

1020 Uppsatser om Battle of Forms - Sida 62 av 68

?Jag bara utgår ifrån att dom finns på Facebook? : En kvalitativ studie om hur Falu Energi & Vatten bör kommunicera med unga vuxna

The aim of this study is to investigate which communication strategies and channels the mu- nicipal company Falu Energi & Vatten should use in order to become more efficient in com- municating with citizens between 18 to 29 years old. The company is owned by the munici- pality of Falun and manages community services in electricity, district heating, fresh water, sewerage, metropolitan area network and waste disposal. The following theories have been used in the study: convergence culture, digital natives, information overload, communication strategies and uses & gratifications theory. The methods used in the study are 4 focus group interviews and one informant interview. The members of the focus groups where within the age range 18-29 years and lived in the city of Falun.

Populärmusik på folkbibliotek en studie kring urval.

The purpose of this master thesis is to examine different factors that may influence the librarian in the selection of popular music. The study is conducted through a qualitative method, influenced by grounded theory. The results are based on patterns drawn from both interviews with six libraries and from literature. The literature review concerns foremost cultural politics, music aesthetics, the sphere of popular music in Sweden today and the impact of commercialism. Also the purposes of popular music in a library, aspects of values of popular music and assortment policies are being discussed.

Representation = legala mutor? : Gränsen mellan representation enligt 16 kap. 2 § IL och mutor eller andra otillbörliga belöningar enligt 9 kap. 10 § IL

Companies use different forms of representation to promote business negotiations. The regulations for the right to deduction for the cost of representation are stated in Chapter 16 section 2 of the Swedish Income Tax Act (IL). According to the law there must be an im-mediate connection between the expenditure and the business practice and the claimed de-duction must be reasonable. The Swedish tax authority publishes general recommendations regarding representation which are used as guidelines for the tax payer to follow. The gen-eral provision about tax deduction can be found in Chapter 16 section 1 of the Swedish In-come Tax Act (IL), stating that expenses to acquire or retain income shall be deductible.

Ekologisk landskapsplan för fastigheten Götebo 1:5 :

This thesis constitutes a long term (100 year) ecological landscape management plan for the estate Götebo 1:5. The estate is situated close to Gothenburg and is owned by Skogssällskapet. The planning has been made by dividing the estate into different areas (zones). In each zone one of the goals nature conservation, recreation or economical yield has been prioritized. Nature conservation is one of the main goals for the forest management plan.

Hur science parks och inkubatorer kan stötta kommersialiseringen av idéer sprungna från näringslivet: En studie av Science Park Jönköping samt några företag i regionen

This master thesis has been written in collaboration with Science Park Jönköping and is based on a problem related to corporate innovation. Science Park Jönköping believes that there is an untapped potential in existing industry in the form of ideas that are never commercialized. These theories are also supported in the research in which other authors have perceived that the ideas and inventions which do not belong to the core business risk ending up in drawers. If more of these ideas could be spin-offs or other forms of enterprise instead of staying in the drawers it would lead to growth, both for companies and for the society in large.The purpose of the thesis work is to, based on the case Science Park Jönköping, analyze how science parks and incubators can support the commercialization of ideas that derive from industry, who otherwise had been left lying. The work began with a mapping of the Science Park Jönköping operations and the skills they possess, and then other initiatives that aim to commercialize more ideas from companies were examined.

Kulturskolan i integrationens kraftfält

Title: Access to cultural education in a multi-ethnical context.The right to dance and play an instrument, to paint and work with film is taken for granted by many children in Malmoe today. The agenda explicitely phrases the intent of the publicly financed schools of art for children to reflect the multi-ethnic demographics of the city. Public community music schools of today, incorporate classes in all forms of art and are called "Culture schools". There is a long tradition of teaching and making music to lean on as a music teacher in Sweden. This paper tries to explore how these rights are expressed in the governing documents of the Culture school of Malmoe.

Näsbyholm - parken och de närmaste omgivningarna ur ett historiskt och nutida perspektiv

The goal of this work has been to search historical materials, to identify the park's historical development, to prepare proposals on measures and that work should be the basis for further research. The aim has been to train us in searching for and use of materials and to gain an understanding of the process of work with older plants. In the process we have sought and found materials in archives, through literary and oral sources, and email contacts. Because of its excellent location perched on an islet in the low landscape Näsbyholm was long a fortress. The old castle on Näsbyholm was from the late 1400s but the site was fortified much earlier. The islet was at this time completely surrounded by water and there was a drawbridge over the narrow waterline. The owners are liable since the late 1200s.

Ingenmansland? : En studie av medarbetarnas uppfattning om sin tillhörighet och roll inom ett personaluthyrningsföretag

SummaryThe purpose with this study is to give a view of how employees understand their belonging and role in a temporary work agency and its clients. This study describes the employees´ relation towards the temporary work agency and the client. The study should be interesting for temporary work agencies and those who have considered of working in the temporary work agency business.The agency in this study is Manpower AB and has existed in Skövde for five years and has appreciated 200 employees. The company offers fast, worth its prizes and flexible employment agency solutions no matter if it affects a few persons or more complicated solutions. You can find specialists and generalists within the most fields, for example administration, sales, market, telemarketing, technology, and logistics.

Eva Klasson : En analys av verk, karriär och reception

The Swedish photographer and artist Eva Klasson, based in Paris in the 1970s, gained attention for her series of black-and-white photography of her own naked body, which opened up for an international artistic career in the late 1970s. Despite a promising career she however abandoned photography and disappeared from the artistic sphere only a few years after her debut. There has been a renewed interest in Klasson?s work in Sweden the last decade where she has been exhibited at museums and galleries. Today she is represented at art museums and institutions including Moderna Museet, The Modern Museum of Art, in Stockholm.

Att hjälpa alla elever nå målen : En holistisk och kontextuell specialpedagogisk studie om lärarnas önskemål och behov

There is a discrepancy between national school guidelines towards inclusive education, and the current political trend towards economic efficacy, that may be problematic for teachers. The aim of this contextual study is to formulate a contextual understanding of the participating teachers? perceptions of their effort to help all their students achieve the goals set forth by school curricula, and use this understanding for the purpose of suggesting points of entry for special needs educators´ guidance of teachers? practices towards more inclusive education.Information was gathered by sending an extensive web questionnaire to all teachers within a given headmaster´s administration, sending web questionnaires to a majority of third grade students taught by those teachers, conducting interviews with a few of the participating teachers as well as with the special needs educators, carrying out a classroom observation, and gathering additional information concerning working conditions and social interactions.The data gathered in this case study has been subjected to an analytical process comprising of an assessment of the degree of inclusive approach, using the Inclusive Approach through Participation as well as the Framework of Participation, technical triangulation of all data post the inclusive assessment, and analysis of context by the Ecology of Human Development/the Bioecological Theory.The analytical process has resulted in a contextual description that has enabled me to suggest possible points of entry to be used in special needs educators? guidance of teachers? practices towards inclusive education. The degree to which there exists a collegial sense of security, varied forms of teacher-student interactions, collegial cooperation, pedagogical discussions, a dialogue in search of mutual understanding, and consequent follow-ups appears, in the light of the limited selection of participants, as relevant to these teachers ability to help their students.Further research is needed to identify valid points of entry for special needs educators? guidance of teachers? practices towards inclusive education.

Att läsa texter tillsammans är bra : En studie om läsförståelseundervisning i särskolan med hjälp av strukturerade textsamtal.

International reading comprehension studies, like PIRLS and PISA, state that the reading comprehension of Swedish students has decreased significantly since 2000. As a consequence, the National Agency of Education has made reading comprehension teaching a prioritised field in terms of further education for teachers. There has also been a change in Lgr 11, the national curriculum for compulsory school, where it is stated that teaching in reading strategies shall be a part of the central content throughout compulsory school. When the pupils reach upper secondary school level, reading comprehension education is no longer a part of the curriculum. Today, students at upper secondary school for individuals with learning disabilities currently share the same curriculum as the ordinary upper secondary school.

Stem injection of different nitrogen forms into young Norway spruce

This master thesis has been a pilot study preceding a forthcoming project of a larger scale with the long term objective to separate the direct effect of added nitrogen on soil processes from indirect effects via trees. The aim of this study has been to investigate the allocation of nitrogen following direct injection of liquid solutions into the xylem of 40 year old Norway spruce. The field site is located at Flakaliden (64°07?N, 19°27?E), approximately 60 km northwest of Umeå, Sweden. A total of 18 trees were selected for treatment, equally divided between three treatments, potassium nitrate, glutamine and water (control).

Ägarstrukturens påverkan på skolkvalité - En jämförande studie över friskolor före och efter uppköp

Sweden's school voucher reform has made the Swedish school system into one of the world's most liberalized. The debate concerning the ownership of Swedish schools is intense and the Swedish Minister of Education is open to restricting private equity owned companies from running schools. Interestingly, fewer calls are heard for restricting smaller profit-driven companies from owning schools. This essay aims to examine whether or not the quality of education provided by an individual school changes if it is acquired by a large private equity owned school group. This is done by conducting a comparative study on four independent schools recently acquired by AcadeMedia, Sweden's biggest private equity owned school group.

Upplevelser av rovdjursturism : en studie av resereportage

This essay contains a discoursive analysis of fifteen travel reports from five of the largest papers in Sweden. The travel reports contains recaptions from wildlife tourism experiences were the predators are the main target, or at least one of the main targets. Seven of the reports are from Sweden and eight of them from Russia, Rumania, Finland, Turkey and the United States. Predators in this essay aims to those in Sweden called ?the big five?, these are: bears, wolves, lynxes , wolverines and golden eagles.

Humor i mötet mellan patienter och sjuksköterskor / Humour in the meeting between patients and nurses

Abstract på svenska: Bakgrund: Studier har visat att humor är en betydelsefull faktor inom hälso- och sjukvård och att olika former av humor kan skapa en känsla av välbefinnande. I interaktionen mellan patienter och sjuksköterskor har skratt och humor visat sig ge positiva effekter vad det gäller att skapa en avslappnad atmosfär. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att belysa humors betydelse i mötet mellan patienter och sjuksköterskor. Metod: Studien är en systematisk litteraturstudie som baseras på 8 utvalda och granskade artiklar. Resultat: Sex huvudkategorier framkom under artikelanalysen, Humorns betydelse för mötet mellan patienter och sjuksköterskor, Humor som copingstrategi för patienter och sjuksköterskor, Humor som försvarsmekanism, Sjuksköterskors användning av humor i mötet med patienter, Humor som arbetsredskap i komplicerade omvårdnadssituationer samt Vid vilka möten bör humor undvikas.

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