371 Uppsatser om Barriers - Sida 25 av 25
Städer och planetära gränser : En utvärdering av Stockholms ochNorra Djurgårdsstadens påverkan påde planetära processerna
The concept of planetary boundaries was introduced in the year 2009 by a group ofresearchers led by Johan Rockström and Will Steffen. The group presented a draft of thelimits of the planet regarding nine Earth System processes concerning climate change, oceanacidification, stratospheric ozone depletion, atmospheric aerosol loading, interference with Pand N cycles, global freshwater use, land-system change, rate of biodiversity loss andchemical pollution. The starting point for the study presented in this report was that asustainable development only can be achieved if humankind stays within the boundaries. It istherefore, based on the ongoing urbanization, relevant to evaluate how cities affect the EarthSystem processes. The aim of the study was to investigate if Stockholm Royal Seaport (NorraDjurgårdsstaden), a district in the northeast of Stockholm with a clear environmental profile,affects the Earth System processes less than Stockholm in general does.
An assessment of public procurement of timber buildings : a multi-level perspective of change dynamics within the Swedish construction sector
The construction and use of buildings in the EU accounts for half of the EU?s extracted materials and energy consumptions, and a third of greenhouse gas emissions. In the past decade, the construction sector has responded to such concerns by focusing on post production energy efficiency. However, new findings indicate that upstream construction processes influence emissions significantly ? necessitating a shift in focus to include material choices and building processes.
"Man hinner ju det man vill" : Faktorer som möjöliggör regelbunden motion på en hälsofrämjande nivå - en kvalitativ studie
SAMMANFATTNINGInledning:Trots gällande rekommendationer om minst 30 minuters fysisk aktivitet per dag är många människor inte tillräckligt fysiskt aktiva. Endast 30 procent av kvinnorna och 23 procent av männen motionerar två gånger per vecka. Tidigare studier visar på vilka hinder som finns för regelbunden motion, även möjliggörande faktorer har studerats men inte i samma utsträckning. Syfte: Att beskriva faktorer som möjliggör motion hos vuxna på en hälsofrämjande nivå.Metod: Studien genomfördes som semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex personer. Intervjuerna analyserades med manifest innehållsanalys.Resultat: Fem subkategorier växte fram genom analys av det manifesta innehållet: "Har tidigare motionsvana", "Tillgång till socialt stöd", "Viktigt med tillgänglighet", "Önskan om självförbättring" och "Förmåga att prioritera träning". Dessa bildade sedan tre huvudkategorier "Tidigare motionsvana", "Yttre betingelser" samt "Inre betingelser".Konklusion: Att ha varit fysiskt aktiv som barn eller tonåring är av stor betydelse när det gäller förmågan att motionera regelbundet i vuxen ålder.
Framtiden för snabbladdning och marknadsaktörerna inom eMobilitys syn på laddinfrastruktur
The electric vehicle market has potential to contribute to Sweden?s national goal to have a fossil fuel independent transport sector by 2030. However, the market answers to a lot of challenges making it difficult for the market to fully reach its potential. The volume of electric vehicles has seen a steady increase during the last year (2012), although many of these vehicles are mostly for PR purposes or bought by the public sector that wants to lead by example. Still, Barriers in the form of high purchase costs, an anxiety for the limited battery capacity and the lack of standardisation are some of the problems that the market is struggling to solve.
Ständiga Förbättringar av Ledningssystem : Organisation och Arbetsprocess för Skanska Sverige
The electric vehicle market has potential to contribute to Sweden?s national goal to have a fossil fuel independent transport sector by 2030. However, the market answers to a lot of challenges making it difficult for the market to fully reach its potential. The volume of electric vehicles has seen a steady increase during the last year (2012), although many of these vehicles are mostly for PR purposes or bought by the public sector that wants to lead by example. Still, Barriers in the form of high purchase costs, an anxiety for the limited battery capacity and the lack of standardisation are some of the problems that the market is struggling to solve.
Individuell mätning av hushållsavfall i flerbostadshus : ?Ett incitament för minskad klimatpåverkan?
The electric vehicle market has potential to contribute to Sweden?s national goal to have a fossil fuel independent transport sector by 2030. However, the market answers to a lot of challenges making it difficult for the market to fully reach its potential. The volume of electric vehicles has seen a steady increase during the last year (2012), although many of these vehicles are mostly for PR purposes or bought by the public sector that wants to lead by example. Still, Barriers in the form of high purchase costs, an anxiety for the limited battery capacity and the lack of standardisation are some of the problems that the market is struggling to solve.
Partnering för bättre samarbete men till vilket pris? : En studie av offentlig beställares argument till partnering
The electric vehicle market has potential to contribute to Sweden?s national goal to have a fossil fuel independent transport sector by 2030. However, the market answers to a lot of challenges making it difficult for the market to fully reach its potential. The volume of electric vehicles has seen a steady increase during the last year (2012), although many of these vehicles are mostly for PR purposes or bought by the public sector that wants to lead by example. Still, Barriers in the form of high purchase costs, an anxiety for the limited battery capacity and the lack of standardisation are some of the problems that the market is struggling to solve.
Glukosamin som fodertillskott till häst
In this report female farmers use of technical equipment is investigated. There is little research made on this subject in Sweden, therefore this report can be seen as an explorative study. Research makes it clear that machinery, throughout history and even today, has been seen as a male area. Heavy machines are often associated with the same attributes as masculinity. Force, power, efficiency and control are some examples.
Embryonal näringsförsörjning hos sandtigerhaj och kortfenad makohaj
In this report female farmers use of technical equipment is investigated. There is little research made on this subject in Sweden, therefore this report can be seen as an explorative study. Research makes it clear that machinery, throughout history and even today, has been seen as a male area. Heavy machines are often associated with the same attributes as masculinity. Force, power, efficiency and control are some examples.
Vem är det som kör egentligen? : maskinanvändande och könsroller inom lantbruket : en intervjustudie med kvinnliga lantbrukare
In this report female farmers use of technical equipment is investigated. There is little research made on this subject in Sweden, therefore this report can be seen as an explorative study. Research makes it clear that machinery, throughout history and even today, has been seen as a male area. Heavy machines are often associated with the same attributes as masculinity. Force, power, efficiency and control are some examples.
Studenters perspektiv pa? entrepreno?rskap : En studie om drivkrafter och hinder som pa?verkar entrepreno?rskap
I och med en o?kad konkurrens pa? den globala marknaden blir fo?retagande allt viktigare fo?r la?nders ekonomiska situation. Sa? a?r fallet a?ven i Sverige da?r entrepreno?rskapet a?r bekymrande la?gt trots goda fo?rutsa?ttningar. Fo?ljaktligen har entrepreno?rskapet blivit ett omdiskuterat a?mne bland forskare sa?va?l som politiker vilka nu stra?var efter att stimulera nyfo?retagande och sto?djer hja?lpande entrepreno?rsorganisationer samt andra insatser.