

411 Uppsatser om Augustenborg Botanical Roof Garden - Sida 16 av 28

Erfarenheter av några utfodringssystem till får :

The evaluation of the function of the feeding of sheep herds is suggested to involve the work effort, the fulfilment of the nutrient needs of the sheep and the feed waste. Mechanisation of the feeding can be very simple or include high degrees of mechanisation. Three different farms, representing different levels of mechanisation are presented. Descriptions and analysis of the feeding systems including mechanisation, work effort and estimations of the feed waste are made on each farm. The herd with the most advanced feed mechanisation included a rolling feed band and mix wagon. The other farms were partly or little mechanised including ad lib feeding from big bales and manual distribution of hay and concentrates. The most mechanised farm was able to feed a large herd of sheep at a low work effort and little feed waste. However, the investment in machinery has to be weighed against the improved efficiency.

Energieffektivisering av arbetsbodar på byggarbetsplatser

Everyone has to take a greater responsibility in energy issues, both individuals and companies. There have been some major developments in the construction industry but there is still a lot to be done. This diploma work thesis presents different methods of making existing construction shed establishments to use less energy. What is possible to do and how much energy is there to be saved? A shed establishment consisting of 8 shed units were studied in this project and the building simulation tool VIP-Energy was used to simulate different types of material in the sheds. An infrared camera was used to locate thermal bridges. There are several factors that can be improved to make a construction shed establishment to use less energy.

Jordtäckta hus : Energiberäkningar och kostnadskalkyler på ett jordtäckt hus i Malmö

With rising energy prices and the threat of climate change, energy costs and energy savings havebecome a central and important part in building. Therefore it is interesting to explore different andnon-conventional methods of energy conservation. Building Earth sheltered houses is such a method.Earth provides good insulation and provides the ability to both reduce the total heating needs and toreduce the maximum power demand. The aim of this study was to construct a house in Malmö and seeif Earth sheltered houses can be a cost effective alternative for the construction of sustainable andenergy-efficient houses.Previous studies have shown that Earth sheltered houses have reduced their power requirement with upto 25% and their use of energy with 10%. Numerical calculations in Comsol Multiphysic 4.2, wasperformed on a house with different degrees of earth covering.

Volatilitetsintegration och Internationell Diversifiering : En empirisk studie om hur Sveriges volatilitetsintegration och diversifieringsmöjligheter har förändrats inom EMU sedan införandet av euron

To accomplish my purpose about where bullying is emerging and how bullying utter it is self and if the educationist consideration disposes conform to the students, i chose two classes from two different schools. With the help of the students thought and speculations and with the educationalists answers, I come to a result. I want to add that my results agreed with the early scientists? research. The results also confirmed by literature and by theories that showed in my result.

Urban regnskog, vatten & vegetation som designresurs

Hantering av regnvatten på ett hållbart sätt är en av flera strategier som behöver utvecklas för att bygga resilienta städer. I detta projekt undersöks relationen mellan vatten och vegetation och de unika förutsättningarna detta ger för gestaltning. Genom en fördjupad studie av naturlika biotoper, främst olika typer av klibbalskogar, har jag samlat material som tecknar sambanden. Detta material fungerar som bakgrund till ett förslag till utforming av en öppen dagvattenhantering med särskilt fokus på träd i en befintlig stadsmiljö. Genom en kort introduktion till Köpenhamn kommuns strategiska klimatarbete med dagvattenhantering i Klimakvarter på Østerbro förhåller sig detta småskaliga projekt till ett större sammanhang.

Bonus, ju mer desto bättre?

The economic climate that has been going on for the last years has more or less affected everyone. This has created a need to get more knowledge about how our banks work and also how peoples own personal financial situation looks like. When our banks over this last period have compensated their employees with even greater deals of money, reactions has gone to the roof. This discussion has made us interested in the subject, which led to the decision to write an essay about remunerations within banks.The purpose of this essay is to investigate if our banks remunerations to their employees have any effect on their profit numbers. Does the size of the compensations vary with changes in the market? Do larger compensations contribute to a greater result?The study will look at Sweden?s four largest banks, Handelsbanken, SEB, Nordea and Swedbank.

Grupprocesser ur ett genusperspektiv : En studie om polisstudenters uppfattning av mäns och kvinnors rolltagande och beteende i grupp

The purpose with this essay is to study police students perception of men?s and women?s role taking and behavior in a group. The question that is presented is if a group?s efficiency can depend on which gender the members of the group have. There are many theories about the concept male and female and the meaning of these words.

Optimala antalet användare i en användbarhetsutvärdering : En undersökning om hur många användare som bör vara med i en användbarhetsutvärdering för att uppnå mättnad och ett gott resultat.

Syftet med den här uppsatsen var att belysa frågan om hur många användare det behövdes för att uppnå en viss mättnad i en användbarhetsutvärdering för en specifik flash-applikation kallad My Garden. De aspekter som låg till grund för denna uppsats var brytpunkten i ökningen av unika fynd i korrelation med höga procentsatser. Med hjälp av den formativa utvärderingen och analysen av denna gick det sedan att ta reda på vilka problem (så kallade fynd) som upplevdes av användarna i gränssnittet. Resultatet av analysen resulterade i 95 unika fynd i tio användbarhetsutvärderingar. Resultatet visade följaktligen att för denna sorts utvärdering behövdes sju användare för att uppnå 93 % av alla unika fynd som hittades och därmed uppnå en slags mättnad i avklingandet av hittade unika fynd..

Vegetation och ljudmiljö

Landscape architecture is a visual profession, but other senses also affect our interpretation of a place. Sounds can give us a lot of information about an environment, and they are often perceived as positive. Despite this, research about outdoor sounds most often focus on the reduction of unwanted sounds ? noise ? but the absence of noise does not result in a good soundscape. To accomplish this, sounds we appreciate are needed.

Skrylleområdet - naturupplevelse som motivation till motion? :

Our lives in urban areas are becoming more and more inactive with negative effects on our mental and physical health. Natural environments and physical activity have the power to both prevent and reduce mental fatigue. Meanwhile we engage ourselves with physical activity, the nature fascinates us with its complexity. In April 2006, some of the visitors to the recreational area of Skrylle were asked to fill in a questionnaire which included questions about their habits within physical activity and the experience of nature. The questionnaires were then divided into two groups: those filled out by persons who exercise on regular basis (i.e. three or several times/week) and those who rarely exercise.

Spårbilsstation i Upplands Väsby kommun

Upplands Väsby municipality has a vision that podcars in the future will become an effective alternative in public transport, with reduced car-dependency as a result. The system would also attract new inhabitants and businesses to the municipality.This report deals with various issues that podcar stations may face. Also, suggestions for possible track laying at the stations and station design are presented. Two areas are investigated. Eds allé which is a neighborhood that is planned for housing and where the station may be planned into the cityscape from the start.

Ulleråker sjukhus : trädgård och park : vårdprogram

In the middle of the 19th century came an opposite reaction against the hospitals? treatment of their patients and a more human way was requested. A link between crowded housing, bad hygien and other bad conditions had been noticed and nature was considered to be healthy. Hospitals and sanatiories moved closer to nature due to influences from England, USA and Germany, and cities began building public parks. Employment was seen as calming and healthy for the patients.

Hur står det till idag? : eller kan man ta tempen på kultur?

This study is focused on some individuals' experience of the concept of culture in their everyday life. Some questions about culture were asked to some persons living in a small village in the isle of Gotland and some persons in the capital of Sweden, Stockholm, in the autumn in 2007 in a field study.The study showed that peopele tend to shape their own life world in the continuous activity in their near surroundings, in the garden and in reading literature and listening to music. There were some differences in the life world depending on where they lived,  in the country side or in town. Urban life has more offers as to popera and theatres but negatively more violence and stress.A study of literature on the ethnological concept of culture is included. The answers of the individuals also led to different topics such as nostalgia, mind, fear, feelings, body and soul which were enlightened by scientist from the respective fields..

Cirkushallen i Alby :  

Ad Astra är en cirkushall, högt beläget på en skogsbeklädd kulle ca 10 minuter från Alby centrum. Här samlas hela Cirkus Cirkörs verksamhet under ett tak: elever, lärare, administration och besökare.Promenadvägen från Albys tunnelbana leder fram till ett torg med den nya byggnaden som fond. Ett strikt grid av 58 stålpelare definierar ett uterum på byggnadens tak som sluttar upp mot en kopparkub bland träden. Här skapas möjligheter till allt från utomhusföreställningar till picknick i ett landskap som subtilt smälter samman med den bakomliggande skogen. Gränsen mellan natur och struktur suddas ut samtidigt som taket ger en oöverträffad utsikt över Alby och Albysjön.Internt är byggnaden tvådelad med en publik, öppen del och en sluten,flexibel hallösning.

Analysis of Swedish accessions of Phaseolus vulgaris L. using SSR Markers

AbstractThe genetic diversity in cultural plants is considered to be threatened due to global climate change and antropogenic influence. Unknowing of future conditions for cultivation, gene banks all over the world are now trying to build up costly safety nets of species and varieties that may become highly valuable owing to their specific traits and genetic heredity. Hence, in 2002 there was a national inventory, aimed at the Swedish public, asking for seeds believed to be lost. Among the resulting collected seeds were some accessions of garden bean, Phaseolus vulgaris. The objective of this particular study was to assemble a collection of unique varieties and discard possible duplicates.

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