

1020 Uppsatser om Battle of Forms - Sida 10 av 68

Barnets Bästa : ? om rättssäkerhet i Högsta domstolens vårdnadstvister

The purpose of this study was to explore if and how the Swedish Supreme Court are using the concept ?the child?s best interest?. This concept is used a lot in Swedish legislation, but it needs interpretation every time it´s used and is often perceived as unclear. This makes it interesting to see how this affects the individual child´s legal rights. Furthermore I want to see if the Supreme Court listen to the child´s own opinion and if not, are there any justifications to why not.

Dokumentationsskyldigheten och dess förenlighet med den fria etableringen i EU -Behövs en harmonisering?

Background: According to us, obtaining reimbursement of expenses in connection with a representation is a ?forgotten? process, and we therefore find it interesting to look further into. In some cases we have not claimed for compensation since we consider the process as too complicated or that we lost the original receipt. Ernst & Young (2009) say in their research that within the financial management area, Swedish operations loses billions of Swedish crowns due to bad routines. Okada and Hoch (2004) mention that if time were not considered as a resource, time would not be a hinder.

Att förlora en förälder i cancer-En kvalitativ studie över ungdomars behov av professionellt stöd

The aim of this study was to review six professionals supporters work to support adolescents in grief, and if this support is the kind of support adolescents actually need. These professional supporters are two hospital social workers, two hospice social workers and two support group leaders. The questions included in the work are; How does the professional support look like for adolescents aged 12-18, who has lost a parent in cancer? Are the adolescents getting the support they need from these professionals? The study is based on qualitative interviews based on interview guides, which where then analyzed thematically and linked to previous research and grief theory. The result indicate that adolescents may need different forms of support when their parent is dying or has died.

Att vinna musikmatchen: Hur skivbolag förblir framgångsrika i en strömmad värld

Music streaming services are changing the music industry from the inside. After being struck by the piracy wave in the early 2000's, the industry was characterized by declining sales, layoffs, and a seemingly futile battle on what had become a culture of copyright infringement. After the successful launch of the music streaming service Spotify, the Swedish recording industry took a turn for the better. Music streaming services are creating both new opportunities and challenges to the music industry. This paper aims to study some of the opportunities and challenges concerning the creation of new music.

Beslutet om EU Battle Group : ett trendbrott?

Ovanstående citat ger en bild av hur snabbt förändringarna sker i vår omvärld idag. Förr varframtiden enkel att förutspå och de planer som gjordes sträckte sig över flera år, men idag ärdet en förändrad värld vi lever i och förändringarnas vindar blåser allt starkare även kringFörsvarsmakten. Detta har inneburit ett stort omställningsarbete för Försvarsmakten och detär en process som går framåt om än i långsam takt. Samtidigt kommer allt fler och snabbarekrav på förändring från den politiska nivån. Ett sådant inspel är ovan nämnda EU BattleGroup koncept där Sverige tillsammans med Finland och Norge och Estland skall sättasamman ett förband som skall vara insatsberett 2008.I denna uppsats studeras hur denna beslutsprocess sett ut och hur den påverkats av de kortatidsförhållandena och den politiska styrningen från EU.Denna beslutsprocess avviker till stor del från andra typer av beslut eftersom den har varitmycket kort och möjligheterna att analysera tänkbara konsekvenser av beslutet har varit små.Därför är det intressant att se om detta är ett trendbrott för hur den politiska styrningenkommer att se ut för Försvarsmakten i framtiden..

Föräldrars upplevelse av insatsen föräldrakoordinator.

Föräldrakoordination är en barnfokuserad alternativ konfliktlösningsmetod som praktiserats i Sverige sedan 2009. Denna intervjustudie har undersökt separerade föräldrars upplevelse av att få stöd i sitt föräldrasamarbete av en föräldrakoordinator. Intervjuer har genomförts med sju föräldrar som haft insatsen föräldrakoordinator under minst sex månader. Samtliga deltagande föräldrar har flera års erfarenhet av svårlösta konflikter med den andra föräldern och har tidigare provat andra former av konfliktlösningsinsatser. Resultaten visar att föräldrarna upplevt metoden som hjälpsam när det gäller att öka samarbetsförmågan, sänka konfliktnivån och förbättra barnens mående.

Surrogatmödraskap: Arbete, gudagåva eller exploatering? : En analys av den svenska debatten kring surrogatmödraskap

Surrogacy is an arrangement in which a woman carries, delivers, and then relinquishes a baby to commissioning parents. The arrangement challenges traditional norms and definitions of reproduction, pregnancy and motherhood, and at the same time raises difficult ethical, philosophical and social questions. There is currently an ongoing debate in Sweden, where all forms of surrogacy is illegal. The debate is polemical and harsh, with advocates arguing that surrogacy is defensible on the basis of individual rights and women's right to choose over their own bodies, and those in opposition are convinced on an intersectional basis that women are being used and exposed on the market of surrogacy.The purpose of this study is to investigate the debate on surrogacy in the Swedish context. Using qualitative text analysis, the study aims to increase understanding about the debate over surrogacy by analyzing texts published in Swedish press during 2010-2013.

Affärsplanering i små företag: en studie om segmentering och

Lots of choices are to be made by a company who enters a new market with a new businessidea. Common questions that show up when a company is making it´s businessplan are how to target the market and how to use marketing as a tool to reach a specific customer or segment. It is difficult to know wether to target the market in different ways and what processes that can be used in the choice how to select the most potential and profitable customer. Another important question is how a company can positioning themself in a way so the customer will get a positive understanding of the company and what different positive abilities to mention in a possible businessproposal. This study is made on a small company in Sweden called AYEN Technology.

Riskerar allmänhetens tillit till den svenska sjukvården / till svensk läkarkår att lida allvarliga men vid en legalisering av aktiv dödshjälp i Sverige?

In this essay I have tried to come close to a probable answer to the following question: Is there a risk that the trust between the Swedish public and the Swedish medical services staff, including the doctors, will be severely damaged if euthanasia is legalized in Sweden.In order to try to answer that question, and some other relevant questions that has corresponding interest in the context that euthanasia marks, I have done like this: I have investigated experiences from the Netherlands and from Oregon. Since euthanasia is legalized - though partly in different forms - in both these sites. I have then tried to relate the most relevant parts of these experiences to a theoretical frame. This frame had been set up by three concepts: the sanctity of life, autonomy and trust.I have also tried to come close to understanding the impact that demands for autonomy has in this context. And I have tried to understand if the trust that the public has for a country´s medical services staff and the actual doctors is a form of trust that ought to be understood as a form of trust incorporated in social capital.I have come to the conclusion that there is no great risk that the trust between the Swedish public and the Swedish medical services staff, including the doctors, will be severely damaged if euthanasia is legalized in Sweden.

Representation och strukturers betydelse för inflytande : Om fackförbunden inom LOs ungdomsverksamhet

?The importance of representation and structures to establish influence. A study of the Trade Unions Youth Activities within The Swedish Trade Union Confederation.?-Katrin OlofssonThis essay is studying the importance of representation and structures for the youth to establish influence, within the Trade Unions of The Swedish Trade Union Confederation, LO. More specific it is about the youths influence in each trade union´s executive committee.

Aktioner och reaktioner - Kristna kvinnors motreaktioner till Femens aktioner i en proteströrelse på internet

Religion is not only manifested in the more traditional forms such as church attendance, but also in various expressions on social media. Facebook is seen by many as creating a social platform where different opinions and more unconventional discussions may flourish unlike how the traditional media convey information. Internet is therefore an interesting platform for investigating how information about religion is spread by researching religious behavior and expression. The focus of this essay is to examine visible, which includes text as a social practice, forms of religious expression shown by the discursive struggle between the Facebook-group Christian Women Against Femen and its counterpart feminist movement Femen. The essay seeks to answer how notions of femininity on the Internet are formulated and reproduced based on the discourse between these two women's movements.The essay highlights how the women?s movements, with their bodily manifestation and by their usage of words, construct and reproduce different images of gender and womanhood.

"För man lär genom leken" : En studie kring förskollärares syn på leken som ett pedagogiskt verktyg i barnens lärande.

The purpose of this study was to analyze recent appropriations of works of art in advertising. Why was art infused into magazine advertisements, how were the works of art tampered with to achieve commercial goals, how well did they function together with the ad copy? What did these advertisements want? What did the artwork contribute to the commercial message? These were some of the questions asked in the study that involved a closer look at four appropriations: one based on a battle painting by the Swedish 1900th century artist Carl Wahlbom, with a commercial message printed on top;  one a collage including an 18th century portrait of Marie Antoinettte by Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun; one advertisement was influenced by Dutch 1700th century still lifes, and, finally, one paraphrased Velázquez?s famous painting Las Meninas from 1655. Companies behind the advertisements featured a Swedish trade journal, a fashion exhibition in Paris, a shop for kitchen utensils in Stockholm, and an up-scale department store in Madrid.The ads, in different ways based on works of art, were evaluated as reasonably successful commercial messages. These ads, however, hardly qualified as works of art in their own right ? if that was the intention.

Slaget vid Suomussalmi : Om hur den finska sidan använde manövertänkande, taktiska grundprinciper och förmågor

Finlands kamp mot det mycket större Sovjetunionen under vinterkriget skildras i denna uppsats i form av en fallstudie av slaget i Suomussalmi. Det görs även en beskrivning av de militärteorier som är centrala för analysen i uppsatsen.Finlands sätt att strida och nyttja taktiken under detta slag är tillämpbart för att studera militärteorier som Försvarsmakten idag använder i sina doktriner för markarenan. Teorierna som slaget analyseras kring rör manövertänkande, krigföringsförmågan och de taktiska grundprinciperna.Uppsatsen undersöker i vilken omfattning den finska sidan använde sig av manövertänkande och vilka förmågor som spelade en avgörande roll i slaget. Även sambandet mellan manövertänkande och de taktiska grundprinciperna undersöks.Slutsatserna visar att rörligheten var den förmåga som spelade störst roll för den finska sidans framgångar. Det framkommer också att många finska chefer använde sig av manövertänkande.

Ett aktivt Sverige inom ESFP - En inblick kring argumenten för ett utbrett engagemang och hög aktivitet

The ambition of this study is to examine the discussion surrounding the Swedish participation in the European security- and defence policy. By forming feasible areas of arguments the goal is to gain further comprehension in the case of Sweden. These arguments are formed in close relation to the empirical sources; With less public funding there are economic aspects of cooperation, this could also be related to Swedish the industry of defence systems; A high level of participation in the UN is a tradition in Swedish foreign policy, the European battle groups are the perfect tool to further strengthen the UN ability in conflict management and peace keeping missions; Outside the EMU Sweden could face the political margin, to retain influence a high level of activity ought to occur in the integration process; Finally, the future position of United States and NATO is not clear, Europe needs an capacity apart the US to contribute to lasting peace and stability. The arguments are close related to each other, but the main argument is to through ESDP create a tool that will strengthen UN, there is also a wide range of economic arguments related to the industry..

Vem är du? : En studie om företags granskande av Facebook profiler

Title: Who are you? A study on companies reviewing of Facebook profiles.  Social media has opened up new possibilities in recruitment situations in forms of background checks on social networks such as facebook. Even though there are many advantages, there are few recruitment workers who choose to embrace the possibilities with social networking..

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