

1020 Uppsatser om Battle of Forms - Sida 34 av 68

Vetenskaplig kommunikation inom kemi och ekonomi: ett polskt perspektiv.

This study examines the scholarly communication activities in two scientific fields, chemistry and economics, in a Polish context. The dissertation aims at investigating what characterises the publishing choices of researchers and what supplementary forms for the dissemination of research output are used by scholars. In addition, the paper is looking into what are the views and awareness of open access and institutional repositories within this scientific community. This thesis gives the results of semi-structured interviews and an online survey at two academic faculties at a Polish technical university. As its theoretical framework, the study uses Whitley?s theory of the intellectual and social organisation of academic fields and Latour and Woolgar?s study regarding various motivations for publishing.

Tidsperspektiv som prediktor för individuella skillnader i upplevd stress : En tvärsnittsstudie av äldre vuxna

Time Perspective is related to mental and physical health. This study examines the relationship between Time Perspective and perceived stress where Time Perspective was expected to predict the level of perceived stress. Past-negative, Future-negative, Future-positive and present-fatalistic were expected to be positively associated with perceived stress while Past-positive and present-hedonistic were expected to be negatively associated. Measures from the self-assessment forms S-ZTPI, PSQ-recent and CES-D from 445 participants (242 women, 203 men) between 60-90 years were used to examine the hypothesis of the study. Two hierarchical multiple regression analysis confirmed that Time Perspective is associated with perceived stress and in part 2 explains it's variance, one when adjusting for demographic data (.R = .37) and the 2 other when adjusting for demographic data and depressive symptoms (.R = .13).

En utvärdering av Ungdomskraft - Region Skånes ungdomsråd

Partly as a reaction to a perceived crisis in contemporary democracy, the nineties witnessed an upsurge in different forms of citizens? fora, dedicated to the promotion of increased participation by the citizen in the political process. Youth councils are a special point in case as they entail the general characteristics of a deliberative forum, with an emphasis on political learning. This study aims to undertake an evaluation of a regional youth council in the region of Skåne in the south of Sweden. Through qualitative analysis, the study aims to portray the origin, purposes and consequences of such a forum.

Hinder och problem med metoden Fysisk aktivitet på recept (FaR) inom primärvården i Bollnäs och Söderhamns kommun. Föreskrivarens perspektiv. - En kvalitativ intervjustudie

The purpose of this study was to examine the obstacles and problems prescribers of exercise on prescription (EoP) in primary care in Bollnäs and Söderhamn experience when using the method. It also aimed at examining if the barriers identified in previous studies also will be found in Bollnäs and Söderhamns municipalities. A qualitative study was made and four interviews with the managers of health centers in Bollnäs and Söderhamns municipalities were completed. The only inclusion criteria was that it would be a licensed health care professional at the clinic who work with, and prescribe the EoP. A content analysis was performed, which categorized the statements made according to their content.


Reflections är en stämningslampa som med hjälp av invävd fiberoptik lockar fram nya visuella och taktila uttrycksvärdeni en textil. Under arbetets gång har jag utforskat mängden ljus som fiberoptisk textil sprider längsmed fiberlängden samt undersökt naturfiberns egenskaper när den vävs samman med fiberoptik.En stor utmaning var att hitta balans mellan tekniska begränsningar och det uttryck jag sökte. Lampans formspråkär min reflektion över dagens stadslandskap där arkitekturens geometriska former möterfordons strömlinjeform. Med stämningslampan hoppas jag att hitta och inspirera till nya användningsområdenför fiberoptisk textil.Reflections is a mood light using interwoven fiber optics witch brings out new visual and tactile expressionvalues in a textile. During the work, I have explored the amount of light fiber optic textile spreads along thefiber length and examined properties of nature fiber when it is interwoven with fiber optics.A major challenge was finding a balance between technical constraints and expressions I was looking for.

Potentiell fosforfrigörelse från sedimentet i Bornsjön, sydvästra Stockholm : The potential leakage of phosphorus from sediment in Lake Bornsjön, south western Stockholm

Lake Bornsjön is situated 30 km southwest of Stockholm in a rift valley lake and consist three basins outstretched in northwest-southeast direction. The surface area is 6,7 km2 with a maximum depth of 18,3 meters, a mean depth of 9,8 meters and a retention time of the water of 6,5 years. The drainage area is 42 km2 and consists mainly of arable land (ca 1000 ha) and productive forestry land (2500 ha), but in the drainage area there are also restored and fairly newly constructed wetlands.Today the Stockholm area receives its drinking water from Lake Mälaren, but if there would be any pollution of this source, Lake Bornsjön would act as the water source. The area surrounding the lake was bought already in 1899 by Stockholm Stad for protection of the lake and was taken over 1993 by Stockholm Vatten AB. It has been a water protection area from 1988 and it was also accepted as a nature reserve in 1995.

Gränsen mellan en anställds lojalitetsplikt och yttrandefrihet : - var går den?

The use of social media has increased considerably in recent years and has also caused some problems. It has been notable cases in the media where employees adversely criticized their employer on social networks, which subsequently led to the dismissal of the employee. The purpose of this study is to investigate an employee's right to express themselves about their employers in various forms but the main focus will be on social networks. The study investigates employees on both private and public sectors.Employees have a duty of loyalty to their employer, which means that they must be loyal to their employer and not deliberately harm them. The reason that employed comment his employer on social networks has its basis in that they also have freedom of speech and it is raised in such a case, a collision between their rights and responsibilities as an employee.The employees also hold a critique right entitling them to publicly criticize the employer and its activities.

Logopeder och barn i interaktion : Samtalsanalys vid behandling av språkstörning

Speech intervention for children with language impairment aims to both strengthen specific language skills and to reinforce the ability to participate in interactional contexts. Children with language impairment often have problems in interaction; therefore the contributions of the conversational partner are of great importance. Thus, the demands are high on the speech and language pathologist (SLP) for sense and cohesion in intervention. The aim of the present study was to examine how SLPs and children with language impairment interact in language intervention. An approach influenced by Conversation Analysis was used in order to identify various phenomena that occurred, and their effect on the structure of the interaction was analyzed.Four SLPs, two men and two women, were enrolled in the study.  They participated in intervention with two children with language impairment each, i.e.

Kunskapsspridning inom projektbaserade företag

Background: Society of today is characterised by greater dynamics and a constant demand for innovation and fresh ideas. This development is often named "the new economy" or "the knowledge society". Independent of how one chooses to name this society, most individuals seem to agree upon the fact that knowledge grows more and more important. New competencies, such as new knowledge and new forms of organising, will be demanded for corporations to be successful in the future. In recent years it has become more common with corporations based on projects.

Constructing Costs

The economic analysis of building contracts is an unexplored field within Law and Economics. This paper makes an attempt to cast some light over the subject and encourage to more research within the field. The main purpose has been to describe why the actual price in a public construction project often turns out to be higher than the contract price and offer a way of handle that risk. In the paper a model is set up that shows an optimal contract given expectations on actual price and gaps in contracts. Cost increases for the buyer can mainly be explained by two situations.

Lok Jumbish : utbildning och utveckling i norra Indien

The purpose of the study has been to recognise good development and the factors behind this development. We have chosen an aid-project co-financed first by the Swedish government and later by the government of Great Britain for our study. One of the conditions for good development, according to our chosen theory Another development, is peoples participation. To study good development and peoples participation we conducted a Minor Field Study (MFS) in Rajasthan in the north-west of India in June-August 2001. We had a hermeneutic approach and consequently accomplished interviews and participant observations in the Lok Jumbish project in Rajasthan.

Dold samäganderätt : Är det nuvarande systemet konsekvent?

The meaning of the covert co-ownership is that the parties must have intended that the property should be their common. A party must, to be able to claim ownership, have con-tributed to the acquisition financing through the financial contribution. Further shall the fact that the property should be their common be agreed or have been assumed by the par-ties. There are the circumstances for the purchase that should be considered in determining if covert co-ownership is presumed. Covert co-ownership has been established although one party only contributed a small part to the acquisition.

Sjuksköterskans dokumentation av smärtskattning och smärtlindring avseende bröstsmärtor i den prehospitala sjukvården

The object with the study of this literature was to describe differente programs of care and patients and relatives experience and opinion about the caring for patients with Anorexia Nervosa. The method the author used was a descriptive literature study based on imperial studies. The studies were based on 15 scientific articles within the chosen field. The results shows that these patients hade special needs to be seen and heard as individuals, involved in their own treatment, and have good contact with the caring staff. The study also shows which methods were mostly appreciated involving nurses, patients and relatives.

Energikartläggning av avfallsförbränningen i Uppsala

Vattenfall Heat Uppsala runs the waste incineration plant in Uppsala, which produces district heating, process steam, district cooling and electricity. Vattenfall Heat Uppsala has decided to introduce an energy management system with the aim to increase the energy efficiency of the plant. The basis in such a system is to make an energy mapping.In this thesis an energy mapping has been performed at the waste incineration plant with the aim to identify and determine the size of energy flows. The investigated energy flows are used fuel, produced and used steam, produced district heating and cooling. Also the use of electricity to run the processes has been investigated.

Politiskt engagerade ungdomars informationssökning

This Bachelor?s thesis is related to the area within library and information studies that focuses on information seeking and information practices. The study deals with how politically engaged young people seek information in relation to their political interests. The purpose of the study is to create an understanding of the roles that different forms of information-related activities play within the framework of political interest and of the feelings, experiences and challenges that such activities may give rise to for those involved. The study also discusses purposes and motivation for information seeking and use in political engagement.

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