

411 Uppsatser om Augustenborg Botanical Roof Garden - Sida 9 av 28

Shelter use of horses during Swedish summer in relation to weather conditions and insect abundance

Outdoor housing of horses? best fulfils the horses? need for physical activity and it is an alternative to the more cost and energy demanding indoor housing in stables. Furthermore, if outdoor housed horses have access to shelter they can generally cope well with adverse weather conditions such as high or low ambient temperature, heavy rain or strong winds. In this study, the daytime shelter-seeking behaviour of three groups of horses housed outdoors was studied during the summer. The aim was to evaluate whether shelter use is related to weather variables (e.g., ambient temperature and wind speed) and insect harassment. The shelter-seeking behaviour was studied for three different groups of horses: Group 1) eight individually housed horses in paddocks that had access to three different shelter types (C: closed on three sides with roof, R: open on three sides with roof, W: closed on three sides without roof), Group 2) 25 group housed mares with foals on pasture with access to shelters C, and Group 3) ten mares without foals on pasture without access to shelter. Each group was studied for eight days.

Utveckling av takra?cken fo?r sla?pvagnar

This report is a bachelor thesis work in the field of product development and design. The assignment has been to develop a solution for roof racks, normally used for cars, to fit on the open trailer models FS1425 and Alugance. The project was implemented by Johan Andersson and Victor Karlsson, students at the Mechanical Engineering program with a focus on product development and design at Jo?nko?ping?s school of Engineering, in spring 2012.The client wants to use transport solutions in the same way as roof racks on cars. The user of such a product is assumed to desire simplicity, safety and an attractive design with an appealing price, which has been a challenge during the thesis work.Pre-studies have been conducted to examine the potential competitors and gain knowledge in the research area.

Skånes gröna guld : anläggning, odling & mossarter i mossträdgården

This is a 15 hp (10 p) thesis in biology at the programme for Horticulture Management at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp. In this literature study we have processed, reviewed and arranged facts and research, to make it more available for those who want to know more about establishment or cultivation of mosses. Our client is Fredriksdal?s Museums and Gardens in Helsingborg who are planning to establish a moss garden. The information is meant to be used by Fredriksdal and other similar facilities.

Vårdprogram för Österby bruks köksträdgård :

Svenska (engelska se nedan) Detta examensarbete är ett vårdprogram över Österby bruks köksträdgård. Österby bruk är beläget i norra Uppland cirka fem mil norr om Uppsala. Redan på 1500-talet började järnindustri växa fram på Österby. Österbys järnindustri kom att pågå fram till nedläggningen av Österbyverkan 1983. Dagens köksträdgård tillkom i och med den omgestaltning av hela herrgårdsanläggningen som startade på mitten av 1700-talet.

Utdragshållfasthet av inlimmade skruvar i limträ

In this thesis tests has been performed on the pull strength of screws glued into glulam beams.The experiment is based on the already approved method whereby the diameter of the drilled holes is the same as the screw outer diameter of 1 mm or bigger. The screws strength class shall not be less than 4.6 (EN ISO 898-1:1999, 1999).The difference in the experiments that were performed where that the drilled diameter were 1 mm smaller than the outer diameter of the screw so that the screw thread was worked into the wood.In the tests the gluing where made on M8 glulam beams. The screws where drilled at and angel of 90°tangental to the fiber direction with a diameter of 7 mm. The gluing of the screws where made in three different depths and where later exposed to pulling forces. The results showed both pulling breaks and screw breaks when they reached their maximum capacity.

Energi- och kostnadseffektiva klimatskal : För lager-, industri- och kontorsbyggnader

A study to optimize insulation thickness for stock-, industrial- and office-buildings for external walls and roof in an economical perspective has been conducted on behalf of DynaMate. DynaMate?s role is to maintain all Scania?s buildings. Analysis has also included other parts of the building envelope, such as windows, exterior doors and industrial doors. In this thesis, three different types of exterior wall constructions has been investigated, these are a sandwich design consisting of sheet metal and a another one consisting of concrete, as well as a wall of concrete with a coating of plasters.

En idéträdgård : processen från idé till utförande

Som student har jag blivit inbjuden att skapa en idéträdgård på Malmö garden show den 1-3/6 2012. Med mitt intresse i natur och hälsa blev det självklara valet en trädgård med fokus på just detta. En kontemplativ plats som ska inspirera människor till att med små medel skapa förutsättningar för en sundare livsstil och högre livskvalitet. Kombinationen meditation och trädgård driver tankarna genast till Japan och deras uråldriga trädgårdskultur som är huvudinspirationen till den gröna delen i gestaltningen. Den andra inspirationen kommer ur den arabiska orienten med svala platser under skuggande tyger och bland mjuka kuddar.

Ursprungs- och kvalitetsmärkningens betydelse för konsumentens val av krukväxter : en studie om mervärdet av Mäster Gröns co-branding med Svenskt Sigill

This essay has been made on behalf of the co-operative society Mäster Grön, which is selling ornamental plants to retailers in Sweden. The aim of this study has been to find out what added value Mäster Grön gets from their co-branding with the Swedish Seal of quality. The main topic of discussion was; how much value added does this co-branding give to Mäster Gröns pot plants? Are there differences from a customer point of view in value added between a garden center and a retail store? How much weight does the costumer put on the branding when buying a plant? Does the customer know what the values of Mäster Grön and Swedish Seal of quality mean? Two questions of lesser worth were asked to the consumers about what they thought about the protective plastic around the plant, and if they were interested in getting more information about the origin as well as the method of production of the plant. The study was divided into two parts, one in which customers were observed and one where the customers answered a survey.

Millesgården : vårdprogram samt förslag till förbättrad tillgänglighet

Millesgården is a museum on the island of Lidingö outside Stockholm. It contains the buildings which were the home and studios of the artist Carl Milles and his artist wife Olga. It also contains the grounds that originated as the garden of their home. Carl Milles later developed the garden into a sculpture park where a great part of the sculptors works are on display. In this report only the sculpture park is treated.

Potentialen av värmebesparing i ett avlopps luftningsledning

This thesis aims at determining the heat losses in a property vent stack and its roof valve. Upon request of a company, the vent stack is analysed for possible heat recovering solutions to be implemented, while relining of the drain system is executed and with a suitable payback time for the economic investments. The heat loss calculations are based on data for properties that are located in the Stockholm region, but also easy to change depending on the situation. The calculations are done on pipes made out of cast iron, which still is the most common type of drain pipe in Sweden, and these are the pipes that relining is usually made on. The calculations that needed to take several variables into account have been done in MatlabR2014a and the thermos dynamical properties that were used in those calculations have been extracted from EES.Three different types of heat losses in the vent stack have been taken into consideration in this thesis.

In search for sustainable alternatives to lawns : connecting research and landscape design

A large part of Sweden?s green, urban landscape is covered by lawns. Approximately 80 000 ha of maintained grass lawns are part of public courtyards, schoolyards, parks, golf courses, sport fields and traffic environments. Beyond this figure, the lawn is also an essential element in most private villa-gardens. Lawns have become a universal phenomenon through the dispersion of landscape aesthetics from the Western world.

Strong girls now and then - a comparison between strong girls in classic and modern children?s literature as : The Secret Garden and Harry Potter and the Philosopher?s Stone.

The aim with this essay is to compare strong girls in classic and modern literature and see how the differences in expectations on these girls are reflected in literature. This study is done with the aid of historical, feminist and new criticism..

Illustrationer av landskapsarkitektur

This bachelor thesis discusses three Swedish landscape architects and their plan drawings and illustrations. The landscape architects are from the 18th century, the 19th century respectively the 20th century. The three persons are: Fredrik Magnus Piper, Knut Forsberg and Gunnar Martinsson. The landscape architects are brought up in chronological order in a chapter each where the person?s life, educations and work are described.

Socialt kapital : en skörd från den urbana odlingen

Hur kan urban odling skapa nya sociala nätverk mellan människor och få dem att mötas i staden? Litteraturstudien har till syfte att undersöka vilka studier som gjorts kring urban odling och socialt kapital, med fokus på överbryggande socialt kapital. Begrepp som community garden, community, kolonilott samt socialt kapital förklaras inledningsvis för att skapa ett ramverk till litteraturstudien. Socialt kapital kan förklaras som nätverk och sociala kopplingar mellan människor, och överbryggande socialt kapital är då sådana nätverk mellan människor från olika grupper i samhället. En historisk återblick ges kring hur socialt kapital, med fokus på överbryggande socialt kapital, har skapats både i Sverige genom kolonirörelsen och i USA genom olika stadsodlingsprogram från slutet av 1800-talet och fram till idag. Därefter refereras ett antal studier som undersökt kopplingar mellan socialt kapital och kollektiv odling, samt ett antal studier som beskriver kollektiv och urban odling kopplat till nätverk och möten, utan att använda begreppet socialt kapital.

Vårlamm eller dikoproduktion i Dalarna : fallstudie

This study investigates a farm in Dalarna which includes 16 ha of farmland and 1, 7 ha of pasture. The purpose is to find out if it is possible to start an animal production in Dalarna. The study is set only to compare spring lamb production with nurse cow production. There are two buildings on the farm that can be used for this purpose. One is an old cowshed, and the other is an unused silo for silage with a roof on top. Both of the buildings are compared to every alternative in the calculations.

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