

2745 Uppsatser om Background speech - Sida 12 av 183

Det är hans känsla! : En studie om hur genus och jämställdhet kommuniceras i klassrummet

The aim of this study is to describe, from a didactic point of view, wether gender norms are challenged and sex equality is maintained when two teachers in grade one communicate with their pupils. This is based on the existing norms in our society which generates into certain expectations of how one should act depending on wether you are a girl or a boy. In addition to this, the lack of equality between women and men is a global question. The norms and conditions in society are reproduced, but can also be deconstructed in school (Martinsson and Reimers 2008, p. 8).

Standardisering av talperceptionstestet Lyssna-Säg : Diskrimination och identifikation av svenska konsonantkontraster i betingelserna tyst och babbel hos typiskt utvecklade barn

Nedsatt talperception förekommer hos flera grupper barn som besöker audiologisk och logopedisk klinik. Dessa är exempelvis barn med språkstörning, barn med kognitiva nedsättningar, barn med hörselnedsättningar och barn med (centrala) auditiva bearbetningsnedsättningar (CAPD). För närvarande saknas standardiserade talperceptionstest som ger information om hur barn diskriminerar, identifierar och producerar språkljudskontraster i ord. Det är därför av stor vikt att utveckla diagnosverktyg för att öka möjligheten till ett reliabelt testförfarande och differentialdiagnostisering. Föreliggande studie hade 2 syften.

Attityder till kvinnomisshandel : Attityden till kvinnomisshandel i dagens multikulturella Sverige

Domestic violence against women is a widespread problem around the world, this study aims to investigate Swedish men?s attitudes towards this problem. To investigate this I have done a historic overview of the political attitude change and I interviewed two ethnic Swedish men and two men with a foreign background, this because to get a fair representation of our multicultural society. The results and conclusions is that the attitude haven?t changed that much over the years, it is mostly the latest decades that politicians and the medial debate have acknowledge the imbalance of power between the genders and that the patriarchy is a major factor towards this attitude.The interviewed showed that the men with foreign background had a tendency to have more traditionally attitude towards women then the Swedish men..

Vi hör inte läraren! ? En enkätundersökning i årskurs sex om upplevd ljudmiljö i skolan

Noise in schools can have negative effect on the teaching environment and speech perception. The national Child Environmental Health Surveys (BMHE) conducted in 2003 and 2011 studied how 12-year olds experience their sound environment in school. Results showed that the number of pupils that experience annoyance from noise increased from 2003 to 2011.Aim: The aim of this study was to study how 12-year olds perceive their sound environment in school.Methodology and material: A quantitative questionnaire survey was conducted in the sixth grade at two schools. The questionnaire used included questions from BMHE and self-produced questions. Sixtynine students answered the questionnaire.Results: Over 50 % of the respondents experience annoyance from noise in school several times a week.

Inventering av sidoområden med hjälp av GPS

This thesis is about the public library of Ulricehamn and the cultural activities at the library during the period from 1960 to 1998. We have focused on the study of the cultural activities. It begins with the foundation of the library of Ulricehamn and a historical background to it. It follows with the definitions of the public library and a historical background to the public library in Sweden. Then we present the goal of the public library in general and the goal of Ulricehamn's city library.

Strömningssimulering i ett akvarium på Korsvägen Vetenskapscentrum

This thesis is about the public library of Ulricehamn and the cultural activities at the library during the period from 1960 to 1998. We have focused on the study of the cultural activities. It begins with the foundation of the library of Ulricehamn and a historical background to it. It follows with the definitions of the public library and a historical background to the public library in Sweden. Then we present the goal of the public library in general and the goal of Ulricehamn's city library.

"Jag ska bli författare när jag blir stor" : elever utan tal utvecklar sin skriftspråklighet

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka skriftspråkslärande efter nybörjarstadiet, hos elever utan eget tal; med severe speech and physical impairment (SSPI) samt alternativ och kompletterande kommunikation (AKK). Frågeställningarna var följande:- Hur beskriver dessa elever själva sitt skriftspråkslärande?- Vilka fruktbara arbetssätt och miljöer för dessa elevers skriftspråkslärande finns dokumenterat i forskning?Metoderna innebar en livsberättelseintervju genom computer assisted personal interviewing (CAPI), samt systematiska litteraturstudier med en kvalitativ metasyntes som mål.Resultaten visar vikten av att dessa elever når en god läs- och skrivförmåga. Möjligheter öppnar sig för lärande och inte minst kommunikation över tids-, rums- och persongränser. Avgörande för elevers fortsatta skriftspråkslärande var förväntningar, kvalitet på undervisning samt stimulans inom den grundläggande emergent literacy-fasen.

Musikens oanade effekter - En studie om musik i dagligvarubutiker

The retail industry is complex and when it comes to the in-store environment conventional marketing tools seldom find their way. The impacts of in-store atmospherics on customers and the psychological impact the store environment has on their decision-making are rather remarkable. An in-store atmospheric that often is used in order to affect customers is music, in fact it is one of the in-store elements that has been investigated more carefully. Nevertheless, in spite several studies on music and its impact as an in-store atmospheric on customers, it is not yet obvious what applies. To bring some clarity on the subject this study is aspiring to explain what applies when it comes to playing music in grocery stores.

De sökte substitutionsbehandling-vad skiljde dem åt? : Jämförelse i bakgrundsfaktorer mellan opiat- och opioidberoende utifrån ASI-intervjuer

Through changes in the code of statutes, SOSFS 2009:27 (M), opioid addicts are excluded since March 1 2010 from possibilities to be accepted for substitution treatment. Opiate addicts are solitary admitted for substitution treatment from that date. Opioid addicts are excluded admission for treatment regardless of the fact that they fulfil the ICD-10 diagnosis F.11.2, i.e. opioid/opiate addictive criteria. The alteration in the statutes was carried out in reference to the fact that evidence for this kind of treatment intended for opioid addicts was missing.Both groups i.e.

Vad har hänt på biblioteket? En studie av kulturaktiviteter på Ulricehamns stadsbibliotek

This thesis is about the public library of Ulricehamn and the cultural activities at the library during the period from 1960 to 1998. We have focused on the study of the cultural activities. It begins with the foundation of the library of Ulricehamn and a historical background to it. It follows with the definitions of the public library and a historical background to the public library in Sweden. Then we present the goal of the public library in general and the goal of Ulricehamn's city library.

Testbatteri för talapraxi : Utformning och pilotnormering av ett artikulationstest

Talapraxi är en talmotorikstörning som drabbar planeringen och programmeringen av talet, vilket visar sig som avvikelser i artikulation och prosodi. I dag finns inget svenskt test för utredning av talapraxi. Syftet med studien var därför att utforma ett testbatteri på svenska som är känsligt även för lindriga grader av talapraxi. Detta test pilotnormerades på 50 friska deltagare.  För att kunna studera hur kön, ålder och utbildningsnivå kan inverka på prestationen i testbatteriet, eftersträvades en jämn fördelning när det gäller dessa demografiska bakgrundsvariabler.Uppgifterna konstruerades baserat på tidigare forskning gällande de typiska perceptuella dragen vid talapraxi och på testuppgifter som tidigare har visat sig vara känsliga för talapraxi.Deltagarnas prestation varierade mellan testbatteriets olika uppgifter. På några uppgifter hade en stor andel av deltagarna alla rätt, medan andra uppgifter visade sig vara utmanande även för friska personer.

Psykosocial skolmiljö : En kvantitativ undersökning på en gymnasieskola

Here is presented the result and discussion of a survey concerning the psychosocial environment in a school in the vicinity of Stockholm. The theoretical background of this study was the model of demand-control by Theorell, and various aspects of stress by Frankenhauser and Ödman. The survey was constituted of an inquiry form which was handed out to six different classes at the school. A total of 86 students filled in the form, and their answers were treated with standard statistical procedures to reveal the results. The inquiry form was made up by five parts; one that concerned the background of the respondent, one that reflected the psychosocial health and stress level and three parts that concerned discrimination, victimization and school democracy.

Vad händer om man vänder på schh? : En undersökning om bakgrundsljud på bibliotek

Since the role of the libraries as merely a place for loans has decreased, the importance of giving the visitors a total experience has increased.The aim of my thesis was to investigate whether a change in the sound environment at the library of Jokkmokk could generate more satisfied visitors, whether they are borrowers or use the library for other purposes. The change in the sound environment was to be effected by means of a background sound experiment in the magazine room at the library. Action research was used as a research strategy and observations and interviews as method to collect data.The experiment was conducted with two selected sounds of nature: birdsong and a rippling brook. The observations and interviews were executeted in three stages: 1. Without any background sound.

Spiritual and Existential needs in palliative care

Background: Previous research has shown that the understanding and knowledge about the spiritual needs is not given high priority among nursing staff. During the latest years the body and its functions has controlled the healthcare and the spiritual needs has been placed in the background. All humans have spiritual needs that must be satisfied irrespective of religious background. Aim: The aim of this study was to in a caring perspective illustrate patients? spiritual and existential needs in palliative care.

Gränsdragningen mellan yttrandefrihet och hets mot folkgrupp : En undersökning av gällande rätt utifrån ett samtida perspektiv

AbstractThis essay begins with a presentation of the complex set of problems which relate to the interaction between freedom of speech and the ban against discrimination based on a person's race, the colour of their skin or ethnic origin, confession of faith or sexual preference (BrB 16:8, incitement to racial hatred). Can conflicts arise between freedom of speech and the ban against discrimination? To shed light on this question, we have chosen to look at the issue from a new perspective. This perspective is based on the new challenges faced by Swedish society as a result of the changed composition of our population, our membership in the EU and our acknowledgment of certain international conventions concerning human rights.Fifty years ago our population almost solely comprised of ?native Swedes?.

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