

1020 Uppsatser om Battle of Forms - Sida 18 av 68

ÄTA-arbeten på Trafikverket

?ÄTA-work? (Changes, Supplementary and Retiring works) is more or less common in all construction projects whether it is about houses, roads or railways, in the planning stage, or in the construction stage. For the Swedish Transport Administration, which is the largest purchaser of infrastructure in Sweden, ÄTA-work is a hotter topic than ever.Economists and managers want to draw conclusions on the projects share ÄTA-work, while the project manager is concerned about whether it is possible to draw any conclusions at all as each project is unique in itself and has its own merits. There is a big variation in the amount of ÄTA-work in different geographic districts in the Swedish Transport Administration.This study shows that the Swedish Transport Administration does not have a unanimous approach regarding the management of ?ÄTA-work?.

Drama & vägledning : Metoder som speglar livet

This study illustrates how drama methods and career counselling might interact. The aim is to investigate whether drama methods can enhance career counselling methods. Drama is here defined as an umbrella term that includes all forms of action methods used in psychology and education.A literature survey was carried out in parallel with qualitative research interviews. Three professional drama leaders were interviewed separately. This was followed by a group interview with five upper secondary school students, who had all taken a course in drama with a focus on personal development.The findings show that there are common and consistent goals and values between drama and career counselling.

A comparison between techniques for color grading in games

Color has been significant in visual arts for as long as the art-forms have existed. Still images and movies have long used colors and color grading effects to affect the viewer and characterize the work. In recent years attempts have been made to bring these techniques of stylizing also to interactive games. This dissertation aims to compare two different approaches of performing real-time color grading for games. Focus is put on examining the two ways from a number of different perspectives and from there draw conclusions on advantages and disadvantages of the approaches.

Händelser som påverkat musiklärares undervisningssyn - Intervjuer med fyra fiollärare

Events that have effected music teachers? view on education - Interviews with four violin-teachers. The purpose of this research is to find out what forms the violin-teachers view on how education shall be operated. Through qualitative interviews, four violin-teachers from around Sweden have told about their growing up, higher musical education and what is current. The result shows that the higher musical education and their own teachers throughout the years are factors that have partially shaped their views.

Varför så kritisk? : En studie om den svenska dagskritikens roll, funktion och utveckling i ett föränderligt mediesamhälle

Purpose/Aim: The aim is to study the critics own views upon their profession and upon the development of criticism, and to thereafter set this in relation to contemporary theory and debates.Material/Method: A qualitative study pursued through personal interviews. The results are categorized and split into different themes.Main Results: Through media convergence and a changed media culture the conditions for criticism have also been altered. But in spite of various negative prophecies, these changes cause no serious threat to criticism. New forums and new forms of criticism actually increase the importance of the traditional ditto as the authoritative voice that holds the field together. Still, there are questions and fears about a future seemingly less and less predictable.

Svenska företagsetableringar i Ryssland : En studie om framgångsfaktorer

Författarna har genom studien funnit att faktorerna engagemang, tidigare internationell erfarenhet, systematiskt tillvägagångssätt, företagets storlek,nätverk och kunskap haft tydligast påverkan på de studerade svenska företagens internationalisering och framgång i Ryssland. Dessa framgångsfaktorer tycks även likna de faktorer som generellt framträder i tidigare forskning. Dock framstår möjliga marknadsspecifika element som kan kopplas specifikt till den ryska marknaden. Dessa framgångsfaktorer kan inte enskilt förklara företagens framgång, utan ger en nyanserad bild av de studerade företagens främsta attribut vid etableringen..

De Nordeuropeiska långhögarna : Hus för de döda

The discovery and excavation of Long Barrows has been one of the major developments in the understanding of the Early Neolithic in Southern Scandinavia during the last decade. The Long Barrows are one of the oldest monumental burial forms that we see in northern Europe in the neolithic. They are also the first example of a common idea that is connected to a monumental burial form amongst the people. In this essay I attempt to show that there actually are quite a large number of Long Barrows in Scandinavia that show similarities with Long Barrows in well-known areas such as Kujavia (Poland) and Pommerania (Germany/Poland), in both architecture and location in the landscape. I also scrutinise some theories regarding this phenomenon and discuss, and i some cases, criticise them.

Hur biodiversitet på ekosystemnivå skiljer sig mellan olika habitat

Biodiversity can be described as the total variation of life forms, where diversity ranges from gene level up to the ecosystem level. The diversity can be calculated in a number of ways, and this study use one of these methods. In this study empirical food webs have been used and analyzed, where eleven characters are defined and used as parameters to calculate the Euclidean distances between food webs that describe the variation that may exist within classes of terrestrial, marine and freshwater habitats. The class who stood out and showed the greatest diversity at the ecosystem level was the marine food webs, which showed a high value of the average euclidean distance. The other networks were not as distinctive and the average of the euclidean distance in these classes was comparatively low..

Att döda en mansnorm : Att döda en mansnormJakten ur ett genusperspektiv -den kvinnliga jägaren i den manliga jaktkulturen

Hunting is considered as the most masculine activity in our society. Historically, man has been described as the provider for his family, this in the forms of hunting and gathering. Today hunting is still associated with a male hunter, but women have started to infiltrate the hunting culture. In this study hunting culture is analyzed with a gender perspective. In a modern society with gender and equality as a big subject of debate it is interesting to examine this impact on a culture so linked with masculinity.

?Det är järnet i blodet som väger? : Elevers uppfattningar om materia en kvalitativ undersökning i årskurs 3

The purpose of this investigation was to find out more about students? spontaneous ideas about properties and transformations of matter. Examples of matter chosen are such which students know about from everyday life and focus is mainly on the questions if students know that all matter has weight and that matter is preserved in transformations.The method used is semi structured qualitative interviews with individual students. Different experiments were carried out together with the students who afterwards were interviewed. However, the students show varying answers and no generalizations can be done.

Att uppleva naturen med alla sina sinnen : Hur undersöker och upplever förskolebarnen naturen?

AbstractThis project discusses various aspects of children's way to explore nature with their senses. Therefore I conducted a study in two preschools, one nature-oriented and another preschool. This study was carriedout usien the three metods, interviews, observations and surveys. Interview four children from each preschool, observations of each group outdoors during four different occasions and question forms to teachers. The result of the study showed that both teachers and children have a great interest in being outdoors in nature, but it is not always possible to take out all children's groups. The reason is large groups and inadequate staff.

Tuftade golvsmycken och prydnadskuddar

This work is about getting to know tufting as a technique and to design tufted products for home furnishing.It all began in Finland, where during springtime 2004, I got in contact with the technique oftufting for the first time. A very pleasant meeting that resulted in two carpets and a longing to continueand learn more. It was then that an idea for my final project started to take form. My wish was to designtufted ?floor jewelleries? and cushions.I made a base for my project during a design project in autumn 2004.

Copingstrategier under uppväxten och senare i vuxenlivet för individer som har funktionsnedsättningen ADHD

The purpose of this study was to examine the differences and similarities between coping strategies used by individuals with the disability ADHD in childhood and later adulthood. The questions we asked ourselves: Are the individuals using the same form of coping in adulthood as in childhood? What copingstrategies used individuals while growing up? What coping-strategies used the individuals in adulthood? To fulfill the purpose and answer the questions, we used qualitative methods. Interviews were conducted with four adults who have the disa-bility ADHD. The interviews were analyzed by the hermeneutic circle.

Ungdomars deltagande vid alternativa idrottsinsatser : Vilka deltar och varför?

This study's main objective was to identify adolescents participation in alternative sport activities and which kind of physical activity that was preferred by adolescents who didn't had any earlier experience of sport clubs. The study combined interviews and surveys with the purpose to get both adolescents and sport leaders perspective. A total of five interviews were performed and fifty-four surveys was collected. The results showed that adolescents already physical active were those who participated in alternative sport activities. Who participate in alternative sport activities can depend on habitus, comprehended capital forms and in which social field the sport activities exists..

Varför har högerpopulismen uppnått framgång i Norden? : En komparativ studie av Sverigedemokraterna, Fremskrittspartiet och Danske Folkepartiet

The purpose of this study is to present populism as a political phenomenon and to impose focus on the rightwing populist parties that are active in Scandinavia. This essay begins with a presentation of the three rightwing political parties in Scandinavia. The rightwing populist parties have successfully developed their rhetoric and effectively influenced the political establishment in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. The parties that the essay focuses on are theSwedish democrats (SD), the Norwegian Progress party (FRP) and the Danish People`s party (DF). These parties are interesting in the sense that they share many opinions and are active in comparable political atmospheres, but also that they use approximately the same rightwing populist rhetoric as a way of exerting leverage on political policy.The theoretical segment is constructed on a descriptive historical background of populisms three different phases.

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