

3109 Uppsatser om Automatic milking systems - Sida 18 av 208

Mätramar för vederlagsmätning och timmersortering på sågverk

The measuring of logs is important in the sawmills process to the sawn products. The technology of automatic wood measurement is continuance developing. This study has the purpose to see how the different techniques and the routines works of measure frames for determining of wood value and sorting in sawmills. The study is performed as a literature study and a survey. The survey includes some of the Swedish sawmills that produce more than 10 000 cubic meters sawed products per year.

Kartläggning av spånproblem i GG8 : avdelning 9460 Volvo Aero Corporation

Real-time systems are required to answer to external stimuli within a specified time-period. For this to be possible, the systems behaviour must be predictable. The use of active databases in real-time systems introduces unpredictability in the system, e.g. due to their use of active rules. The behaviour in active databases is usually specified in ECA-rules.

Automatic Character Rigging in Maya

Detta arbete kommer att handla om att skapa ett system för att automatiseraprocessen att skapa en karaktärsrig i programmet Maya. Med hjälp av programmets inbyggda programmeringsspråk MEL kommer systemet, via ett grafiskt gränssnitt, skapa just det resultat som användaren efterfrågar.Resultatet är ett verktyg som kan skapa en komplett karaktärsrig på under 3 minuters tid! Ett arbete som annars kan ta flera dagar..

Förutsättningar för småskalig solelproduktion i Australien

The study aims to investigate the feasibility of small-scale electricity production with solar electricity systems, also known as PV (photovoltaic) systems, in Australia. Due to the global warming, sustainable energy has in recent years become an increasingly important issue, both internationally and in Australia. With one of the largest dependencies on fossil energy sources in the world, the country's abundant solar radiation is a possible solution to this issue.Both the technical and the economic feasibility of small-scale PV systems were investigated. On the technological side, the electricity generation, distribution and consumption systems were studied. On the economical side, the parameters that drive the profitability of a PV investment were investigated.

Ledtidsreducering vid Saab Training Systems Ab : Lead time reduction at Saab Training Systems AB

Detta examensarbete är utfört på Saab Training Systems AB i Huskvarna. Saab Training Systems utvecklar, tillverkar och säljer kompletta militära träningssystem.Syftet med arbetet var att minska ledtiderna, då korta leveranstider blir ett allt viktigare konkurrensmedel. Arbetet innebar en kartläggning av nuvarande reserv- och reparationsflöde samt att identifiera problem och komma fram till förbättringsförslag.Vidare har vi studerat reservdelslagrets lagernivå och dess kapitalbindning.Arbetet genomfördes med hjälp av intervjuer med berörd personal, observationer, enkätundersökning samt statistiska studier. Vi har även arbetat med Supply Chain Operations Reference Model som är en öppen referensmodell med vars hjälp man kan kartlägga, förändra och optimera sin verksamhet.Saab Training Systems har som mål att ledtiderna för reservdelsflödet och reparationsflödet skall vara 14 dagar, men i själva verket är det inte så. Dessa ledtider är idag längre, hur långa är dock oklart.De långa ledtiderna beror främst på att i flödena förekommer det mycket passiv tid.

Klassifikation vid de nordiska alkoholmonopolen: En jämförande undersökning av fem statliga alkoholföretags hemsidor

This thesis deals with the goods classification of the Nordic alcoholmonopolies, viz. Alko in Finland, Rúsdrekkasøla Landsins in the FaroeIslands, Systembolaget in Sweden, Vínbúðin in Iceland, andVinmonopolet in Norway. The focus of the study is the web pages of thecompanies (as they appeared April 10th 2011) and the printed pricecatalogue of Alko, from which information on class division has beenexcerpted. The emphasis lies on the division into product groups and theinformation about origin. Within these facets, which partly overlap insome of the classification systems, the principles of division and thehierarchical relations between classes are studied.

Sänkt returtemperatur : Potentiell besparing i fjärrvärmesystem

Optimizing energy systems is, in Sweden, as in many other countries, of growing interest. District heating systems are no exception. In 2012, 285 out of 290 municipals in Sweden had district heating in use and the majority of these systems have a higher return temperature than that which is possible with an error-free substation of day current technology. To, when possible, lower the return temperature is a way of increasing the effectiveness of the district heating system.This study means to investigate, through simulations and calculations, how big of a reduction in production cost a lower temperature in the city of Ystad?s district heating system would correspond to.

Hur min dyslexi påverkar mitt författarskap

The aim of this essay is to examine three separate Swedish public libraries and their respective websites on the grounds of the usability sciences. I firstly had to summarize the main properties of the usability-field in order to gain an extended knowledge of its purposes and possible usage for today?s library systems. I was then able to apply the extended knowledge in the examination of the three library websites and the purpose of determining whether or not they were designed according to the standards set by the usability-sciences.Usability is a rather new science that deals with the dissection and examination of computer-based systems, in order to find the key components that make systems user-friendlier. With user needs being the main focus of its research, usability tries to meet all the different needs of the modern user and construct systems that are less system-centered and more user-centered.

Termomekanisk analys av svarvstål : Volvo Aero Corporation

Real-time systems are required to answer to external stimuli within a specified time-period. For this to be possible, the systems behaviour must be predictable. The use of active databases in real-time systems introduces unpredictability in the system, e.g. due to their use of active rules. The behaviour in active databases is usually specified in ECA-rules.

Hur hanterar institutioner en miljö med blandade Operativsystem?

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if there are environments that use some kind of central authentication system within institutions/schools. The hypothesis is that an institution not using a form of central authentication service has more need for maintenance and as such is considered a higher cost for the organization. The gathering of data has been done through interviews with technical personal at Blekinge Tekniska Högskola and Linköpings Universitet. Based on the technical background of the authors, and the system limited to discussing Windows and UNIX operating systems, a discussion and analysis of the systems working today has been done, with emphasize on the hypothesis..

Mikroproducenternas påverkan på Elinorr

The Swedish energy system will be influenced by many future changes, such as energy and climate policy objectives. The installation of more renewable electricity could increase by using solar energy. Over the recent years, grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) systems have increased dramatically in Sweden, partly due to various support systems and compensation models. These support systems have been designed to make it easy for individuals and businesses to invest in self-generated electricity and thus contribute to the transformation of the energy system.The introduction of a higher proportion of solar energy may in turn affect the Swedish electricity system. This could mean that the electricity companies will be facing a number of changes in the near future.

Utvärdering av insamlingssystem för hushållens farliga avfall

The collection of hazardous waste from the household around Swedish municipalities varies. 1% of the households waste is hazardous waste. It has hazardous features that can give bad consequences for the nature and human health if we don?t collect it and treat it. Therefore the law controls it, the municipalities have responsibility for the household waste.

The welfare of the laboratory mouse : comparison in development of mouse pups in three different individual ventilated cage (IVC) systems

Today the individual ventilated cage system (IVC-system) is a commonly used housing system for mice in research facilities. IVC systems have HEPA- filters and are designed to control both supply and exhausted air at cage level, as well as temperature and relative humidity in the cages. This creates an optimal environment for the mouse and at the same time a protection against the risk of cross-infection between cages and the outside environment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the health and welfare of breeding females and pups of two different strains of laboratory mice (NMRI nude mice and C57BL/6N) in three different kinds of IVC-systems; Arrowmight, Allentown and Tecniplast. The NMRI nude (Nu) females gave birth to 18 litters in Allentown, 16 litters in Arrowmight and 15 litters in Tecniplast.

Införande och systemanpassning av Process Engineer i målerifabriken, Saab Automobile AB

Real-time systems are required to answer to external stimuli within a specified time-period. For this to be possible, the systems behaviour must be predictable. The use of active databases in real-time systems introduces unpredictability in the system, e.g. due to their use of active rules. The behaviour in active databases is usually specified in ECA-rules.

Automatisk rengöring av Primary Charge Roller : Invegon Equip AB

Real-time systems are required to answer to external stimuli within a specified time-period. For this to be possible, the systems behaviour must be predictable. The use of active databases in real-time systems introduces unpredictability in the system, e.g. due to their use of active rules. The behaviour in active databases is usually specified in ECA-rules.

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