

1126 Uppsatser om Audit outcome - Sida 35 av 76

Effektivisering : En utredning om åtgärder på en industrifastighet

AbstractDelta Terminal owns an outdated industrial building which they now rent out to businesses. This property currently has a high energy con-sumption and therfore it is desirable to improve the efficiency. In ordet to reduce the energy consumption within the industrial building enve-lope, the heating systems and lighting are being investegated. A good building envelope emits less heat and thus reduces the energy consump-tion. An energy audit is a tool used to determine the energy loss.

Implementering av miljöledningssystem i skogsbruket : en fallstudie hos Stora Enso Skog AB

Environmental management systems are a way of systematizing and streamlining an organization's environmental efforts. Within its EMS the organization determines it´s environmental policy and various environmental objectives. In order to achieve their environmental objectives the organization produces action plans that describe how they will work towards the objectives. Stora Enso Skog AB´s districts have been assigned to produce action plans for the company´s environmental objective of 90 % approved everyday nature consideration in final felling and any targets included within this objective. The purpose of this study was to investigate how the districts work with these action plans and how this could be improved.

Fotodynamisk terapi vid behandling av skivepitelskarcinom hos katt :

Photodynamic therapy is a relatively new treatment for superficial squamous cell carcinoma in cats. There are no publications indicating that the method is being used in veterinary practice in Sweden at the present time. The method uses the interaction between a photosensitive agent which has been administered to the tumor area, light of a wavelength that can be absorbed by the photosensitiser and the presence of oxygen. In this study photodynamic treatments were performed at the Queen?s Veterinary School Hopital of Cambridge University between 1998 and 2002.

Ledarutveckling : Vägen till Totalt Ledarskap

In today?s tough business environment the need for good and efficient leaders are becoming more and more important. The businesses are in constant change, the world is more unpredictable and the competences of the employees are much greater today, which also calls for a new type of leader, a leader who not only is authoritarian, but also possesses soft skills. In this environment where there is this greater focus on leaders, leadership developments have emerged and increased in number over the last ten to twenty years. They try to develop leaders in all domains of their life, both professional and personal and the model we work with in this paper is Total Leadership, this model implies that you try to accomplish being a better leader throughout your whole life as a leader, to be whole, genuine and innovative, no matter career or position in life.

Mindfulness - framtidens ledarskapsverktyg eller dagens managementfluga? En studie om mindfulness påverkan på chefers ledarskap

Today's society is characterized by constant changes. In order to adapt to the development, organizations must continuously come up with innovations and invest in new projects. As a result, the responsibility of organizations' leaders has increased. Parallel with this development, more and more firms incorporate mindfulness in the organizations, and many managers choose to practice mindfulness themselves. This case study is based on interviews with business leaders that have completed a course in mindfulness.

Ledarskap i ett Lean perspektiv : vad i sitt ledarskap behöver lantbrukarna utveckla?

The essay is written at the request of Nyköping municipality park management by PatRadestedt who wanted a design proposal for one of the five courtyards at the Tessin Schoolin Nyköping. The Tessin School is located 2 miles from the center of Nyköping and the schoolhouses approximately 900 students. To make a design proposal for the courtyard that lies atthe canteen I decided from the outset that I wanted to take some of the Tessin SchoolStudents' opinions and wishes regarding their own outdoor spaces. I had a workshop witheight students from the arts program with the image orientation in which they had to drawand tell them what they wanted to do in the courtyard. The outcome of the workshop, Iused to move forward in my future work with a concept that fit into the environment, wethen apply it in my final design proposal.

Lyssna! : Sex vuxna individers upplevelser av att berätta om de sexuella övergrepp de har utsatts för i sin barndom.

The aim of this qualitative study was to examine six individuals' experiences to talk about the sexual abuse that occurred in their childhood. We interviewed five women and one man, using a phenomenological approach during the work process. The theories emerged as we analyzed our results and appeared to be communication, cognitive theory, validation, trauma theory and taboo. The results showed that the respondents, whom disclosed the abuse as children, were most likely to get a negative response from both formal and informal support systems. While as adults they were confirmed to a greater extent and therefore achieved a better physical and mental wellbeing.

Kökets bråkstakar : elevers förståelse för bråktal i hem- och konsumentkunskap

The aim of this study has been to investigate students? understanding of fractions when they occur in the practical subject home economics. In order to investigate this, the learning study method was used. Learning study can be understood as a method to gain deeper understanding of what is learnt by students during a lesson to increase learning outcome.The variation theory framework has been utilized to analyze the results of this study. The object of learning was chosen to be addition of fractions bigger than one half when they appear in home economics.

Kan regional påverkan från Danmark förklara Sverigedemokraternas valframgångar i Skåne?

ABSTRACTCan Danish experience explain why Sverigedemokraterna had a higher support among voters in Skåne, than among other Swedish voters?Essay in Political Science, C-levelAuthor: Jenny WoodTutor: Gregg Bucken-KnappAutumn 2006/ Spring 2007The key question of this essay concerns the outcome of Sweden?s latest election. When all the votes where counted, the county of Skåne showed an exceptionally high support for the right wing nationalist party Sverigedemokraterna. Why then, did Sverigedemokraterna have a higher support among voters in Skåne (as part of the larger and transnational Öresund region), than among other Swedish voters? My hypothesis is the following: the regional interaction within Öresund has not only had positive effects concerning the values that the people of Skåne hold.

Religionskunskap - Ett ämne i tiden? : En studie av kristendomens roll i ämnet religionskunskap

Before the autumn term 2011 the Swedish compulsory school adopted new syllabuses in relation to, inter alia, religion. Changes within the religion topic have historically been a heavily debated issue among decision-makers, interest groups and the church, where the role of the Christianity has been particularly controversial.The main purpose of this study is therefore to investigate how the Swedish compulsory school?s teaching of Christianity has changed over the years. I have in order to conduct this study applied a descriptive method as well as a content analysis. The Swedish compulsory school?s current and historical syllabuses in religion have served as basis for this study.The outcome of this study clearly shows that the Christianity has received less influence to the benefit of other topics.

?Dom är ju ändå som alla andra, bara att dom är lite äldre.? : unga vårdbiträdens tankar om den äldre omsorgstagaren

The purpose of this study is to investigate the young caregivers thoughts of the elderly caretaker. A qualitative method was chosen when interviewing young caregivers in order to get an insight of how they perceive and speak of the elders. The main questions of the study are: How do the caregivers believe that the elders perceive their day-to-day life and situation? Is it possible to distinguish if the young caregiver?s thoughts about the elders affect their work with the elderly caretaker? Is it possible to notice any common factors that the young caregivers perceive as important in their work with the elderly caretaker? The criteria for inclusion in this study are caregivers aged 18 to 25, who are working with elderly at special accommodation. The theories chosen for this study are the salutogenetic perspective, the activity theory and the theory of gerotranscendence.

?Developing a crucial business plan template targeted to Swedish Venture Capitalists?

Objective To study if the Swedish venture capitalists consider business plans in their screening process, and in such case, what aspects they evaluate in order to develop a targeted template for Swedish entrepreneurs. A secondary objective is to describe what other factors Swedish venture capitalists evaluate as a part of their assessment. Methodology The method, which has been used in order to test the objective, has been carried out through extensive literature and article studies, interviews, and distribution of a short and comprehensive questionnaire to a multiplicity of venture capitalists throughout Sweden. Conclusion Generally, the findings of this thesis suggest that a business plan should include elements such as a summary of important elements, a thorough market analysis, financial information, exit strategy, and the risks associated with the project. The empirical material also reveals that venture capitalists also evaluate factors such as ownership influence, the entrepreneur?s industry knowledge, product knowledge and the personal chemistry in their evaluation process.

Ansvarsfulla män och omoraliska kvinnor : En narrativ analys av det politiska mediedrevet rörande Borg, Billström, Borelius och Stegö Chilò

In October 2006 the media began investigating the four ministers Billström, Borg, Borelius and Stegö Chilò who were all being accused of miner tax fraud. The two women, Stegö Chilò and Borelius became the primary victims of an extensive media hunt where the media already had made their minds up; the women had to go. The more the women tried to explain themselves, they only seemed to be digging themselves into a deeper hole and ten days into the ?hunt?, the media got their way, the women resigned while the men, even today remain on their positions. What was it then that made the outcome so different regarding the four ministers when the only thing to really set them apart was their genders?With support of theories from Giddens, Habermas and Thompson as well as theories regarding media, gender and the medias ethical responsibility we have in a qualitatively narrative analysis studied 20 articles from Dagens Nyheter and Expressen.

Meningen med meningsförändrande innovation inom robotikbranschen : En explorativ fallstudie

The purpose of this study was to increase the level of knowledge in the field of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for wind power. The study includes six wind power farms in the County of Västerbotten in northern Sweden. The main questions were: What are the real dimensions of roadways and land claims for both roads and wind power turbines? How do those dimensions correlate with the dimensions stated in the EIA? Are there any differences in values of the dimensions between the wind power farms that are included in this study? The width of the roadways and the land claims for both roads and wind turbines in wind power farms were examined on site. The results from the examinations were compared with the dimensions available in the EIA for each wind power farm.

Lokalisering av sågverk i Västerbotten : en jämförelse mellan två alternativ

The number of sawmills in Sweden has decreased dramatically since the 1980s and the trend looks set to continue. The sawmills that are left instead becomes larger and are situated farther apart. In northern Sweden, they are concentrated along the coastline.In our study, we compared conditions for running a sawmill in inland areas and coastal areas and looked at what factors have the greatest impact on the profitability of the sawmill in northern Sweden.We chose to compare different locals conditions for a sawmill that only sawn pine timber and had an annual raw material requirements of 300 000 m3ub per year. By analyzing the kNN-data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory we have taken out the size of the timber volume at each site and its catchment. We have also looked at possible competitors in the areas that may affect the purchase price of the commodity.

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