

2063 Uppsatser om Basic mathematic skills - Sida 38 av 138

Att digitalisera skolan : Fördelar respektive nackdelar utifrån ett lärar- och skolpolitiskt perspektiv

The aim of this studie is to describe, analyse and understand the benefits and disadvantages with using digital tools in education. In my qualitative method three primary school teachers were interviewed about how digital tools should be used in educational purposes, also what benefits/disadvantages they could see with the investment of digital tools in their school. I also did observations in two classrooms and interviewed a school politican to get a wider perspective. The collected information identifies that some benefits of using digital tools is the contribution to a more equivalent education, more opportunites for cooperations and that fewer pupils have to struggle with their fine motor skills when producing a text. Some of the disadvantages with using the tools is that they breaks sometimes, it´s easy to get dependent and if something happens (like power outage) it´s unusual that schools have a good an action plan.

Perfektonism och Psykologiska Färdigheter : En Kvantitativ Studie på Svenska Fotbollspelare

Syftet med studien var att undersöka sambandet mellan perfektionism och psykologiska färdigheter hos fotbollspelare. Studien utfördes på 207 fotbollsspelande gymnasieelever som alla gick någon form av fotbollslinje på respektive skola. Informanterna fick fylla i två stycken frågeformulär, Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale som mäter perfektionism och Ottawa Mental Skills Assessment Tool-3 som mäter idrottspsykologiska färdigheter. Resultatet analyserades med hjälp av statistikprogrammet PASW där korrelationer (Pearson) mellan sex dimensioner av perfektionism och tolv psykologiska färdigheter genomfördes. Resultatet visade att det fanns flera signifikanta samband mellan de sex dimensionerna inom perfektionism och de tolv psykologiska färdigheterna. .

Konstruktion av yttervägg med vakuumisoleringspanel

This paper is about the extent to which simplified penetration calculations ofsmall-caliber projectiles is a useful tool for assessing the physical protectioncapability. The work should be seen as an attempt to create an accessible tool inthe form of a simplified equation that allows for a better and safer use of thenaval vessels. The tool will also be used at different levels so that decisions andinstructions could be clearer.Performed calculations show a very limited capacity of a ship's basic design interms of physical protection against the use of small-caliber projectiles.How do we know that the calculations correct? By verifying the calculations withpractical shooting tests, a substantial condition to answer the question will becreated. To shoot against a material with two different thicknesses estimated toproduce perforation and non-perforation is a good approximation of the equationusability in the context..

The Lake

The purpose of ?The Lake? was to create an experience with music and visuals working with no budget.A personal purpose was that I wanted to explore new areas in design, like scenography, and combine them with my previous knowledge and skills. My method was to keep my hands busy at all times and use new materials. I also wanted to work with other creators and learn from their methods. Together with a musician I created the music and the concept for the project.

Handstilen bland elever som lever i ett digitaliserat samhälle : En studie om elevers och lärares inställning till att skriva för hand

In an age of increasing technology, it is a fact that typing on a keyboard are used in schools to replace handwriting, this raises questions about the future use of the skill handwriting still is necessary. The aim of this studys is to investigate students? opinion about their handwriting, how motivation can influence handwriting and how teachers work with handwrithing. Through intevjues with 25 sixgraders and two of their teachers, this study tends to proclame a picture of the handwriting education in a Swedish school. The results of this study shows that the students? attitude towards handwriting and choice of writingtool has some connection to the motivation but is not restricted to it.

Känsla kontra information i fotokommunikation

Photography has a big role in information sharing today. Especially in the hotel industry where it is the closest thing a customer can get to the product that is being sold. This study intends to find out how you can make use of rhetorical models and techniques of photography to enhance the communication skills of photos of hotel rooms. The main focus was to understand the difference between informative and emotional photographs and what consumers themselves focus on when choosing a hotel, and also how to use the collected information to create a larger buying interest through hotel photography. Using previous research work and quantitative data collection method, we have concluded that the informational and emotional photography methods have obvious differences but also many similarities, and are most effective used together and that the hotel consumer is more aware of the images influence then we assumed..

SuperBooky- modernt webbaserat bokföringsprogram för småföretag

The aim of this report is to give the reader insight into the development of theweb-based accounting application SuperBooky. Accounting is a complex task thatmany beginner entrepreneurs struggle with. The development of this application wastherefore focused on making accounting as convenient and as easy as possible. Theend product targets small enterprises and its functionality was designed with this inmind.To make sure that the application was designed in a user-friendly way, polls werecarried out among individuals with basic accounting knowledge. These polls werethen used as a basis when the application was under development, to ensure that itwas well-suited to the target audience.This project was carried out as a bachelor?s thesis for Chalmers University of Technologyand University of Gothenburg during Spring 2015.

Matematik i förskolan

Abstract Arbetets art: Lärarprogram som har inriktning mot förskola och förskoleklass 120 hp. Titel: Matematik i förskolan, en jämförande studie mellan Polen och Sverige av läroplaner, samtalet på förskolan och pedagogernas arbetssätt Engelsk titel: Mathematic in preschool A comparative study of Poland and Sweden concerning curricula, preschool discourse, and how educators work Författare: Grönvall Anna Handledare: Ann-Elise Persson Examinator: Nils Andersson Datum: 2010-11-01 Mitt syfte med denna studie är att jämföra mellan Polen och Sverige det matematiska innehållet i läroplanerna, vilka arbetsmetoder som används i de båda länderna för att synliggöra matematiken och hur pedagoger använder samtalet för att stimulera barns matematiska tänkande och utveckla deras begreppsförståelse. Arbetet ger en översikt över tidigare forskning om matematiskt tänkande i förskolan. Jag har gjort en dokumentanalys av ländernas läroplaner (Lpfö, 98; Lp, 2009) och en semistrukturerad intervju kombinerad med observation. Studien är utförd på två förskolor i Polen och två förskolor i Sverige i barngrupper med barn i 4-5-års ålder.

Android-applikation för hälsokontroll

Denna rapport beskriver planering och utveckling av en Android-applikation och en webbtjänst på uppdrag av Explizit AB. Applikationen och webbtjänsten ska vara knutna till CheckUp Life, en produkt för kontroll och uppföljningar av personers hälsostatus. Kraven är att Android-applikationen visuellt och funktionsmässigt ska likna den webbapplikation som idag existerar för CheckUp Life samt att kommunikation mellan applikation och webbtjänst håller hög säkerhet. Resultatet blev en REST-baserad webbtjänst, med WCF i grunden, säkrad med SSL och basic authentication och en Android-applikationen som kommunicerar med webbtjänsten samt visuellt och användarmässigt liknar webbapplikationen..

Byggtekniska brister i ett radhusområde Förslag på lösningar vid ombyggnad

This paper is about the extent to which simplified penetration calculations ofsmall-caliber projectiles is a useful tool for assessing the physical protectioncapability. The work should be seen as an attempt to create an accessible tool inthe form of a simplified equation that allows for a better and safer use of thenaval vessels. The tool will also be used at different levels so that decisions andinstructions could be clearer.Performed calculations show a very limited capacity of a ship's basic design interms of physical protection against the use of small-caliber projectiles.How do we know that the calculations correct? By verifying the calculations withpractical shooting tests, a substantial condition to answer the question will becreated. To shoot against a material with two different thicknesses estimated toproduce perforation and non-perforation is a good approximation of the equationusability in the context..

Konstpedagogik : ett alternativt arbetssätt

This study concerns art education, and the importance of creativity in learning. The objective is to examine the use of art education in practice, and the school teacher?s position on this practice.The theoretical basis of the study is rooted in a socio-cultural perspective, and concerns the relationships between theoretical concepts as learning, knowledge and art education.The investigation is qualitative and the main research methods are participant observations and structured interviews.The group studied in this investigation consisted of five active educators, who work at different schools and make use of art-based methods in their daily work.My results show that teachers believe that art education can be used by schools as a gateway to the other subjects. Art is regarded as a form of understanding through which pupils explore their surroundings, challenge their ideas and build skills through interaction with others..

Upplevelsen av anställningsrelationen under en outsourcingprocess

This study explores employees subjective experience of their employment relation before and during an outsourcing process and has its starting point in the concept of the psychological contract. Eight employees, in the process of being outsourced, were interviewed. The focus was on ?the employees? individual experiences and stories about the subjective and perceived employment relationship. Data were analyzed using basic qualitative analysis.

IKT - 2000-talets mentor? : En jämförande studie mellan manliga och kvinnliga pedagogers uppfattning om IKT i undervisningen

During the past decade Information Technology (IT) and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have become the main tools in teaching. Authors and early educators who are treated in the study talks about how technology has come to change the school's approach to teaching and didactic tools. The technology has also affected students´ and teachers´ ways to work because the technology's versatility makes demands on the user's expertise and competence. The technical skills have long been associated as a male domain, where men are expected to master the technology´s versatility. These expectations are not the same for women.

Vaginal sätesförlossning. Barnmorskors synpunkter

Bakgrund: Cirka tre till fyra procent av alla barn ligger i sätesbjudning vid fullgången graviditet. Med alltmer antal lyckade vändningsförsök och ökat antal kejsarsnitt minskar antalet barn som förlöses vaginalt vid sätesbjudning. Det påverkar barnmorskors och obstetrikers möjlighet att upprätthålla kompetensen vid sätesbjudning. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva barnmorskors synpunkter om vaginal sätesförlossning. Metod: Öppna frågor vid intervjuer med fem förlossningsbarnmorskor i Göteborg.

Landskapskaraktärsanalys - ett försök i Sverige :

As the European Landscape Convention is brought into action, planning in Sweden has got to become increasingly considerate of the landscape and its character. To render this possible, a basic requirement is that we find a functional method for analysis. The Landscape is a synthesis of the interplay between place and man. It is made up of our physical environment and shows the result of our actions throughout history. Our surroundings affect us in many ways, financially as well as emotionally. This is why an analysis of the landscape has to be inclusive of many types of information. I have performed a landscape analysis, according to the British Landscape Character Assessment-method, in Svedala kommun.

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