

3109 Uppsatser om Automatic milking systems - Sida 63 av 208

Utvärdering av jetomrörning : En studie gällande utvärdering av omrörningssystem vid Ekeby reningsverk

Biogas is a renewable energy produced through anaerobic digestion, which means that organic matter is degraded by microorganisms under anaerobic conditions. The produced biogas can then be used for cogeneration, electricity, heat or upgraded to vehicle gas. Eskilstuna Energy & Environment AB has four digesters at Ekeby water sewage treatment plant, Eskilstuna. One of the biogas reactor (RK4) is equipped with a jet-mixing system while the remaining digester uses top-mixing. The mixing system is an important parameter to achieve optimum operating conditions for the process regarding gas production and degree of digestion.

Koncern som tillväxtinkubator för småföretag : ? En fallstudie i ett shared service centers möjligheter attstödja entreprenöriella småföretag

???Information Technology is an essential part of the society today, not least in large ???organisations dealing with sensitive information. An example of such an organisation is the Swedish Armed Forces which indeed is in the need of ways to ensure information security in their Information Technology systems. The means which is used is an authorisation and accreditation process.All Information Technology systems go through a life cycle which includes realisation, usage, development and liquidation. In the Swedish Armed Forces the lifecycle is an authorisation process.

Effektivare energianvändning på Totebo AB

The main goal with this thesis report was to come up with ideas of how to make the use of energy more effective and thus save money for the company.First a survey was made to find out where and how the energy consumers were divided within the company. The results were then used in calculations to find out how much money that could be saved and how long it would take to get back the investments.There is a big potential in saving money by recovering heat from the UV-lamps with a heat exchanger. It would also even out the pressure in the factory which is a source to heat loss and a cause for discomfort amongst the employees. It?s possible to save 105 000 kr in a year and the money needed for the investments is 600 000 kr.By using the recovery air more effectively the company could save up to 250 000 kr a year in lowered heat purchases, but this would require the use of automatic dampers.If you reschedule the running times for the wood chipper and invest in some kind of load management, for example Sydkraft?s ?Energidirigent? you can save at least 42 000 kr.

Energy analysis of a fruit drying plant in Adeiso, Ghana

The purpose of the project has been to work out recommendations that reduce the energy-related costs and environmental impact of HPW Fresh & Dry Ltd., a fruit drying factory in Ghana. The factory produces electricity with diesel and biogas but also purchases electricity from the national electricity company. Heat for the drying process is produced from biogas, kerosene and solar panels. In the project the energy system was analyzed by measuring production and consumption of heat and electricity. The project results show that the factory can become self-sufficient on heat if the available energy is used more efficient. The production units for both electricity and heat have low efficiencies.

Kliniskt handledarskap med hjälp av Informations- och kommunikationsteknik (IKT) : -         En intervjustudie

The purpose of this study was to describe senior nurses? expectations concerning how a digital information and communication technology systems (ICT) can contribute to the improvement of care leadership and how it can strengthen ties between the school's theoretical world and the practical clinical work-based training (WP) in nursing. The study has a descriptive design with a qualitative approach. The study involved seven leading care nurses. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews.

Prognostisering av utrustningar på Volvo Wheel Loaders

Volvo in Arvika produces wheel loaders, and the production is based on forecasts. When a machine is ordered, the customer can choose what type of equipment he or she wants, and these equipments are also made forecasts on. This is made by giving each equipment an estimated procentual usage that shows how many of the machines that will use this option. Today two people are working with the forecasts, planer A in Eskilstuna and planer B in Arvika. Planer A makes a forecast based on the historical outcome and planer B then makes adjustments of this based on how many options that are ordered.

Uppföljning av informationssystemen i en socialförvaltning : Utveckling av ett uppföljningsinstrument

I denna studie har vi utvecklat, testat och utvärderat ett uppföljnings-instrument som följer upp personalens användning av och uppfattning om informationssystemen i en socialförvaltning. Uppföljningsinstrumentet är utformat utifrån en redan etablerad modell (Information Systems Success Model). Inhämtningsdelen har vi utformat i form av en enkät. Analys och redovisningsdelen har vi utformat utifrån modellen. Uppföljningsinstrumentet kan användas som en del i en socialförvaltnings kontinuerliga förbättringsarbete och kräver inga förkunskaper i informatik eller informationslogistik för att användas..

Kan grönt bli till guld? : En studie av miljöcertifieringars värde och utveckling i den svenska bygg- och fastighetssektorn

Certification systems, that assess companies? work with social and environmental issues, have emerged in an increasing number of industries. Today, there are environmental certifications for the food industry, the forestry, the fisheries sector and several more. In apparel industry, certification for sustainable working conditions has been of major impact. The property sector is no exception from other industries.

Calf health before and after change in housing system ? isolated barn vs. hutches

Calf health is of importance both from a financial perspective and from an animal welfare point of view. Housing system and environment are factors affecting the calves? health. The objective of this project was to make a review of literature on calf health and housing and to perform an observational study on calf health at Nötcenter Viken, Research Dairy Farm, Lantmännen Sweden that changed calf housing system; from a traditional indoor system (Group IN) to outdoor hutches (Group OUT). It was only the housing system that was changed; the routines and feed were the same in both systems.

Ekonomistyrning i små tillväxtföretag : En studie över sambanden mellan tillväxt och ekonomistyrning

Tillväxt och ekonomistyrning förstärker varandra simultant då en växande företagsstorlek har en positiv inverkan på utvecklingen av ekonomistyrning. Samtidigt möjliggör en välanpassad ekonomistyrning en fortsatt hög tillväxttakt via dess förmåga att hantera tillväxthämmande faktorer. Utvecklingen av ekonomistyrning påverkas av en kombination av interna och externa drivare..

Policies affecting the competitiveness of dairy production in Sweden, Denmark and Germany

Denmark, Germany and Sweden are along with 24 other countries members of the European Union. Being part of the European Union also means being part of a European market. Within the union barriers for trade has been abolished in order to create more open market. This open market has also contributed towards a more globalized market for dairy products. What used to be a domestic market has become globalised with increasing trade among the members.

Bärande eller bristande? : - en studie av Bällstabergsskolans kommunikationssystem -

AbstractPurpose/Aim: The aim of this essay is to map out how the communication is organized at the Bällstabergs School in Vallentuna. The purpose with the essay is to illuminate the pros and cons with their system so that a communicationstrategy could be worked out from the basis of the results. The aim is devided into three different questions at issue: What does the organizational structure look like and how does it concide with the communication? What does the present communicative work look like? Which communicative needs can be identified?Method: The methodology contains two parts. The first part is an analysis of the present organization.

Strömmar av vatten och politik - en studie om policyprocesser och anpassning.

One of the distinguishing features of successful societies is the ability to adapt to change, bothsocial but also natural changes like climate change. Climate change is a complex, dynamic,non-linear process with a great deal of uncertainty concerning the time perspective, risks andconsequences. A combination of factors like climate change, geographical vulnerability, adensely populated and highly built up coast line along with factors like deficient handling ofsurface runoff and a large usage of ground water leads to an increasingly vulnerable society. Italso puts a greater pressure on the society to have preventive measures in place.The number of actors working with preparing society to the expected impacts of climatechange and variability is increasing. However more than half of Sweden?s municipalities donot consider changing climatic conditions when planning, and many times even allow theconstruction of new living areas in known climatically vulnerable areas.

Kundorienterad produktutveckling i industriell verksamhet - en fallstudie inom Trelleborg Building Systems

Sammanfattning Titel: Kundorienterad produktutveckling i industriell verksamhet ? En fallstudie inom Trelleborg Building Systems Seminariedatum: 2004-06-04 Ämne/kurs: Magisteruppsats i Strategic Management, FEK523,10 poäng Författare: Martin Borgström, Henrik Hallerby & Niklas Winnert Handledare: Lars Bengtsson Nyckelord: Strategisk planering, produktutveckling, kundbehovsanalys, industriell marknad, organisk tillväxt, total kravbild Syfte: Vårt syfte är att studera vilka förutsättningar som fallföretaget Industrial Profiles Nordic har för att kunna organisera och utveckla sin produktutvecklingsprocess mot den totala kravbild som har inverkan på denna process. Utifrån dessa analysresultat avser vi delge ett antal åtgärdsförslag till ledningen för hur detta utvecklingsarbete kan genomföras och organiseras. Metod: En kvalitativ metod med en abduktiv ansats har använts, där vi jämfört olika avdelningar inom divisionen Industrial Profiles Nordic med avseende på kundbehovsanalys, produktutveckling samt strategisk planering. Intervjuer har genomförts inom ledningen för affärsområdet Trelleborg Buildings Systems samt divisionen Industrial Profiles Nordic.

Replikering av komplexa kunskapssystem : En fråga om organisatorisk integration

Background: Many authors consider knowledge to be a significant source for competitive advantage. Replicating companies found their competitiveness on an ability to leverage its knowledge base by replicating its business model in new contexts, a process often referred to as the McDonalds approach. Several authors emphasize that an efficient method for knowledge transfer may increase the risk for imitation. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine in an explorative manner how strategies for replicating complex knowledge systems are employed and developed. Furthermore, our ambition is to explore the notion of replication strategy.

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