

2745 Uppsatser om Background speech - Sida 20 av 183

"Du pratar som dom i Sommarpratarna" : Om gymnasieelevers respons på argumenterande tal och attityder till respons

The aim of this study is to investigate oral peer review on argumentative speech and to study the attitudes towards this peer review. The investigation was performed in an up-per secondary school class, and it focused on the different types of oral responses students give each other. In addition, the study investigated in what way the students experience this type of peer review. The results show that students reflect on form and performance as well as content, but they place more emphasis on form and performance than content. Students are positive about peer review and its importance for their progress.

"Ett liv i två världar"  : En kvalitativ studie om hur pojkar konstruerar etnisk och religiös identitet i olika sociala kontexter

"One life in two worlds" is a qualitative study of Syriac boys constructs ethnic and religious identity in different social contexts.Based on these three questions: how do the boys describe the importance of the parents' cultural and religious background in relation to their own identity? How do the boys describe their experiences of being categorized in school? Which significance is given to religion and ethnicity when the boys describe their experiences in relation to home and school context?I did reach the aim of this essay which was to investigate by interviewing the Syrian boys how they construct or reconstruct ethnic and / or religious identity in relation to different social contexts with a focus on the home and the school.In this study, I assumed the qualitative method in which I interviewed six Syriac boys who attend grade nine. The starting point of the study was social constructivism. Therefore, knowledge in this study is seen as something that is constructed in language, social and cultural interactions. The reality and perspective of reality is socially constructed, meaning that knowledge is created through the interplay of common action.The results of this study show that all the informants are agreed that their parents' ethnic background has had and has great significance for their identity formation.

Den kommunala arbetstagarens rätt till yttrandefrihet kontra lojalitetsplikten gentemot arbetsgivaren : The municipal employees freedom of speech versus the duty of loyalty towards the employer

SAMMANFATTNINGSyftet med uppsatsen har varit att beskriva och analysera gällande rätt, vad avserförhållandet mellan den kommunala arbetstagarens rättigheter till yttrandefrihet kontraden lojalitetsplikt som denne genom anställningsavtalet har gentemot sin arbetsgivare.Eftersom det finns en hel del praxis inom området främst från Justitieombudsmannen(JO), eftersom det rör sig om kommunal verksamhet, använder jag mig i uppsatsen avflera uttalanden och beslut från denna instans.Yttrandefriheten är en av de mest grundläggande rättigheterna i ett demokratisktsamhälle och är i Sverige en grundlagsfäst rättighet. Rätten att fritt kunna uttrycka sinuppfattning är viktig för att information skall kunna spridas, och att alla skall kunnavara med och påverka samhället via dialog och debatt.Teknikens utveckling och sociala mediers utbredning gör att information och åsikterblir lättillgängliga för en stor krets av mottagare.Att använda sig av sociala medier och via bloggar och facebook ge uttryck för åsikteroch attityder blir allt mer frekvent förekommande, och det är inte helt ovanligt att mansom arbetstagare kommenterar sin arbetsplats, chef eller verksamheten man är anställdinom.Arbetstagaren i den kommunala verksamheten har ett förstärkt skydd för sinyttrandefrihet gentemot arbetsgivaren (det allmänna) genom den grundlagsfästameddelarfriheten och meddelarskyddet.I uppsatsen redogör jag för de rättigheter och det skydd som den kommunalaarbetstagaren har när det gäller att utnyttja sin yttrandefrihet i form av kritiskauttalanden gentemot arbetsgivaren.Förutom rättigheten att uttrycka kritik gentemot sin arbetsgivare har den kommunalaarbetstagaren också skyldigheter att anmäla missförhållanden inom vissa områden,Detta via lex Maria och lex Sarah, vilket jag också redogör för. I uppsatsen beskriverjag även det betänkande som i april i år (2011) presenterats angående lex Sarah inomskolan.I uppsatsen konstaterar jag att rätten till yttrandefrihet går före den lojalitetsplikt som ioch med anställningsavtalets ingående uppstår.Jag konstaterar att lojalitetsplikten i kommunal verksamhet inte existerar när det gällernegativa eller kritiska yttranden gentemot arbetsgivaren.Lojalitetsplikten handlar för den kommunala arbetstagaren i själva verket enbart om hurman skall utföra sina arbetsuppgifter, inte vad arbetstagaren uttrycker om sinarbetsgivare..

Socialt arbete med ensamkommande flyktingbarn : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialarbetare upplever det tvärkulturella arbetet med ensamkommande flyktingbarn

The purpose of this study was to examine how some social workers in Sweden describe the social work with unaccompanied children. Emphasis was on the role of culture in social work with the unaccompanied children. I wanted to examine how the social workers describe their view on social work with unaccompanied. I also wanted to examine how the social workers describe their view at their own and the unaccompanied children?s cultural backgrounds influence on the social work with the unaccompanied.

Svansbitning hos grisar, arv eller miljö?

Tail-biting in pigs is an animal welfare issue and in Sweden during 2002 the producers lost tree million Swedish crowns because of tail biting. This economic loss depends on the pigs which are discarded at slaughter because of tail biting. Tail biting can be separated into two stages, "pre-injury" and "injury". The aim of this study is to investigate if tail biting depends on environment or genetic background.A lot of research on the environments effects on the behaviour of pigs but not so much on the genetic effects has been performed. The frequency of tail biting in pig farms influence among others of environment enrichment, ventilation, gender and breed of the pig.

I döda kungars sällskap : Historiebruk och historiemedvetande kopplat till Sverigedemokratisk ungdom på Facebook mellan 2010-2014

The chief aim of this study is to investigate the impact of context on written peer response. A second aim is to explore students? attitudes towards peer response. The investigation has taken place at an upper secondary school in the south-east of Sweden, involving 20 students in grade 2 and 3 in the course Swedish C. The investigation is based on the students? comments on their peers? speech drafts and six qualitative interviews.

Adaptiva talbaserade system i fordon : Designförslag för att främja user experience

Denna kandidatuppsats undersöker hur user experience kan främjas i ett adaptivt talbaserat system i en fordonskontext. Att undersöka och involvera user experiencei adaptiva talbaserade system är i synnerhet viktigt i denna kontext då den primära sysslan, att köra, bör störas så lite som möjligt. Ett adaptivt system ger möjlighet att effektivisera interaktion och ett talbaserat system låter föraren fokusera på trafiken.Genom att undersöka existerande teori och utföra empiriska undersökningar i form av användartester genom Wizard of Oz-tekniken och intervjuer har vi skapat designoch dialogexempel. Dessa förslag kan främja user experience och på så vis bidra till att den interaktion som sker är effektiv och behaglig. .

Big bath accounting i samband med goodwillnedskrivningar

AimThe aim of this study is to through managers in eldercares deskriptions of the systematic qualityleadingsystem examine the implementation process of this system in the eldercare in the municipality of Halmstad.  BackgroundIn this paper the background explains elderly care and social work context, leadership in change and implementation processes. The theoretical frame illustrates Vedungs implementation theory and Webers model of bureaucracy MethodTo collect empirical data for this study, a qualitative research design was used in which eleven managers within Halmstads municipality home care management stood as respondents. ResultThe respondents highlighted a variety in the use of the systematic quality management system tool. The result describes that several obstacles were experienced in the use of the systematic quality system. ConclusionBased on the descriptions the respondents gives of the implementation process of the systematic quality management of Halmstad municipality home care management, the conclusion can be drawn that the implementation process has not resulted in the employees making use of systematic quality management in practice. The systematic quality management system that will ensure the quality of the care work is thus used to a limited extent..

Uppfattningar om den omvända skattskyldigheten och dess konsekvenser

Örebro UniversityDepartment of Social SciencesSociology and social psychology, Continuation course, 61-90 p.Essay 15 p, Spring -08.Title: ?Youth (work)seekers?Author: Karolina LindellAbstractThis essay focuses on young people?s social background when they apply for their first job. I have interviewed four young people from a small town in Sweden, to see how social background and identity affects their vital conditions in general. I?m interested understanding the relationship between structure and agency.

Vad är det som gör att killar väljer teknik och tjejer frisör

The properties of this material has been studied and it was found that there is very little difference in what affect students in there choice of school, studies and career. Boys who choose hairdressing and styling differ more than girls who choose a career in technics. This is a surprising result which we didn´t expect. In researching background material we learned that it should differ more in perspective of gender. We have compiled the material around young people's choices to high school.

Blatte - en etnicitet? Om ungdomars med utländsk bakgrund syn på sin etnicitet

Immigrants and children of immigrants are statistically lumped together into a category of "person with foreign background". Blatte is a degrading and violating word when directed at immigrants by Swedes. The aim of my essay was to test to what extent the Swedish term "blatte" could be qualified as an ethnicity in the sense that young people with foreign background born between 1981 and 1984 living in a neighborhood with a high population of people with foreign backgrounds have another ethnicity, besides the Swedish and the "home country ethnicity" to find themselves and their identity in.My method consisted of interviewing six people between the ages of 21 and 24 with different ethnic backgrounds living in a limited area of Malmö, Sweden´s third biggest city. I tested my hypothesis of these people having a third ethnicity to relate to against three schools and from two out of three schools defending my hypothesis, my result is that blatte can not fully be seen as an ethnicity but definitely shows tendencies of becoming one in the future..

"Bra jobbat!" : En undersökning av gymnasieelevers skriftliga kamratrespons

The chief aim of this study is to investigate the impact of context on written peer response. A second aim is to explore students? attitudes towards peer response. The investigation has taken place at an upper secondary school in the south-east of Sweden, involving 20 students in grade 2 and 3 in the course Swedish C. The investigation is based on the students? comments on their peers? speech drafts and six qualitative interviews.

Anläggningsmaterial för landskapsarkitekten ur miljösynpunkt

Tail-biting in pigs is an animal welfare issue and in Sweden during 2002 the producers lost tree million Swedish crowns because of tail biting. This economic loss depends on the pigs which are discarded at slaughter because of tail biting. Tail biting can be separated into two stages, "pre-injury" and "injury". The aim of this study is to investigate if tail biting depends on environment or genetic background.A lot of research on the environments effects on the behaviour of pigs but not so much on the genetic effects has been performed. The frequency of tail biting in pig farms influence among others of environment enrichment, ventilation, gender and breed of the pig.

Lex Sarah : Vad händer sen?

This paper aims to find out what lex Sarah is and how the process looks like when it comes to the investigation, from reporting to registration to the IVO, the inspection of health and social care. Who investigates, the objective of the lex Sarah and how many cases of reports that comes to registration from the year between 2010-2014. Which legal consequences it can be for an employee who has been notified is investigated also. Previous research only deals with freedom of speech, criticism and the complaint goes to the asset, and because of that, this paper focuses on individual cases where employees ' perception of a lex Sarah-registration gives a psychosocial approach. The paper is limited to a municipality where statistics are retrieved and a comparison at a national level is performed.

Låt dem få se skönheten : En textanalys av Karolina Widerströms syn på sexualitet

The purpose of this essay is to analyze the view on sexuality held by Sweden?s first woman doctor Karolina Widerström, by using ideologycritical textanalysis on the written scriptures of dr. Widerström that focus on sexualpolitics. In doing this I use the theory of speech by Foucault. In this study I focus on Widerström?s scriptures, what she wrote about, how she wrote about it but also what she couldn't write due to the historical context and how omission can still speak of power.

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