

4317 Uppsatser om Bankruptcy factors - Sida 48 av 288

Ditt företag kan inte förutse konkurs :  -kan Z-score?

Datum: 2009-06-02Nivå: Magisteruppsats i ekonomistyrning, 15 hpFörfattare: Charlotta Lind och Martin SlobergTitel: Ditt företag kan inte förutse konkurs -kan Z-score?Handledare: Esbjörn SegelodProblem: Våra forskningsfrågor är:Går det att förutse konkurs tre, fyra respektive fem år innan          konkursbeslutet?Vilka av den senaste Z-scoremodellens fyra nyckeltal är viktigast vid           prognostisering av konkurs?Syfte: Att testa i vad mån Z-scoremodellen kan användas för att förutse konkurserbland icke börsnoterade, icke tillverkande företag tre, fyra respektive fem årinnan konkurs; samt att undersöka vilka av denna modells inbördes nyckeltalsom är viktigast vid predicering av konkurser.Metod: Vi har genom kvantitativ metod analyserat årsredovisningar från 51 företagsom gått i konkurs 2008, dessa utgjorde vår huvudundersökningsgrupp och 29slumpmässigt utvalda företag, vilka utgjorde vår kontrollgrupp. Analysenskedde genom användandet av Altmans vidareutvecklade modell för attförutspå konkurser från år 1995. Totalt analyserades på detta sätt 240årsredovisningar.Slutsats: Modellens träffsäkerhet för de undersökta konkurs företagen var2003 45,09 %2004 47,05 %2005 54,90 %Vid hypotesprövning kunde vi endast för år 2005 påvisa samband förföretagsklassificeringsfrekvenser mellan konkursföretagen ochkontrollgruppen, detta gör att modellens prognostisering bör anses alltförosäker tidigare än tre år innan konkurs. Mot bakgrund till de påvisadeträffsäkerheterna för åren och hypotesprövningarna anser vi att modellenendast bör användas i kombination med andra analysformer .Sammanfattningsvis är Z-scoremodellens prognostiseringsförmåga för svag attsjälvständigt förutse konkurser.Sökord: Konkurs, Z-score.

Induktiv provning av ferritiskt rostfritt stå

The report examines the factors which may be a contributing cause to the problems that are present when ferritic stainless steel are eddy current tested in a warm condition. The work is carried out at Fagersta Stainless AB in Fagersta which manufactures stainless steel wire. In the rolling mill there is an eddy current equipment for detection of surface defects on the wire. The ferritic stainless steels cause a noise when testing and this noise complicates the detection of defects.Because of this, a study was made of how the noise related to factors such as steel grade, temperature, size and velocity. By observing the signal and with the possibilities to change the equipment settings the capability to let a signal filter reduce the noise level were evaluated.

Registrering av konstbilder: En översikt av forskning och praktik i en domänspecifik form av kunskapsorganisation

The purpose of this thesis is to present a review of research themes and practice in the field of art image registration. The objectives of the review are twofold. The primary task is to distinguish which problems, in regard to theory and practice, that have been dealt with in the field of art image registration and the secondary task is to investigate which discursive, institutional and tool-related factors have had an impact on theoretical discussions and practice in the art image domain. The empirical content in the review is structured according to four epistemological viewpoints and is analyzed with a domain analytical approach. The result of the study is that two major problems are frequently discussed in the art image domain, namely lack of standardization and which discourse is the best suited for registration of art images.

Skolvalet: en investering i framtiden? : En narrativ studie om föräldrars resonemang kring grundskolevalet ur ett Bourdieu-inspirerat perspektiv

The thesis aims to increase our understanding about parents reasoning about the elementary school choice by studying which factors parents perceive as important during the decision making process and also by giving meaning to Pierre Bourdieu?s concept of capital through the parents perspective. The empirical material comes from seven BNIM-interviews made with parents, which has been analyzed according to the thematic field analysis.The results show that the parents are not especially concerned about making an active school choice. Stability, closeness, friends, rumors, development and adaptability to the reality are the factors that are perceived as the most important in the decision making process. The school choice has a limited meaning as an investment in social capital, from Bourdieu?s perspective.

Ekonomi eller politiska beslut : Vad styr fristående gymnasieskolors lokalisering?

In the beginning of the 1990s the responsibility for the schools shifted from the government to the local authorities. This started an era with a freedom of choice for students where they themselves could choose which school to go to. The new system also opened up the possibility for independent private schools to exist side by side with local authority held schools. The overall aim of this study is to determine the factors that affect the location of these independent schools and the geographical pattern these independent schools create. The study in this paper is based on materials from statistics and interviews.

Mångfunktionella golfbanor : rekreativa och pedagogiska platser

The objective of this essay is, from the golf perspective including the golf courses' physical attributes, golf club management, members of the golf club and golf course designers, to explore possibilities for making existing golf courses more multifunctional. The purpose of this is to increase the understanding for golf courses' role as part of the landscape and comprehension regarding possible opportunities around them to exploit and develop.The increased pressure of population in peri-urban areas has resulted in a greater need for accessible recreation, particularly in the isolated farmland. As a result, land is sometimes used against landowners' will, which is a deficiency that is the basis for many conflicts between farmers and landowners.In the current situation, there is a negative trend in golf with reduced interest and fewer golfers than in the past. As a result, many of Sweden's golf courses have financial problems and are therefore trying to find new ways to avoid bankruptcy. Sweden's existing golf courses occupy about 30 000 hectares of land, of which a very large percentage are located in peri-urban areas.

Framtagning av beräkningsprogram för helsvetsade balk-balkinfästningar i stål : Verifiering genom fullskalig belastningsprovning

AbstractPurpose ? The purpose of this study is to investigate possible reasons for long lead-time in a customer driven production, and how the lead-time can be reduced. To fulfil the purpose the study has been broken down into two questions.1. Whichfactorsaffectthelead-timeinacustomer-drivenproduction?2.

I am an invisible woman -A study about prostitution in Iran

The purpose of this study was to explore the state of female prostitution in the city of Tehran, and besides, analyze the elements that can lead women to harlotry in Iran. This research is based on three sources of information: firstly, interviews with three harlots in Tehran and I got help of a semi-structured interview guide. Secondly, I discussed prostitution with conscious resources that worked within the public services in Tehran and had experienced of working with female prostitutes. Thirdly I analyzed texts and reports about prostitution in Iran. The data from interviews are tied to two theories: symbolic interactionism and feminism.

Offentlig upphandling av textila produkter ? faktorer som kan inverka på en kommun när det gäller att ställa krav på miljö- och social hänsyn : En fallstudie av Örebro kommun

The public sector is a major purchaser of goods and services. By setting requirements for environmental and social considerations in public procurement, an authority has the possibility to use consumer power to influence the actors in a market. The purpose of this paper is to investigate public procurement of textile products in a municipality, in order to gain knowledge about factors that may be important for the use of environmental and social criteria. Håkan Hydén´s (professor in sociology of law) norm model was used as the basis of the analysis, where the conduct was investigated along three dimensions of the norm ? willingness, knowledge and system conditions ? in order to identify underlying factors that can influence the process.The results ? analyzed by using interviews and documents ? show that the procurer's willingness, motivation and knowledge are important factors in this context, as well as the political priority of the municipality.

Viktigt att lyfta fram vad man klarar av : Inkludering av personer med ADHD i samhället genom att informera om diagnosen, styrkor och hjälpmedel med avgränsning mot arbetslivet.

ADHD has for a long time been perceived as something that affects children and grows away with time. American psychiatric association state that ADHD may appear differently with adolescences and adults than with children. That could lead to misunderstandings and exclusion by adults and adolescences with ADHD at work life amongst other situations. This report investigates that exclusion and tries to find what information that needs to reach certain target groups to prevent it from happen.The works focus is text design, a part of information design, and looks firstly at the factors that make good information material. Then I investigate if there is a need for more information about ADHD within working life and if so what it would contain.

Vad påverkar och karaktäriserar positiva personer

People with positive affect seem to have great advantages in life. Goal achievement, the main cause of well-being for all organisms, seem to be a typical trait of these people. The purpose of this study was to examine (i) what influences positive affect, (ii) the relation between positive affect and goal achievement, and (iii) characteristics of individuals with positive and negative affect. Five individuals with self-rated positive affect and two with negative were interviewed. The responses were classified in fifteen themes.

Följsamhet till en kvalitetsnorm för fall- och fallprevention inom geriatrisk slutenvård : En studie baserad på journalgranskning

PurposeThe purpose of this study has been to investigate the documentation process following the guiding principles of the Quality Norms for Fall Prevention concerning fall risk assessment, risk identification, fall preventive measures, information and the making of an individual care plan.MethodThis study is a quantitative, descriptive and retrospective journal review study. There were 100 journals examine the existing documentation concerning fall risk assessment of patients who received treatment in geriatric patient care. The sample was consecutively.ResultsThe results showed that fall risk assessment was documented in 79 of 100 examined journals. 56 (71 %) of the fall risk assessments were made within 24 hours. In 59 of 100 journals the patient, relatives or former caretakers was asked whether the patient had had a fall within the last year, and in 61 of 100 journals it was documented that the nursing staff had made an assessment that the patient was going to have a fall during his or her length of stay if no preventive measures were set in.The majority of fall risk factors and fall preventive measures were documented within the areas of walking and transfer. It was documented that the patient was informed of fall risk, fall risk factors and fall preventive measures in 15 of 100 journals.

Kvalitetssäkringsproblematik i den privatiserade svenska familjerådgivningen

The purpose of this article is to examine issues concerning quality assurance in the Swedish family counselling. To obtain the purpose following factors have been analysed: what kind of requirements/criteria are put on the companies/practitioners, what the respondents think about the lack of common standards and criteria and their opinions concerning ?Lagen om valfrihetssystemet?. Monitoring of criteria, privatisation and increased competition are other factors that have been analyzed. The material was obtained from the family counsellors own association and was analyzed in the light of previous research and theories regarding the quality of family counselling however we also considered theories about quality within social work in general.

Framgångsfaktorer för tjänsten Boka en bibliotekarie på högskolebibliotek

This master´s thesis is a comparative study of the importance of eight factors suggested in the literature to be related to the perceived utility of the service Book a librarian (Swe. Boka en bibliotekarie). Disciplinary differences were also analysed. 73 encounters between students and librarians in 11 Swedish academic libraries were studied using a survey. Six factors were significantly related (at the .05 level) to the utility of the service.

Att balansera Management Control Systems - En fallstudie av ett litet svenskt IT-företag

This thesis studies the concept of balance in the management control systems (MCS) of a small Swedish company within the IT-sector. The aim is to evaluate the importance of balance and dynamics in MCS and investigate which factors affect them. The frameworks used are Simons (1994) four levers of control, and the five-factor model for balance and dynamics by Mundy (2010). The small IT company - the object of the case study - has grown extensively in the last years and needs to develop more formal MCS without losing efficiency and creativity in their fast-moving industry. The case study reveals that balancing MCS is important also in smaller companies with less formal MCS.

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