årskurs 6, som nyligen har genomfört proven.Resultatet, som har analyserats ur ett policy enactment perspektiv, visar att eleverna beskriver proven som mycket viktiga, då de tror att proven har en stor betydelse för deras betyg i svenska. Eleverna har förberetts inför proven i skolan genom undervisning i läsförståelsestrategier, genom att öva på gamla prov och genom att titta på bedömningsexempel. De har också förberett sig själva inför provsituationen på olika sätt. Eleverna har olika erfarenheter av anpassningar vid proven och de som har haft anpassningar ställer sig positiva till det.
?Varför är jag här? Varför sitter jag med de här gubbarna?? : En kvalitativ studie om att vara kvinna i den mansdominerade byggbranschen
This study aims to look at female executives? view of their leadership in the male-dominated construction industry. The study is qualitative and focuses on the respondents' subjective perceptions. We have conducted six interviews with women in different companies whose positions within each company varied. Using theories of subjectivity, emotions, impression management and organizational structures, to support the analysis conducted, this study shows that there are obstacles for women in the industry, but it also shows that it seems to be facing a brighter future.
Boksamtal : Intervjuer med bibliotekarier och deltagare i olika litteraturcirklar
The purpose of this masters thesis is to examine how librarians work in a literary educational role with literary circles for adults and youth, in public libraries and at school. The study also examines whether participation in book discussion groups has any effect on participants and librarians regarding changes in reading habits and in personal development. Another aspect investigated was how participants experienced the atmosphere in the group. We have conducted qualitative interviews with five librarians who have lead different literary circles and with two participants from each literary circle. In all 13 interviews were conducted.
Re-Design av Dagens ETC
The project is about making a Re-Design of the Swedish Socialistic Newspaper ?Dagens ETC?. The background to the project is my search for commitment when I work with a specific customer or project and how importantthat commitment are?The project was from the beginning split up to three different phases. The meaning of the first phase where to make a re-design mainly based on a interview with Johan Ehernberg, the chef editor on ETC.The second phase was a design totally made of my own idea and creative view as a Graphic Designer.I had in mind to make the third phase based on the result of the first two phases.During phase one and two I reconsidered and decided to skip the third step and put more effort in to the two first ones.