

936 Uppsatser om Band Personality - Sida 2 av 63

Personlighetstyper och upplevelse av ett nytt arbetsstöd : undersökning gjord på Trafikverkets Intranät och anställda

In order to get a better understanding of the interaction between employees and their technical work tools one needs to know what factors influence the interaction. The purpose of this study was to examine if there is a correlation between the personality traits Extraversion (E) and Neuroticism (N), tested with Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI), and experience of the new Intranet among employees at The Swedish National Transport Administration (SNTA), and also to gather information of employees? opinions about the new Intranet. A survey, containing questions about the Intranet and a personality test (EPI), was posted on SNTA?s Intranet for eight workdays (N = 88, females = 53, males = 35).

Optimal bredbandig vågform framtagen genom generaliserad osäkerhetsfunktion

The waveform of a radar signal affects the resolution in velocity and distance. The ambiguity function is used as an aid for analysing narrow band radar signals simultaneously in time and frequency. An analysing tool for wide band radar signals is missing.This thesis describes a generalised ambiguity function to be utilised for study of wide band signals. Waveforms are further synthesised with help of the developed analysing tool. The aim is to start with a certain ambiguity function and find a waveform that reproduces the same ambiguity function.Mathematical formulas are presented and implemented in Matlab to produce the wide band ambiguity function.

Blåsorkestern i förändring

Sweden has a long and extensive wind band tradition. Today the interest for the traditional instruments is decreasing among children and teenagers. What can this be due to? Which conditions are needed for a functional wind band in the future? The purpose of this essay is to find answers to these questions and at the same time shed light on good examples, where the wind band activity works. To be able to answer the questions have I made four interviews with persons who have a big knowledge and interest about the subject.

Personlighet, hälsobeteende och attityder till friskvård : Hos personal på Försäkringskassa i en medelstor stad i södra Sverige

Objectives. The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between the personality variables Multidimensional Health Locus of Control (MHLC), Negativ affect and Social inhibition (the D-personality), and health behavior and attitudes toward keep-fit measures.Methods. The participants in this study were 170 embloyees at a regional social insurance office in a midsize town in the south of Sweden. Scales concerning health behavior and attitudes toward keep-fit measures were constructed and the participants completed these scales as well as those of MHLC and D-personality.Results. Participants with strong beliefs that other people, such as doctors or family-members, are responsible for their health, showed a more positive attitude as to keep-fit measures than those with a belief that health is controlled by themselves.

Narcissism och syskonplacering hos gymnasieelever

AbstractThe aim of this present study was to investigate whether there is a relationship between birth order and the personality trait narcissism using 181 individuals from Finnveden High School in Värnamo (115 females, 60 males, mean age 17, sd=0,94), in the context of the proposal of Sulloway (1996) that personality is influenced by the specialized nich-es siblings adopt in the quest for access to parental resources. A questionnaire which in-cludes Narcissistic Personality Inventory test, Birth order test and also Rosenberg?s self-esteem test in order to investigate if it might has an impact on narcissistic personality trait, was used. Results showed that there was no significant relationship between birth order and narcissism, however, a significant relationship between narcissism and self-esteem was found. Furthermore, there was a significant relationship between narcissism and the individual?s relationship with the mother.

Relationen mellan universitetsstudenters alkoholkonsumtion, personlighet och boendesituation. : En studie om universitetsstudenters alkoholkonsumtion och relationen till neuroticism, extraversion, samvetsgrannhet samt boendesituation.

It is important to identify the consequences of alcohol consumption among university students since over-consumption can lead to health problems and poorer academic performance. The following personality factors, neuroticism, conscientiousness and extraversion, have in previous studies shown to be related to alcohol consumption  and shown to be associated with the university students' alcohol use and living arrangements. This study examines the following question; Is there a link between university students' alcohol consumption, and;1) the personality factors neuroticism, conscientiousness, extraversion?2) their living situation?3) personality factors and living situation together?Participating in this survey was one hundred university students with a mean age of 23.4 years (SD = 2.6). To examine participants' personality, alcohol consumption and living arrangements, the NEO Five-Factor Inventory (Costa, McCrae, 2003) questionnaire was used and the questionnaire also contained self-constructed questions about drinking habits, living arrangements and demographic questions. This study's results indicate that neuroticism, conscientiousness, living situation and extraversion predicts alcohol consumption (R2 = .354, p <.001). Thus, students who have these personality traits and circumstances one by one or together have a increased risk for alcohol over-consumption..

Matproblem och personlighet

The purpose of this study was to examine by means of Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI), the relationship between Neuroticism, and self-rated eating problems. Altogether 105 respondents, mean aged 42,3 years, including 11 men and 94 women, participated by answering an Internet-based questionnaire comprising three different sections. Neuroticism correlated with self-rated eating problems (r=,468, p.

Värdering av en stressad livssituation

The aim of this study was to examine if performance-based self-esteem, personality (Type A), perceived stress, age and gender predict the value of own or others life-stress (VLS). The aim was also to examine whether the variables were correlated significantly with each other. The investigation was conducted in a town in the mid-south of Sweden. The instrument consisted of two forms where the first measured Type A personality and the second tapped perform-ance-based self-esteem, perceived stress and the level of life-stress. The results showed that the level of life-stress could explain, on the basis of the predictors, performance-based self-esteem, personality (Type A), perceived stress, age and gender.

Utvärdering av personlighetstest för LKAB

LKAB använder i rekryteringssammanhang personlighetstest i syfte att om möjligt förutsäga hur kandidater agerar vid givna situationer i det framtida arbetet som produktionschef. Företaget använder Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) och känner sig inte tillfredsställda med detta, då kandidaternas personliga egenskaper uppfattas annorlunda vid anställningsintervjun än vad testet visar. På uppdrag av LKAB har olika personlighetstest analyserats och jämförts mot LKAB:s kravspecifikation på produktionschefer. Genom intervjuer med HR-advisors på LKAB samlades information in om produktionschefernas personliga egenskaper, LKAB:s rekryteringsprocess och om personlighetstestet. Med utgångspunkt från företagets kravspecifikation för produktionschefer jämfördes personlighetstesten Gordon Personal Profile Inventory, NEO Personality Inventory-Revised, Hogan Personality Inventory, Sixteen Personality Factor och Temperament and Character Inventory med hjälp av en litteraturstudie.

Vad begränsar lärarens handlingsutrymme? : En studie byggd på samtalande lärare, analyserad med Gunnar Bergs teori som ram

In order to get a better understanding of the interaction between employees and their technical work tools one needs to know what factors influence the interaction. The purpose of this study was to examine if there is a correlation between the personality traits Extraversion (E) and Neuroticism (N), tested with Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI), and experience of the new Intranet among employees at The Swedish National Transport Administration (SNTA), and also to gather information of employees? opinions about the new Intranet. A survey, containing questions about the Intranet and a personality test (EPI), was posted on SNTA?s Intranet for eight workdays (N = 88, females = 53, males = 35).

Den personliga konflikten

The purpose of this study was to examine the relation between the Big Five personality traits Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism and the five conflict styles developed by Thomas-Kilmann: Accommodating, Avoiding, Compromising, Collaborating and Competing. The participants consisted of 128 students of the Linnaeus University in Växjö. A questionnaire consisting of two parts were used for this study: Part one consist of a personality-test developed from Lewis R. Goldberg?s Big-five scale, and part two where the participant is asked to fill out Thomas-Kilmanns conflict style test.

Entreprenörers levnadsstandard: en fråga om personlighet : Kvantitativ undersökning av den materiella levnadsstandarden hos egenföretagare i Sverige

Earlier quantitative entrepreneurial studies with a focus on poverty rate has centred their arguments and analyses entirely on income differences which has resulted in a high poverty rate among self-employed. Their results shows that variables such as age, gender, hours of labour and structure of the household significantly affect the poverty rate among self-employed. In this study we aim the focus on material living standards instead of income differences, thus using a more representative approach while studying entrepreneurial poverty. The purpose of the study was to examine how personality traits (big five) affect the material living standards among the self-employed in Sweden, using a group of employed as a control group. Variables earlier known to affect the poverty risk among self-employed where used as control variables together with education and household income.

En studie av antisemitismen i texterna hos tre vit makt-band

Denna uppsats handlar om förekomsten av Antisemitism i den svenska s.k. Vit makt-musiken. Uppsatsens syfte är att kartlägga förekomsten av antisemitism i tre vit makt- band: Pluton Svea, Storm och Dirlewanger. Analysen sker genom att texterna till två album av varje band studeras. Metoden är både kvalitativ som kvantitativ och bland annat så undersöks olika typer av antisemitiska uttalanden som därefter nivåsätts enligt en, av författaren, modifierad skala konstruerad av forskaren John C.G.

Skola, livsstil och ungdomsbrottslighet - En självdeklarationsundersökning som behandlar samvariationen mellan ungdomars sociala band till skolan, livsstilsrisk och deras brottslighet.

Skolan är en viktig grundpelare i en individs liv. Man spenderar en stor del av sin tid i skolan och det faller då naturligt att denna kommer ha en stor inverkan på ungdomars liv. Denna självdeklarationsundersökning kommer att behandla samvariationen mellan ungdomars sociala band till skolan, deras livsstilsrisk och deras brottslighet. Vilka faktorer är det som påverkar en individs brottslighet, är det de sociala banden till skolan eller är det deras livsstilsrisk? Om båda är av betydelse, vilken av faktorerna är då avgörande i förklaringen till ungdomsbrottslighet? Vi fann att både livsstilsrisk och de sociala banden till skolan var av betydelse.

En jämförande studie om identitetsskapandet, sociala band och självkänsla hos brottsoffer och f.d. kriminella

Denna studie avser att jämföra brottsoffer och f.d. kriminellas upplevelser av hur individens identitet har formats. Undersökningen bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer med tio informanter som söker besvara frågan om hur individerna upplever att deras sociala band och självkänsla har förändrats av att vara kriminell respektive brottsoffer. Dessa frågor besvaras med de teoretiska utgångspunkter som valts där fokus ligger på Jenkins sociala identitetsteori. Vidare används Scheffs teori om sociala band som är associerad med känslor av skam och stolthet, samt Johnsons teori om självkänsla används som reglerar individens välmående.

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