

2745 Uppsatser om Background speech - Sida 47 av 183

Anställningsbarhet bland unga vuxna - en kvalitativ studie om upplevd anställning

The objective of this thesis was to investigate how young adults view their own employabilityand to see if there was a connection between their view and their social background. Themethod used in the thesis is qualitative with a hermeneutic approach. The interviews includedwere of semi-structured kind. The main result is that respondents in the thesis expressed similarviews on their perceived employability regarding commitment and energy at work, networkingand contacts and job discrimination but there were some distinctions noted regardingtheir view on education and working life experience. The respondents from working classbackgrounds tended to focus more on education than the respondents from middle class/uppermiddle class backgrounds.

Dyslexi : En studie om elevers erfarenheter av undervisning och psyko ? sociala förhällanden i skolan

This essay is about "factionstexter", a combination between fact and fiction, and the problems that can occur when reading them. I present previous resarch on this subject and I focused on docu drama and dramadoc. Bo G Jansson is the researcher I used most frequently in this essay. He describes various types of faction texts in film, television and literature. Annette Årheim´s thesis stands for the didactic portion of the essay.

Bedömning av hjärtpåverkan hos patienter med cytostatikabehandling : Global strain och ejektionsfraktion för vänster kammare som metoder att bedöma hjärtpåverkan hos patienter som behandlas med hjärttoxisk cancerbehandling

Inom disciplinen kognitiv ho?rselvetenskap tilla?mpas en integrerad ansats da?r taluppfattning beskrivs ur ba?de ett auditivt bottom-up-perspektiv och ett kognitivt top-down-perspektiv. Studien underso?kte hur taluppfattning varierar med, respektive utan top-down-sto?d och vad de kognitiva fo?rma?gorna uppma?rksamhet, minne och inhiberingsfo?rma?ga hade fo?r inverkan. Taluppfattningsfo?rma?ga utva?rderades med hja?lp av ett Speech-In-Noise-test (SIN-test) som bestod av tre deltest da?r enstaviga ord presenterades i en ofo?rdelaktig miljo? besta?ende av ro?ster som talande i mun pa? varandra.

HIIT och dess effekt på löpekonomi hos vältränade löpare och triatleter

Background: Running economy is one of the key factors to achieve top performance in endurance events. Little evidence exists for improving running economy using high-intensity interval training while running. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine how HIIT affects running economy and VO2max. Method: 14 well-trained athletes (age 35 ± 8,9 years, height 175 ± 11,7 cm and weight 69 ± 12,2 kg) were divided into two separate groups (HIIT and Control). HIIT group performed 3 HIIT exercises every week for 4 weeks and Control group continued with their separate training programs consisting of mostly traditional endurance training. Results: Running economy showed no improvement in HIIT (pre 38,62 and post 38,62 ml/kg/min, p=1.00) but Control improved (pre 45,41 and post 43,37 ml/kg/min, p=0,03). VO2max decreased in HIIT (mean 61,32 to 60,84 ml/kg/min) and in Control (mean 61,99 to 58,47 ml/kg/min)..

Rabies, dogs and education : A cross-sectional study on the knowledge, attitude and practice in school children in Tamil Nadu

Although known and feared for thousands of years, rabies remains a real and present threat to thousands of people, especially in low- and middle income countries. In India, rabies is an endemic disease, causing human deaths every year. The primary mode of transmission is through the bite of an infected dog. Fighting the disease in the dog population through vaccinations remains the most efficient way to eradicate the disease. The knowledge of rabies in India is unsatisfactory, as a lot of people lack awareness about the severity of the disease and the importance of washing the bitten area and seeking medical attention for post exposure prophylaxis when bitten by a dog.

Rektor - styrdokumentens förlängda arm i arbetet mot ?en skola för alla?

In 2005 we made a research in a Swedish community board about their view on the political and ideological intentions of ?a school for all?. The results from that study were the background to this research.The aim with this research was to find out how principles in the same community were thinking about ? a school for all? and if they were leading a development towards ?a school for all?. In that context they were given the opportunity to explain their definition and reasoning about ?inclusion? and ?integration?.

Den fysiska arbetsmiljön på väg- och anläggningsprojekt : Hur styrs säkerhetsarbetet på Skanska för att uppnå bättre arbetsmiljö

In this thesis you will be able tofollow the design work of a drumtest. A tool that by having a rotatingdrum with equally positioned obstacleswill simulate the conditions a mountainbike rim will pass through.Initially there is a specification ofsome parameters and requirements thatthe design had to fulfill. There is alsosome brief background information aboutwhy a drum test is required for abicycle rim manufacturers and about thecompany Innolite Design AB that thisthesis is done for. After that itfollows an extract from conceptgeneration with the chosen concepts andsolutions but also some of the conceptsthat were not chosen.The thesis also contain a part where thereader cangain a deeper understanding of how thedesign works as well as some moredetailed facts about how the choice ofmaterials, their thicknesses, etc. havebeen made.

Vad är rättvisande bild?"Man har väl liksom en helhetskänsla"

Background: Sweden?s membership in the EU affected the Swedish accounting regulation. Three EU-directives was implemented in the Swedish accounting regulation. This also meant that the concept "true and fair view" was introduced in the new "Årsredovisningslagen". The concept is not clearly defined and therefore the interpretation may differ amongst accountants.

Ägares påverkan på ansvarsredovisning:With great power comes great (social) responsibility

Background: Corporate Responsibility is not a new concept however in recent times more companies are starting to use different kinds of responsibility disclosures. These disclosures are voluntary and corporations may use them in the way they find suits them best. There is a lot of research in this field and there is no single explanation for what Corporate Responsibility is and how corporations should relate to it.Purpose: The purpose of the study is to examine the relationship between the controlling owners of corporations and CSR disclosure.Method: We use a content analysis and a survey study to examine the relationship between corporate controlling owners and the CSR disclosure.Conclusions: Our results show that controlling owners have little effect on the different dimensions of CSR disclosure. We have however found some differences between the different owner categories where some categories are found to use CSR disclosure to a greater extent..

Röststyrning av aggregatet på en engreppsskördare : En Wizard of Oz-studie

Syftet med denna studie var att utreda hur röststyrning kan användas för kontroll av aggregatet på en engreppsskördare. För att studera röststyrning genomfördes en så kallad Wizard of Oz-studie. Metoden går ut på att en människa ersätter en funktion i ett system som ännu inte finns eller är färdigutvecklad. I studien var det röstigenkänningen och inmatningen av korrekt respons som utfördes av en människa, trollkarlen. Rollen som trollkarl utfördes av en före detta skördarförare som numera arbetar som forskare på Skogforsk. Studien genomfördes i Skogforsks skogsmaskinsimulator. I den kan en försöksperson på ett verklighetstroget sätt arbeta med en engreppsskördare.

Rekonstruktion av mimesis : Ett försök att tänka begreppet mimesis utifrån Paul Ricoeur och inifrån Martin Heidegger

This essay tries to investigate the possibility to reconstruct the concept of mimesis in Martin Heidegger?s hermeneutical phenomenology in Sein und Zeit. Paul Ricoeur?s interpretation of the concept of mimesis in Aristotle?s Poetics, develops a new temporal understanding of the mimetic activity, which Ricoeur in his work Time and Narrative, claims to have the possibility to overcome the aporias in the phenomenology of time. With this criticism as the background context for the present study, seeks this essay to pick up Ricoeur?s new conception of mimesis, and use that in a comparative philosophical reflection on the basic concepts in Heidegger?s Sein und Zeit.

Internet som ett strategiskt verktyg för småföretag

Background: Internet is a new phenomenon; small companies have only used Internet a couple of years. Internet created a lot of new possibilities for the companies. Internet is a new marketing and communication channel for the company. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine how small companies can use Internet as a strategic tool. Another purpose of this thesis is to generate a better understanding of the application of Internet in small companies.

Modell för värdering och hantering av avbrottsrisker vid kontinuitetsplanering (BCP) : Fallet Swedwood

This master thesis presents a Model for Evaluating and Managing Interruption Risks in connection with Business Continuity Planning (BCP), developed for Swedwood International. The model consists of a template with instructions. The model should be easily understood and useful for establishing a plan for BCP. This is achieved by including the contents and procedure of BCP and the main supplychain risks in the model. The purpose of a BCP plan is to describe how an enterprise will return to business as usual after an interruption, e.g.

Analys av studentpaketet hos de fyra storbankerna : Gapet mellan student och bank

Background: One of the largest direct selling companies Amway "AmericanWay", which has its foothold in the market economy by means of direct trade. This means that the marketing is in the form of a network made up of various individuals who work together to advertise the company on to various potential customers.Aim: The survey aims to study the factors that are affecting the company Amway's growth.Completion: The survey is based on analyzing the interviews. The authors have relied on the qualitative method, where they have focused on how growth has increased the company Amway.Results: The results of this study are that Amway gradually managed to establish themselves globally thanks to the quality of the products they sell in a functioning market. The study also shows that all member customers are satisfied with the goods they buy from ABO groups, and that Amway's structure is not based on a pyramid scheme..

Varför handla svenskt kött? : en konsumentundersökning

The background to the work bases on the consumers view around Swedish and foreign meat products, and how the attitude around the meat products is pursued in the shops. The consumers request high meat quality and security . Many consumers value local produced and ecological meat products but the price is too high. We have done verbal interviews with consumers on three different shops, where we asked questions and had dialogues around Swedish meat products where the consumers have told us their arguments and opinions about Swedish and foreign meat. The result shows that the majority of consumers consider that it is important to know that meat is produce in Sweden.

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